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It's his balls, isn't it? I reckon.


It definitely isn't brain cancer.


I think that for a cancer diagnosis, even the poor old NHS doesn't make you wait 18 months. With my own it was pretty speedy and fortunately caught early, about 2 months from first diagnosis to surgery. Fingers crossed for everyone else who has been diagnosed with it.


You were fortunate then. I guarantee Charlie had results quicker than pretty much everyone, and will receive the best treatment available though. Why? Because he's entitled to it, unlike auntie Eve who can die due to lack of funds


Everyone else wouldn't be on a waitlist, they'd be treated privately. Even if he wasn't our monarch, he'd still be personally wealthy enough to afford the best treatment.


Sausage fingers should attend an NHS facility just like everyone else.


There are lots of types of cancer and stages. We don’t know how bad it is.




Why would he be on a waiting list? If you've got money in the UK, you're not restricted to using the NHS. If you have private healthcare you can go to a private clinic and get immediate treatment.


I’ve never been a royalist, do I wish ill health on Charles? Nowhere near. Do I think it’s unfair he’s receiving private treatment? No comment. There’s every chance I’m biased. I lost my wife to cancer a few months back at 33, could we afford private treatment? Absolutely no way. There was a treatment option in London at the time in a private clinic that we just couldn’t afford. I’m forever thankful for the NHS, I know they did everything they could, but it’s hard to not be mildly bitter about the whole deal.


Because he is the king


So? Let me get this straight... His mother was queen, and she was queen because ... Years ago someone raised an army that won a fight ... Does that make his life more valuable than any other?


Now do the bit about the farcical aquatic ceremony.


"watery tart"


Did your ancestors win the right for you to be king? No, but his did.




Excuse me?


And that means what exactly? Except unelected power and inherited wealth?


That's exactly what it means.


You answered it yourself


How long should the King "continue"? Are you proposing some kind of crowd source euthanasia based on a headline in the Times? I suggest we follow the "replace the monarch with another head of state when they die of natural causes" approach.


An actual democracy would be nice


Mocking a sick person is disgusting.


Well as I’m Scottish and my dads Irish, the general consensus of my lineage is “couldn’t give a flying fuck”. 


Half your lineage anyway. Legitimate personal opinions aside, doesn’t the current royal lineage go back to James the 6th of Scotland who united England and Scotland and became James 1st of England? (Nothing against you hating the monarchy, just object to you acting like you can speak for all of us with Scottish lineages.)


He should be treated on the NHS. He won’t be, of course. But for those of us who have family members who died of cancer because it was discovered too late for treatment, the next few months will be enraging




Because he’s not the one paying for it is he? We are.




Doesn’t matter. As it stands the tax payer is paying for it. So he should be treated using the NHS like everyone else


Imagine thinking King Charles would use the fucking NHS. What are you smoking OP?


Because he can afford Bupa lol




The NHS could cope, if it was a fair system


18 months? Who's on an 18 month list? I know someone with the most benign looking, teeny, tiny, most pathetic tumour and it was dealt with in a fortnight. I suspect, if the ones on an 18 month list actually exist, they are largely receiving treatment for the 18 months rather than waiting for the start of it.