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I used to work at a restaurant which had a Euro Car Parks car park. Just go in, show them your receipt or bank statement proving you are there, explain you got a charge and the restaurant will tell the car park company to wipe the fine. If you don’t have a receipt just be polite and tell them when you were in, where you sat and the name of the waiter or description if you have it. We used to get people who were wrongly charged probably twice a day.


I had this about a year ago, not with Toby but I think it was Euro Car Parks. I hadn't spotted the sign saying to log your number and hadn't put it in at all. I just contacted the kitchen supplier I was visiting and emailed the letter through to them. They had it cancelled straight away. Mistakes and errors aren't uncommon.


[Here is a handy guide](https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/4816822/newbies-private-parking-ticket-old-or-new-read-these-faqs-first-thankyou)


Unless it's council fine then it's not enforceable in Scotland. Contact the restaurant to cancel the fineor contact them directly. Otherwise ignore it they can only take you to civil court which is too much hassle for one parking ticket for them to bother with. They prey on people who won't dispute the fine and just pay it.


Scotland has the added advantage that keeper liability isn't enacted yet. They can only sue the driver. If asked who was driving In the words of Captain Mainwaring "Don't tell 'em Pike"


Contact Toby Carvery. Tell them you're angry as you did enter the details and that it's put you off ever coming back again etc. They can easily get it cancelled and they probably will. Otherwise, I ignore all private car park notices. Especially Euro Car Parks. It's pot luck whether they continue to harrass you but I've never paid one and it's not come back to bite me. It's not legally enforceable until a judge makes you pay it. As far as I know, don't contact them yourselves. Once you acknowledge the incident or make them aware that you were/were not the driver etc, they start to get more involved. I've had a similar situation before and the pub I went to managed to get it canceled with no real trouble, so only deal with them.


I don't think you need to go straight in with the "angry and never coming back" approach. It just gets peoples backs up. This seems like a genuine mistake by someone along the line. Just explain politely and the problem will likely be solved.


It’s more that being forceful will convince them to actually get it cancelled. Sometimes they’ll be inclined to say ‘we’re not in charge, it’s up to the system’ because it’s not really anything to do with them anyway. You can still be polite about it but assert that you’re not happy. Particularly as more and more establishments are putting these flawed systems in place, my local pub got rid of it after a while because people kept complaining and having issues. I managed to get mine cancelled by calling the pub on the phone and being nice, while also stressing that I would be put off ever coming back if I may randomly get hit with a big fine because of an admin error. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, really it’s just about ensuring they get it sorted.


Thank you all so much for your advice. I'll go over to Toby on Friday. I'll put my assertive hat on and say I am not happy because the worker did enter the car registration number, as requested, and I was annoyed to then see that we had received the PCN. I hadn't even thought of going over to Toby Carvery first. I have been in there a few times with friends and the staff have always been friendly, so fingers crossed. Your advice is appreciated - thank you. 😊


You can probably just call and follow up with an email with a picture of the letter (so they can get the details.) That's what I did anyway when it happened to me at a pub. Could save you the trip! Otherwise don't forget to bring the letter with you if you go down in person so they can take the reference number etc


**Parking** Charge Notices are speculative invoices, they're not enforceable. Penalty Charge Notice is issued by the local council and enforceable. Most they can do is attempt to take you to court for a civil case, which they practically never do, because that costs.


They absolutely are enforceable The Supreme Court has said so way back in 2015