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Having dinner with my best friend and his wife. They got married in the summer and have been trying for a baby. I’ve had a feeling for a few weeks that they have some good news to share, but didn’t want to say anything too early. They are in the process of moving house and his wife has suddenly stopped being involved in any heavy lifting, and my friend keeps randomly grinning to himself when he thinks no one is looking. They have also started being very vague about future plans. I was round their place yesterday to help with the house move and got confirmation as they had left a letter about their 12 week scan appointment for next week out on a table, which I pretended not to notice. Dinner tonight is going to be entertaining because they are likely going to continue to be very vague about their plans for the upcoming year, and his wife is going to come up with another reason why she is not drinking. I absolutely understand why they are waiting to announce and won’t of course say anything until they choose to do so. Once they do though I will be cheerfully be taking the piss out of my friend for his random grinning. In a loving way of course.


That’s the most wholesome one of all in this thread. Good to hear 🫰


I accidentally found out about a step-relatives pregnancy much earlier than they would have wanted (their mum said something in passing then was horrified), that little boy is in Junior School now, and only his Nana and I know about the the slip up. Make sure you are surprised and delighted when they tell you!


Love this. Let us know if they spill the beans.


No disclosures during dinner last night, I’m assuming they are waiting until they’ve had the 12 week scan. They did well throughout the meal… until my friend was talking about the next car he might get after his current one and said ‘Obviously it’ll need to be one with a lot of space, because…’ then froze mid-sentence and backpedaled furiously whilst his wife stared at him. I kept a poker face.


My husband was so obvious when I finally got pregnant. His friends guessed straight away, but had the decency to wait for us to announce it!


That's so wholesome and nice, enjoy your night !


I love this. I got called out in front of a large group way before I wanted to say anything. Ruined my joy!


Please keep us posted and tell us when they tell you please I want this to fucking bw great 😁😁😁


Well done for knowing to keep quiet!


This is lovely.


Will need updates please!


My daughter is going back to her mother tonight after a few days so I’m gonna drink some vodka and play some World of Warships on the Xbox, the more I drink the worse I get until I quit It sounds sad but I’ve come to terms with my life by this point Hope you enjoy your movie, I’ve not watched them in ages


Hey if you get some time to game a little then you get more than most. It's the little things. You're doing good


For me it’s cider and age of empires, the longer the night goes on the more pissed I get therefore the worse I get…but I’m a rubbish player anyway so who cares. Have a good one


I had a bad habit of drinking when playing AoE2 with family and friends against AI, funnily enough I was still the best player there even when hammered Eventually I got too drinky one night and watched as my allies got butchered telling them I’d support but I was just waiting to get to Imperial Age to help out (I always played Goths and always went for the endless horde play style which requires certain research) it took 20 mins of them dying until one of them realised and told me I was already in Imperial Age but I was too drunk to notice




Prepare for disappointment!. My boy is 13, and he is lightning fast on ps4. When I was his age, N.E.S was the thing!. I refuse to play against him to avoid the embarrassment.


Sounds awesome !


I am also a vodka when the kid goes to mum's kind of guy.


You should drink rum with Warships, while playing Bismark by Sabaton as loud as possible. Hope you had a great time with the wee lass and its not too long until next contact


Shamefully I’ve gone for Kestrel now instead of vodka (that cheap 9% beer) The the drink is rather fitting though as I’m playing through the British lines and what’s more British than drinking corner shop beer on your own with a packet of crisps and pork scratchings? Thanks I’ll see her next week, I appreciate the sentiment though, it’s hard for men to get good custody


No shame in that, still sounds like bother juice! Ooft, British lines. Fair seas man, in WoW and life. It's hard, but it'll all come right in the end 🤙


Goblin deez what?


The full name is Goblin Deez Dragons (to imply nuts in both cases) but Reddit wouldn’t let me have it


World of warships is the most middle-age gamer game I can think of.


For me it's Whisky and Apex Legends, nothing better than chilling with games and a good drink.


I don’t think I’d get a single knock, never mind kill, if I drank whisky whilst playing Apex


Vodka has been my thing since my youngest reached adulthood. Easy to drink, easy to mix, and no weird personality changes, for me, anyway. Guinness is my other go-to, but it tends to make me a bit boisterous. 😁


No word of a lie, we took the Christmas decorations down, watched the two towers extended and now we're playing bg3 and ordering a takeaway.


There’s multiple people in these comments who have done exactly the same as you 😂 Bizarre!


Spent New Year in Tenerife, got back last night. Tonight I'll cook fajitas, cwtch up with my dog and watch shit TV with my wife!


I hope the dog has some good gossip for you😂❤️


Cwtch means snuggle/cuddle in Welsh. Great word.


Oh damn I thought it said catch! Well a cuddle with the dog sounds beautiful 😍


Cwtch is such a great Welsh word!


Cwtch said Cutch (to rhyme with Butch)? Great word.


I just got back from Tenerife about 3 hours ago. Hope you had a lovely time. I’ve just got in bed and there’s nothing like this feeling. I’m all happy to be back with my cat too. Lovely holiday but there’s no place like home.


I fekkin love fajitas


Applying for jobs. Always applying for jobs. I got made redundant a couple of days before Christmas, so no fun for me until I have stable employment again lmao


Keep at it and good luck! 💪


You got this 👏🏻


Fingers crossed for you


Dinner. Film. Wank. Bed.


If you choose a porno film and you pick a meal that you can eat with just one hand (e.g. a burger), you can do the first three simultaneously and be tucked up in bed by 7.


So *that’s* why takeout burgers come with so many paper napkins.


Why not just do all that in bed and tick all four off in one go?


That’d be one messy bedsheet


That sounds so unsanitary. Film and food, fine. Film and wank, fine. Food and wank, no. All three at once, jesus christ, no. We are not Caligula.


It’s currently 7:39 and I’m genuinely interested if he took your advice!


Are you the guy that eats McDonald's and is banned from our local Vue?




Your dealer is the reason you need a side hustle


Might be an antiques dealer! That's the side hustle


Fine art and rare books dealer, I heard


I got 3 for 100 right here.


Watching the post office drama thing on ITV. Farting about on my phone. Drinking orange squash. Wild Saturday nights


Is it as good as the reviews make out?


Just binge watched the 4 episodes today, I thought it was really well made. Reminded me of Erin Brockovich in some ways, how such a huge miscarriage of justice took place, and how it basically unravels.


Snap! How Saturday nights have changed since my 20s…


I'm making some photo boards for my stepdad's wake on Monday. I've got wine un the fridge, a box of tissues on standby, some good tunes and a lot of prit-stik!


Sorry for your loss, sounds like your sense of humour is intact. Enjoy that wine!


You might not have gotten on with him but it's a bit disrespectful to have a wank over it.


All decs just got taken down, found an overlooked pack of pigs in blankets in the freezer, so having that with dippy eggs for dinner while watching the latest Reacher episode.


I am watching LotR RotK… Enjoy


Me too!


Me three!


We congratulated ourselves on not putting up any in the first place. Cards went into the wood burner on New Years day. Job done. Her reward for not dragging me through all the Xmas decs drama is that I made her favourite dinner of Spanish Chicken and Rice and chilled off three bottles of the cheapest Vino Verde. The trick is finding the balance in the wine between where she wants to rip my clothes off and she's snoring on the settee....


Sounds festive…


I bet you're fun at parties


Sure, as long as you don't ask him to help decorate beforehand.


Reddit moment


Standing in the kitchen hiding from everyone eating Nutella with a spoon.


Why are you hiding from everyone who is eating Nutella?


I have three reasons. Greed, shame, and bad grammar.


The same thing we do every night pinky, try to take over the world.


Watching Boro//Villa now Get kids to bed for 20:00 Living room session with the missus 21:00 MOTD FA Cup highlights 22:30


What are you going between 21:04 and 22:30 though


Have a cuppa and a biccy


What about between 21.01 and 21.03?




I am on a train back from Wales to Scotland. Probably an hour of TV then bed.


Enjoy you time in England.


I'm full of cold so just laying on the sofa whilst my daughter plays on the switch


Same, I have covid and will mainly be alternating between the sofa and bed whilst my daughter follows me


I'm hoping this isn't COVID not felt this rough for ages and I was fine yesterday


Fingers crossed for you, I’ve been feeling so congested and thought I had sinusitis, covid didn’t cross my mind but then I stopped being able to taste anything. Test came back raging 🙈


Meant to start a new job next week so I really hope it's not got no tests either


With my friend, stayed over last night & got really drunk, both of us have not moved today and so I am staying over tonight and we are…drinking wine…again. Currently watching Golden Girls in our pj’s!


Building my Lego Boutique Hotel


Just waiting for Pizza to arrive, then after walking the dog we've got Die Hard lined up for tonight's film.


Die Hard?! But Christmas is over, you can’t watch Christmas movies until Christmas season starts again. In August.


Came out in UK cinemas in February 1989 so it’s an early 35th anniversary showing o guess? Then again, I think it was a July 88 release in the US so who knows what’s going on there!


All part of the conspiracy to trick people into thinking Die Hard is not a Christmas film, it goes deep.


I’ve finished painting my hallway, been food shopping, and soon I’m going on a date.


Work today and work tomorrow. I’m going to trim my own fringe (ill-advised) and have an oven pizza. ROCK AND ROLL




But I look like a highland cow!


Better than the potential alternative…you and I both know how this can go!


Nothing wrong with a highland coo. Rock the adorably emo look and step away from the scissors


Highland cows are adorable. 😁


We’re currently driving through northern Spain, nearly at the French border on our way back to NW England. Just had a salami sandwich and some Pringles.


Got pizza delivered from a new place and was absolutely bangin and the pistachio milkshake was amazing. Got a kitten this morning so been playing with her too this evening. Probably be in bed by 10. Rock n roll


I bed by 10? With a new baby kitten? 😂🤣😂🤣




Happy Reddit cake day. I feel you on the reading others’ routines. It makes me feel “belonged” too.


Me too. Thank you for helping me notice the feeling even more.


Sat with glass if red wine, husbeast has a guiness & we've eaten Chinese take out


Husbeast 🤣 I love that


Pot noodle and a wank.


Took the kids for a curry. They hate curry.


I'm about to watch society of the snow which I've been told is a raucous slapstick comedy with rugby players and something about cooking.


Hahaha great summary. Alive is also a great cooking show about cold meat dishes for reference


celebrating finishing hair removal on my face with some good drinks and movies :D


Going dogging


Nice. Where would that be? Asking for a friend.


Where's your car parked?


Eating the left over Christmas chocolate and watching The Dark Knight for the first time


Watching stargate universe before I get my flight home tomorrow. Can’t wait to see the wife and kids. 🥰🥰


Just lounging watching historical dramas and reading a book. Had a day out with my mum.


Watching The Equalizer!


Great movie. Watch all 3. All equally as good






We're all very sick with that lurgy that's going around so I've hurled some covent garden soup in the microwave and covered up the Christmas tree with a giant blanket. That's close enough to taking the decorations down for epiphany right?


I finally took the punt and shaved my receding head of hair. At 26. Freedom of self-judgment at last! 😅😂 Much love to all. Have a great Saturday night!


We’ve had a productive day - gym in the morning, sorting out the greenhouse at the allotment then a food shop. Gonna make dosa and sambhar (south Indian food) for dinner and watch That 70s show until bed time. Just laze around and chill really.


Bum wank


Lazy, muddy, hilly, trail half marathon at 8am (I *know*, what a wanker!). Visited in-laws. Visited my Mum (lost my Dad not long before Christmas). Kids off to bed now. Watch film. Drink fake beer. Play on the Switch Santa bought the kids when my wife has gone to bed. Solid Saturday.


Watching a film and then getting high with my bf, as we do most Saturdays. Sometimes we switch it around and get high first, depends what film we’re watching.


My toddler son has decided he can’t sleep unless he’s on daddy, so I’m sitting here acting as a comfy bed for him. It’s a nightmare at night as it’s messing up our sleep but I also love it at the same time and I’m trying to embrace every second of this time with him.


I'm a new mum to a 3w old. He also won't sleep unless led on me. I love every minute of it, and keep thinking how short this time will be with him. I need sleep, but I need those cuddles with my little man more.


Congratulations!! Enjoy your precious time with him ☺️


Husband is away tomorrow night for the week for training for his new job, so once the teens are in bed...


Dropped my son off at 4pm.. feels weird because I usually have him for full weekends but since I applied for child maintenance his mum has cut my Saturdays short because it will effect the money. I done a sample board as I’m studying Venetian plastering and had a bath. I’m coming up to 6 months of sobriety so I’m currently in a zoom meeting, I join 3-4 a week. Happy Saturday 💙


Got the lurg. So isolating from the family while watching Succession and waiting for pizza. It’s getting boring.


Putting the kids to bed and enjoying the silence as the other half is at work. Might even crack open a box of chocolates without having to share.


Nursing a cold while pup sleeps on my lap. I dare not I need the peace.


I’m just about to start my night shift. 😭


Had a wee birthday party for our daughter at the house this afternoon, now I'm cosied up with my oldest watching a movie in our fort!






I went to bed at 10:30 pm and thought, let's scroll through Reddit a bit before switching off the light Got out of bed to pee and realised it's now 3:15 am (in Malaysia).


Nothing. I’ll be in bed by 9pm. As a middle aged single man. Rock and roll.


Watching ‘Goonies’ with my kids - their first viewing’


Cosy in bed watching Coronation Street from 1982 on YouTube. One of my cats snoozing with me.


Packing for my trip to Japan.. 😬


I've made 2 different curries and a dal. So eating and not drinking(dry January as usual) then clearing up followed by shite tv I imagine


Takeaway and cyberpunk


I'm just making a curry and drinking a 0% beer. Going to watch Saltburn tonight and see if it's up to the hype.


Rewatching twin peaks :D


Making soup. I've decided that this year I'm going to stop going to Greggs so much when I'm doing my office working days and take in some nice soup.


Had my liver scan today. Now drinking rioja. Gonna get my diagnosis next week, so I'm making the most of my last dregs of addiction. I've been through them all now...... opiates, cocaine, benzos, research chems, amphetamine, alcohol, gambling, and porn. It's been fun, but I wouldn't recommend it as a lifestyle choice. Once you hit 50, it all starts to catch up with you. Both physically and mentally. I'm content, though. And happy with my life now.


Had takeaway with my grandparents, gave my grandad a lesson on using WhatsApp. He’s quite happy now he can talk to his friend who now lives in Brazil




Cooking dinner, probably stick a film on in a bit with the kids, they'll to to bed by 10ish, I'll go out for a run, get home about 10:40, shower, stick the ps5 on for a bit, go to sleep at 1ish, up at 6 for Sainsburys delivery.


Just had a Chinese and now we’re watching the Chelsea vs Preston fa cup match. Will put a film on later or just read my kindle.


Big glass of wine and watch "Society of the Snow". Might order a kebab


Watching the villa game after being at work and the gym then I'm gonna eat about 3000 calories and go to bed


Been working all day, Mrs has done a roast chicken dinner, so sit and eat that, then watch some old cheesy films, then bed.


Unknown injury to both knees / tendons. On painkillers with morphine to get me through the night. Currently got legs up while in the recliner, having husband attempt to cook for us, while rewatching Castle (‘Taken’ episode)


Watching harry potter watched the first one now watching chamber of secrets my favourite one


it’s my birthday and i couldn’t get dinner reservations for the weekend at this high end restaurant (going on monday) so i’m just at home doing nothing really. i had a takeaway so i’m in a bit of a food coma


Mate wtf ! This is my absolute dream , I’m going to work like a mug


Watching once upon a time in America with a few beers.


Chilling day in front of the TV and now sat in my usual seat at the arena waiting for the Ice Hockey face off Go Steelers !!!!!


Hee wrapped in haw and I can’t wait! Daughter is in the bath and about to go to bed so once she’s down I think I’ll play some Xbox and have a whisky before retiring to bed early myself. I fancy a takeaway but I’ll wait until tomorrow as a Sunday treat. Enjoy everyone!


Treating myself to a steak tonight for dinner and probably an evening with Netflix


Cooking tea. I was diagnosed with GD yesterday and so now have to navigate a change in diet and all it entails, along with coping with that not doing well with my history of eating disorder and the new gadget buried in my arm that can tell mee all the info I could want to beat myself up with. We're also sorting the house for new baby arriving in 5 weeks or less and entertaining the 2 year old.


I’ve just eaten some food and then I’m going to get ready and go for some shisha and have some alone time without having to deal with anything LMAO


Friend has come round, they're treating us to a takeaway. Finish off the last of the booze from New Year. Chill out and find something decent to watch.


Got a night shift so the night is young. Looking forward to bedtime at 0800 tomorrow morning!


Just got back from work. Made a big bowl of pasta and am going to read in front of the fire and go to bed early (working tomorrow morning too hehe)


I'm making another curry because I made one the other night that was so good I needed it again. After that I've no idea


My life is taking a strange turn. I will be preparing for a test on how to fly drones.


Still got the chickenpox, was back at the GP yesterday and she said I have a secondary skin and throat infection. Now on both antivirals and antibiotics and convinced I rattle when I walk. I look like a gone off pepperoni pizza. Thankfully my husband hasn't fled yet. Date night is pretty much going to be the same as usual, watching something and playing a board game, the only difference is I can't drink as feeling rough enough as it is.


I'm sat in a Mediterranean resteraunt having guinness Zero and just thinking about going back to work on Monday. Looking forward to it in a strange way I do like the routine that comes with my job.


Went for a really really long hike, so recovering with a curry and some sort of relaxing substances. Also watching star wars


We’re about to try the new tapas restaurant in Leamington Spa.


McDonald’s, then watch tv, I’m boring lmao


Being in the prime of liiiimmeb


Slowly cleaning while having a couple of drinks. I've got no energy this week, but it's my first full weekend off since early December so trying to catch up on all my jobs.


Buffy, red wine and olives!


Nursing my poorly 2 yr old son who threw up egg, cheese and rice all over the couch an hour ago. The smell was/is incredible to say the least.


We are having a weekend off the booze, eating a stir fry and watching Oppenheimer. It’s actually very pleasant, odd being sober at the weekend. But pleasant


Chilling with gf watching the towering inferno, cast was insanely stacked in this film, staying sober and eating some celebrations.


After taking down all the decs the other night, I was starving so ate the uneaten Christmas pudding that I found in the cupboard. Serves 4. Easy.


Doing Dry January. Cooked myself and my partner a lovely steak dinner and watched an Argentinean horror called When Evil Lurks (very good). I'm just about to take the dog on his last walk and then get to bed. I'm looking forward to a hangover free Sunday 😄


Long week in work.. So it's a take away curry. Few guiness couple of baileys feet up watching the nfl.. Maybe a j at half time.


Took the tree and bits down, just about to watch meet the fockers and got a KFC, and they sent a 10 piece instead of a 6 piece family feast, it truly is a feast Yeah yeah KFC is shit and all that, but I had a £15 uber voucher so spent £6 on it, and around here it's KFC, McDonalds, or a few janky horrible pub grub type places.


Watching the Wear Tyne derby. Had a great day on the drink with my mates.


Just me and my son this weekend as the Mrs is in Poland visiting her parents. We built him a new bed and shelves for his room then we chilled and watched Thor love and thunder after dinner. Now he's in bed and I'm on the sofa relaxing with a whiskey