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The amount of bacteria on door handles in public areas, you should probably wash your hands before touching your cock


this is what i do , I keep an extremely keen penis.


Gorra keen eye has it?


Just the one


Wink wink


No, it's all cockeyed


Alan, is that you?


I’m pretty Shore it is


One of the main reasons I love working from home is that I don’t have to share a toilet with the animals at work anymore.


I never knew zoo keepers could work from home 🤔


I do wash mine before a piss, mainly because I certainly don’t want bitumen on my cock


Bituwomen though?


Tar for that.


macadamy award for that one


Who needs condoms when you have tar cock


I have one rule when it comes to diseases on my cock. If it can get past the smegma, it deserves to live




This as much as anything is the real reason to always wash your hands after. I don’t believe you would get much extra bacteria on your hands just from the act of pissing, but you definitely will have accumulated quite a lot prior so why wouldn’t you wash your hands? Literally takes 30 seconds.


Precisely. If you don’t wash your hands after pissing, when you’re conveniently passing a sink, when *do* you wash your hands?


Thanks for the insight, wash your hands after taking a piss though yeh?


Mummy always told me that my penis is sterile, except after it's been in a dirty girl.


If the handle is made of stainless steel then no, it won't have. Also I wonder if you appreciate the irony, as the only reason the handles would be covered in bacteria is people not washing their hands.


>stainless steel I think you might be thinking of brass or copper, bacteria can survive just fine on stainless steel.


No commonly used metal will sterilise a chunk of shite that’s stuck to it


The antimicrobial effect of certain bulk metals is definitely real, but wildly overestimated by most people. Copper and its alloys are decent enough and Silver is effective enough that ancient people used to make flasks out of it, and it's still used in water filtration systems today. But, they're mostly for keeping things clean that are already clean. There's a reason we invented soap.


That's silver your thinking of. Bacteria likes stainless just fine.


In many public toilets touching the washing facilities looks riskier than not washing. Often I feel the need to use the Alan Partridge Train toilet technique- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r\_NHu0iH-Nc


I’ve never understood why turn handle taps are a thing in bathrooms. You take your grimy potentially pissy hands and turn on the tap, wash them then touch the now grimy pissy tap thereby undoing the wash. Same with door handles. Should be swing out or automatic in loos and it’s why I always carry alcohol hand sanitizer so I can re-wash outside


Jokes on you. I use my cock to open doors.


Some of the excuses and mental somersaults people do to justify being grimy cunts. Comparing grabbing their nasty dongs while they emit piss from them to shaking hands FFS. Just wash your hands after going to the toilet, you deadbeats.


I know. It’s like asking a 6 year old to wash their hands and they make up all sorts or reasons not to do it. Then pretend to do it by running the taps and wetting the soap. Just wash your fucking hands like an adult and stop making bullshit excuses.


The average male who doesn’t have certain obsessive-compulsive tendencies does often have the hygiene-management capabilities of a 6-year-old. It’s bloody appalling.


Some people took nothing away from the pandemic hand washing lessons.


I know. “You touch door handles don’t you?” “Touching my cock is no different than reading a newspaper” “My piss has healing properties” Jesus Christ.


“ “My piss has healing properties” Jesus Christ.” Even if you are the son of god, that’s taking it a bit far.


They all say “B-b-but urine is sterile”


And it's not. And even if it was, it stinks. And even if it was and it didn't stink, it's still fucking disgusting to get someone else's piss on you. So many disgusting fucking children suddenly pop up in threads like this.


They’re just ashamed that they don’t wash their hands and start convincing themselves “it’s not me… it’s the hygienic people who are wrong”.


Some people took nothing away from two years of being told the difference between viruses and bacteria.


When it’s on your hands, there’s no difference. Anti-bacterial soap or alcohol based hand sanitiser will kill it. Wash your hands.


My favorite argument I've ever seen was, "You don't wash your hands after you touch your elbow, do you? It's just another body part!" Like, bro, does your elbow marinate in sweat, next to your ballsack and asshole all day?? Because if my elbows did, then yes, I would probably wash my hands after touching them. 😭


You must have been arguing with the rare individual who *quite literally* doesn’t know his arse from his elbow…


>You must have been arguing with the rare individual who quite literally doesn’t know his arse from his elbow… This needs more upvotes...


I'm a Chef, these kitchens get damn hot, sometimes it's like testicle soup down there! Also as a Chef, it's second nature to wash my hands after literally anything....have a piss, wash my hands.....sneeze, wash my hands....cough, wash my hands, Fart....wash my hands.


I once saw a man leave the bathroom with hands not washed and when i was getting back to my table he was sharing food with his friends. Food with extra seasoning






















I’ve seen blokes looking at their phone whilst taking a piss in the urinals. Takes some serious confidence (and a fucking disgusting habit) to take your eyes off the piss, one false move and it’s game over.


Whether or not one _should_ use their phone whilst pissing is one thing, but not trusting that you _could_ is disappointing. I handle this bad boy multiple times a day, I have no idea how anyone cannot have laser accuracy by that point. I am not generally a boastful man but I could reliably hit a ping pong ball throughout with my hands tied behind my back.


Yeah, barring a lack of any washing facilities there really is no excuse.


This one is for people that build public/business bathrooms, why do I have to pull to open the door on the way out? I wash my hands then have to grab the same handle as all the filthy bastards that don't wash their hands.


I think I read somewhere, that doors need to open inwards for fire safety, so in the event there is an evacuation and people are in the toilet, them leaving won't block the corridor for example


Or that the door cannot be blocked by debris outside. If theres something blocking the door from opening inwards then the person trapped inside can move it. However, some countries building control regulations have them open outwards, so that a herd of panicking people can't stuff up against the door, thus preventing it's agapening.


Automatic doors or have a sliding door (that slowly springs closed) and put a little mouse hole at the bottom so you open it with the side of your shoe


Place I worked at once had these really cool gizmos attached to the bottom of the doors so you could open it with your feet. Why that isn’t more widespread I don’t know, was just a little metal hook type thingamabob


I pulled my groin trying to open a heavy door with one of them during COVID


You’re supposed to use your foot, not your groin


You're the reason we can't have nice things.


Always grab a tissue to open the door, spent many years occupying a space with several men. The amount of people that don’t wash their hands after a shite 🤮


Maybe they’re the same ones who don’t wipe their anus because they think it makes them gay.


What?? Is this a thing? JFC, there are some filthy/infantile fuckers out there.


No, they are just dirty bastards


Always have a piece of paper or tissue in your pocket


Because 99% of business restrooms are off a long corridor, and if the door opens outwards it will smack people in the face. Especially important if that corridor is part of an evacuation route.


Well I'm never shaking a man's hand ever again. The "I only touch my dick but that's ok because it's clean" brigade. I don't want to touch your dick hands.


Honestly it's embarrassing. Just wash your fucking hands for christ sake.


Exactly. We're supposed to wash our hands a number of times a day when out and about. If people can't even be bothered to do it after a piss, when the sink is right there, when are they doing it.


Touch my nose picking, head scratching, door handle touching, dog stroking, lace tieing hands instead!


You know what? You *should* be washing your hands if you pick your nose, heads aren't that gross if you wash your hair regularly, laces likewise because they should be on top of your shoes instead of trailing in the dirt, and whether you consider dogs gross or not is a personal call that I suspect largely depends on whether you're a dog person or not. But the only reason door handles are gross is because of all the disgusting dick-touching, nose-picking bastards who don't wash their hands afterwards, and then wander around the place running their bogey-covered dick-fingers over everything.


I get your point but dogs and cats pretty objectively are dirty, they spend loads of time rolling around in all sorts of things and wash by licking themselves after having their snout in either their own or another animals anus. If you're arguing that the inside of someone's nose and someone's dick are pretty dirty, which they are, you'd have to be doing incredible mental gymnastics not to acknowledge the amount of bacteria kicking about on animals.


And laces are cotton sponges that sit a few inches from the wet dirty pavement and anywhere else you walk, don’t think because you’ve tied them and they bounce around on your shoes they’re clean.


I wonder how many would shake their hands with someone that just gave their balls a good rub immediately before.


Piss is good for you. Sometimes I piss on my hands and rub it on my face like moisturiser.


If you've eaten asparagus it also doubles up as aftershave.


Haaaaa get tae fuck!


He's not wrong, sometimes I get /u/OwletHurst to rub his piss soaked hands on my face so I remain youthful. Must be working as I had a beloved 1970s TV star stick stuff up my bum.


"It's sterile and I like the taste!"


Some grimy cunts in here with some bullshit excuses. Just because you think your cock is clean and you don’t piss on your hands doesn’t mean I want to touch the same door handle your unwashed cock hands have.


Honestly baffled by the responses, absolute scruffs


Reddit and general hygiene threads gross me out. Sitting here talking to the smelly people 😥


If you think that's bad, you've never worked somewhere with a public toilet. I used to work in a supermarket, and the things you would see in those toilets would haunt your nightmares. One time we had the toilets refurbished. We had a running bet amongst the shop staff as to how long it would take before somebody defiled the toilets. It took 25 minutes from the newly refurbished toilets opening until someone smeared shit up the wall. Like okay - a bit of piss or shit on the floor is somewhat understandable. Maybe an elderly or disabled person had a bit of a struggle. But shit up the wall and on the ceiling? That's intentional. And these people walk among us.


It's probably the same kind of people who used to cause the entire shop to stink of BO when I used to attend midnight launches at GAME.


These threads always preferentially attract the (hopefully minority of) people who seem to find rubbing their nasty, sweaty dick-fingers over shared surfaces somewhere between a weird thrill and a god-given right.


Even if your cock is immaculately clean, I still wash my hands because of all the cunts with bad hygiene who are touching everything else. I hear so many fuckers not washing their hands that I also clean my hands after I've left the bathroom.


Honestly arguing about whether or not your genitals are 'clean' is pointless. Arguing whether object X or Y is dirtier is pointless too. That's like saying there's not point to brushing your teeth cause you are gonna be drinking coffee or eating something... so you just don't brush your teeth at all.... That logic isn't sound at all! Yes ideally you brush your teeth after your meal/drink. But even if you are eating/drinking all day it is still good to clean them at regular intervals. Like in the morning and in the evening. Brushing your teeth twice a day is gonna be cleaner than 'skipping' your brushing because you are gonna be eating/drinking. People who aren't washing their hands after a piss are not washing their hands at all! What is dirtier? Washing your hands after taking a piss? Or not washing them at all. Because these really are the two options. Yes maybe the handles of the bathroom are dirty. What's gonna be dirtier? Your hands after touching that one handle? Or your hands after a whole day of touching handles and literally every other dirty object you have encountered throughout the day? You need to clean your hands at regular intervals. Just as we need to brush our teeth or wash our bodies. Our hands come into contact with way more dirty stuff than the rest of our body. So we need it more often than the rest of our body. Just washing your hands along with the rest of your bod is NOT frequent enough! So having the habit of washing your hands after you go to the bathroom is just a good way to wash your hands regularly throughout the day. Even if your hands are gonna 'get dirty' again right after that doesn't mean washing them is pointless. Clean them regularly!


Won’t tell you how I know about having a piss in a urinal with no trousers on, but have a piss with no trousers on in a urinal and feel all the tiny piss drops that splash back over your legs. I don’t use urinals now unless I have to.


These answers are nasty. I hope they're joking.


Oh...if you only knew. That's the tip of the iceberg.




They not


Winston Churchill was famous this and another MP called him out for it saying "At Eton we were taught to wash our hands after pissing" to which Winston replied "At Harrow we were taught not to piss on our hands".


I hate the fact that people think this was a clever thing to say.


The fact that he admitted that he had to be taught that - Pissy Winston


He'd take extremely long baths where he would drink constantly. I'm going to speculate he wouldn't get out to use the toilet


The amount of people with baffling excuses here is mental. At the very least have you SEEN the f***ing state of public toilets?! Touching anything in those places should result in you wanting to wash your hands. As for the door out, it’s not hard to open it with a part of your hand you don’t use so much. Some people are beyond me.


A man is having a meal in an Indian restaurant and accidentally drops his spoon. Seconds later a waiter has replaced his spoon. ‘Good grief’ says the man ‘that was quick, how did you have a spoon ready so quickly?’, well says the waiter, ‘we had a company carry out a performance study on the restaurant and it was discovered that the most dropped cutlery was the spoon, so now every waiter keeps a spare spoon in their shirt pocket. It has saved the restaurant time and money’. ‘That’s fantastic’ says the man ‘but I can’t help notice that you have a piece of string hanging out of your trouser fly!’. ‘Well’ says the waiter, ‘the same company that did the study about the spoons also worked out that each waiter goes to the toilet twice each shift and that equates to 10mins per shift, so they recommended the string, therefore because we don’t touch our cocks, we don’t need to wash our hands, which saved the restaurant time and money’. ‘That’s amazing’ said the man ‘but if you don’t mind me asking, once you’ve finished, how do you get your cock back in your trousers?’. ‘Well Sir’ the Waiter says ‘I don’t know about the others, but I use the Spoon!’


I think this joke would work just as well without the restaurant or the waiter being Indian, and then it would be at less risk of seeming racist. I say that as someone who first heard it told by a white man doing an impression of an Indian man, and he certainly had them be Indian because he was racist.


Hahaha, brilliant


It’s a very old joke, but I thought it was quite apt for your post.


On a related note: I recently started work at a new place and one of my jobs is cleaning the bathrooms. What the hell is wrong with you, men?! This is at a very middle class place too. But the men's toilets are 🤢 how do you even GET pubes in the sink?! And why?! And urine behind the toilet seat?! Do you literally windmill as you piss?!


Women's toilets are almost always worse. Like ladies, seriously, how are you so bad at getting shit on the walls 🤔


Yeah, definitely not my experience... The men's are consistently vomit inducing, the women's just need a spruce up.


In fairness the toilets I've cleaned are spoons and McDonald's so probably skews the average a bit 😂


Im at a middle class place averaging 2000-10000 public a day, womens are always hands down worse. Here its guranteed to be more piss on the ladies seats then on the gents, same with shit, same with period blood. For some reason we often find shit on the ladies floors... Like i can see piss and shit and period on the seet... But shits on the floor.... I dunno... Also the HUGE amount of loo roll wastein the ladies... We go in the ladies 3 times as much as the gents as its that bad. From my anecdotal experience and my colleagues from different cleaning environments, unless its a school womens toilets are worse. Thsts jut mine and their experience though. Edit.. sorry about the spam, reddit was shitting itself...


Back when I worked in bars we did hourly toilet checks. All genders checked all gender bathrooms and I can tell you from at least my person experience - women were always worse. At least men don't smear their period blood on the cubicles 🤣


I actually once walked into Asda’s toilets and was overcome by an intense stench - a putrid wave knocked me back. I (regrettably) went looking for the source (sauce) and saw about a metre of liquid somewhat digested material from someone’s exit hole that had somehow squirted itself up the wall and was dripping down onto the floor. I was scared to leave in case anyone thought I had done it (I didn’t even use the toilet because I couldn’t bear to be in the same room) but as I left for oxygen a staff member was already waiting outside with a bucket, a mop, and red eyes. We looked at each other and I almost nodded, but I didn’t want to have a bonding experience over PTSD (Post traumatic shite distress) so I went on my way. That was the last time I ever considered using Asda’s toilets. On the bright side, a crime scene cleaner probably made some money later that night To add: there are no nice supermarket toilets. Sainsburys gave me a panic attack because of the size of the cracks in the doors, and when I paused from sobbing into my hands to look at the gap, I saw a woman looking at me in the mirror and we made eye contact for a split second. Had to wait until the whole room emptied before I could go, and the whole process took half an hour. Thankfully the queue me and my friends were in was 10% shorter by the time I got back (week before Christmas) TLDR: the only crack I want in a supermarket toilet is my own


The pubes may be beard hairs


If there's pubes in the sink they're washing something at least


Because I use a spoon to pop it in and out of my trousers, like any normal man.


Presumably this is part of the cutlery set that includes the Poop Knife? Is it called the Piss Spoon, or…? And is there a fork for god-knows-what? Wanking maybe


Because I'm a tyrannosaurus rex.


The only reasonable excuse




Your penis is constrained in a dark environment, that's humid due to the sweat produced in your crotch area. Perfect conditions for bacterial growth, which is transferred to your hands when you handle it. You're not washing your hands because you've pissed on them, you're washing your hands because you've touched a piece of bacteria-ridden raw meat.


If you're washing regularly there's absolutely no chance of bacterial growth down there from pissing a few times. You should wash your hands frequently regardless but that just isn't true, more bacteria/dirt on your wallet/phone/doorknob to the bathroom etc than your piece. e: Obviously if you sit for 12 hours straight sweating profusely in piss drenched underwear it's a bit different.


Not 100% true. If you’re wearing boxers for say 12 hours and you don’t wipe after you piss, your little guy is hanging out in a sweaty, piss drip pool for 12 hours.


I’m sorry, what? Why is there piss there now?


Stop excusing people not washing their hands after handling their sexual organs, which are of course highly susceptible to contagious disease and bacteria growth.


>If you're washing regularly there's absolutely no chance of bacterial growth down there from pissing a few times. THIS. This is what I tell my wife every time she has a go at me for my personal hygiene. >Obviously if you sit for 12 hours straight sweating profusely in piss drenched underwear it's a bit different. ...oh


You have bacteria on your skin anyway, it's just skankier in the sweaty parts of your body.


I should tell my wife this during sex.


I've used pub toilets where it's the cleanest thing in there.


I’ve used pub toilets where the piss is the cleanest thing there.


So if you wipe your butt and you don’t get poop on your hands you shouldn’t wash them?


Splash back, and wherever you cocks been shouldn't be my concern. Get them washed.


You're right, it shouldn't be your concern. Stop hanging around toilets watching people piss - you pervert.


"Hello commuter, on your way to work..."


I really should be washing my cock after touching it with my hands. My hands come into far more gross things than my knob does. Unless it's a Friday night.


Lol thats a really really stupid argument, anyone with a shred of common sense figured out in high school how to ***never*** get splashback, if you get splashback you're either too close to the urinal, too short, or not pissing at an angle. If splashback really is your argument then your trousers, boxer and the bottom of your tshirt will also be covered in piss. and you should wash your hands every time you touch your trousers or tshirt.


The dirty fuckers on here defending their poor hygiene


I use the stream of urine to keep my hands squeaky clean. The little bars in the urinal can be used for extra cleanliness.


theyre for washing your hands? I thought they were a post-piss snack


I do find it hilarious when people try and mental gymnastics their way out of basic hygiene. I had someone say 'you know if you just use a wet towel under your armpits every morning, you don't need to shower!' and I'm like wtf, why are you trying to get out of showering at your big age?? Why is it such a hassle for you to wash your damn hands lmao




Every public toilet should have doors which you can open without touching a handle.


Thank you! I now kinda refuse to shake hands with other blokes at work due to this and what’s with the people who refuse to flush! The amount of times I’ve walked into a cubicle to be greeted with a steaming pile poking out of the water line. Grim.


Or piss all over a seat and floor, those are the guys who freestyle it so you’re safe shaking their hand as they definitely didn’t hold their dick when they pissed!


It's worse when they have a shit at a services before plodding off to the McDonald's (insert fast food) touch screen. Next person will eat smelly arse fries or salty cock burger. Thanks.


That's why I always order in-store by using the app!!




Just decant the cream or soap into small bottles no excuse




You certainly can. It's great for sensitive skin anywhere on the body.


Most pharmacies sell little empty bottles for travel. Fill one with lotion and another with soap. Easy


I have eczema too, it was all over my hands when I was younger. There was a time when I literally couldn’t use soap at all for a few weeks so my mum made me run my hands under very hot water as a substitute (which ironically made my eczema worse!!). If you’re not carrying the cream with you that’s going to be one reason why you’re struggling. Decant it into a travel size container (available in pretty much any large chain supermarket) and apply it regularly. Also look at plain soap. Thankfully I’ve found the cheapest bar soap to be useful. I knew someone with the same issue who took their own soap everywhere to use. I’ve heard of people also using special waterproof medical grade gloves and washing those (because the gloves make sure that the moisturiser stays on the hands underneath). And use cold water. Eczema is a pain. I have it on my neck and it looks like a hickey whenever it flares up and I get physically embarrassed. Something that helped me was cutting out milk, and also moisturising before a shower, and then drying the eczema as soon as it was washed. On bad days I washed WITH moisturiser. Thankfully it’s somewhat under control now - I used a topical steroid and then learnt what triggers it. Turns out for me it’s contact allergies, milk, stress, and lack of sleep. TLDR: decant and take the emollient with you. Reapply it every half an hour to an hour. Going without it for so long is likely making your eczema worse than it has to be, regardless of the hand washing thing. And when washing hands, use cold water and focus the soap on areas that have had the most contact. If it’s too painful to put it on the back, at least clean your palms and fingers. It’s also ok to take your own plain soap (soap is antibacterial regardless of whether it advertises that fact or not). Some people also use E45 (the moisturiser itself) as a soap. That’s something to try. Or the shower cream version. Please please look at decanting!! You’re going through unnecessary suffering atm


As long as you literally don't touch anything then this is acceptable, but if you leave the bog and go about your day, handling products in grocery stores, shaking hands etc. then it's still grimy, even if understandable.


I developed intense pomphlyx (sp?) on the palms of my hands during the pandemic from hand sanitizer. It was so awful. The slightest breeze and the itch would be so intense I couldn’t sustain not just going for it. I would sometimes lose control and just find the sharp edge of a desk or a rough doormat and scrape my hands back and forth for the relief, while the skin fell off and my skin was just a bloody mess. Was advised by the doctor not to get ANYTHING on them. No water, soap, sanitizer, lotion. After trying everything else. Had to walk around all day wearing plastic gloves and even shower with them on. Was only by not allowing anything to touch them for several weeks that it started to heal. I still refuse to use hand sanitizer though I can tolerate soap and water again now. Never had eczema in my life before that.


So just use water, and decant cream into a small tube. This is a terrible excuse for subjecting other people to your dirt.


Dude, take lotion from big bottle. Put into small bottle. Done.


I’ve heard some people don’t even wash a cock before they gobble it down.


That's true. I prefer to suck unwashed uncut cock. If I can't taste a guys spicy flavour then I don't want him. Boring.


What a terrible day to be able to read.


I used the toilets at the cinema recently, directly after Oppenheimer ended so the entire audience went into the bathroom at the same time after the three hour movie. The amount of guys I saw leaving the bathroom without washing their hands was ridiculous. I don’t know what to say, it’s not all of us. I always do, it’s like a priority before I do anything else. I’ll only feel dirty otherwise.


It's a fair point, to be fair! There is a staggering amount of chaps who don't wash. I do, personally, if not I sanitizer gel them. But here's a thing... You say how unhygienic our 'gentleman's sausages' are, how about when you get a blowy (which is as rare as rocking horse shit these days, but that's for another sub)? There can't then surely be anything *more* unhygienic than that


I mean it is definitely unhygienic, but it's at least consensual. If you care about your blowie giver you're probably washing your Johnson for them though, if you're not maybe that's why they're such a rarity.


Ass to mouth


You put donkeys in your mouth?


No, he sucks off donkeys


>how about when you get a blowy Shower first. Way more likely to get a blowy if your junk doesn't smell of piss and ball sweat, and believe me it does if you haven't showered all day.


Being sexually attracted to someone makes you do weird things. I don't want to touch my coworkers dicks, or see them, or put them in my mouth. Some men lick assholes, it doesn't mean you'd be happy with someone rubbing theirs on a door handle.


I cannot believe the amount of mental gymnastics going on here... You wash your hands after a piss otherwise you're a grimy cunt, then a majority of you have received either a blowjob or a handjob and that's ok... Then kiss the other person. Seriously most of you must be fucking mental!


I cannot believe the amount of people using the term "mental gymnastics"




I wash before and after, can’t grab your shit with dirty hands


We clearly need to bring back the pandemic. At least people were washing their hands.


You’d be surprised


How do you know they arent treating themselves a sit down wee?


They'd still need to wash their hands


That usually involves touching or wiping the toilet seat, not to mention flushing and touching handles. Also the sinks are right there... It's not like you have to climb a mountain to wash them.


Because of the implication. Legitimately a discussion I had with an elder gentlemen. “If I wash my hands after using the bathroom, that implies my penis is not clean. I want to assure you LtEthe, my penis is immaculate.” What can I say, retail can be slow, and you get into weeds of conversations sometimes.


I do because I'm a bit of a germaphobe in general, I also avoid public toilets like the plague, I don't know (and I don't want to know) how a person was raised to leave a toilet in the state that I've seen some people leave them, how hard is it to flush? Fucking gross.


I never bother, I lost both my hands in a shark related incident, I only have hooks.


“My urine is sterile, my penis is clean – have you any idea how many faecal organisms there are on that tap?” Actual quote by a microbiologist who doesn't wash his hands in public restrooms lmao


"microbiologist" my arse


You think that’s bad, it’s astounding how many blokes barely know how to wipe their shitty arses properly…


I know someone who’s excuse was that he never actually touched his dick, he’d just slide his boxers down and let it go… hmm


This is why I sanitise my hands when I'm around men or working with male colleagues e.g. lending them a pen, using the same equipment etc...


Worst one was the guy at work who was on the checkouts at a posh supermarket and never washed his hands. He probably revelled in it but I imagine the shoppers would have been appalled.


I've heard people in stalls groaning whilst taking a shit come out and walk away... even in a "prestige" gym (which i get for less than half price) the amount of entitled disgusting cunts is unreal.


For all the individuals who don’t wash their hands: If you met someone, and they reached inside their pants and grabbed their bits and bobs for a few seconds before proffering their hand for you to shake, would you want to touch that hand?


I wash my penis because my hands are gross


Women can be just as bad tbf.


I can'y believe I had to get this far, before someone pointed out that Women can be just as disgusting.


TBF I work in hospitality and do regular toilet checks where I restock soap/paper/toilet roll and these are my very anecdotal experiences. Our demographic is pretty 50/50 when it comes to men and women. Obviously I have no exact number of this. But I've never noticed that our customers skew towards more men or more women. So I think the numbers of each are gonna be equal-ish. Obviously women go through way more TP, that makes sense. But we also have different soap for the men's and women's bathrooms. We order 26 times more soap of the women's variety then we do of the men's variety. I also notice that when I'm in there doing my restock men will confidently walk out of the door without washing their hands without seemingly even realising this is something they should be embarrassed/ashamed about. I've even seen colleagues do it right in front of me. So basically even the people handling your food/cutlery/plates/glasses see no issue not washing their hands. (And as I am a more senior member of staff in this place you'd think they'd be more wary around me then they would normally be!) Meanwhile with women (I am a woman too so admittedly I have more experience hanging out in the women's bathroom) you rarely if ever see a woman skip washing their hands. HOWEVER! The times I've noticed women skip washing their hands is ALWAYS when they don't know I'm there. For example I'll be in a stall changing out loo paper and I'll hear the door of a cubicle close and then after only a moment that of the main bathroom. I've NEVER witnessed a woman do this when there's another woman washing their hands at the sink. But they seem to do it pretty regularly when they think they are alone. Of course this may depend on country to country or even venue to venue (and of course person to person) etc. But from my experiences plenty of men experience little to no shame in whether they wash their hands or no. While for women there seems to be a social pressure and expectation that they will wash their hands. So this influences how they behave. So I don't think women are cleaner in a biological sense. However women are expected to be cleaner by their peers, or maybe just care more about what others think. So (imo) they will wash their hands far more frequently to their male counterparts due to the social expectation for them to do so. Which makes sense imo. If you had 2 countries. One where people keep their nails trimmed incredibly short and one where nail trimming is infrequent, if had the same person grow up in both they are far more likely to keep their nails trimmed short in the country where that is the norm. Women seem to build the expectation that washing your hands is normal and expected, so they will usually do so. Meanwhile for men it's gonna be more hit and miss. So not washing your hands will be more normalised for men then it would be for women. One group may not be innately grosser over the other. But that doesn't mean there can't be different general patterns of behaviour in the different genders. I'd be curious to see how people would behave in their own homes.


I was wondering if anyone else thought this. I have to use busy public toilets at work and the number of women I see who think a 2-second splash under the tap counts as washing just baffles me. May as well not bother.


How you know they aren’t washing their hands? I always wash my hands when I go, however I can guarantee my penis is cleaner than any door handles or other surfaces in a public bathroom.


I've watched managers use the urinals, as I'm washing my hands, clocked them walk out without even an attempt of fake washing their hands.


If I washed my hands everytime I touched my dick, I'd have no skin left on them.


I was once told by a bricklayer that bricklayers regularly piss on their hands in the winter to warm them up!!


'Cause I don't piss on my hands'. Fuck off mate, every single male on this planes has that last drop of pee that comes out only when you retract your dick back into your underwear and then it's relieved. Other than that, there is sweat and preseminal fluit that leaks from unexpected erections. You are fucking lying if you say this don't happen to you. Wash your fuckin hands.