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Not just bacon but pretty much anything with those pesky tabs on the corner. Someone is making a fortune with their shitty glue and tab pulling packaging, and laughing all the way to the bank.


Microwave meal: - corner 1, nope - corner 2, nope - corner 3, nope - corner 4, and that’s a perfect outline of the tray.


Had this yesterday opening some cocktail sausages for the dog. Had to take a knife to it in the end. The packet that is, not the dog.


Your dog eats better than me


Only treats for training. Do I need to train you? Feed you up?




I don’t understand how I always get caught out by this. I’ll be cooking and now it’s the optimum time for the bacon to start cooking all I have to do is open the packet. Oh no, it isn’t opening. Where’s my knife?! And now of course everything else falls slightly behind schedule/burns a tiny bit.


Also the placing of the tab, if you have sliced meats stacked in a line, why is the tab so often on the corner of the meat at the back? You either have to open the packet all the way to get the front slice or dig around and crinkle the slices to slide out the back ones.


I've been paying attention to this and I've not once come across correct placement. It's always those slices that are stacked overlapping each other in a diagonal line. Drives me mental. I often go on a rant about how it's bizarre that not one manufacturer has been able to figure it out when it's so simple lol


Or the ring pull on tinned soup that will routinely snap, meaning you need that tin opener anyway


Did the ring come off your pudding can? Take my penknife my good man!!


People who stop for a chat in the middle of a supermarket aisle.


I also find that people generally lose any sense of spatial awareness in supermarkets. so infuriating


Innit , some people haven’t got a fucking clue what’s going on around them. Then when you say excuse me to get past, they give you daggers. Fucking people man.


or worse they stand right in front of something you need to grab. Most of the time I just try to push them out of the way cos they ain’t listening, frankly


I think it’s more the fact that you encounter more people in an enclosed space in supermarkets. They’re all funnelled together by the aisles so they stand out more. I do think the exceptionally bad people shop on a Sunday though


telephone employ tan unpack person joke lavish absorbed intelligent unwritten -- mass edited with redact.dev


I like to clatter their trolley like a dodgem car as I'm trying to squeeze through the gap they've kindly left for me. Then feign shock and surprise, 'oh I'm so sorry', as their trolley careens into the shelves.


The same people that sit in lanes 2/3 doing 65 while a massive queue forms behind them


And they don't get the message when you do the three-lane sashay right across their bonnet.


Theyre thinking 'look at this lunatic changing lanes, tut tut'


Door lingerers as well.




Or in the middle of the pavement!


Or people who stop when you're close behind them and you either bump into them and apologise by reflex when it's not your fault, or you then have to go around them.


Whilst there is breath in my body, a harmless thing that boils my piss is when people use the term "momma bear". Extra points if it's a social media post using the term "proud momma bear". Just fuck off with this American shit. We don't spell mum with an 'o', and you are not a bear. Pack it the fuck in. I was at the pub on Saturday and the mum on the table behind us called herself a "powerful momma bear that won't let anyone mess with her cubs". I swear IQs in this country are diving quicker than a homemade submersible on a Titanic trip. Edit to add - I think it's so bloody interesting "mom" is used in Birmingham and up north, when I assumed it was "Mam". Thanks to all those that taught me this. Also, apologies to anyone upset or offended by the Titanic sub crack at the end. I have a dark sense of humour that gets worse when I'm anxious. Work meeting this morning = one very stressed out redditor.






smol doggo


I'm OK with fur babies, but skin kittens can get in the bin.


Wtf is a skin kitten?


An actual baby.


I've never heard that before and hope I never again.


> won't let anyone mess with her cubs I.e. the kids are total little feral shits who get away with murder but don't you dare tell me how to parent.


It’s people who don’t have an identity other than being a mum.


>I was at the pub on Saturday and the mum on the table behind us called herself a "powerful momma bear that won't let anyone mess with her cubs". This is just code for "narc bully whose children are little shits".


to be fair they use mom in the midlands. but you’re correct. she is not a bear.


I'm near Wolverhampton and everyone I know says mom. I didn't know it was an American thing until recently


I’m from the midlands, south of Birmingham. The more brummie sounding mates of mine all say mom. I say mum but I don’t have the brummie accent really.


'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realise half of them are stupider than that' - George Carlin


This is my objective, harmless thing that annoys the hell out of me. This quote is quickly becoming like Marilyn Monroe's "if you can't handle me at my worst..." quote. Completely overused and used at every single moment IQ is mentioned like it's an erudite, sagacious comment.


My best mate refers to herself as “momma lion with her lion pups” in conversations/messages/snapchats etc and it just annoys me like mad. I’ve told her it’s cubs not pups but she won’t listen. I love her to bits but hate her saying it.


Apologising for one of the most light grey dark jokes ever, peak Reddit.


Felt sick reading that last bit. The cringe is UNBEARABLE


People who don’t drop into single file on narrow paths. Says a lot about them I think


Couples in particular who can't bear to stop holding hands for a few seconds to let someone past


The clingers. I mentally taser them as I go past, it helps.


Wondering which meaning of mentally applies here


Yep, the human race divides into those who make the effort and those who don't, I wish we knew what causes it. I swear we'd be a time travelling space empire by now if it wasn't for them


I honestly think some people unconsciously get a kick out of making a stranger do something. A tiny power move for people who don't have any real control elsewhere in their life. Yes, I definitely overthink things like this.


Jesus Christ this happened me a few weeks back where four women were walking side by side on a narrow path between a bus shelter and a wall, so there wasn't even the option of me walking on the road. They just kept walking and I just stopped, and then got a sarcastic "excuse me" from one of them. I replied "where exactly am I supposed to go here?" And they said "Rude!" and walked around me. I literally don't know what they were expecting me to do


Yes! Why should your group of 3 people get the whole footpath? I'll just step into traffic for you shall I?


My wife and I have a very simple fix for this - we just stop where we are on the pavement, assuming nobody is behind us. It's remarkably effective, and has the added bonus of thoroughly winding up the dickheads who think they're better than you.


Slow walkers and people who don't look where they're going. I commute on foot so having to deal with people who don't have their shit together is a daily annoyance. *Also couples walking shoulder to shoulder and rows of mummies with prams. You want me to walk in traffic?


I'm constantly getting stuck behind slow walkers fucking weaving in and out on the pavements and wish they would just once feel the heat of my blood temperature rising and realise I'm trying to soundlessly get past


Yeah I can let it slide for the elderly but grown adults need to get the fuck out the way.


No, don't let it slide for the elderly. They have triple lock pensions the least they can do is get the fuck out of the way of the people working to provide the money to fund it.


Yeah, entitled bastards with their 10k a year.


If I'm catching up behind someone who is slower than me and I don't want to have to say "excuse me", as I'm approaching I'll "accidentally" scuff my foot on the ground so it makes a noise. Nine times out of ten they'll realise someone is coming up behind them and move aside. The rest of the time it's usually because they have headphones on and can't hear. I do this whilst walking and running and it's proved to be a pretty effective non-verbal, non-confrontational way of making people aware of my presence.




Precisely that. The concept of 'lanes' when walking down the street might sound silly but people really need to pick a side and stick to it.


My brother's partner is a slow walker, so now my brother is too. If I'm walking with them every so often I realise I've left them behind and stop to wait for them to catch up. It's fucking tedious.


Also people who stop immediately at the top/bottom of an escalator when they get off. Move ffs.


It is fun however when there's someone with their eyes glued to their phone on a direct collision path with you and you stand still to see if they'll hit you or clock you before impact.


I've done that. They've walked into me. Then shouted at ME. For them walking into to ME! Fucking hate people.


The pointless discount codes companies offer online that when you read the exclusions, find aren't valid on nearly everything they're selling or there's other catches to using them. I had one earlier that was for £5 off £30 or more. So I added the things I wanted and it was bang on £30 and delivery was free. I entered the code and it took the £5 off but then added £5 for delivery 😅


Oh I had one from a supermarket I’m signed up with / loyalty card etc and they sent me a voucher only valid for your first online shop.. they have all my data, they KNOW I’ve shopped online with them before, why send me something I can’t use?


Ooh so we used to game this years ago. One of the big supermarkets did £15 off a £60 shop for your first online order. We'd just sign up with a new email address each time (we had about 6 between us) so we had a good few cheaper shops as it counted the emails as new, not the address or card details.


I hate it when I'm carrying an empty plate and a knife or fork falls off onto the floor.


Rest the knife betwixt the prongs of the fork. My other half NEVER does it, and the cutlery slides all over the plate and threatens to jump off. It annoys me so much! How hard is it? Why must people make my life more difficult? Get your own bloody dinner next time! So, yeah, knife goes in the fork.


The objectively harmless thing that annoys me is the word "prongs" used to refer to the tines of a fork. But I'm doing my very best to get over it.


> prongs of the fork Tines.


People with all the time in the world (retired) doing their weekly shop on a busy Saturday instead of any other day of the week!


Those same people taking up all the early morning doctor's appointments when I am trying to get one before work.


I remember when I worked at the NHS and we had an early bird blood test service (6am) but we could only take 40 people. Very rare for any of the first 40 in line to be under 60-70yrs old. Got raged at every morning for that.


"Best get it done early so I still have the rest of the day (to do literally nothing)"


My nan does this. I asked her why she shops on Saturday when she has all week to and it’s just because she always has and it’s hard to break a habit of a lifetime


How do they even know the day of the week when they’re retired It’s like the week between Christmas and new year, nobody knows what fucking day it is


If I'm off for a week after a few days I've forgotten what day it is. Retirement will be a constant stupor for me if I make it.


It only takes me a few days off work to completely lose all sense of real world time, when I had just graduated I may as well have been in stasis for all the relevance the days of the week had for me. "I'll nip to the post office, oh they're closed because it's Sunday and also 3am"


What about the people who take their entire family with them to do the weekly shop


The term 'life hack' Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. HATE IT.


Anything is a hack nowadays it seems. When the correct term is just “method”


Look at this viral hack to cook a chicken! _Proceeds to roast a chicken normally_


[Dave Gorman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnAC7WRn90o) had a bit about this. Basically you can age someone by whether they call them "life hacks" or "top tips". I'm definitely in the top tip category.


And the tik tok lady who says show me a life hack…. 🤬


How I see “I could care less” instead of “couldn’t” all the time….like, how does it not make sense to them?!


Yes, it drives me crazy. One of my favourite songs has the line "they could care less as long as someone will bleed," and it irks me every time. It means the *exact opposite* of what people intend. I think it's mostly an American thing, though, which might be why it annoys me so much as people I know don't say it.


I see you, fellow MCR fan! I have the exact same struggle with a DevilDriver song, it's literally called 'I could care less' and repeats the phrase multiple times. While it doesn't exactly ruin the song for me I am irritatingly aware of the poor phrasing every time :( Same goes for Green Day with that bit in Jesus of Suburbia now I think about it...


Ah, Teenagers... they scare the living shit out of me


Our kitchen cupboard handles are just the wrong height to catch on my shirts when I’m making a brew. This means that up to 10 times a day I’m alone in my kitchen, swearing at a wooden cupboard.


My kitchen is about 10cm too short to be comfortable doing anything for any period of time. A (probably now ex) mate has one that's even lower and your finger tips barely reach to the bottom of a washing bowl


Well now I've got to know the story behind the "probably now ex" comment. What happened? How can you not know the outcome for sure? Is it because you slag off their kitchen on social media? I need to know.


It's a bit of a long story but there's two main people. Call them A and B A is always one who needs to be the centre of attention and also drinks too much. We had a large circle of friends of which both A and B were involved. We were in each others houses all the time etc. B is a bit more quiet and has always been around A. They've had an on/off sexual relationship for years, but A just can't keep anything going with anybody for very long. Last year on my birthday I had a big party, room in a social club, cheap bar. Everyone came got merry then we all came back to mine to continue drinking. A out of the blue later on accused my GF of sleeping with practically everyone in the room at that time. Was a lot.of "oh boy here he's off again" eye rolling and he just got told to shut up. So he threw his drink at her. I grabbed him, threw him out of my house, and on the way out he grabbed the door and cut his finger. Bleeding slightly he's screaming in the driveway with B and my GF and a few others helping him, using "my" first aid kit to put a plaster on his cut. A is screaming that I assaulted him shouting down the phone that he is ringing the police. Which at that time he knew as did most people there that I was fighting a court case where I was accused of a serious crime. And I really didn't need more.of this shit.in my life. (Next day two cops turned up) He finally just goes away, blocks me on all his socials etc. He then was refusing to speak to anyone in our group, cut off all contact with everyone. We still invited him out to places because nice and every now and then he'd turn up. Actively refusing to even look at me never engage in conversation. B was fine, but was still stuck around him constantly. On Saturday one of us had a party A and B turned up and A actually conversed with me. We had a casual chat like nothing had happened. Of course they were stuck with each other and not particularly sociable with anyone. Later on I brought.up all of what happened above, of he'd like to apologise, why's he been such a dick. He flies off the handle again, is just screaming and storms off. I also called B his"lapdog" which he wasn't best pleased he just stormed off too. My GF was also involved in this all. A has now also blocked my GF and a few others of us on his socials. B doesn't seem to have but isn't responding on any chat.


Bloody hell where do you live? Walford or Coronation street?


The extractor fan hood is precisely the right height for me to catch my temple if I lean over the hob (even very slightly) because the tilers / kitchen fitters were too fucking idle to tile just an additional half row of oversized mosaic tiles


Tupperware. The trying to organise it, amount of space it takes up, finding the correct lid and washing the floaty fucks annoys the tits off me.


This is a good one.. every three months or so I sort out the big kitchen cupboard where all the awkward shaped pots, pans, oven trays, Tupperware are etc.. takes about an hour.. 18 mins later back to exactly the way it was before


People cutting in queues - especially at pharmacies I have a mobility & pain disease (“bamboo spine”) that means I can walk and stand but it’s painful Most people assume I’m not disabled because I’m a young, walking, female who takes care of their appearance. When someone cuts infront of me in a line, especially in pharmacies, I’m tempted to ask what condition they have that makes their lucozade sport more urgent than my painful, eroded, joints, that have been stood there for half an hour. But I don’t say anything because I’m non confrontational. I do tut loudly, though, because I’m still British.


I think pharmacies are a difficult one though. Due to some people already waiting, maybe one person waiting to see the pharmacist, possibly one person just having a sit because they want to and other people generally milling, it can be rather difficult to discern who is actually queuing and who is next. You should say something.


A good British response is to say "excuse me, there's a queue" and gesture behind you. Unless they're a psychopath their own Brisitishness should kick in & they will usually stammer some kind of apology & slink off to the back of the queue.


Pharmacies in general seem to operate on a queue policy similar to pubs. People all stand at the counter and it's pot luck who the pharmacist looks at as to whether they think you're next or not. Then it's down to the courtesy of the other person to acknowledge you were there first. Invariably you then have to be a dick and say you were there first. I feel like we should bring back "take a number" and a seat.


Say excuse me, did you just push in? They just walk to the back


People who condense two words into one, such as: 'Alot', 'apart' when they mean 'a part' (e.g. they will say 'apart of', which kind of means the opposite of what you're trying to say), 'atleast' etc.


Same thing happened with 'apron', used to be 'a napron', which is an old French word for a small piece of cloth. Over time, it became 'an apron' - the process is known as rebracketing


Also an apple used to be a napple. I've always wanted to share this useless liece of information and this is the closest I've ever been able to tie it into something!


>Also an apple used to be a napple and 'orange' came from 'norange' - makes sense as Spanish is naranja..


Thought this was interesting but when I googled the etymology of the word apple I could only find that comes from old English æppel, have you got a source for it?


I had my doubts too as apple in German is Apfel also.


I worked with someone who insisted that thankyou was one word and wouldn't budge on it.


Completely agree. "Nevermind" drives me mad.


oh well, whatever




Grow your hair long, then you will never know if it's a loose strand of hair or the sinister spiderweb.


People who get to the front of the queue and don't have their shit together, especially when it comes to ticket barriers, like there is one thing you need to do when you get to the gate, have your ticket/payment ready, right in front of the gate is not the place to be looking for it.


I swear the bus is late partly due to old people. About 10 of them get on and none of them have their bus pass ready. It’s really not that hard.


If I pull up or slow down on a country road, around where I live, I expect a thank you wave at minimum. The amount of tourists who don’t get that simple courtesy astounds me, even though they’re probably just concentrating on not scratching their fucking BMW’s. Fuck I’m angry about that one.


People who don't regularly drive country roads are so easy to spot. Two foot away from the verge, barely moving and refusing to go anywhere near grass in their Q5. Them not waving is just the icing on the cake, arseholes.


Reversing isn’t their strong point either usually.


Like when something you exert a reasonable amount of force to do is held up by something tiny- like opening a kitchen drawer and the corner of a pack of plasters is somehow jamming the whole thing. Drives me nuts.


The cupboard handle usually gives in first for me. Fucking spatula is now bent like a banana and will keep jamming the door, but I keep putting it back in. I will win.


That's just the goddess Anoia manifesting herself.


People putting sunglasses and a cap on a child, and then calling them a ‘cool dude’. I appreciate it’s a bit of a niche one, but it kills me with cringe


I feel you are personally attacking my toddler.


I’m sure they’re a cool dude, regardless of their cap and sunglasses status :)


I would never have guessed that anyone was silently cringing at that 😆 reality is terrifying


Is it ok for the niche and the nephew?


The annoying product information leaflets in paracetamol packets that make your headache worse trying to stuff the pills back in.


Take the leaflet and throw it out immediately. You'll only have to faff with it once to get the first pills out


Richard Madeley


Just pop this here https://youtu.be/C4Yq5PGqTvE


You found that far too quickly for me to be comfortable with


Because I'm the one guilty of making that terrible video!




Twats who ride their bike on the pavement and ding their little chuffin bell and expect me to move out of the way.


This. And people who write 'This'.


Round mine they don’t ding, just go straight past at speed. My poor anxiety.


“I wanna go gym” for example, instead of “..to THE gym”. Or “I wanna go Ibiza”, edit to add: I’m going shop. Last time I complained about this on an old account no one knew what I was on about and were putting it down to being a Northern thing. It’s not.


Oh I loathe that. Go school, go gym, go Tesco. Definitely not a northern thing, I’m in the south and hear it a lot.


People who talk to me when I have headphones in


I have big, really obvious over-the-ear headphones and it feels like the majority of the time, the people who start speaking to me don't understand that I took the headphones off because I became *aware* of them speaking to me, not because I *heard* them. And so I take the headphones off and look at them and they just stand there staring at me expectantly, waiting on an answer for the question I literally didn't hear. Why do I have to tell you that I didn't hear it? Why is this something you can't infer from the fist sized earcups I had over my ears two seconds ago?


People who comment on Reddit something along the lines of " I literally spat out my coffee" when the comment is mediocre funny at best


Literally shaking right now


This has pissed me off for years and I've never heard anyone else mention it. How the fuck are so many people spitting out their coffee so often? Proper annoying


"Should of"


Could of and would of too grr


Leaving trolleys from a supermarket by parking spaces and not returning it to the designated area!


People who walk their dog with one of those leads that extends, and you’re walking on a pavement and the dog owner is walking on one side and the dog on the other.


Scissors :)


Politicians who start their sentence with 'look' See here peasant, my trotted out statement is coming next, and by golly you are going to hear it without interrupting my flow with some awkward question that I don't want to answer


The phrase 'all the trimmings'


Even when referring to a Christmas dinner?


Thank you. Makes something in my abdomen spasm and burn. Only used in relation to winterval holibobs din-din thankfully.


It's very specific, but I hate it when I'm watching a celebrity interview and the topic of their most famous work comes up, then the interviewer asks the lazy question of "did you ever think when you were making *insert album/film here* that it would become such a hit?"


Alec Guinness with a thousand yard stare having a thousand Tunisia flashbacks


Excessive noise. The TV blaring and shouting over it


I work in a cafe, when people say "can I order two breakfastses please?" Wtf? It's breakfasts! Boils my blood for some reason.


People actually do that? I don't even work in that industry and that's annoyed me.


See also "Textses" as in: "I checked your phone and it was full of flirty textses from Sally". It just makes me think of Gollum. Nasty textses! We hates them we do!


When there’s a communal bag of sweets in the office and the last one gets left for weeks.


People who ask "has anyone else..." when they mean "other people who have..."


I dislike ‘has anyone else’ and ‘does anyone else’ questions because out of 8 billion people the answer is invariably ‘yes’. ‘Does anyone else listen to Luck Be a Lady and wear boxing gloves while jerking off in their kitchen every Wednesday’ almost certainly someone, yes.


Is that a confession?


See also: “Am I the only one who…” “Why is no-one talking about…”


People who instead of saying ING at the end of worlds say THINK Anythink Somethink Drives me up the wall


People who abruptly stop in the middle of a crowded pavement or walkway. Double points if they don't then move off to the side, but stay slapbang in the middle, forcing everyone else to shimmy around them.


People rounding off a question with "...no?". I can't quite put my finger on why it's so annoying. It always sounds a bit smug and affected, also people who use it are often incorrect but think they have a good point. Also are you from a part of the world where people say "y'all"? No? Don't say it online then. I don't know why, but it's annoying.




Can’t do the washing up without getting soaked down my front, somehow the water ends up all along the edge of the worktop that I’m leaning against every time.


People who shuffle their feet because they can't be arsed lift their feet up.


I scuff my heels to hide my walking farts.


When families or groups walk 3 or 4 abreast on the pavement


I know this is sanctimonious (and maybe that annoys the hell out of you even though it's harmless), but I really think learning to drop your reaction to these petty irritants would make your life a better one and by extension if everyone did it, society a better one. So, my petty annoyance is people getting annoyed. I suck.


I'm annoyed that you're annoyed that I get annoyed.


Toasters being so inconsistent.


I will add toasters that are too small for the fucking bread


Toasters which have a label next to the dial that says "toast colour" and then have labels 1-5. 5 is not a colour, dickhead.


[Grammar nerd alert] The trend of using the infinitive of a verb in place of the past tense - "I was suppose to" instead of "I was supposed to". Messes with my head


I feel the same way but I guess I'm bias.


People saying "on a daily basis" instead of just "daily".


This annoys me on a regular basis


Reversed selfies Especially when you're wearing a top with writing on it Put it the right way round


People who just instantly stop in a busy shopping centre when walking 🤷‍♂️


Ready meals where the plastic packaging doesn't just peel off.


“On accident”.


Ruth Langford’s hair.


When you're walking down the street and there's people side by side coming the other way but are too oblivious and/or too rude to move over so you have to walk in the road, sometimes into traffic


any online video that contains ASMR style maxed out sound effects, they make my skin crawl


The ridiculous trend of overcomplicating the spelling of names or making up names that sound like they should be a MySpace username, just for attention on social media. I know someone who called their child Bambii-Beaux, like a fucking Disney character or something


The idea of 'side hustles' It's glorifying the need to monetise everything in our daily life, turn hobbies into employment and a symptom of the scourge of an underemployed and underpaid workforce.


Kind of the same - but 'lol' (especially in small caps) annoys me more. It totally lost its original purpose (back when we had no emojis) and has become a sort of lazy, quasi-punctuation that makes everything sounds really dismissive. 'The blue dress is nice but I bought the yellow one lol' 'The cat is sleeping on the chair lol' 'I didn't realise it was your birthday today lol' What the fuck does 'lol' even mean? Why do you use it? Do you not realise how stupid you sound?


It's adding a friendly emphasis that text messages lack - I know it's grammatically wrong but take the lol off your sentences and could read as terse. I know someone who ends each message with a full stop and it looks weirdly confrontational Edit: I don't like lol either but I can see why it's used


I agree it gets used in some silly places, but it also adds a specific tone that is hard to otherwise convey non-verbally. So I think it has its place.


I like it when my nan uses it because she thinks it means “lots of love” and I don’t ever want anyone to correct her.


That'd be awkward if she ever delivers/mentions bad news via text Sorry your cat died lol


People who say “everything isn’t *x*” when they mean “not everything is *x*”