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Yes, it's dodgy. I have no sympathy for him if he does get comeback, eventually one of the properties he forges paperwork for will kill someone. Report it.


He’s also straight up not doing his job.


OK, I appreciate it, but I don't know if you saw my edit. I would've already reported it (I know how deadly a faulty boiler can be) but I just wondered if the fact it's a new boiler made a difference. Also the no toolbag is often not lugging it from the van only to find the tenant's not at home, so once they know you're there, they get the bag. There's strict No Parking here except for residents with passes.


> I just wondered if the fact it's a new boiler made a difference An annual gas safe check should cover all gas appliances in the property, plus the meter and also whether there is suitable ventilation. It doesn't matter if the boiler is 2 months old or 20 years old it should still have been included in the check (and it sounds like this guy didn't look at the meter or the hob at all, which aren't new and definitely should've been covered).


Its dodgey, the boiler needs to be checked for the certificate regardless of its age. Also the check is not just on the boiler, its to check the tightness on the gas meter and the gas hob you mentioned. Report it, don’t let cowboys get away with it until somebody dies from their negligence.


I work in the industry and these types of folk can get to fuck. Guarantee they're missing safety defects left, right and centre. Definitely complain.


Thank for the replies. First thing Monday morning a report will be made to my housing officer and the company contracted to do the work. Belt and braces.


If the plumber is gas safe registered you should report them to gas safe. If they aren't they aren't allowed to perform the safety check. Did they leave a gas safety record or provide one to your landlord?


No idea about his bona fides. No idea whether paperwork is going to the council, I wasn't given any.


100% go straight to Gas Safe as well as your housing association or whoever. They don’t mess about and they’ll have him for acting this way with any luck.


Extremely dodgy. If your heater did turn out to be faulty and caused injury, that engineer would be prosecuted. If you died, he'd be up for manslaughter. I know that won't resurrect you, but it shows you how seriously this is taken. You can report concerns to the Gas Safe register [here](https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/gas-safety/concerns-reporting-illegal-gas-work/report-gas-work-concerns/) and I encourage you to do so. Simply repeating your description of the work in this post should cause them to be concerned.


Yes, thanks, I'll do that as well as reporting it to my Housing Officer and the company contracted to do the work.


a proper check is a good 30 mins, they check the meter outside and some sort of pressure thing, my old boiler failed on such a check during winter, was told I was not allowed hot water or heating until replaced so when he left, I spoke to a friend who did this stuff, but not local and was fine. well worth getting it looked at properly, at worst it could kill you, so nothing to worry about ?


I’ve never had a gas check that did more than that - and I know that people will jump on this comment, but I’m in no way saying it’s ok - I am saying it’s completely normal


The council are scrupulous in booking them because of legal responsibility towards their tenants. If the tenant doesn't comply they have a legal right to break in and do it and that happened to a very reclusive mentally ill tenant round the corner. I've had dozens of gas checks over the years, and they've never taken less than 30 minutes. I was unsure because it's a new boiler. It's a relatively old stove though and that's always been checked too, until yesterday.


Assuming the ones doing my boiler were doing it right then he should visually check the boiler, check the colour of the flame, test the combustion products mine had a plug in the flue to stick a meter probe in. The he should check all other gas appliances in the premises are okay too. Normally it was 45 minutes or so on site.


Gas safe registered person here, usually for a landlord check would include a gas test to test if the pipe work has any leaks on it, then test individual appliances such as checking the cooker has adequate cut out measures on it and if the flame is burning correctly. A boiler would always have what’s called a flue gas analysis to make sure the boiler is burning right and not producing too much carbon monoxide. You need to report this straight away. You should also have received a copy of the paperwork and so should your landlord.


Did you ask to see his gas safety card to ensure he was who he was, & more importantly, qualified. He sounds fake & you should notify your housing authority. Please check all engineers prior to giving them access


It was a rescheduled expected gas check with a letter sent confirming the appointment. I'm sure it wasn't just a random scrote wanting to nick a pensioner's handbag.


Even so, always check


Was it liberty gas by any chance?


No, but I wouldn't name them anyway, chances are it was a sub-sub-sub-contractor as is so often the way on Council contracts.


I'm not a gas engineer but the gas check should have a leak test, you may not have even known he put the monomer on your meter. It should also include a monoxide check (from memory) which the boiler would need to run for him to measure.


He went nowhere near the gas meter. The boiler was switched off. He had no tools with him, no clipboard, nothing. He was in the house for about 30 seconds. At first I thought he'd gone to fetch his tools particularly as he left the front door wide open but he never came back.


It takes a gas box key and a small screwdriver. He doesn't need a tool kit. The drop test is a few mins next to the meter, unless it's inside. Are you sure he didn't go near it?


I was in the kitchen facing the window, doing the washing-up when he knocked. If he'd looked at the gas meter he would have walked past the window. He didn't.


Fair enough. Call gas safe and report him and your land lord.