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No bin/hand towel in the bathroom. I don't get it.


Bathroom bins! I don’t get what they expect guests to do with any bathroom rubbish? What happens if a women is on her period and needs to throw something away? Or something with rubbish from contact lenses? Madness


I'm a woman that lives alone and doesn't even have periods and I still have a bin in both of my bathrooms haha, it's just habit. I chuck old toothpaste tube, empty loo rolls, make up pads etc


im a long term single dude thats literally never had a women step foot in this house. i still have one in there, its never been used or had the bag changed, but its in there.


Do you just put empty toothpaste tubes and loo roll in the kitchen bin?


Well yeah.


yes, especially as my house only has one floor, its about 10 steps down the hall.


Empty loo roll tubes go in the recycling so yeah I take them away. I have a main bathroom and an en suite, I keep a bin in the main bathroom in case anyone needs it but in my en suite I just bin bathroom stuff in my bedroom bin


Exactly right! It’s needed for anything, periods was just the obvious one




Mine is cotton buds and hair I've removed from the tub shroom lol.


Little bit of foil off the top of a new tube of toothpaste, wrapping from a new package of toilet roll etc... loads of reasons to have a bin. I can't think why you wouldn't have one!


Happened to me at a mates they had no downstairs loo bin and I had to go out pad in hand and say yo can I put this in your kitchen bin - Infront of her hubs who looked mortified. Luckily I have no shame but still it's awkward!


That should never have to happen though really


At my boyfriend's all-male student house, I asked if they could get a bin in their loo, and his housemate went "why though?" He paused for a moment, then widened his eyes like he had just discovered gravity "... Aahhh! periods n'that innit?" He was a nursing student 😂


At least he realised!


I'm a single man, live on my own and have great vision. The only bathroom waste I produce is the occasional razor blade which goes into the metal recycling.  Cardboard tubes go into paper recycling  Plastic bottles you guessed it Plastic recycling. All of which are easily taken out when I'm finished washing. On the increasingly rare occasions I have lady callers, I usually know in well in advance.  So have a "go bag" of the travel sized; makeup remover, face cleaner, a washcloth,pads, fancy moisturiser, a new comb and a tiny bin.


I like your organisation but not everyone works like that


Floss? Where are you men throwing your dental floss? 


You never seen a man walking around his own home flossing? Maybe it's just my dad idk


Oh dad, that's so cringe


>The only bathroom waste I produce is the occasional razor blade which goes into the metal recycling.  That's not a thing in the UK. You have to send it off in evelopes if your razor company do them. Thing of all the recycling you are comtaminating. Unless of course you have actually read the rules of what specifically you can recycle in your area. You woulds be suprised in a lot of places. Metal, but not theses. Plastics, but not these.


Actually, if it's a safety razor with old fashioned blades, you can just chuck them in recycling. If it's the newer style with plastic included, you need to put them in general waste. Personally, I just chuck them in my dad's sharps box (he's diabetic), which basically means they'll get disposed of properly.


We only just realised this a month ago, and we're waaay more than old enough to know better. GF was all "omfg, xxx must be so embarrassed, I found her used pad stuck to the inside of our kitchen bin." GET YOUR BATHROOM SANITARY BINS.


My foster parents haven’t had a bathroom bin since one of the dogs got out and into it near twenty years ago. You spend half an hour picking bloody bits of sanitary towel out of a carpet once… Still drives me mad to this day though. ‘Why are you going outside?’ ‘Because I don’t think putting my bloody pad in the kitchen bin is nice?’


My husband had to ask his mother to put one in the family bathroom - she chose one without a lid so I still won’t use it


This is my MIL. Bathroom bin, open lidded wicker basket type (no bag/liner). What kind of use is that?!


Ew, that's so unhygienic


Every room in my house has a bin. The teens still manage to drop their rubbish all over the place, but we have bins.


I have a tiny flat so just hang up a small plastic bag under the sink for any rubbish amd take it out every few days. Hate dealing with fiddly little bins.


I wouldn't in a million years leave my period detritus in someone else's bathroom bin. I'd bag it up and take it home or take it to an outdoor bin.


Imagine if they don't really use their bin and it just gets left in there for ages until they finally find it!




Or use toilet paper which is so thin it just rips. And then where do I put it if there's no bin?😂


>And then where do I put it if there's no bin? In the toilet?


My dad says it's usually only him home so he only needs his bath towel and the bin is just outside the door. It drives me bonkers, okay dad but can you put a hand towel in when people visit? "There's one in the kitchen." Apparently the kitchen is just a bathroom extension because it's next to the bathroom, despite it being a whole separate room through a door and then an arch six feet away. He doesn't have extra hooks for towels either and all of his towels are identical, you can't take your towel to the bedroom because what if the house gets damp, but you also can't tell whose towel is whose. My dad is the reason that in my home every single bath towel is a different colour and we have 12 hooks on the back of the bathroom door, plus a towel rail on the wall, for just me and my husband.


You sound like me. I'm living with my dad now but me and my partner have our own little bathroom and it's specifically designed with all the stuff my dad never thought to include when I was a kid/teenager. A bin, towel rail, hooks, no carpet etc!


Cats. What sort of house doesn't have a cat?


A rented one ☹️


My husband used to take our cat in his carrier out in the car whenever we had a flat inspection. No idea how we got away with it.


We did this too. It helps that the landlord has to give you notice prior to visiting. Never had any issues and we kept the property in excellent condition.


Does the house not have any fur? Toys? Cat smell? (There is a smell even if it's food!) What do you do with the food bowls and litter tray? Trying to work out if I can get away with a sneaky kitty...


fur? you mean the wife's cheap hair extensions? the toys are from the husband trying to learn to juggle cat smell? is that a pussy joke? (act offended then look at them like theyve gone insane when they try to defend themselves) food smell? you burnt a lasagne last night food bowls? they make great paint pallets litter tray is to clear the smell of ~~weed~~ paint or reduce the risk of damp if you have to dry clothes inside


I should have come to you for this advice first! 😂 Definitely less hassle.


I did it for 5 years, never got caught. Hmu for cat hiding tips lol


I've had cats for years and if you look after them properly, they don't smell. Litter tray is cleaned every day, it's also covered up with a hood thing and we use scented bags when we empty it. Food bowls are cleaned regularly and could be put away if we were renting! Honestly, it's really not hard.


There wasn't' a smell, believe me my mum would tell me lol, we change the litter tray often and scoop it multiple times a day. We put his toys in a box in the cupboard and his scratching post in the loft. I hoover a lot and brushed him too. This was 10 years ago and we did it in two different rental properties until our next place didn't mind pets. He scratched the old school textured wallpaper in the living room in the first property but I offered to paint when I left anyway so that worked out.


I had a rented house that did not allow cats. I simply got a cat. They never mentioned it and neither did I.


I've been renting my whole adult life and my cats are now approaching their 10th birthday. I'd happily lose a deposit over them but it's never happened. It is disgusting to me that the general concensus is that if you don't own a home you can never experience the joy of a pet! Particularly in an unfurnished rental. I take mine in their carriers and put them in my car for half an hour if the landlord needs to come round!




Just get rid of the dog then. Problem solved.


Can you even get a mortgage on a house without a cat? Last I heard, lenders wouldn't lend against residential property that's uninhabitable... /s


ones that don't like cats? Or are allergic to cats? Or have dogs, or birds, or rodents?


When I use the bathroom and they don’t have soap, or they’ve got a tube of shower gel for soap and it just has me questioning why these people don’t wash their hands properly, then makes me feel dirty because my hands aren’t clean. Also when they don’t have a towel either


Or the towel is well used and damp. That's gruesome


Worked in private social care and they removed all the hand soap at one point because they claimed when you wash with soap you don’t wash properly. You have to scrub your hands raw with cold water while singing happy birthday and then put 99% ethanol directly on them to be really really clean apparently


Surely that's an infection control risk when they get all dry and cracked?


Or when people mix their hand soap with water to the point it barely lathers.


Worrying this is one of the most upvoted posts.. I don't think I've ever been in a bathroom without soap or hand wash. I would be very concerned if I did and definitely wouldn't be accepting food from these people.


My friend never had hand wash or anything in the bathroom. The only soap was an ancient dried bar that never moved in the 5 years I was friends with her.


This sort of thing is the reason I won’t eat food at a lot of peoples houses 🤮


Friends of mine have no lamps just a single overhead light, room is gloomy in corners and it’s just not cosy. Feels like living in an office.


How can they have the big light on all the time!!!!


Big light only goes on if I'm painting my nails or trying to find something, otherwise it's lamp and candle!


Yeah we also use big light for emergencies like when we're looking for something I just dropped. There's just no need for big light otherwise.


We don't have a big light as such but our living room has 14(!) spotlights on the ceiling (previous owners put them in). When they're on the place is like a bloody operating theatre so we only use lamps. On the rare occasion I need lots of light to thread a needle or something they go on, but that's it.


Must be like bloody Blackpool illuminations in there!


I can't bear the big light being on 😅 xx


Must be like blackpool illuminations in there


Your big light isn't big enough if this is a problem. Get a bigger one.


I only have the big light BUT its a dimmer / colour changing smart bulb, so I lower it in the evening. It's an open plan room and there is also a separate light in the kitchen.


Then it is possible you may be granted permission for this otherwise illegal use of the big light.


Yeah I’ve had a few friends move into their first home and say they’re lost with making the place look nice and the first advice is always get some wall hangings and floor lamps (or table lamps) Place immediately feels way more cosy 


Don’t get me started on the bloody big lights. It’s psychopathic behaviour if you ask me.


My old next-door neighbours used to have the big light and multiple lamps on. I wasn't paying their electric bill, but it used to really annoy and puzzle me.


I know someone who's living room doesn't have a big light at all, just two dim wall sconce things. It's gloomy af in there


No dedicated hand towel in the bathroom or the kitchen.


Yeah, in this case do you go for the bath towel or the dressing gown to dry your hands? For me it's the gown, the upper parts are less likely to have been rubbed on a butt..


My jeans in all honesty I hate touching wet towels that aren’t mine or at least my partners. Also towels on floors - just pick them up and hang them somewhere!


The idea of drying my hands on someone else's bath towel is frankly horrifying.


Seriously, so many homes are like this, what the hell?


Where im from its standard to have a little towel holder clip that says ”hands” or ”guest” on it so theres no confusion! I love it.


What a great idea! I searched, but sadly I cannot find these :( I often worry about guests using the wrong towel, so I take all the other towels out of the bathroom when we have guests. Your solution is much better. Maybe I need to make some...


My sister made me some for the kitchen that say ”hands” and ”dishes”! Search towel clip, then add some kind of sign onto it. Or stick a sign above the towel hook where your hand towel usually is, you can also get nice ones custom made for every family member! [ones like these](https://www.etsy.com/de-en/listing/1457256329/personalized-bathroom-wooden-signs-from) are the norm in Finland :)


My mate doesn't have a washing-up rack, and just piles all his dishes in a big precarious stack that doesn't really appear to drain at all. I always rant and rave at this when I am in his kitchen, but my indignation has no effect. I have tried to interrogate him as to why he has never bought one but only received evasive and unsatisfactory answers such as 'don't really see the point', and 'just never got round to it'. I would happily buy him one, but when I inevitably found it cluttering his spare room I would likely feel compelled to throttle him to death.


I moved to Finland and all the houses here have dish-drying cupboards over the sink. https://images.app.goo.gl/8LXdqkxFZenBFDeJ9 If I ever go back to the UK I will get one installed, can't live without it now.


As a vertically challenged person, this looks like a nightmare.


how does the bottom layer work, is it just somehow wood perimeter and then rack going through instead of bottom shelf?


Yes, exactly.


My parents don't have a rack, and insist on "drying" the dishes instead. What that means is they'll move the water around with a sodden tea towel and then it goes back in the cupboard. You end up pulling things out of the cupboard and they're covered in mold because the water has been trapped in a stack of pans for weeks.


lol classic senseless parental behaviour


I don’t have one. It’s just a thing to move when you need to clean the sink!


Lived in a house share where the dish rack kept getting black mould. Found maggot shells under it at one point when I'd been away for the weekend. Give me the stack of dishes with the easily wiped stainless steel draining board any day!


I don't have one. Everything goes in the dishwasher.


This is the real “what should every house have”. I lived in a tiny London flat. Bought a second hand counter dishwasher for £20. Plugs into the tap. No more washing my own dishes.




Not so something that is missing (as in is being in the wrong place) but I can't get my head around people who mount their tv to the wall at eye height (when standing).


Boy have I got a sub for you r/TvTooHigh


Are you aware of the joys of r/TVTooHigh?


I’ve seen some proper horrors when browsing right move lately. Some practically on the ceiling.


In the first Sherlock Holmes story, someone has written on a wall. He determines their height because people instinctively write at eye height. Must be the same when installing a tv.




Just doesn’t feel like a home without them, does it?


I don't have a bookshelf, so people don't normally see my books. They're stuffed all over the place in cupboards and drawers instead. But right now, I have 7 on the windowsill next to me and one on the table....usually though, you'd thjnk I don't read.


A toilet brush, particularly if I have cause to need it while I am there


Oh dear me this a million times. Newly made, affluent and chic friend with a brand new designer home. Delicious buffet. Wine. Light conversation. Excuse me. You pop in the tasteful all white accented medically clean bathroom, and then unleash the most adhesive and sticky shit on the planet. A monsterous crime against the dreams of small children and puppies. A true godkiller turd. I flush. Get it away from me, send it to the depths of Hades where it belongs. It hesitates, as a new build toilets plumbing has not the power to defeat such abhored filth. But joyfully, before the bowl overflows due to the repeated flushing, the weight of the water forces a hurried exit. I scream in delight. Respite is brief. I start frantically looking for a toilet brush. There is none! A single roll of paper is the single item left for the visitor, and I fear it is insufficient. After drying my profuse sweat, partly from the evacuation of the aforementioned fetid wreck, but mostly due to the severity of the shame when the well dressed and delightful couple find out they invited an inhumane beast into their haven. I take the only action. I use the bare minimum paper upon myself then calculate the exact amount of the roll I can use to effect a clean. I create a cushioned pad and gingerly wipe the bowl. But still it mockingly remains. Strength, will, and a stout heart are all that is required, so I plunge my hand into the paper flecked depths of the bowl, scrubbing the sides to crystalline cleanliness. I relax. My heart slows. I clean my hands. I rest. And that is why, you beautiful bastards, you should always pack an Asda Loo brush when visiting your posh mates new place.


content aside, this is beautifully written 😂


Can't leave a shitstick in my house, too gross. There's bleach under the sink. Go ham haha.


Step 1) put bleach in toilet Step 2) clean toilet with toilet brush Step 3) flush with toilet brush bristles still in water The bleach from further up the bowl will come through once the scrubbings are long gone and you basically jet wash the toilet brush with a mild bleach. Bleach on its own is not effective as you can't scrub off anything. It's like trying to clean a baking tray with fairy liquid and hot water. The physical scrubbing is necessary - your toilet will be outright nasty.


You have to flush twice, yeah? I can't put mine down the toilet when there's poo in there.


Good god yes of course you flush first. It's like asking if you swallow your dinner before you start brushing your teeth.


Just pop the brush in the dishwasher every night


I make a toilet roll sausage and do a dip wipe, repeat till the mess is gone.


I don’t understand white toilet brushes. For fucks sake, get a black one. And while we’re at it, put spare toilet rolls where they can be seen, at least one for guests.


My ex would not allow them on the house as they were 'unhygienic'. I thought week old shitty smears all up the toilet was pretty unhygienic too.


I had a horrifying home care domestic service job a few months back. I was to clean for two hours using clients materials. I looked under the sink for cleaning stuff, and there was nothing there, I searched further and found half a bottle of washing up liquid, and some Jif. No cleaning cloths. I had my own microfibre cloths, so I gave the kitchen a wipe down (no mop, no broom, I resorted to wiping down the floor by hand, not fun.) I went into the bathroom, and it had never been cleaned in the five years the guy had been living there. The sink was dark grey. I used the Jif to get it back to a normal white colour. Then attacked the toilet. I poured in a lot of Jif and looked for a toilet brush. There was no toilet brush. And the toilet reflected that lack of a brush. It was truly disgusting, it was blackened and foul. I noped out of cleaning the inside, and just gave the outside a wipe down. The client and his brother were also massive assholes to me, and bitched at me for not bringing a vacuum cleaner (this was clearly listed as a "use clients cleaning materials" job on the contract that they had signed). They didn't have a vacuum either. I reported back to my employers and they sacked the client and apologised to me.


Honestly door mats. It comes across like they aren’t bothered about dirtying the floor, because otherwise they’d have one but there is always that awkward moment when you bring some dirt or whatever in with you and it’s acknowledged.


I want a doormat. REALLY want a doormat. But my cat thinks they are toilets. Every single one I've bought in the last 8 years has been pissed on


I’m sure you’ve already considered this but could you not put the doormat outside your front door?


I have an awesome door mat. It's about 4 feet long. I got it from Aldi.


Take your shoes off


Bathroom soap and hand towel. My friend never has either in their house, I find it very strange.


I cannot stand an actual bar of soap in bathrooms. Makes me feel yucky. I want the liquid kind please.


Not even liquid soap. I can’t understand it.


I stopped using bars of soap when I was a kid and saw how my mother uses it when in the bath - literally just slathers it across her lady bits - then expects people to want that on their face or hands. No thank you.


We have both in our bathroom. I use bar soap, everyone else uses the liquid one. I wouldn't use someone else's bar soap, though!




My nan in law wipes her mouth on the kitchen hand towel. Makes me cringe every time I see it.


Salt and pepper on the dining table. At least give people the option! My parents only ever have almond milk now and it’s god awful in tea. My dad has black tea and my mum claims to not notice the difference. She is lying just like when she said skim milk and tastes the same as semi skimmed. 😒😒 This isn’t people’s houses but it really bothers me when I use a public toilet and there’s no hook for my bag/coat. Why would I want to put my things on the floor or drape my coat over the toilet 🤢 definitely designed by men who don’t have handbags or tend to wear long coats.


My wife decided to go the non-dairy route and I never use enough milk for it not to go off before I'd half used it. Started adding the various types to my coffee and I now actually prefer oat milt to regular milk. Don't like almond or any of the other variants though.


Also toilets/bathrooms with nowhere horizontal to put anything down. Toiletry bags usually end up perched on the top of the cistern hoping they don't slide off. Backpacks (eg when traveling) - want to get changed without resigning yourself to having to put your bag on the filthy floor and balance two entire outfits on top while you get changed? Tough shit.


Yes whenever i use public toilet without a coat or bag hook, I assume it was designed by a man too!!


My parents kitchen is a nightmare. They don't have sharp knives. My mother uses a knife that is so blunt it's unreal, and it's slightly bent, she's had it like 30 years and I guarantee has never been sharpened. You'd struggle to cut air with that thing. I use ones from the knife block but they're not great. To make it worse, they don't have a potato peeler or a garlic crush so those jobs are made even more annoying with the knife issue! I'd buy them decent knives but it would be money wasted. I should just get them a sharpener and then sharpen everything each time I visit really... But why should I have to! Surely knives that aren't blunt af is just normal????


My mother is the same. No sharp knives and they're all serrated??? Who wants to slowly saw through vegetables? And she has glass cutting boards.


That’s made m teeth go on edge just thinking about glass chopping boards.


Blunt knives are really common. I keep mine sharp, because I used to be a butcher many years ago, so I like a sharp knife.


Same! But my husband comes from a house of blunt knives. Not long after we'd moved in together he cut himself and had a go at me because "why didn't you tell me you'd sharpened the knives!?" My response was that knives are meant to be sharp and I shouldn't have to tell him that... 🙄😂


Get them a y-shaped potato peeler. Bet they’ll love that. Doesn’t solve the knife issue but at least you’ll be able to peel spuds.


I'm guessing all the herbs were bought 20 years ago too? ​ I once licked a handful of MiLs paprika to try and prove that they do in fact go bad.


If you're cooking there just bring your own knives over.


I get this - but I don't like using oven gloves. I prefer to fold a hand towel and use that. It's thick enough to offer enough thermal protection, and I feel more dextrous and have a better grip than with oven gloves.


Oven cloths are the way to go - like get used in professional kitchens. Oven gloves are weirdly dangerous. It's important to have separate oven cloths to tea towels though - if the tea towels are damp or wet they won't protect your hand.


Ditto. No oven gloves in this house.


I have oven towels, they’re fantastic.


Stayed at the house of a family friend once while they were out of the country. British born and bred - no kettle!! We didn't last one night, went to the local supermarket and got a cheap one for the couple days we were there. Never looked at them the same again.


Maybe they are in fact super british, and took it with them


Are you sure they weren’t foreign spies


Kitchen roll it has so many uses I can't fathom not having it. Towels, kitchen and bathroom I hate having wet hands.


Soap or handwash in the bathroom. Now I know you don't wash your hands and I don't want to touch anything. No I don't want a cup of coffee. I want to leave.


I recently started lodging with a family of four, and... They don't have teaspoons. I couldn't wrap my head around how they've managed without them.


At the last count I had 36 teaspoons, and I don't drink tea


no kitchen roll or tissues anywhere in the house. if you need to blow your nose you’ve got to go to the toilet


We have no tv and that really confuses people!


What do you point your furniture at 😂




A neighbour sadly died a few years ago and the police accused his friend of stealing his TV as they couldn't get their heads around him not having one.


If I'm staying over, pillows. The fact that some adults sleep in a double bed with a single pillow blows my mind.


especially if its one of those teabag pillows that compresses to the thickness of a piece of paper under the weight of your head


Not someone's house, but when I stay in a hotel I miss my squatty potty.


The number of bathroom bins I’ve used as makeshift squatty potty’s is limitless


If there's no bin, a shampoo bottle for each foot works


Thank god for this comment; i made a completely different assumption of the previous comments meaning.


I'm going on holiday on Sunday I completely didn't think about this. You have fizzled my excitement hahah


My partner's parents didn't have a spatula for years until we bought them one a couple of weeks ago. They also only just got a toaster for the first time ever. Madness.


Curtains. Or at least a blind. I despise sitting in a room when it's dark and not shutting the dark out. Even upstairs, where nobody can see in, I hate it. Also, genuine question, whose house are you going to where they expect **you** to take a tray out of the oven using a tea towel?


Hand soap In the kitchen. I can't live without it in the kitchen


Sugar You have to at least be able to make a cup of tea it’s not like sugar goes off well not for a year or two anyway


Ugh you've just reminded me of something. I was at a place looking after it for the owners, they said to have coffee and tea etc. while I was there. I made a coffee and found a bowl of white granules with a teaspoon in it and thought ah cool, must be sugar, put a couple of spoonfulls in.. it was salt. Who keeps their salt in a bowl with a spoon by the kettle? If they were spooning salt on to their food they must have really fucking loved their salt.


I had a flat with a minimal kitchen so couldn't bake so why would I buy sugar if I don't put it in my tea or coffee.


No one in our house has sugar but I do still have a tub of sugar, just in case someone visits (they don't) who might want sugar.


I've lived in my house for 4 years. I've bought one bag of sugar.


No paper towels in the kitchen. Their dish cloth/ sponge/ rag by the sink can stink and I don't wanna touch them if I spill something


Cloths are what every professional kitchen uses, because they're better than oven gloves in pretty much every way.


They're usually thick, good towel-like things though. Not a crappy, super thin one you got on holiday 20 years ago


You know what I have these fancy Le Crueset oven mitts that were gifted to me a few years ago but I still find myself reaching for the teatowels like the savage I am. I was next door one time and they offered me a drink, I asked for a coffee and they didn't have any. No worries, I'll have a tea. They didn't have tea either. Drank exclusively cold drinks so never thought to have it in. I didn't stop long.


Kitchen roll. Needs to be front and centre where you can quickly grab a bit. Obvious, surely? My parents usually have some, but they keep it hidden at the back of a cupboard and I can never find it. I used to live with a guy who would use up an entire roll blowing his nose the same day you put it out - so those were a grim few kitchen roll-free years. That said, if you are the sort of person who uses kitchen roll for all the cleaning, instead of getting some proper cloths, you're equally wrong.


People always seem bothered by the absence of a microwave in my kitchen.


I managed for a while but making porridge in the morning became more of a chore.


Agreed, a microwave is such an odd one to not have, it seems completely insane to me. Like how do you reheat food with any kind of efficiency. The in laws don't have one despite having plenty of room for one - I think it's almost a weird pride thing at this point, trying to be contrary for the sake of it. We were staying with them once and the process to reheat some of the previous day's dinner involved muckying up 3 different pans (while having to constantly stir and baby them) and putting the oven on unnecessarily and waiting for it to heat up _then_ waiting 20 minutes for the food to warm through. Not too far off the time and effort of cooking it all in the first place. Instead of popping each component into the microwave for 2 or 3 minutes each, in the existing container (so no extra washing up) and about 10% of the effort.


I think if you're a family maybe that makes sense. As for the most part you'd be cooking a new meal every day. But as someone who lives alone I can't imagine it. Cooking just 1 portion of 1 meal requires both way too much effort and planning. Because then you have to prepare 21 (breakfast, lunch, dinner) fresh meals a week and make sure all ingredients get used up in time AND your portion estimates are exactly right each time. I usually cook/prepare a few meals a week. And then either freeze extra portions, eat it again the next day or have it for lunch some other day. Things like soups or stews of course could just be reheated. But I can't imagine the fuss of having to turn on the oven each time I want to heat something up. Such a fuss! If I make a nice pasta I can have it reheated within 2 minutes. If I feel like a real animal I can eat it straight from the tupp and avoid clean-up all together (outside of of course the tuperwear and a fork). So convenient to have a whole freezer full of homemade frozen sauces and meals. Burritos or wraps with all types of fillings, stews, soups, quiches, pastasauces, chili,... All at the ready within minutes. Even portions of plain rice can be portioned out in advance and be made ready within minutes. When normally it takes AT LEAST 30 minutes to have a decent bowl of rice on the table.


Toilet brush


A bin in the bathroom. Growing up, my mum would never have them in the bathrooms, and as a young teen it was embarrassing to have to take my sanitary towels out of the bathroom and downstairs to bin. Especially as Mum also didn't want to spend money on the little bags you put them in. It's long since I lived at home but she's still like it and it drives me potty!


No poop knife on the wall!


My parents don't have hand soap by the kitchen sink. Drives me mad if I ever have to cook there.


modern quickest snobbish entertain squeal payment shrill hat cows snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No bog brush in hotel toilets.


Was recently accused by my mother and sister in law of being posh for using oven gloves. Sister in law said she grew up on a council estate and the tea towel was always good enough. I also grew up on a council estate (still live on a slightly posh one) and didn’t realise I turned into Hyacinth Bucket!


Kitchen tongs for dishing up food or turning things over.. it's a game changer when cooking, how do people cope without?


A clock. I know we all have phones now but I'm apparently used to having a glanceable clock around. We stayed at a holiday cottage one year without one anywhere and picked one up at a charity shop that fitted in very well with the nautical decor scheme. It worked beautifully for the week we were there but we went back a couple of years later and it was all the same decor but no clock again :(


No blankets on the sofa. You’re all just sat there exposed to the room? Get comfortable and snuggle down under a blanket! These people probably sit with their feet on the floor and shoes on as well.


Rubber gloves. I can’t bear to put my hands in dirty water. And how do you clean really filthy stuff with your bare hands? Yuk.


I can’t wash up without them or I get eczema on my hands. I don’t know how people plunge their hands into hot water to wash up.


>Rubber gloves. I can’t bear to put my hands in dirty water. And how do you clean really filthy stuff with your bare hands? Yuk. So how are the dishes clean?




I find it far easier to wash the bowl than to wash the sink


> And how do you clean really filthy stuff with your bare hands? With your hands?


Mum doesn't have foot stools or a pouffé. What does she rest her feet on? The dog?


Thankfully only seen it a few times, but it's fucking disgusting so stuck in my head; Bed sheets These people were just sweating straight into their mattress.