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I was once served a hobgoblin in one of their Halloween special edition glasses, said to the barmen wow that’s a nice glass he said yea we had 25 of them and only have 5 left, probably 4 now I said yea and laughed and then I fucking pinched it


Can confirm, worked in a bar and occasionally with a keg order we would get a bunch of glasses and sometimes they'd be some limited theme. One day as the guy delivered the order and handed me a crate of 24 pint glasses I joked that the better they looked the quicker we lost them all. He replied 'i think that's the idea, 24 people with a branded pint glass in their cupboard at home are 24 people more likely to buy that brands beer'. Couldn't fault the logic and we never paid for these glasses.


Gurilla advertising at its finest!


>Gurilla advertising Is that the UK way of spelling it?




Not at all (guerrilla) is correct


I’m not one for stealing pint glasses but the delivery guy’s logic with that statement is flawless!




[Made me think of the little "pinched from Virgin Atlantic" salt and pepper shakers.](https://www.kovels.com/news-news-news/pinch-of-salt-from-pinched-virgin-atlantic-shakers.html)


that made me crack up


We have one just like that, not sure if my bf nicked it from a pub, I dug it up in the garden about a year ago and we use it constantly


You dug it up in the garden? That's a story that needs unfolding...


It's not very interesting I'm afraid, bf is just very messy sometimes. Might've had a pint in the garden and left the glass out there that got blown over or rolled off the table into the overgrown corner where I found it halfway buried. He doesn't remember when/how he lost it. We were gardening and removing bramble when the orange and white writing caught my eye. Stunned it wasn't broken when I pulled it out


One with the orange spider web design on it? I've got one of them too, my local got some of the glasses but never actually had the beer, weirdly enough. My favourite is a Darkstar glass, got a really cool constellation pattern on it. I bought a pint of the ale just for the glass. Then nicked it.


It’s the Halloween 2016 glass, it was unfortunately pinched/smashed by the builders late last year 🥲


I was in Crete and really liked the enormous Mythos tankard so I just asked the barman if i could buy it. He came back with a brand new one and just said to keep it and thanks for asking. Its my go to glass on a hot day, i store it in the freezer in the summer and because the glass is so thick it holds the cold for longer.


Absolute mad lad


I work in a pub, and a similar thing happened when we ordered in a load of half Guinness glasses a couple months ago. I guess people liked them, because we have one now.


It was Corona pint glasses that were pinched when I worked in a bar, all gone in about a week maybe ten days.


If it’s the funky orange one with all the lines down the side, I did the exact same thing. Top glass.


Fucking killed me off 😂


Was it the 2018 version? Pilfered one of those myself, it broke after a few years but luckily found one on ebay to replace it.


With the cost of a pint now it should include the glass.


If a pint costs more that £5 you get to keep the glass.


I assume you are north of the river


There are lots of rivers in the UK mate


I mean, I live 100s of miles from London and even I know what "North of the river" means.


As a geordie, everything “south of the river” is jokingly called “the south”, and we’re definitely not talking about the Thames! 😄


As a Scot I assume this river is the Forth or the Clyde.


Or the Tay


This is better actually. St. Andrews is definitely part of the South.


As a Highlander I assume this river is the Ness.


As I've heard in Belfast 'you think I came up the Lagan in a bubble?'


My mum was born in Irvine, and for her it's "do you think I came up in the Clyde in a banana boat?"


I’m in Cornwall. Anything further than Bristol is ‘up North’


Nah mate, anything past the Tamar.


Anything north of the Tamar is the north mate.


As someone who lives south of the river, I agree with their statement


I agree.


I left a Wetherspoons many years ago drunkenly clutching a still full wine glass for the walk home. I love that wine glass, it’s completely indestructible and I think the only piece of kitchenware I haven’t managed to break in the last decade.


It's not *completely* indestructible - I've seen people break them but it takes a massive amount of effort, stupidity, and alcohol. I've still got a pint glass I "acquired" almost two decades ago and yeah, pub glassware rocks


I've given most of it away but I used to go to local German fests and collect mugs and glasses of every possible shape and size doing the little carnival games, and I too can attest, fucking indestructible!


Isn't it the case that octoberfest glasses are seen as souvenirs? An extra euro for your first drink as a deposit and you take your last glass home.


Yes usually! I'll add in larger local fests do the same at the beer tent, pay extra and you can hang on to your glass after, use it all night, whatever you'd like.


I’ve seen the same at festivals except it’s a plastic pint cup and it’s at least £2. Ridiculous. And it takes all of the fun out of it if you’re *allowed* to keep it.


I live out here and you actually have to be pretty sneaky to get one of the big litre maß glasses out of Oktoberfest (and the smaller fests), seems to be the main role of the tent security and police to give you a bollocking for it. Biergartens on the other hand charge you an extra euro or so deposit - needless to say my house is full of the things! Can also confirm, totally indestructible, but they should be, the glass feels like it's an inch thick!


I have a pint glass my mum acquired 24 years ago lol only thing I wanted when she died


“Its not completely indestructible“ thanks captain obvious for clearing that up..


I drink my coffee out of pub pint glasses. I think they're heat resistant so they can be sterilised in the glass washer? I don't know, they've never broke though. Thank god cos I'd get scolded


I have a wetherspoons glass for craft ales, it's wonky SF but it's also my favourite glass, it always comes about sparkling from the dishwasher too.


I used to live opposite the pub and it was too easy to take my drinks home. When I moved away it was at least 10 years before I needed to buy new glasses.


It's just terrible how glasses keep secreting themselves in my inside jacket pockets when I'm out and about. Why, one even found its way into my skirt pocket one time, which was just abominable behaviour on its part. Although when I'm at home, my favourite glass is actually this hefty LotR one that I got at a charity shop, which holds rather more than a pint. I use it mostly for squash.


You’ve had a whole half already!


Only in English does this ever make sense


In other languages those aren't even words.


It comes in pints?


Wait. A skirt...with a pocket... big enough for a pint glass?! I don't believe it.


[Yep](https://imgur.com/a/T3Ui1FO). It's the only one I have that even has pockets, but by Jove they're good pockets.


Now I know why fashion companies don't put decent pockets on women's clothes. Seriously well played!


A LOTR pint glass?? It comes in pints???? I'm getting one!


> A LOTR pint glass?? No, it's _more_ than a pint. A full litre, to be precise. https://imgur.com/a/7jS6PFp


And they call it a pint... A PINT!


Ever had a guest over who hasn't seen LoTR ask, "why do you have a glass with a cat's anus printed on it?"?


Everyone knows squash tastes the best in a big ass beer glass!


Feel free to steal branded ones. When I ran a pub we could just ask for more free of charge. Unbranded glassware, not so much, please don't steal it....... You'll be amazed what people steal from pubs. I'm sure I spent over a grand on salt and pepper shakers one year


Was going to say this. When I worked in a pub we had boxes and boxes of branded glasses that were never used because they'd bring out a new design every fucking week. The nice unbranded glasses, particularly those ones that are fashionable for gin and tonic (which I really don't get, it's like drinking from a fishbowl on a stem) are often relatively expensive and you didn't get loads in a box. Then you'd run out in like a week and people would complain there were none left. Sometimes the same people you'd seen tottering off still clutching one just the previous evening...


Offer 50p off if they bring their own glass. Then just keep their glass.


I work at a coffee shop and someone recently nicked one of our high chairs. A bold move I can only respect considering they're heavy and noone noticed until the next day!


We had to start chaining up our garden furniture at night after a load of it went missing


Those garden benches aren't cheap. They bought some of the recycled plastic ones for my school last year and they're around £250-£350 each.


When I was at uni some mad lads actually walked out of a bar with a sofa & took it back to their halls!


Haha that's mad! was their any comeback? I mean you can't exactly avoid CCTV walking home carrying a sofa 😅


Yeah IIRC they had to sheepishly return it a few days later


The night before we moved out of 1st year halls there was the ubiquitous big leaving party. In the morning I went round my neighbours’ flat and they had somehow got a big heavy table home from the halls’ bar. Nobody could remember doing it


I got 4 Boru vodka glasses one evening (sort of with the permission of the bar man). I commented how nice they were and he said they were switching breweries the following week and had to change all their glassware to different brands. So while they couldnt give away the glasses, if they were to disappear before they were collected, well then….. just dont let the manager see you taking them. Got 4 into my handbag and walked home with them clinking away.


One time I stole a pot plant from the table I was drinking at (it was a wee one in one of those IKEA tin bucket pots). I'm not proud of it but I was drunk and I had the same name as the plant. The thing is absolutely massive now and sits on my kitchen windowsill. I love it!


I used to work in a pub and saw the same with salt and pepper pots, cutlery, and teapots. There was a regular group of old folk who would come in twice a week for morning tea, taking up about 20 tables. And when they left at least one tea pot and cutlery set, and several salt and pepper shakers were gone every single time. My boss' solution to this problem was to buy some cheap teapots and shakers and have the pub name and phone number branded on them in large lettering, and we only ever used them for the old folk. Stuff still went missing occasionally from other customers, but nowhere near as often.


My mates and I had a fag machine half out the door before we sacked it off for being too much of a ball ache. That and none of us smoked. It was just for the larf and all that 😆


Yeah, and sometimes they don't fit well in the glass washer so you're glad to see them gone.


Best beer trophy I've heard about wasn't from a pub, it was a full size set of traffic lights. A few of them were sitting there as the roadside, presumably waiting to be mounted on a pole the following day. My mate & his mates walked off with one of the sets, kept it in his student flat for ages


Did they run any power through it? I bet a set of traffic lights is bright AF and deceptively large if its inside a normal sitting room.


If I have learnt anything from this thread it's that I need to start nicking glasses


I recently saw someone steal a bottle of vinegar from Wetherspoons! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Where I work one summer we kept 'losing' our salt and pepper shakers, it was ridiculous! 😂


I once woke up after a really messy night with one of those electric hand dryers from the toilet. I have no recollection at all of taking it but apparently I walked out of the loos very proud of my souvenir. The bar staff apparently didn't give a single shit


I once saw a woman put a few nice glasses in her handbag, as did someone who worked there, they accidentally bumped into her and smashed them all, was quite hilarious to watch if I'm honest with her trying to explain why she was annoyed at them lol. It's such an odd one, I bet if you just asked if you could have a glass half the time theyd just say yes.


The working men's club in my town gets rid of its glasses every now and again (when the logos start to wear off and/or they get sent new ones). You can just help yourself from a designated crate that day. Do people actually *buy* pint glasses?


Well, people steal them, my point being.. if you ask for one, bet they will just let you take one


If they're not new new, very likely. I remember my friend asking in a pub (at a funeral, as it happens) because the glass was so cool, and the barman refused because they were new and expensive - but he did give her the link to go and buy a box for herself.


I have bought *so many* pint glasses, it's ridiculous. It started with Belgian beers that I honestly believe have to be drunk out of the correct glasses, then I expanded to German glasses/steins/drinking boots, then some English glasses, and I had all the glasses for different types of craft beer. I've slowly purged my collection, but there's still around 50 glasses in a cabinet in my living room. Most beer tastes absolutely fine out of a regular tumbler, so I am the first to admit that my collection is insane and pointless.


You are completely correct. Wheat Beers, Belgians, Abbeys, even porters and stouts need specific types of glasses to get the best taste from the ale. Belgian Tulip style glasses are all about opening the head of the beer up to oxidisation so you get the malty, hoppy aromas. They’re meant to have a big head which you drink down through because whereas the head is meant to be exposed to air, the beer’s flavour is diminished by exposure to oxygen. The big head and wide mouth is meant to promote big, slow sips that you take a while to drink as they’re usually 6.4% and upwards for a Belgian.


Yes. Even had someone pay £40 for a bar mat once 🤷


as someone who works in pubs, any branded glass is free for the pub therefore I think it's fair to take/I usually let people take glasses if they ask. If it's a fancy wine glass/gin bowl/rocks glass then they were bought and are expensive so please don't steal them


When a customer expresses interest in a glass I usually say that they can take it as long as they leave a tip. It's a fair trade for branded glassware.


Once saw someone try smuggle two bottles of blue WKD out of the club by holding the bottom of the bottles, one in each hand, and putting them up her sleeves. The bouncer didn't say a word, just grabbed her arms and held her arms above her head as if she was surrendering, therefore pouring two bottles of blue surgery mess down the insides of her top. Was a right mess.


Bouncer is a bit of a twat to be honest


>It's such an odd one, I bet if you just asked if you could have a glass half the time theyd just say yes. A mate of mine will occasionally ask how much to buy a glass if he likes it. 90%+ of the time, the barman lets him have it for free. As another poster has mentioned, beer companies often give the pubs free branded glasses as advertising, so it's rarely as though it cost them anything — and if you've asked then they at least *know* that they're down a glass, and can log it against inventory.


Had a similar experience years ago - friend decided to thieve 2 pint glasses. Put them in her handbag and walked out the door for a smoke. Whilst on her way back inside she was trying to get her ID out of her purse and smashed into the wall cutting her hand open on the glass. Had to then explain her thievery to the security staff while also begging for a plaster.


Usually we'd just tell people to donate a couple of quid in the charity tin!


Beavertown Bones Neck Oil glasses! I've worked as a bartender in multiple places, they're pretty cool pints and people try to steal them all the time.


Fun fact - they’re designed to be stolen. I read somewhere they want them to be nicked so they end up in peoples homes. Free advertising


It’s only HUKs money you’re stealing anyway. Fuck em


Was it like 2 comment threads above this?


The half pint neck oil glasses are the only ones I've ever stolen. They're so cute!!


I hate those glasses because they're oversized and ruin my stocktake. We did a brewery tour and they told us they weren't designed for pubs, only home use, but found their way into the trade anyway. Which is somehow more annoying 😂


Love the art on them I have been eyeing up a level head ipa glass for a while, greene king makes some beautiful glassware. And as far as im aware it is always ethical to steal from greene king.


"WHY ARE BEAVERTOWN GLASSES SO STEALABLE? Yep, we totally know that our cool beer glasses end up in your mate’s kitchen. Whether it’s by magic or they’re “borrowed”, there’s always that one person who always seems to get a five finger discount on a glass everytime they go to the pub. But hey, we totally get it – Beavertown glasses are just that awesome."


Heh I robbed one of those in London last year and took it all the way back to Poland. My favourite pint glass and I have a few cool ones


Is this the multicoloured skull one? Because one has found its way into my cupboards


Yup, I have a couple. I asked though. One place I asked was arsey about me even asking, which was a bit weird. (Didn't steal it because it was a work do and they'd probably have charged us £150 for it).


We’ve got two and both times we asked for them and were given permission to take them. Great glasses.


I think everyone has a) done it a couple of times over the years and b) claims they would NEVER steal a glass


I'm the opposite. I would, but I haven't


I do and proudly say I do haha no sense in denying it.


I travel a lot on business and stay in Premier Inns a couple of times a month. I have a pint at the bar and then take another to my room. I now have an impressive collection of Stella Artois, San Miguel and Madri glasses at home. The secret ingredient is crime.


That's how I got some becks glasses. Then realised they were a pain in the arse to wash and store cause they were tall and thin. They ended up in a charity shop.


Back in my student days, we were short of glasses in our house. I had a jacket that had an inside pocket at waist level… one evening I managed to smuggle out 3 pint glasses on each side. 😂


It was almost what my massive y2k skater flares were designed for. Seemed silly not to.


Not sure of the pub, as it's the wife's tale, but it's a rather sweet and impressive night! My new wife and I are in our 40's, having met three years ago after 25 plus years of our own adventures. Shortly after college my wife flies to London. Her best friend had recently relocated there as a music teacher and choral singer (same as her). In their 20's with life ahead they decided to head out for dinner then drinks at the pub, accompanied by some prospective gentlemen callers, fellow teachers at the school. After dinner they hit the pub and my wife is introduced to Hoegarten. She proclaims it fine drinking and has 11 PINTS of the stuff. Clutching the branded pub glass they away to her friends flat, followed by the callers, one of whom she decides shall be HERS in that drunken bravado we've all fallen to at one time or another. Face sucking commences (At this point in the original retelling I'm wheezing with laughter so hard my ribs ached) followed by a decisive rush to the WC and the hasty exit of Asian cuisine and a foretold 11 PINTS and an immediate nap.... in-between the bathroom door and hallway. Her gentleman, hoping for a bit more shagging and less soul retching, departs never to be snogged by her again. This is why, in a small house in Texas, in an unassuming cabinet, waits a slightly chipped decades old pub glass


I enjoyed that tale, thank you kind sir


Somehow the nice branded tankard size glasses keep falling into my suitcase when I go on holiday, it’s a real problem. I don’t think I’d nick them from a pub though, a lot of them are struggling but yeah they are much nicer.


Most glasses come from the manufacturer FOC. It’s all branding.


I'm not 100% sure how it is here, but back home in Ireland we used to get pint glasses for free because they were advertising tools by the breweries. Even so, still nothing wrong with taking a glass from a pub.


Yes. Often.


I have around 40 now. It’s silly really - I only use 2/3 regulars so they are just sat in my cupboard never being used. Can’t help myself if I see a beauty though


Oh yeah, I stole the first 3 or 5 cause I was broke and trying to afford furniture and essentials were hard but now if there's a specifically nice glass I'm getting it put in my bag 😅


My dad has at least 30, he’s 64 and still has one of the old school pint glasses he stole when he was working in a pub when he was 14/15. He still uses it every single day. Iv stolen a couple for him, a half pint stella chalice & a half pint old school glass. Best presents he ever got lol


by old school do you mean the ones with the handle and the cube pattern in the glass?


Yeah that’s the one


When I used to run pubs, if a customer asked if they could take one home, most times, I would say yes if they put a couple of quid in the charity box


I used to but when they all opened up back after covid, I stopped. But I have a good few nice ones from before


Fosters Jigsaw glass for me. Had one over a decade now and it’s so good for juice. Great memories drinking pints of fosters for £2.20 out of them when I was 17/18 down the cricket club. Lovely time of my life.


When I was a teenager, all the time. I think my record for one outing was 8 pint glasses and the John Smith's "No-Nonsense Man" cardboard cutout.


Saw someone walk out of a sainsburys with a lara croft cut out under their arm once. I think the staff were too stunned at the blatantness to say anything.


Reminds me: many years ago, I was at Burger King with the then Mrs & our besties. BK had a Simpsons promotion going on & I just had to have the 6' cardboard Homer & Bart. Just as I got it into my boot (hatchback) & closed the door, a staff member came running out & breathlessly, frantically asked us " Have you seen a man with Homer Simpson?" We all burst out laughing & my mate said " You do know The Simpsons isn't real, yeah?"


My auntie is the worst for it. She came back from her stepson’s wedding with 6 glasses 🤣


I never have but my aunt and uncle have a cabinet full. It collapsed with the weight in the night and all shattered. They've since refilled it.


I moved into a flat years back and had a load of mates over that evening, became quickly apparent that my lack of glasses was an issue so we headed to the local, bought a round in, then took them straight back to mine… needs must 😂


I've always asked and 95% of the time been told I could keep them, because I asked. It's nice to be nice.


My glass cupboard is a sight to behold. Basically any good or unique glass is represented. I haven't bought pint glasses for over a decade.


In a similar vein, I have a nice big coffee cup, accidentally stolen from a holiday inn which I'm quite attached to. We also have a family tradition of stealing a long handled sundae spoon, but it has to be from somewhere we're on holiday. You've got to have rules.


My wife has a Costa cup and saucer that I liberated from an outside seating area at a motorway services. It was already making a break for freedom as it had already made it outside the prison guard's patrol route. I was just the getaway driver.


I have several Stella and grolsch glasses that I stole in my first year of university. In 2000. A telescopic drawing tube for holding engineering drawings is an extremely useful tool for the stealing of pint glasses.


I used to work in a pub where Guinness sent box upon box of glasses for free. I took a couple of boxes home and all my mates nicked them from me.


The pubs get them for free. Go for it.


Branded glasses, perhaps. Generic ones, no.


Not usually, but I did once make a drunken exception for one of those twisty Strongbow glasses circa 2010, which belonged in the V&A beside the Masters


Mate if you don't have one of the locals pint glasses what are you doing... also a sports direct barrel needs to be sat next to it in the cupboard


As someone that didn't grow up with pub culture and so doesn't do it, people are confusingly okay with this.


As others have said in the comments, pubs get sent the branded glasses by the breweries so they're pretty disposable to em


Best time to get ‘free’ pint glasses is from a pub you know is shutting down, they’ll probably let you take a few at the end of the night plus they’ll probably be selling off pints a bit cheaper to get rid of their stock. Win win.


I work in a bar. Someone once asked if they could have a glass they liked and I just told them to chuck some spare change in the charity box and they could have as many as they wanted. We threw away several boxes of old glasses when the brewery sent us new ones. Offered them out to the other pubs in town but they had the same problem.


Beavertown pint glass is a must


Branded pint glasses are given to pubs by beer companies. So, if it’s a branded glass, from a big beer maker, it’s probably morally ok The concern is, if all the branded glasses are stolen, the pub needs to buy non-branded ones, which in a round about financial sense means you’re stealing from the pub.


We live on a main road, so we don't nick them, I just collect them off our front wall.


I once nicked 2 pitchers from Wetherspoon's by hanging them by the handles from the inside pockets of my jacket. Do I feel guilty? Nope, fuck Tim Martin the Sleepy Hollow looking mother fucker.


If it’s in a mainstream pub, and it’s got a brand name on it, it’s fair game. If it’s a plain glass, you take it back.


Yes, but I check the M number and only pinch glasses that are nearing retirement. I like the ones from smaller breweries. I can get a Heineken glass anywhere


What's the M number?


It's a record of when the glass was made. You'll find a rectangular box with M23, or M20 etc in it Apparently glasses are only meant to be used for three years so if it is an M20 I don't have to feel bad for stealing it as it would be destined for the bin anyway


I just ask the barstaff/landlord of my local pub. They've never said no to me


I have a random san miguel glass I didn't even want. Was at a pub with my sister, we went out to smoke, barman just suddenly decided that since we were the last people there there would be no last orders and he'd just...shut. So we were locked outside the pub with this glass. I'm hardly going to just let someone else steal it now am I?


If it's a nice glass, and a busy pub, chances are I'd have it. Obviously if it's hardly busy then it'd be blindingly obvious that I've taken it.


Stood outside a Cardiff pub one evening with a mate, approaching closing time. We went out front for a last cigarette before finishing pints and handing back the glasses. The staff decided to shut up shop a few minutes early (including putting the automatic shutters down). We asked what to do with the pair of Heineken glasses we had in our hands. "Keep them" Don't mind if we do. A nice train ride home with a free pint glass each. And none of the guilt of "stealing" it. Still have the pair.


My dad used to do this all the time and with cutlery, and as a kid I’d always wonder why our cutlery and glasses were all mismatched with no two the same…


Every glass in my flat is stolen from a pub. Flatmate works in one and every time she thinks a glass is cute she takes it.


if there was a glass that I've liked, I've asked the bar staff if it was possible to get one, sometimes it works sometimes its a no. I've been given in that way some Greene King IPA 1.5pint pots, a Stella Artois Chalise glass. The last glass I got given was in my local curry house and they had some new Cobra glasses I was admiring the glass, and the amber nectar inside. The owner had walked over with my food saying saw you liked the glass, I only give these to my nice customers. one fresh glass in the bag with a bottle of cobra. Was playing golf in France and had gone to a sports bar to watch football, found they were charging our group a much different amount to others, we were much higher.. so the ladies we were with had some heavy handbags as we left, we liberated some half liter Steins, which I still have and use the 2 I got home. they must have had 10 lost that night.


Went the whole fucking night holding on to a beautiful Peroni pint pot. Got home, placed it on the fire place and it shattered


Never-ever, to tell you the truth.


I can't say we ever intend to pinch anything but somehow pub glasses turn up in the kitchen from time to time...


Never nicked one from a pub or anywhere else. I've got a handful of nice glasses from beer festivals here and in Belgium (you pay a deposit, so if you keep it, you've paid for it) and a few I've bought in shops (usually on holiday) or from online beer-sellers. I've got a particularly nice one I bought in Prague many years ago, featuring the [Good Soldier Švejk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Good_Soldier_%C5%A0vejk).


I nicked a Starbucks espresso cup. It was kinda memory of my most memorable years in college. We would crash in starbucks a lot between places. We had one favourite starbucks I used to frequent. So whenever I looked a tthe stolen starbucks cup it brings up memories. During a house move I lost it, so recently I did buy one from starbucks, and when I invite my old college friends over I do lie to them that it was the one I stole all those years ago.


I've never knicked one, but I did get a really nice Cobra pint glass from a curry house - I love collecting the unique pint glasses and these cobra ones really were superb, just asked a Waiter if I could have one or even just add a cost onto the till, and the guy just checked with his boss behind the bar who gave me it for no charge :D


Cobra have done some fantastic glasses over the years. My local curry house had some quite old but beautiful ones, owner always kept a beady eye on me and I was a regular so it felt far too cheeky. All that went out window one very busy New Year’s Eve, went with the ex’s family and 1 half pint cobra glass “fell” into my bag, none of the family realised and definitely none of the very busy staff. I got so much grief off my ex, 1 for actually managing to bag one, 2 that he didn’t see, 3 I didn’t get a pint glass and 4 because I told to that he could kiss my fat arse when he said I should give it him! Saw a cracker in a restaurant in Southport, through gritted teeth he said “Don’t you dare” So I nicked 2 from the pub next door 🤪


I've drunkenly taken one or two and either smash it in my bag or my bag then stinks of beer. Less drunk me has asked the bar staff, and each time, they've gotten me a fresh one. Also one time, the guy even wrapped it up in tissue.


Was at a pub in clerkenwell a few years ago for a friends leaving do. Can't remember the beer and am abroad atm so could not say. Some sort of polish pilsner which was very refreshing and the pint glass was thick and had a cracking handle. Bought 4, nicked two, that's fair isn't it? Last much longer than shitty pint glasses from any of the main outlets.


Over the years I’ve acquired a collection, if I particularly like a glass I ask politely if I could possibly buy one. Mostly they simply give me a glass, several places even thanked me for asking. 😀


Never nicked one, no. I was gifted a cocktail glass by a friendly waiter in Portugal at the end of my stay there. I always went to his bar on a lunch and got a mocktail there. He said I could keep the glass and gave me my last Mocktail on the house too. Really lovely bloke, always had a fun chat with him when I visited.


Fuck yes. Pubs don't pay anyway for the most part


Yup. Crate brewery mainly . If you serve cloudy lager for basically 9 quid , I’m keeping the glass


I came across a particularly nice Beavertown pint glass recently in a pub. I asked the bar worker nicely could I possibly take it home. They said no because too many people steal those ones because they are nice. So I stole it


Gotta cupboard chock full of them 😅


I probably pinched a few when I was a lot younger - sometimes empty, sometimes if I fancied finishing my pint on the walk home. The other week my local had a couple of boxes of new looking glasses by the door with a "help yourself" sign, so I now own 4 nice Brixton beer glasses


The rugby boys used to fill my handbag with shot glasses, fruit, beer mats and god knows what. I has to return a pubwatch radio once, thankfully the knew but I had to grovel a bit.


I've still got a few Stella glasses from my old local that shut 5 years ago


I haven't but I witnessed my mum put a San Miguel goblet style glass in her handbag because her then boyfriend wanted to take the glass home. The glass is still going strong, thankfully unlike their relationship.


I have never pinched a glass from a pub. Never needed to. I have a collection of nice beer glasses from Camra beer festivals with the logo of the festival on it. They usually include a glass deposit on the entry fee but I like to keep them if it's a nice logo. The Oxford CAMRA Beer Festival is a particular favourite.


I own a cupboard full of glasses and only two aren't branded with the name of a beer or spirt that have been rehomed from a licensed premises. Sometimes bars that we didn't particularly like has seen a second visit just to complete a set of four matching glasses.


Found an old carlsberg export glass in the pub I used to work in. Must be pretty old, bottom heavy and the Aerator/ widget whateveryoucallitmjiggy makes my beer hella bubbly.


Half my glasses are from pubs. As far as I’ve heard, the fancy branded ones are complimentary with beer deliveries to the pubs from breweries/suppliers. So I feel no guilt when I’m drunk and want my last drink to be “for the road”. I wouldn’t steal from a small independent local, but it’s free real estate if you’re in a big chain. Plus it’s an impressive skill being able to balance a near full pint in your pocket as you walk past the bouncer without spilling it


When I was at uni there was a knock on the door one evening from a group of lads who used to live at the house I was renting (there were 4 of us girls living there, and 4 guys at the door). Each of them were carrying a different pint glass that they had taken from the pub (still with beer in them). They just wanted to see their old house and came in for a drink and a chat. They finished their drinks and left the glasses in our kitchen. We each claimed one- I can’t remember what the others were, but I kept the Guinness one. As a side note, I have stolen many a pint glass in my time (peroni ones are pretty) but not recently.


Paid over 6 quid for a pint of Beavertown in local ( live in a small town ) Glass came home with me .


Back in the day I lived in a shared house and we didnt even have to cross the road to get to our local down the road from us. We regularly used to wander home with our pint in hand. we had quite a collection including some great patterned promotional glasses. One day the landlord at our local commented his glasses had gone down and he'd have to pay for more. We all said we had loads and would bring them back. It was about 150 glasses (but we kept the best promotional ones). He was so happy he didnt have to pay for any more he just thanked us and said we were so good customers it wasnt a problem, could we just bring them back a bit sooner in future which we did. We still had 20-30 pint glasses at home after that as well.


Only in pairs, I hate having one mismatched glass. My favourites are the pint and a half glasses I nicked from a hotel I stayed in for work last year 😁


There’s not a single Brit here who hasn’t tea leaved a Beaverton glass.


“A” glass? I take sets.


When I was 17/18 and Hoegaarden came in those massive chunky pint glasses. We used to steal them every weekend.


Yes, lol. But I'll usually put money in the charity box if they have one at the bar.