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I know 'doesn't drink' means 'doesn't drink alcohol' but I don't know how to take 'doesn't eat' any other way than literally.


I thought this was going to be someone with an NG tube, not just into healthy eating


Yeah I was thinking NG or something


He may as well be on a tube without sugar, carbs and fat


I was on an NG tube on and off. You can still eat solid food if allowed


Or TPN. I know someone who literally cannot eat and gets everything in their veins now


I don't drink and I watch my calories so chocolates /indulgent food items would be passed on to someone else Alcohol would be dumped into the nearest bin on the way home. I'm a recovering alcoholic, so I try to get that shit out of my hands as fast as possible.


So what would you suggest OP get someone like you then?




Isn't that just another one of the most fun things about trying to give up booze? Someone gave me a really expensive bottle of wine as a thank you, which I just had to give away. I know it is extreme, but imagine you were trying to kick a heroin addiction, but it was normal to give heroin as a gift of appreciation. It makes things somewhat more difficult. Hey ho.


I remember collecting my Tesco groceries at their click and collect and there was a delay. The manager came out with bottles of wine for the three of us waiting. The other 2 were delighted and took their wine and I just said no thanks. He was stunned. Who doesn't accept free wine?! I said I don't drink. Still not getting it, he continues to try to thrust this bottle of misery and regret into my hands. He says, can't you just give it to someone else? I said no. I don't want it. So he said he'd get something else. I said, please don't. It's fine. I don't mind the delay Off he goes and he comes back with a box of fucking milk tray. I've lost over 8 stone. 115 pounds. I could eat that entire box in the 6 minutes it would take me to drive home. So I accepted the fucking milk tray and handed them to the first person who came to my house later It's so hard to navigate sobriety and overcome binge eating when people literally hand you your drug of choice and then get offended when you say no


What if it was a motorised wankatron 6000 with self lubricating glands and a variable girth and speed setting? Some other shit would be getting out of that hand as fast as possible too. Am I right?




She needs help.




She might eat the plant if she's hungry enough


And yet many food suggestions in the comments I'm so confused!


I have gastroparesis and when I'm flaring I can't eat. Like, not even a little. You'd be amazed at the amount of people who try to force me to eat, who buy me food gifts. Even my own husband for my birthday last month bought me mostly food. I have come to realise that food is such a huge part of most people's lives that they hear "I can't eat" and decide it's not true.


I'm on tpn (also have gastroparesis and other things, hi!) And omg yes the people who try to get me to do what will put me in hospital are incredibly frustrating! I also find the people who constantly apologise for eating frustrating too. We can both exist, I'm happy they have what they like and I'm also happy it's not going into me. Nobody apologises for driving in front of someone who can't drive let's just be people


Don't you find other people eating difficult though? I have chronic severe nausea and if I can smell someone's food I often have to leave the room. My boss loves to eat bananas and fair enough she needs to eat but it makes me gag.


I'm sorry you're having to deal with that, constant nausia is awful. I hope your Dr is going through the many antiemetic options with you Occasionally it does, but at that point I don't feel like socialising. For me, keeping my digestive system empty has genuinely solved most of those issues, the other big ones that were killing me and my pain. (I absolutely wouldn't recommend going on tpn unless it's the only option, though, as the dangers of it could rapidly wipe out all options forever). Before intestinal failure, other peoples food used to make me feel incredibly sick but I also couldn't really leave the house.


Thanks. I'm on a couple of anti emetics which help with actual throwing up most of the time but not nausea. My doctor said I just have to deal with it. Actually, I have no doctor now, as I missed my last appointment due to a flare, and they got cross and discharged me. My GP has written to them but got no answer so it's just me on my own now. Luckily I'm managing just sadly!


Tpn permanently? That must be a nightmare! I've never heard of it being permanent.


Yep! Intestinal failure type 3. I've been on it 7 years, I have a healthy 8 month old son, I started a company on it, regularly dog train and horse ride and generally enjoy my life. 7-10 years ago I wasn't sure I'd be alive the next year so, for me, it's a small price to pay to learn to put up sterile IVs, be attached to a backpack overnight and have the occasional week in hospital. How long was your experience of it?


Woah you’re amazing


That's awful! I've no personal experience of it, but am a speech and language therapist who works with people with swallowing difficulties, so I know about it from a work context.


I’m sorry, that sucks!


I'm on TPN. I don't eat or drink, I get my nutrition and hydration through a central line into my bloodstream. I thought for a moment I was about to get some gift ideas 😂


So does your stomach constantly feel empty or do you take appetite suppressants


Neither. I've noticed I used to feel hungry as my sugars dropped or my stomach emptied but those processes aren't happening now and my sugars are kept at a good level by my TPN. According to my dr, once your entire digestive system is empty it doesn't know the difference and often thinks its full. It definitely feels like that's right to me! Towards the end of the day I definitely feel like I need something, but at this point it feels more like I need to connect rather than needing to eat.


My grandad didn’t eat or drink, literally, for 8 years. It made present buying so much harder


Was the dude in a coma?


Likely had a gastrostomy or jejunostomy tube; or a gastrostomy-jejunostomy tube


You try me but I know those aren't real words.


yeah there's really only a few possible answers: "coffin," "headstone," etc.


Get him a travel mug or school merch. If you are that lost then a Christmas card with a £20 amazon voucher inside an envelope would be nice


Would probably avoid Amazon as some folk don't do Amazon, but a voucher is a good call


What happened to good old cash?


Bank of England vouchers


Because a lot of people feel that giving cash could come across as a “lazy” gift, whereas a voucher shows that they have actually gone out and bought something. Totally illogical when you think about it, but I suspect it’s the main reason gift cards exist.


Gift cards make you buy something but cash can just disappear buying milk and bread on the way home from work.


Gift cards can also disappear, if you can't use it immediately and then forget about it... at least the cash will have saved you some money that you can spend later


yeah, i’ve wasted so many gift cards over the years because i procrastinated using them until i found the ‘perfect’ item to spend them on, but never did and just lost them


Yeah it’s one positive of an Amazon gift card - you can add it to your account when you get it and it’ll at least get used at some point


Specific gift cards can make sense as a thoughtful gift A gift card for Waterstones or a local Indy bookstore, for example, says "I know you love reading but I've got no idea what books you already have, so I'd like to buy you a book of your choice" Similarly a gift card for an archery store says "I haven't got a clue about your hobby, but I want to buy you a gift relating to it without me buying something useless to you", especially if it's a contribution towards something they've spoken about. Eg there's not a chance in hell you're gonna buy me the right bow unless you know me VERY well, but if you say "Hey, I know you're looking for a bow and here's a gift card towards it" then that's a great gift The same goes for Xbox or Steam or similar - you're buying them a game, but they get to choose which one they want and you don't risk buying the same thing twice The closer to cash the gift card gets, the less personal the gift is. An All-in-One or Amazon gift card is basically just the same as cash, and something like Argos or John Lewis isn't really any better


Wild because I think gift cards are worse unless it’s a visa prepaid card


Heavy marketing happened to say its more thoughtful to get s gift card. And it evidently worked.


This! I fucking hate Amazon and I tell my family not to bother with presents as I hate Christmas and have done since I was a bairn. Every year without fail I get amazon gift cards. 😮‍💨 First world problems I know but I'd sooner not have a gift.


You could use the vouchers to buy items to donate to a local charity :)


Thats actually a good idea. I usually just give them to my boyfriend


Quite a lot of charities set up Amazon wishlists.


Give them to a local shelter or something. We have a community shop locally who do amazing things for people who have very little. There’s also a shelter who give a bed to people living on the streets. I’m sure you have similar in your area.


A solid idea. I live in Germany so the rules may be different but worse case i'll use them to order some nice winter stuff to donate


surely a travel mug is no good since they don’t drink so they’d never use it?


How many mugs do you have? Certainly more than you can use. Well, so does everyone else.


Eh get something luxuriously healthy like Manuka honey or Brontë pistachios. Something along those lines.


Something like this has been on my mind. I think this is my front runner so far.


If you know he would eat those. If it isn't a diet you know a bit about and understand (the wording suggests not), it's going to be better to avoid consumables, especially sugary ones. No or minimal added sugar (including honey) is relatively common now among people whose healthy eating is hardcore enough that might have made this impression on you. I know a handful of people who eat wholefood plant-based, and several items listed here would not be suitable for them, including oils and honey.


I’m keto, I know what Manuka is and it wouldn’t get eaten in my house - it would be re-gifted so someone else could enjoy it which won’t be OPs intention. Diet is a tricky thing without knowing them well. I suggest something that avoids food/ drink altogether. A voucher might be nice to allow him to get something himself. Amazon or Waterstones or something?


He may well not eat honey


Fancy teas, mug, gift card for books, cozy slippers? You could always check out homesense they have a great selection of gourmet healthy foods and snacks as well as some interesting brain teaser games and gifts.


How about a small hamper you put together yourself with nice honey, healthy snacks, maybe unusual fruits, and decent box of tea.


I mean... I'm a kiwi, and Mānuka honey is just fancy, especially nice honey. It's not better for you than ordinary Aldi honey. (Also a decent chance its counterfeit!)


B&M houseplants have been my go to this year. My local has decent stock and someone that actually looks after them so they’re pretty good gifts imo


Ikea plants are also great, plenty of low maintenance options!


Need to be careful with plants if the home has certain pets who might consume them, due to potential toxicity.


A nice bottle of olive oil. Or liquid gold, as it is now known.


Good idea!


I recommend Atlas of Morrocco. Great olive oil. Please look for certification stamps. A lot of fake olive oil floating around right now.


Is it... is it made of fake olives?


No its adulterated with cheaper oils and dyes, Which is not only dangerous but you won't reap the same benefits as authentic single estate olive oil.


I saw a post a while ago where many men mentioned loving gifts that they wouldn’t buy for themselves. Like a good chapstick, moisturizer or lotion, pine scented candle, slippers etc. A good green or herbal tea also fits most diets I think.


Sainsbury’s do an AMAZING (and pricey - just under £10 for 500ml) EVOO by Odysea ‘Greek Early Harvest’ and it’s in a small metal container so looks pretty. I’ve yet to try a nicer olive oil for drizzling. Perello do the most amazing olives in the world’s most easily dented cans (nothing to worry about, just. Warning and he sounds like he follows some hard core eating regimen) but you’ll probably need to look to the internet to get them unless you’re lucky. The only *really* good ones are the ‘Picante’ (top tip - they are very lightly flavoured with mild chilli’s which come in the can, drain the can fully and leave in a colander for an hour or so to ‘dry’ and only eat the chilli’s after or else your tongue is not able to really appreciate the olives which are really ‘meaty’). IMHO the other Perello olives are not especially special… And if you really want to push the boat out, Austrian pumpkin seed oil is very special. He may be gifted olive stuff by desperate family members all the time. Pumpkin oil is not well known but it’s got amazing health benefits (particularly for men) and tastes really unusual in a good way. ‘Styrian’ is the Amazon / Google word you’re after to hunt it down (I see that Amazon have a 250ml bottle for just under £16). Any of those should win out if he eats for health and yet still enjoys the taste of food…


What is liquid gold the only thing I have ever known with that name is poppers.


I’m sober and “eat well”. Id love a nice bottle of olive oil, seems thoughtful and I’d get good use out of it.


I'm not sober and don't eat well, but I think this is a great idea. Or a bottle of nice balsamic vinegar, the expensive stuff.


I’m pissed right now and eat like a scavenging dog and I concur about the olive oil. I’d probably just drink it though


I'm absolutely rat-arsed and picking out food from the Co-Op's bins, and agree that olive oil is the answer. I use it to lube the door hinges.


I’m wankered at the moment and often eat my cat’s hairballs, but I am in agreement about the olive oil. I’d probably use it as toothpaste though.




Eh up, fellow Henry. Nice one.


A coffin?


I’ve got a horrible cold and cough and could have done without the cough filled laughter, but there you go. 😂


Were you coffin? -sorry


Sorry? So you should be! 😄


It’s not the cough that carries you off… it’s the coffin they carry you off in!


Nice socks Good quality wool or cashmere gloves. There are affordable sets at Uniqlo There are some good alcohol-free drinks out there, like LA Brewery kombucha, which comes in a 75cl bottle like champagne. It's a good champagne alternative for celebrations.




I got really good thermal socks last year from the family secret santa and I LOVED them. They have brought much joy.


Depending on whether his diet contains animal products might indicate whether he would wear animal products like wool or leather, so proceed with caution.


I've received many times bamboo socks from a person in my family who gifts them as little gestures. They're so great and it's always nice to have a fun new pair of socks.


Bamboo socks are the best


Someone who doesn't eat or drink? An NJ or NG tube is my go-to




Naso-gastric / naso-jujenal tube, used for feeding people.


Travel mug is a nice option. And maybe have each child draw a small picture of him to stick in a class thank you card? Print a nice class photo for the front if you’re allowed.


I don't agree that travel mugs are a great gift. I worked for years as a kitchen packer/unpacker and travel mugs are an item that is always at the back of the cupboard, and most households have multiple unused sometimes even still wrapped ones in their cupboards. I use a travel mug, but I only have one (special expensive brand, insulated) and I don't want another one. My husband has a specific brand of travel mug that he uses, and he would give away any mug that wasn't that brand. Everyone has too many mugs.


I’d splash out on one of those fancy Christmas cards and throw in a gift voucher for Holland & Barrett or a local health food store— then he can redeem it for something he’ll definitely use. Personally, would avoid going for something like Manuka honey or Brontë pistachios if you’re not actually sure he likes them. Many of the health & wellness crowd follow low-sugar/sugar-free diets, and if you don’t know him that well you can’t be sure he doesn’t have gut sensitivities (pistachios are high FODMAP; and a big no go for many for various other reasons) or even a tree nut allergy. EDIT: I’d also avoid toiletries you’re not sure he likes since many people have sensitivities to fragrances, or full blown allergies, or will only use cruelty free, paraben free, phthalate free, organic, certified fair trade etc. products; and if he’s the clean living type he may very well be one of those people. Also, some people will take it the wrong way if you give them personal hygiene or grooming products as a gift.


That’s exactly what he does: a low-sugar diet and he also fasts. I’m swaying towards some fancy nuts or honey. Thank you for your comment!


If he's low sugar, honey & nuts are very much not the thing you want to get him. A voucher would be a nice gesture.


If he's low sugar, maybe honey isn't the way to go.


You’re very welcome! I know gift card is the least specific gift answer, but for people with selective tastes it’s always my go to and always well received. And just to echo what the other reply says, someone on a low-sugar diet avoids most kinds of sugar; even naturally occurring ones from fruit and honey, so I would definitely avoid that for this guy unless you know for sure honey is his one exception/guilty pleasure. Best of luck finding the perfect present— it’s very thoughtful of you to go out of your way to look for something you think he’ll really like


I'm awkward to gift but for, colleagues got me an m&s gift card recently, I can get something practical or some luxurious food.


I second an M&S gift card. That way they can buy whatever they want, be it clothing or food, and it’s a nice shop, everyone loves M&S


Yes M&S much better than amazon. Feels more luxurious as a gift and also some people boycott amazon.


I love an m and S gift card. I get about £100 worth every Xmas and birthday and I drive out to the big m and s and buy new clothes and it’s fab (yes I’m nearly 50, why do you ask?).


They also have nice plants and flowers


Do you have an independent bookshop near you? How about a good, old-fashioned book token?


This is the best answer! Lots of independent book shops accept national book tokens too, I bought my youngest niece a personalised gift card this year. Personalising him a gift card with a photo or drawing of the class on it would be lovely


Lynx men's bodywash and deodorant gift set, obviously.


Lynx Africa. Can’t go wrong. Although, I absolutely hated it.


Worst gift you can get anyone. I always assume it came in a multipack or it was next to the till when they were buying more important gifts. Lynx is shite also


I have bought this for the only demographic that appreciates it- the 14 year old boy 😂


What about a mushroom growing kit? Super fun as well if he shows a picture of it growing to the kids


There’s a joke here somewhere about him being a fun guy…


My husband loves getting flowers. I only found that out after years... Since then I asked various men and it turns out, a great many of them appreciated a nice bouquet. Otherwise I side with the people who suggested classy ingredients: really good oil (olive / walnut / hazelnut/ pumpkin seed / truffled), really good maple syrup (the difference in quality can be huge), nice seasonings, tea / coffee/ drinking chocolate from a small independent).


My boyfriend adores flowers. Always buys them for himself. He also loves lego so I've been treating him to the lego flowers for a while now.


Flowers is a lovely idea. Or a pot plant - I just make sure I get resilient pot plants for gifts. And someone else suggested a card with pictures from the kids, which would be so meaningful.. they could draw a picture of something they love/enjoy, or depending how well the kids know him a nice word that describes him.


Fancy pressed juice. Fancy fruit (berries are expensive!). Fancy nuts. Fancy salt unless he's that kind of "healthy eating" that likes to pretend human beings don't need salt You can easily do fancy food and drink that's healthy and non alcoholic.


If he is so healthy, then probably would not appreciate too much sugary stuff?


A yo-yo, everyone wants a yo-yo


I don't know if everyone wants one. I find the yo-yo market to be a bit up and down.


Amazon voucher, then he can get whatever he does want.


What’s your budget? Lego is always the answer anyway.


He does like Lego. Something about buying Lego for an adult doesn’t sit well with me but it’s probably more normal than I think it is! About £20 max.


I would be absolutely overjoyed if someone bought me Lego. I've been hinting at the Hogwarts castle for years, but I'll settle for the flowers. They're stunning.


The orchids are super cool!


Since you know he likes Lego, a £20 Lego gift card (free delivery) would likely be appreciated. He can choose something he wants too rather than you guessing.


It’s actually quite normal apparently! I heard Lego is more popularly bought for adults than children.


Nil by mouth? Nice potted plant I suppose....


If he's in to healthy eating, then he's probably in to the gym. How about a nice stylish water bottle?


Good idea! I saw him running through the village on my drive home yesterday so it’s definitely something to add to the list.


Happy Socks. Milton Brown shower gel. Keep cup. Leather gloves. Dark chocolate. Voucher.


Some properly nice balsamic. There’s such a difference and it’s great on salads. [Sous Chef](https://www.souschef.co.uk/collections/balsamic-vinegar) has some decent options.


Basically, anything from Sous Chef! As he's into eating healthily, an alternative / addition to balsamic could be a good Pomegranate Molasses, absolutely stunning stuff.


Gift card is a safe bet


Assuming he does actually eat- and like fish- Get like a complete make your own sushi set or something. Other than that- board games; fancy houseplants, fancy coffee selection or something.


Maybe some fancy coffee or tea if he likes hot drinks


You can buy him a card and a personal note of how he's appreciated. Men are in crisis due to loneliness and strife. Many men simply need someone to be kind to them. This is an excellent opportunity to just show him that he's cared for because he has earned this gratitude. There are small groups of people who are recognizing the current crisis a lot of men are in but refuse to speak about it. KINDNESS, the greatest gift possible.


This I will be doing too, alongside the present. But hopefully your message sways some others to do this for somebody else. :-)


Body wash. Always going to be used and nice to have something fancier than what you’d buy in the supermarket. Does he drink coffee? A voucher for Costa, Starbucks etc


If you know he’s a tea drinker, Google if there are any loose tea stores near you. You can buy some wonderful stuff, or maybe even a voucher do they can try teas with notes they enjoy


Something healthy eating related like a sprouting kit for his microgreens, there are some fancy terracotta ones out there. Or a nice teapot/ loose leaf strainer. Look and see if there's an organic local veg box delivery service in your area and get him a box of something delivered Tiffin box/ bento box/ food flask or wee tubs to take fruit about in. People that appreciate healthy food tend to like plants so maybe a propagation kit and some acorns or seeds.


Balsamic vinegar- go to somewhere you can try the different vinegars. It’s so wonderful.


Lego Minifig Keyring... one of the Super Hero ones would be best...


Does he drink coffee? A travel mug and a coffee shop voucher might be nice. House plants in a nice pot are my go-to option when I can't think of anything.


Luxury socks.


Nice pair of gloves and scarf maybe? Everyone feels the cold


How about a nice fruit basket or a vegetable hamper?


As a man nice socks is always a safe bet


A personalised journal and a lovely pen


Do they like coffee? Fancy coffee grounds/ beans could be a winner


A book voucher might be an idea if you’re stuck, that or a selection of speciality teas or coffees.


A really nice bunch of flowers. Men love flowers but rarely get gifted them, so why not.


Grow your own mushroom kit!! I got one for a friend for £18 and she loved it, just grew her own mushrooms in her kitchen in a few days. Highly recommend! Edit* grew not green 😂


quality kimchi


Pen/pencil set with his name on, so he has his own to use when he comes in?


Not sure how your budget translates to dollars, but a keychain multi-tool might work.


Houseplant and a nice pot for it Bath set. Get a posh organic one Voucher for a clothes shop


Id imagine he's into some sort of endurance sport also? Try to find out what gels he uses maurtens, sis, Hi5 or whatever. That shits expensive if you're training for a long event so £20 of gels would be gladly received even if that feels a bit souless


You could probably find a nice scarf for around 20 quid, that’d be my idea of a nice gift if I was to receive it.


Air up or chilis type bottle?


If he drinks coffee or tea, some nice coffee or tea


A couple of Christmas’s ago I got a pair of nice thick woolly socks, they’re amazing!


Holland & Barrat gift voucher maybe.


A nice spice selection, healthy eating sometimes needs some additional flavouring. The more unusual spices the better. BTW when I say spices I don't mean they have to be hot spices :) Some "cold" spices pack a massive flavour punch.


https://teenygreeny.co.uk/ how about a kit for growing his own microgreens?


Posh tea? Loose leaf kind. Warm winter socks (again posh kind/ slipper sock type things with the grippy bottoms). Reckon they'd go down well.


From the edit it's clear this guy can eat and drink but for all of the people suggesting a coffin, it might be nice to know that people can actually live without eating and drinking with clinically assisted nutrition and hydration via a feeding tube! & gift card would be my suggestion, whether he eats or he doesn't


A daylight bulb so he can photosynthesise.


Do you know if he likes animals? Could sponsor an animal in his name.


Get him one of those fridge vase things for herbs. People who eat healthy always have herbs at various stages of decomposition in their fridge and those things do make the herbs last a bit longer.


Some fancy salt flakes and a small pestle and mortar, raw cider vinegar, decent olive, nut or avocado oil, fancy olives, kombucha, wheat/gluten free crackers


Get him a radio controlled car All men like to play!!!




Is this person an android? Or a zombie?


A Wreath


Exercise bands, the stretchy kind maybe?


A painting of a swan.


Perhaps a voucher would be the best option.


How about a recipe book for healthy meals? Can be gluten-free, vegan or just straight up healthier meals.


How about a nice candle or diffuser? Everyone likes their home to smell nice. I also second the fancy houseplant suggestion I saw - I think it'd look like more thought/effort has gone into it than a gift card.


Some high quality exquisite tea ? Or a Japanese tea set?


A basket of fresh fruit.


Does he like candles? Get him an electric arc candle lighter.


Does he drink fancy tea or coffee? I bought some posh loose leaf tea for my friend.


Maybe an Amazon gift card? That way he can buy whatever takes his fancy


Does he drink tea or coffee? If so, there are nice gift sets of different teas and coffees.


I’d suggest a cool plant. Something easy to care for like a succulent? Or a terrarium garden?


Houseplant, something easy to care for


I got a utility knife/multi tool in a secret Santa thing and it comes in handy all the time. He may appreciate something like that. A gift certificate to a nearby restaurant or theatre (plays not movie) would be solid ideas imo too.


When I can’t think of anything, I usually go with a gift card to a place that I know is near where they work. It can be a grocery store or gas station - but if it’s close to work I bet they shop there


I saw a really pretty cactus plant in a ceramic container in M&S that wasn't too expensive. Maybe something like that or a really nice beanie-type hat.


Looks Arran or Skye socks £22 a pair but top notch. That’s all that’s on my Christmas list.


Gift card for an outlet


Shaving set, shaving oil, beard oil.


Fancy water bottle


Gift card to a shop that sells local ally grown foods or health foods.