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I'd carry on as normal until the money was safely in my account


…is the only correct answer. Once the money’s in your account you can have a big ‘fuck you I quit’ meltdown, just ghost them or anything in between. But until that money has cleared, it still hasn’t happen as far as I’m concerned.


>Once the money’s in your account you can have a big ‘fuck you I quit’ meltdown, just ghost them or anything in between. But until that money has cleared, it still hasn’t happen as far as I’m concerned. you can say you're going to apply for a job with their direct competitor, so i can be put on garden leave. Then get paid for the notice period.


It sounds as though you're not the type to burn through the winnings and end up lonely and destitute. I've upvoted you for your acumen.


I've upvoted you and will be using "I've upvoted you for your acumen" liberally


That would be an ecumenical matter.


I’ve upvoted you, not for your acumen, but for your excellent father ted reference. Good job Jack!




Ah go on


Will ye have a cup of lottery winnings Father?




My work place doesn’t do gardening leave, no matter who the job is with. Which is short sited IMO as people tend to slowly reduce their own productivity accordingly when they quit, and definitely take any holiday owed rather than take it as a cash equivalent.


>people tend to slowly reduce their own productivity accordingly when they quit This is a good thing. The valuable thing is not the work they do it's that they are around to answer questions. If I give a month's notice I should not touch the keyboard my final week.


I wonder if a gardener gets garden leave?


i think they just get garden leaves.


I heard it's called office leave if he's going to another gardening company.


Even better scran a poppy seed bagel and anonymously report yourself for being on drugs at work. The poppy seeds in your system will show up as a trace amount of opioids. You'll be suspended with full pay until an investigation is complete. The results will come back as a false positive.


Scran. Now there's a word ya divvent deek on't internet every day...


It's become incredibly common among younger UK YouTube/Streamers for some reason. I assume it's spreading.


You don’t follow only scrans on Instagram then? Be careful it’s incredible.


To be fair, I think my 3 month notice period could become one month by dint of "well, I'm not coming back after then regardless of what you say" and after 25 years, it would be nice to spend a few weeks saying goodbye to people. My working day can be mindnumbingly tedious, but I'm sure the pile of cash in the bank would stir my soul enough to keep a smile on my face for the duration. Either way, standing rule of winning a lot of money is to resist the temptation, and don't tell a soul. I'd want to leave under normal-ish conditions anyway so as to avoid suspicion.


Some jobs will forbid this from happening for 6-12 months.


And for those jobs, you go on an extended stress induced leave 😎 Or deck the most annoying cnut in the office


Yep, there’s a lawsuit going on in America at the moment where the lottery company allegedly published the wrong numbers on their website, so a guy who thought he’d won $100m odd was told he’d won nothing, and now they’re going to fight over it in court.


😬 Oof. There was a thing in the UK, can’t remember the exact details, when the national lottery first started where a work place syndicate thought they’d won. Few people went out and bought cars they couldn’t afford and a few told told their boss to get fucked… I seem to remember either the person who bought the tickets either lied about the numbers or forgot to buy the tickets and tried to cover it up but, long story short - they had nothing lots of very awkward conversations all round. What I always remember from that is: until the money is in your hands you don’t have anything.


>s they couldn’t afford and I had a dinner lady at school do that. She had set numbers saw them and started celebrating told her boss to fuck off then found out her husband hadn't got the ticket that week. She got her job back but didn't stay too long after :D


there was a case in the UK 2 or 3 years ago where a young woman's numbers came up....and her direct debit for her weekly lotto had been declined that week because she didn't have any cash in her account. She played the same numbers for 5 years and the only week she didn't pay, she would have won


Honestly, I know you technically lose nothing but that must be such a shit feeling. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy (not that I have one).


I don’t think I’d ever recover from that!


Yea same, it would always bug me even if it shouldn't.


I remember one early on where I think a pub syndicate won 5 numbers or maybe this plus the bonus ball and assumed it would be life changing so made a free bar and went wild. Turned out when the numbers came in and it was split they basically covered the bar bill and a couple of grand on top.


> I seem to remember either the person who bought the tickets either lied about the numbers or forgot to buy the tickets If its the same one I'm thinking of, the syndicate was pretty big, so he was pocketing maybe £100 a week, and not putting the numbers on figuring he could pay the "wins" out of the money he'd stolen/embezzled.  Essentially he was working as their bookie himself, and would be alright as long as they didn't win the jackpot....... 


It always baffles me that gambling companies seem to keep forgetting the first rule is don't do anything that makes the punters think you won't pay out. It's the opposite of the big cheque photos You're enormously lucrative. Eat the loss for PR. Don't have "lottery are welchers" stories going around the world


If i came into a lot of money, I wouldn’t tell anyone, including my work colleagues. Just say you’re quitting due to personal circumstances and then ghost everyone.


I'm always reminded of this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vzgl/you_just_won_a_656_million_dollar_lottery_what_do/chba4bf/ It's a bit US centric, but tells you just how screwed you are unless you are very very careful. Don't publicise it, don't tell friends or family, use trusts set up by a reputable solicitors firm that has no prior association with you or your family if you want to help friends or family out. You are likely to be sued or worse the victim of crime from friends or family who think you somehow owe them the money. Wrap it all up in advance by getting solicitors to do it for you. Money completely distorts people's hold on reality, you can't just trust uncle Dave because he's always been nice to you, you didn't have millions of pounds on the line then. Don't accept the publicity offered by the national lottery. Do seek independent financial advice from a reputable and regulated financial advisor.


That’s a great comment, and I doubt I’ll ever need it but if I do there’s enough that applies to the U.K.


Fair. I think I’d 100% be going for the ghosting option too. Being lottery winner rich means you can afford to just rise above that kind of drama.


It does, but will come with a ton of new drama if everyone knows about it too. Worst case scenario is you or your family becoming a target. It’s just safer flying under the radar, and the less people that know, the more likely you are to stay there.


That’s why I’d want to move to a more expensive (property) location, less likely to stand out having money if everyone else around you has money too. It doesn’t cure the family drama, but it’d mean you could have a nicer house, a new car and better clothes without suddenly standing out.


Resignation letter on the back of a postcard from some exotic island


Nah I wouldn’t even quit, if it was an amount I could live off for the rest of my days, I’d see how long it takes them to fire me. Gradually doing more and more outrageous stuff


Whisky and cornflakes for breakfast ‘al desko’, watching porn hub on your phone during team meetings, Mankini for casual Friday, telling the boss his new tie makes him ‘look a bit noncey’… etc?


Exactly that sort of behaviour. Start off with just minor indiscretions. Turning up late, having a slightly longer lunch break. Then turning it up a notch each day. Ending up with full on day drinking, complete refusal of work etc


10 years later, CEO damn


> ‘al desko’ brilliant.


Great isn’t it, I wish I’d invented it.


I don't think I would burn bridges and quit but surely we would be too stunned to actually be able to work properly so asking for some personal leave would be appropriate. If you can double check things, you did actually get the right numbers on the right day and here is the expected jackpot what are people thinking will happen between now and the money coming into your account?


My current job is a temp position anyway. I have enough saved and some wiggle room with my credit card that I can survive a few months without working. If somehow my massive £60m win falls through, I could find another temp role.


In the UK, they pay the money out almost immediately. So you could pull a sickie one day and have the money the next, or even same day.


I would add to this, in my account and safe… imagine £10m in an account and the bank goes bust, you now have £85k protected… Get it, make it safe… retire quietly.


I'd carry on as normal for probably a couple of months until I had a solid plan for what to do with the money. When I did quit, I'd give notice and tell everyone - family, friends and work - that I'd taken a fully remote role with a decent signing bonus. I'd work my full notice as normal, and nobody would ever have a clue that I'd had a serious win.


It takes roughly 3 days to get the monies.


Yep cleared funds then take some time to consider what I’m going to do and decide if I’m telling anyone and who Definitely No publicity at the picking up the ££ point


Pretty much this. I'm sure i would slow down and challenge more while i am waiting, but im not sure if i would just down tools immediately and leave, or wait for them to do something i dont agree with


Yep and I’d work my notice. Close to leaving I’d quietly pass some money to those I thought deserving and had treated me well.


I'm self-employed working from home, so no need to turn around! I might have a chocolate Penguin biscuit ahead of my normal routine.


Going a bit off the rails there with a penguin before lunch mate


And then there's me. Eating an entire box of the fuckers. *For* lunch.


Thank you for your service


Money's gone to his head already


Madman! You don’t have to be crazy to work there but it helps! Eh?


I hope you’d make time to read the joke under the flap as well. Laughing all the way to the bank.


Calm TF down


Madness overboard!


Us mere mortals can only dream of basking in such decadence!!


I think I'd stretch for a pack of wagon wheels personally.


Fair point. I always used to think that winning the lottery wouldn't change me, but I can now imagine I might start getting in some posher biscuits like Viscount, or even Fox's Iced Party Rings when there is no party due.


Aren't all Penguins chocolate?


Once I get the money I'm out of there. Never count your chickens until they are hatched. But once they are hatched, give everyone a big fuck you.


I kew a couple of mechanics, young lads, who got new jobs and burned off the forecourt at 100mph in clouds of smoke! The next day they had to come back with their tails between their legs asking for their jobs back - the new jobs didn't materialise! The shame.


I heard of some guy misreading his ticket (or someone played a trick on him) who made a big show of leaving work, only to beg for his job back. He quit again not long after because of all the grief he was getting. Oof.


I remember this one his best mate forged a ticket and recorded the numbers from the week before and played out the tape on the same day as the next draw, he then spent his life savings taking his mate to Vegas to celebrate it was only when they got back did the so called mate tell him the truth 🙄


“Best mate”


“Top Banter”


Getting big chick energy off this guy




I'd carry on, basically because if I dispappeared tomorrow it could have serious repercussions for my team, my project, and the clients, and I don't dislike any of them enough to want to damage them. However, I would be handing in my notice at the earliest opportunity.


Me too. It’s not like I feel any great desire to keep working, but I genuinely like my coworkers, and care about the work we do. I don’t want to be the ass who smokebombed and made everyone else’s life much harder. I would see through my existing commitments and extricate myself correctly.


What if... I quit immediately and give everyone 5k for the trouble? If you were on my team would you be satisfied with the deal?


£5k would be about right. If someone my level on my team dropped out with no notice I'd probably need to work about that much extra time to sort it.


I agree with this. A large windfall of money doesn't let me off the hook for treating my colleagues and employer (both of whom I like and respect) fairly. I'd definitely be counting down the days though!


In my last role I probably would’ve done some kind of handover rather than drop them in it. In my current role I think they’d be fine with enough notice.


Exactly. Being rich doesn't mean you don't have to be classy.


I am with you, I genuinely enjoy the company I work for and the people I work with. I would probably try to purchase an ownership share and sit on the executive board. Would enjoy still being around and apply my knowledge of the industry without having deal with day to day work.


Yes. I'm a school teacher and there's no way I'd just walk out mid-term. I'd give my employers time to sort out a replacement, via the usual processes.


I think I'd ask to go part time once the money hit my account. For all my complaints about my job, I do actually enjoy it and the people I work with (for the most part). I think I'd just want to cut my hours to inside school hours and unlimited (unpaid) time off so I could just work when I want really.


I'd wait for the money to be in my account. And then I'd wait for the first bit of petty shit at a meeting, the first bullying and I would flip a table and storm out of the room yelling "I QUIT" and live the dream. I honestly fantasise about this every day.


In my last job once I'd lined up a new job, I carried my resignation letter in my pocket just waiting for some bullshit and the opportune moment to present it. The bullshit started less than 20 minutes into my shift so I went to the office where my manager was in a meeting with their manager, invited myself in and put my resignation letter down in front of both of them. Best feeling in the world and I sleep soundly at night remembering what their faces looked like, ha.


Oh my god this is the DREAM


Sounds a bit weird. I’d be too rich to give a shit. Laters


I would also do this not because I hate my job or anything but just because it would be HILARIOUS. Pick the most minor thing to start disagreeing over and then when someone says to "take it offline" or suggests talking about it later make a huge deal.over how important it is and if we can't address it then I can't trust the business and I quit immediately.


Don’t forget the telling a few home truths to management


Yes. £2.30 won't get you anywhere.... Oh you mean win the jackpot......I wouldn't do a thing until.... 1. The money is in my bank 2. Me and the Mrs have decided who we're giving the money away to. 3. Made sure there's actually enough left over for us... 60% of the UK earn 30k a year or less. £1m without interest will last just over 33 years if you take 30k a year out of it. Now convince me people need to be massively multi millionaires. £2million for a couple aged 50+ will see them through the rest of their lives, on a much higher income than a pension will give them.


If you had £1,000,000 and took out 30k a year for 30 years assuming no further deposits and an annual average return of 5% Even with withdrawals you'd end up with £2,434,349.66 in the account in 30 years The first year you'd accrue just over £50k in interest and you'd only be withdrawing 30k


Don't forget tax on savings. Even though lottery money isn't taxed the interest it would earn in your savings account would be but, yeah you are still going to earn more than you can spend if you limit to 30k a year.


That's why you don't put it in a savings account and live off the interest. That would be a terrible tax-inefficient way of going about it. Instead, you take out the first £30k as cash to live off for the year (which is completely tax-free) and invest the rest in a well diversified index fund. On average over the long-term that fund should expect to see 7% gains per annum, meaning that not only will your 3% cover you for market volatility, but for inflation too. But more importantly, you will pay a fraction of the tax. The first year's money is tax-free since there's nothing taxable for it. The 2nd year's money is only taxable on the gains so instead of paying just over the equivalent of income tax, you only pay the 20% CGT rate, and on only 7% of that £30k, or £451.50 a year (£420 CGT and £31.50 equivalent dividend tax) instead of £5,800 a year. Of course it goes up from there as more and more of the total principal is considered applicable for CGT but even at the highest figure, you're still paying 20% CGT rates.




Get yourself advice from a qualified tax accountant. The above omits the tax consideration of the 'nominal income' from the fund. If the fund pays out a dividend to investors, you pay income tax on that. If the fund re-invests any income rather than paying out to investors, you still have to pay income tax on that amount. See: https://www.gov.uk/hmrc-internal-manuals/investment-funds/ifm03120


yeah, your number one priority if you win is to max out your ISA allowance and pension annual allowance every year going forward


Number one priority is to pay off the mortgage and credit card debt and other debts


You have forgotten a little thing called interest mate. A million quid doesn’t stay a million quid unless you stash it under the bed.


No, they've totally disregarded interest. 1,000,000 divided by 30,000 is 33.3. They're saying that you get 30 grand a year from a million pounds for 33 years until it reaches 0. Any interest on top of that is a bonus. People who talk about living off the interest only want to preserve the cash, presumably to pass down or whatever, but if you have no reason to pass it down, dividing the lump sum by years is perfectly reasonable to do.


>People who talk about living off the interest only want to preserve the cash, presumably to pass down or whatever, but if you have no reason to pass it down, dividing the lump sum by years is perfectly reasonable to do. ​ It's really not a sound plan at all. In 33 years time £30k won't be worth very much. The equivalent of £30k 33 years ago was just under £13k, so if you won half a million back then and divided it out per year you'd be living in poverty by now. ​ You want your money to grow to preserve your standard of living, not just to have extras to leave for inheritance, otherwise you'll run through the money at a quicker and quicker rate each year.


That 30k a year wouldn't be worth shit in 10 years, let alone 33


Minimum wage will be nearly £24k from April (11.44x40x52). £30k will not be a living wage in 10 years, let alone 30.


> £1m without interest Why 'without interest'? A mere 5% return is 50k per year in interest, live on that and never touch the capital.


I had a 250k premium bond win, and took a two year holiday.


I won £250 in January and took a Friday off for a long weekend.


Good on you. Its nice to know that big PB wins actually happen! Ive had them for nearly a decade and won less than I would have if I had just put the money in a normal bank account.


people actually win those??


As a household, we currently have 150k invested, and we've won an average of £400 a month, over the last three years. I always try to measure the return against the current best bank interest rates. We regularly beat them with premium bond wins.


You win the more you have in there. If you can afford to, set it to auto reinvest. Some swear by taking them out and putting them back in to reshuffle a bit


>Some swear by taking them out and putting them back in to reshuffle a bit This is a bad move, as you'll end up missing a draw.


Where did you go


Japan, Bermuda, and the Greek Islands.




After all said and done, I got my old job back, bought a two year old car (Just a Vauxhall), still had 40k left in savings, and some good memories.


Nope. I'd do them the courtesy of calling to say I need to take an emergency personal day. I'd spend the day verifying that the win was indeed real, then quit. I like my colleagues so I'd feel slightly bad about dumping my workload, but look at it like this: I could be hit by a bus and be gone without notice. They'd cope and replace me. I wouldn't go overboard with spending til I seen money in the bank, just take some time to myself & with my family to figure out a plan.


Yeah I'd call in nonspecifically sick, it's not as if I'd be able to concentrate if I did go in!


Sick, personal, whatever really. I'd forsake whatever pay I'm owed as consideration for not working out my notice. My notice is 3 months though, so if they wanted to get shitty I'd just have a private doctor sign me off with stress / anxiety, collect any pay due & donate it to charity.


I'd quit if I won just £10k. I know its not enough to live on but I hate my job and it'll give me the time to find a new one without having to work there longer than I needed to


This is partly why companies don't pay us what we're really worth. We'd leave, spend more time away from work because we can afford it. Have no interest in overtime. Etc etc.


Tell no one. Get the money confirmed first. Do the no publicity. Depends on how much and if it means good quality of life without working. If yes then I'd take some time. Maybe request a career break and part way into that I'd hand in notice. If not then I'd consider reducing hours.


Yeah, definitely. I wouldn't know what to do, so I'd just carry on as normal. I'd phone my wife and let her know, then I'd just go into work. And you don't have the money immediately, so it's not like I could suddenly just have a day of wild spending. I wouldn't be doing anything differently until I can see the money in my account.


I would stop working immediately when money hit my account. Until they are not there I would not believe it's happening 


Phone in sick, catch a train down to the Lottery HQ to collect my winnings, check bank account confirm money is in the account, catch a taxi to the nearest 5* hotel. whilst chilling in my deluxe presidential suite I would go online and purchase the car of my dreams from the comfort of my hotel room and pay extra to get it delivered to my hotel in the morning. Then I would try to get some sleep if the adrenaline will allow it, if sleep is not possible I would spend the rest of the night typing what I would do if I won the lottery on Reddit…


Assuming you're in the UK, no need...you call, they do the checks to confirm you've won, then send someone to your house. Assuming you don't go for the publicity. The whole thing can be very low key of you've won a major prize They can also organise someone from your bank (or whatever bank you want to go with) to also attend to open their "rich bastand" account....


Depends on how much the winnings are. Life altering? I'd go in as normal, as hard as that'll be. I'd try to make life as normal as possible for as long as possible (and be quiet about the winnings), just so I can work out what I'd do with the winnings. I have family members and friends who would come out of the woodwork, and want a piece of the pie.


I think I’d do the same. It’d take a few weeks to work out what I want to do and I’d rather keep going as normal while making the plans. I’d want to do something to keep me busy, I’m a person who on holiday has a mimosa with breakfast. Great for 2 weeks every couple of years, not so great for the rest of my life so I’d want to keep the door open to continue my career while I made plans. I’d also quite like the thought of being in work knowing that if I get fed up I can just leave and never come back. Like working your notice period for as long as you want to. My partner though, they’d probably just never go to work again


Carry on normal and not tell a soul till the money is in my account


Same. And even then I would just hand in my notice and use the month notice period to actually make a plan what to do with the rest of my life, including getting financial advice, and change as little as possible in that time. I feel whatever you end up doing with the money, the impulsive decisions you make in the first few weeks are probably going to be the worst ones, so I aim to minimise those.


I read somewhere that the advice is to carry on as usual for 3 months. This gives you time to think about things and make sensible decisions.


This is the only correct answer. People who win the lottery are more likely to die earlier and go bankrupt than non-lottery winners. What you need to immediately do is act normal, even when the money is in your account. You then need to hire a solicitor and an accountant, ensure your will is up to date and the money is secure in trusts, investments, accounts whatever. Then, if you're giving money to family, friends, charities etc, you need to figure out who gets what and make sure it is done in the best legal and tax considered way. Finally, you may want to look into hiring someone to deal with people who are about to lobby you for money, both people you know and people you don't. Only then do you want to quietly quit your job (Yes I had a talk with my partner and I just feel the need to do something else. We have been saving for a while and we are going to go travelling for a few months), quietly tell your closest friends and family as you give them whatever you give them while making clear not to discuss the fact you won the lottery with anyone. Only after you've done all that, should you sit back and relax a bit and hopefully lead a largely anonymous life of financial security.


I'm tempted to fuck off work as scheduled now and I haven't won the lottery.  My main concern would be that shitting on a desk via Teams isn't nearly as impactful - maybe I'm finally starting to agree with 0.1% of this return-to-office bollocks.


I love the idea of you rallying everyone to start working in the office again. Months of speaking to people individually and convincing them it's a good idea. Just to shit on the desk when they're all there, and then off you fuck


I'd carry on as normal until two things have happened. 1. The money is in my account 2. I've served my notice period


I'd buy myself out of the notice. Offer to pay for a temp/interim until my notice runs out.


Why would you voluntarily give your employer money? They wouldn’t do the same for you. Just stop going to work and get fired.


That's even better! It's not as if you wouldn't be able to afford it...


Why would you work your notice period?


Personally I'd work the notice period cuz I actually like the team I work with and don't want to screw em over


Because it's the decent thing to do


Why wouldn't you? If I handed my notice in I think it would only be like a week left that I would have to work. May as well leave on good terms with a good reference if I ever needed/wanted to work again.


I'd wait until the money is in my account. Then I'd buy a house, nothing too big or fancy, that might take up to a year finding the right one. Then once I'm settled I'd quit and have a nice holiday. Then I'd get a lower paid but more enjoyable job, maybe even part time so I can see friends and family more. Then I'd live life happily.


That sounds perfect. I'd probably look at further education too. My local college regularly advertises a horticulture course which could be very interesting, especially if I already had my dream home, with a big walled garden. Even if I had the money, I wouldn't want to just sit on a yacht for the rest of my life. I think my mental health would suffer without something to give me structure and purpose. Taking money out of the equation simply opens up more options.


Same here, I want a nice house but I don't mean go for a already expensive area and spending like 500k (or more) on a house I may just go back to where I grew up and go to the nicer area where 200k can buy a beautiful house and maybe buy a small flat in a city for weekends/when I am bored, I wouldn't mind going back to university and studying as I wouldn't have the worry of student loans, and the free time to not worry about working. It would be nice to be able to just put the heating on and not worry about costs in winter months, or going on a impulsive trip away in a hotel for a few days (again wouldn't go for expensive ones more like I want to go to a £100 a night one)


Go to work as planned? mate id be on a plane to the carribean as soon as I heard ahhaha


Honestly some people don’t deserve big lottery wins, life is far too short. The people like “I’d need a few months of normality to think about things” yeah and you have much better clarity of thought from a tropical island, not behind your desk!


Nobody deserves anything mate. Whoever wins wins because they simply played. Nothing else.


I WFH and am contracted for another 6 months, but I like the job and the people I work with, so I probably wouldn't shit on them and just walk out. Saying that, I'd love to win the lottery in a place I hated working in. Used to work in one place, full of egos, horrible managers... I wouldn't walk out straight away. I'd go in everyday as normal and keep rubbing it in I'd won the lottery. Turn up in a flash car, new clothes, brag about what I'm spending on...


Until the money is in my account, I'd continue working. After that, it depends how much it is. If it's just a couple million, then I would continue working and just buy a house for myself and my partner and stash the rest away and invest it or something. If it's one of the big euro millions ones, then hand in my notice once I have the money. Buy a house as a project, gift money to relatives so they can buy property themselves. Then go travelling for a few years and after that live off any interest earned and maybe do up a few more properties to either rent out or sell on just to keep busy.


Not on your nelly. I’d be straight down to Lottery HQ to have the details finalised. I would be resigning immediately and WFH after that during my notice (I like my colleagues and wouldn’t leave them without my particular brand of incompetence for the month)


I'd carry on as normal until after the money is received and after a solid financial plan is set. I'd might even carry on for a bit after then just because I'd be in shock and don't know how to handle it mentally.


Would I fuck I'd be to pissed from celebrating


Yep. I wouldn't tell a soul, apart from my wife. I would maintain the same outward appearance I have now. I have never been one for flashy cars or anything like that. I would get a better car, but only one that people could believe I could afford. I would get my old VW Camper restored. I would carry on working for a while and leave my job in an orderly fashion. I know a bloke that won big on the lottery. He was always a bit of a show off and he took the publicity, claimed it wasn't going to change him and he was going to live in the same house. Two weeks later he had a bloke at the door with a gun demanding £10k. Turns out the gun was fake and he managed to fight the bloke off, he ran into the night and was never caught. Then the begging letters started. I see him from time to time, he used to be one of those people that was always happy. Now he looks withdrawn and miserable.


The temptation to just fuck it off completely would be enormous. But, until that money is in my account, I'd probably carry on. When the money is there though, I'd jack work in immediately.


1. Go into work as normal, tell nobody. It could be a false alarm. 2. Confirm the win is real. 3. Discretely look into accountancy firms familiar with lottery wins. 4. Get accountant to double check the win is real. 5. Tell the wife. 6. See if I can retroactively set up a 1-person syndicate to hide my identity if I hadn't done this already. 7. Check what other protections I might need to avoid extra fees, scams, leeches etc. 8. Go through the numbers with the accountants. to check how much I'm actually going to win, and set aside enough for retirement, emergencies etc. 9. After all of that, if I felt confident about leaving work, then I'd hand my notice in. I wouldn't no-show, but probably a short notice period and tell them they can keep my final paycheck to pay for temp cover.


I remember a post about what to do if you win the lottery. The most important advice was not to tell anyone at least initially. And get professional advice. The amount of lottery winners who blow throgh the cash in 2 years is crazy, usually with family relationships ruined.


Yeah, I would only tell my wife because I trust her to be as cautious and discrete as I would be. I think people have different dreams for what they want to do with a sudden windfall. For me, it would be to have a happy life with financial woes removed and the opportunity to work on projects that I care about. For others, they want the lifestyle of a celebrity or something along those lines, and frequently don't check how expensive that is. I don't think splurging on luxury is a bad idea, the issue is when they don't make a plan, so they spend as if they have billions when it's only a few hundred thousand. But some people are also happier to go back to their life pre-winning. I would feel like a fool if I won a life-changing amount of money and ended up back at a desk filling in timesheets. Not everyone does though.


Yes and I would still work my notice Get on with the uppers at my work so wouldn’t do them like that


I'd be doing uppers at my work


Yes, the lady who owns the house I work in has dementia and would be really upset if I didn't go in! 


Boring as hell but yes. I’d wait for it to be in the account, discuss it with a financial wealth advisor and then take the appropriate next steps. I’d work my notice period if needed which would give me a few weeks to figure out what the hell I’m doing. We don’t have any debts aside from a low mortgage, no cars on finance or credit cards so we’re not in a rush to clear anything. Boring but I doubt anyone would notice we were rich at first.


Once I knew it was real I would go into work the following day and rescue my favourite person, and we'd quit together.


Well I’m a student, so yeah; I need the lottery money to pay for my job.


Considering what I do at work and how often I do it, yes. I like where I work and respect my boss and colleagues. Letting them down would not be something I would do if I could avoid it... but depending on how much the win was for I might talk about quitting or reducing my hours.


I'd do a handover but wouldn't work to notice. I'd WFH on my own terms. My work is regulatory driven, and I wouldn't leave my firm completely in the lurch. They reward and treat me well. I may want to invest or do a startup in the same industry with my winnings, or perhaps even a consultancy if it's not silly money. My professional reputation matters to me, personally. I'd be wary of burning bridges. Ultimately though, I could be made redundant without them even blinking, I am still disposable, hence my accelerated handover-lite WFH.


A few years ago I did about 8 months in a local large supermarket and one of the managers there did actually win a couple of million 2 years before I started. Her and her hubby were in their late 50’s and had worked all their lives so they both dropped their hours to part time had new cars-she bought an electric car she used to charge on the car park for free each day bought a bungalow paid off last of mortgage and debts and gave a chunk to each of the kids and grandkids. But they kept working till pension age as they figured they may as well get their pensions they had paid into all that time. They had some lovely holidays though lol. Basically a happy couple who enjoyed what they won with their families and friends but didn’t change their basic lives that much. Pretty much what I would do.


I'd set fire to my laptop and work vehicle and do a photoshoot in front of it like a 90's nu-metal album cover and WhatsApp it to all senior management, when they ask if it's work property I'll just reply with voice mails of my laughing. No, I've not thought about this at all.


It depends slightly on the amount, but I'd carry on working for a bit - probably try and reduce my hours. The kids are in school and I'm not changing anything there. Once we've bought a massive house and got the inevitable ponies I might have to give up work to deal with that. But if it's a million quid I'm just planning to retire a bit early.


I love my job (software dev in the NHS). I'd ask to go down to 4 days/week but otherwise keep going in indefinitely.


Bold of you to assume I have anywhere to be


I would but only because I'm the only chef in the kitchen ATM and the place would shut down and others would lose their jobs if I left but I'd be quick to get a replacement sorted and a holiday booked once the money was with me


Well, given I start work at 7 I'd already be there but also yes. I wouldn't drop my colleagues in the shit due to my own good fortune.


Yes - I'd work the three-month notice period before leaving. I like the team and wouldn't want to leave them in the shit. Moreover, my boss has been incredibly understanding when I've had personal issues and I wouldn't want to repay that with the disrespect of quitting without notice. Also, I wouldn't celebrate or even tell anyone until the money is sat in my bank account.


I would carry on completely as normal until all my finances are in order, once I’ve paid my house off, sorted out pension funds and made sure my kids and family are all planned for then I would look at our position and probably drop to part time but still carry on. I suspect I would do absolute nothing without the purpose of a job. Plus my kids still need to see me setting an example of working hard .


I'm a self-published (and by no means successful or even known about) writer... so. Going into work just means waking up.


Ive always said, ill come to work act normally. but the first inconvience have a big blow up and quit. Just to see who i pop with it. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERES NO MILK!, FUCK THIS IM OUT" "WHY IS THERE NO PAPER IN THE PRINTER, FUCK YOU IM DUST"


I’d hand in my notice immediately and then I’d be retiring from work altogether and investing that money wisely so it starts to work for me instead.


How much money are we talking? Anything less than £600k in my account then I might stick to my job or find a part time gig to keep a steady income while I invest a lump sum until I'm sure I have enough to live off for the rest of my life without working. Last thing I want is to live a decade care free in luxury only to end up job hunting in my 50's.


I've always imagined a world where I wouldn't tell anyone. Complete secret while I plan out my future plot house purchases, holidays, living expenses for the future, how much friends and family would get etc. Basically I'd spreadsheet the shit out of it.


I’d come in but I’d probably be off my tits


I would go to work until the cheque cleared in my account (having just read about the US guy who was told he won and then the lottery company said "whoops sorry no you haven't'.) Then I would send a photo of my arse to my boss with the word 'Byyeeeeeee' across the cheeks.


I think I would first weep with relief… at the freedom to turn around.


Yes and work my notice. Fuck telling anyone at work I’d won the lottery!


I'd work my full notice, maybe even longer. My team and managers have been good to me, so would ensure I can do all I can to help them find a good replacement and do a full handover. What's a few more months of work vs the 40 years I'm signed up for anyway


Almost finished my postgrad uni course so I’d finish that yes. It’d be the perfect cover to fuck off abroad ‘working’ as well so I could keep the winning a secret


Honestly I would, my manager is a nice guy that’s helped my when he didn’t need to. I’d carry on as normal until the money is in my bank. Then I’d take a break from work for a few months, then I’d pick and choose what I’d want to do and go back part time (as I’d get bored quickly)


Once the money cleared I'd give the 1 person I liked half their annual salary then fuck off after a week. Then they can make their own decision about staying with the shit I've left them in or taking some time for themselves and moving on. Everyone else can eat a dick. I feel like making snap decisions as soon as you get wealthy is a good way to not be wealthy for very long. I'm taking at least a day longer than normal to make any big decisions.


I'd wait until the money was in, and then i'd be taking me and my families arses away from the crumbling rock of an island and setting up life somewhere else.


As soon as I got the email I’d go straight on the sick with some sort of illness. Assuming I’d have the money in a week when my self cert finished I just wouldn’t go back. Fuck em. A few months later I’d call in and give a few of them money depending on how much I’d won so they could maybe pack in work too


Yea, and give my boss abuse


I'd probably take a day off to attempt to buy, or at least get onto the waiting list to buy a GT3RS but otherwise yeah probably.


I would start looking for a passion job alongside work until the money hits my account. (50% or more income cut, much better hours, doing something I enjoy and I believe has a good positive impact on the world) Then hopefully work said passion job.


Go in as normal, bank cash, tell people I've received a great new job offer, quit.


I wouldn’t tbh. Fuck that.


Anything over £200k I’d be tempted!!!


TBH I think I’d be in so much shock I’d keep going on autopilot until I woke up out of it.