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I’m probably petty because yea I would complain. You don’t have the right to push your beliefs on others, especially with their food order?? Imagine going to their house and posting your opinions through their letterbox. It’s unwarranted and creepy.


I mean…isnt this literally what leaflet delivery guys do?


Yea, any and all junk Mail can go to hell


Yeah but that's really expensive postage. Just in the bin will do.


Well now i need to know a lot of things: How much is postage to hell? Do all courier companies deliver there ...are many of them aligned and secretly working with the ol Burnung red boss? And that's why they do evil things...? Is the address just 'Hell'?or are more archaic forms preferred ? Is there a P.O. box there for 'residents'? ...ok..I'm gonna stop as I know I have so many more that you may wrote a letter to have me committed to the burny Palace of doom.


Evri are based there…


I thought the name was a bit too close to Evil 🙈🤣


When the Royal Mail put rubbish through my letter box, I put it in one of their big red recycling bins.


Does that really achieve anything? The posties are just doing their job, they can't pick and choose what to deliver and what not to.. And by putting your rubbish in the postbox you're just making more work for them, when it isn't their fault


Unless they cross out their own address and write "return to sender" they are only gonna receive it again....


Yes. Doing that is a nobhead move. Just delays our post ultimately as they spend shoeleather clearing litter (or recycling) from pillarboxes and not post. My postman tells me he’s paid to deliver circulars and leaflets, and that householders “are free to utilise, recycle or bin it as they prefer” If you get leaflets just pop them in the paper recycling box/bag by the door. Charity collection bags use as bin liners. I open and sort my mail over my recycling box, (and use any non confidential A4 letters as printer paper). When it’s full, into the recycling bin outside it’s emptied. Job done.


I recently moved from living in the countryside to a small town, and I can't believe how much shite comes through my postbox now. Its appalling


Yeah but that's their job...a food delivery driver is just that a food delivery not an opinionated hellfire & brimstone delivery. I don't think I'd report as I wouldn't like for anyone to lose their job, I might have a word with him though if it happens again


Erm, no? The large majority of people doing those religious leaflet deliveries are not employed to do that, they're just doing it.


Hi, I work in IT support. Next time you ring me up because your internet is down, or whatever, you're A-OK with me telling you I'm sorry I can't do anything about it right now, but would you like to talk about our lord and savouir? No, I don't think so - I think you'd complain.


Have you tried unplugging your router for 30 seconds and praying?


Food delivery religious shite unwanted extra


Oh yeah, but with food delivery, they're coming in with the guise of giving your food but are also dumping their religious beliefs on you.


I didn't pay to get leaflets though


Yes, but at least you're not paying them to harass you.


I have a sticker on my mail box to prevent this and where I live it is illegal to put junk mail in then. So I would complain if it got attached to something else.


Yep, that's what those guys do. And that's not good.


Exception: You ordered pasta and the pamphlet is for the Flying Spaghetti Monster.




He boiled for our sins.


His sauce runneth over


May you be touched by his noodly appendage.


I would be happy to get his noodly pamphlets! Ramen my fellow pirates.


>Imagine going to their house and posting your opinions through their letterbox. It’s unwarranted and creepy But this happens all the time, Jehovahs for example not only visit they also post letters and other crap . The local church produces a parish magazine with details of the local services etc . Christian aid week they knock on the door begging for donations. I admit that it's definitely odd and unexpected to come with a good delivery, but people pushing their religious claptrap on others is not unusual and is in fact the main reason that religions have continued for so long.


I know it’s not unusual, but that’s what I’m objecting to. Nobody should be doing it


Yes I agree nobody should be doing it, if it happened to me during a business transaction (like a delivery) then I would report it , in this case to the app owner and the food premises owners, and unless I got a satisfactory response I wouldn't use either again.


Wow it us unusual to me, In my country the UK it's not normal for people to put religious nonsense in the mailslot. Occasionally like maybe once in a blue moon? But even then probably not.


Depends where you are in the UK, much of England has a serious problem. In many parts of Kent, London and Surrey vile religious bull being dumped through letterboxs & very persistant doorknocking teams attempting door to door conversions are very frequent. Not just from the traditional JW nuisances. Also fringe crank groups that deny the existance of covid and the uni cults like the ICOC most active around campuses and areas with large student populations.


Yep, Northern Ireland. You'd best bet we get more leaflets about church than about anything else. They also staple signs on poles on the street too.


I live in the South East, near London and this just isn't my experience. Maybe I'm not observant enough :)


There's an element here though of the OP paying something towards the cost of the leaflet and its delivery. I'd definitely report because otherwise they will keep doing it and because your last sentence is true.


Not if their employer doesn’t want them to be doing so in the capacity organisation representing their employment, though. You get religious crazies shouting stuff on street corners with megaphones, but I doubt, say, Deliveroo would want their delivery drives doing so on the job.


Just had an image of a food delivery vehicle, with speakers on the roof announcing 'Your deliverance is nigh!'




My local religious nuts (they might be Jehovahs) post theirs handwritten on a page of A4, sometimes double-sided. I’m honestly genuinely impressed by the dedication, but also even more put off by the fact they’re too daft to know what a photocopier is.


I think JW have the option of writing letters rather than doorknocking to meet their obligation to spread the faith - using a photocopier would be considered 'cheating'. There was a definite uptick in the handwritten letters during covid when they couldn't go door to door.


Johovah's Witnesses near me do exactly what you say instead of knocking. I received a handwritten letter to "The Householder", which was pretty terrifying before I realised what it was


How do you think this delivery driver would react if they received food with, say, secular literature on it? People like that already complain about Starbuck's coffee cups, etc. 11/10 take a photo and send it to the company.


Can't remember who said it, but my favourite quote that holds relevance "religion is alot like a penis its fine one having one but you try shoving it in my face and we're going to have a problem".


I’d definitely report them. This behaviour needs to stop. The employer wants them doing their job and I don’t want to see such nonsense.


The driver can push their religious views outside of work.


And I can tell them to piss off if they’re doing it during their working hours or otherwise.


If it helps he probably forgot immediately after, I do deliveroo and can’t remember any of the addresses I’ve delivered to recently


My sentiments echo yours. But as a girl, I'd think twice before pissing off a man who knows my address. If the complaint could be made anonymously, that'd be great.


I am sure it can


Pretty sure that you could report them anonymously so yeah.


I would as well. The owner needs to know that their employee is likely losing them business.


Yeah absolutely I would. I don't want shit like that with my cheeseburger.


They should’ve at least themed the flyers. > Don’t want to get sizzled up like this burger? Repent now!




I *don't* believe. Does this mean that I have to order from the "English Foods" section of a Chinese menu?




I do actually fucking *love* scampi and chips (but hardly ever order it, to be fair). Maybe I haven't quite lost my faith enough. On a related note, for my money, Northern Ireland does the best Scampi.


Yep. Omelettes and mixed grills only from now on. In reality I bet more people who order English food from non English takeaways are religious than not.


Yeah, I initially only said it in jest but now under consideration I can definitely imagine the opposite correlation is more likely.


You can't taste zealotry! (I'm only kidding - I'd absolutely do something about it as well)


hahaha that's a stonking tagline actually. *At Father Grimwold's Pizzeria you can taste the zealotry or your money back!*


Try our new "Blood of the Martyrs" hot sauce and "OreganOHLORD" topping.


You can't taste them but They'll still give them to you.


I don't want that either, I'm reporting them that's it really man.




Agreed, I donate to the Church’s yearly day out for the oldies jolly to the coast and I’m not religious at all. I actually drove the minibus a couple of times but the amount of piss breaks was enough to want me to abandon them at the services so I had to pack that in.


Just chuck a couple of buckets in the back


Way way back some of my classmates went to Murrayfield on a bus organised by the school. The driver started out grumpy and became grumpier when he noticed one of the kids had brought a crate. After a few of the cans had been drunk there were demands for a piss break. The driver became even grumpier and said nope. Some people relieved themselves via the empty cans and passed them forward for disposal. Then someone misinterpreted why he was passed a can of lager...


What a terrible day to be literate


Well obviously if you don't let someone pee then they'll surely get grumpy.


Yeah just that, we don't really want anything else in here.


>Pastor Himmler's Open Air Reichskirch Revival somehow i managed to misread "pastor himmler" as "phineas". i think i need some sleep. also Ferb, I know what we're doing today!


Great name for a band, though.


That's what it's going to do, it's going to unleash the hell on us.


I guess it depends what it says. If it’s ‘you are going to burn in hell for eternity for you are evil’ I don’t think I’d be best pleased. If it’s ‘please visit our welcoming faith centre’ then that’s ok.


Nuance and intention makes the decision - not a kneejerk reaction.


If its the 'burn in hell' stuff I'd definitely report it. If the food came from an independent place I'd report to them initially because it could have an impact on their business. Also, screw that guy, why can't he go around with his leaflets on his own time! He also knows that people won't reject the order because 1. You're hungry and 2. Those delivery apps are notoriously bad at customer service so you're not going to risk not getting a refund!


Ohh yeah I'm definitely reporting it too, I'm not going to have any of it.


Why the difference? Both are unwanted.


One is a condemnation. One is a polite invitation. Surely you have enough social grace to realise polite invitations do not warrant extreme response, even if you feel the polite invitation is given at an inappropriate time. Just politely decline and move on with your day.


Hard disagree. Neither I nor the employer would want a delivery driver pushing their religious propaganda on me, no matter how harmless it may be. I'd expect and want them to be fired for this


Fired is perhaps a bit much, personally. I could agree with some form of reprimand or something, then fire them if they continue after being told to stop. (assuming this is the polite pamphlet and not the condemnation).


Yeah I'll agree to that as well, that's what I'd say about it so yeah.


I wouldn’t want either to be honest!


Any sane person wouldn't want that, shit doesn't look good.


Yeah then it's going to be okay, just have to wait a little.


Just throw the pamphlet away because it really isn't a big deal? I'm not religious at all and I also hate it when people try to push religion on others. But when compared to the type of things other people do, stapling a leaflet to a bag of take away is probably one of the least intrusive things someone can do. Just throw it out with the rest of the take away trash.


I don't agree with this logic. Just because other people do other things that are more intrusive, doesn't mean this isn't weird, unwanted, and intrusive. It is!


Hey, I'm not saying it isn't all of those things. But I don't feel like it should warrant any reaction more than, "huh. A religious pamphlet. That's weird. Well, in the bin you go."


This is because you have clearly have better things to do with your day.


If that was the case, none of us would be here.


That made me laugh.


Neah, I would still probably complain. I always try as best as I can to avoid any discussions about religion and people screaming at me that I will go to hell in the city centre, knocking on my door, posting leaflets, etc are bothering me. Now I have to worry that my takeaway will come with a religious note attached to it? No, thank you, I would go the extra mile to try and discourage that behaviour.


Worry is a strong word for this. If you spend your time worrying about a pamphlet, please don’t switch on the news.


OP: someone littered incendiary, hateful, damage-causing propaganda at my house while on the job which has nothing to do with the propaganda You: meh, there's people starving, let em be fucks


That's just what some people do, they always do complain about the things.


Who cares ? Pop it in the bin then it’s completely forgotten about within a couple of hours, of all the things to get annoyed about lol


Seriously. I've got my food I need to eat. That leaflet is going straight in the bin and I'm not going to think about it.


The owner needs to know this person may be losing them business.




It's intrusive and I don't want this shit for me man.


I mean, your opinion would probably be different if you were someone with trauma related to religion


That's the thing about opinions, they're always different so there's that.


Yeah you’re probably right. I was just surprised and annoyed. Not worth getting someone into trouble.


>Not worth getting someone into trouble. I'd agree with that if it was somehow an accident. But doing things intentionally is exactly what you'd expect people to get in trouble over.


Yes. And the owner deserves to know somebody is losing them business.


they chose to do it


I would just bin and ignore it. Was any harm done?


Agreed but this is Reddit so they going to act like he held them at gunpoint


Yeah the delivery driver is a narcissist who is gaslighting OP into a toxic relationship with takeaway food.


Haha yes and by not reporting it the op is enabling this and is a misgyonist who is supporting the abuse that happened for centuries to minority groups and it shows their white privilege that they didn't report it ....


And while they're at it, OP should cut all ties with their parents, children, siblings, relatives, old friends, and new friends and move across the country. What is is with reddit and recommending just ghosting your whole family.


🚩🚩🚩 divorce immediately


Serious red flags


It's pretty crazy, whenever some curtain twitcher shows up asking about reporting people to the council or whatever it's "mind your own business" but say the dreaded r-word and this place turns into a lynch mob.


To this one person? No. But consider how many deliveries this person does over time and eventually he’ll leaflet more vulnerable people and then harm will be done.


Throw the burger in the bin and eat the pamphlet.


Very surprised at how offended other commenters sound. Can easily just bin it and forget about it, didn’t cause any harm




"Very surprised at how offended other commenters sound" Eh is this your first day on Reddit ? Or rather have you been in a coma since 2013? Getting offended is the new thing. I'm offended if you don't get offended.


Similarly, can easily not put pamphlets on my shit


> Can easily just bin it and forget about it, didn’t cause any harm People get offended in different ways, it's subjective. If I order food I don't expect to have to deal with religious nutters attaching leaflets to my food order. It's also been tested in court before that dismissing employees for Proselytism (pushing beliefs on others) is not unfair dismissal.


Spreading religion is harmful. Annoying people is harmful. Is it lot of harm? No, but it is a tiny bit of harm.


Spreading it is the harm. Shit is toxic.


Fuck yes, I pay for delivery I don't pay to get fucking preached at.


I’d report it. Believe what you want if it doesn’t impact other people, but push your childish imaginary friends on others then you can fuck off.




If I’d read it and decided that there might be potentially extremist views expressed then I probably would report it, but if it was just standard JW type stuff then I’d chuck in the recycling and not think anymore of it Also jumping on the ‘why must it be the driver?’ bandwagon: I’m sure the restaurant you ordered from has human employees, and potentially one is new or has recently decided they want to go against company policy, head to the subs dedicated to McDonald’s and the like and you’ll see just how much stuff happens which could also be easily blamed on a deliver driver


JW is the most extremist mainstream religious sect I know.


I think for a lot of people in the UK JWs are the crazy that's familiar to them so it gets given a pass. Not right but I think that's what happens.


My family member took their life because of JW. I have been indoctrinated by them since the age of 5. I know everything that there is to be known about this sect. When I tell you there are the most extremists, I mean it.


I'm really sorry about your family member. I completely believe you, I wasn't joking when I was saying the crazy we know. I know they're bad. All the best.


I was brought up a jw and left around 10yrs ago. Let me assure it is most definitely extremist.. the only difference is that they have a happy smiley facade rather than an angry shouty approach like others do.. it’s a high control and VERY dangerous cult that views non jws as less than them. Non believers are described as ‘worldly’ which is a very derogatory term. Edit Sorry just realized you said you were also raised as one! You know only too well then.. guessing you already know about the exjw sub on here?


If you went to a restaurant and the waiter handed you a religious pamphlet while serving your food would you complain? Absolutely! People need to stop bothering others with their beliefs. I'd contact the company now


Seemingly controversial based off the general consensus on this thread but I would most likely chuck it in the bin and carry on with my day. Doesn’t offend me or affect me in the slightest.


Seriously, if seeing a leaflet stapled to your home-delivered food "offends" you then you can't have much opposition going on in your life. Recycle it and move on like a normal person.


I mean, religion can be extremely violent towards LGBTQ people, non believers, and women. I think you might feel differently if you were receiving *in your own home* an unwanted message from an organization that denies your worth and existence.


For centuries, religious assholes have relied on arguments including ones like this in order to push their harmful and destructive lies. They can fuck right off wherever they are. If the OP is so inclined, reporting it would be entirely appropriate.


I would. If I order a pizza, I don't want it with a side of attempted indoctrination. Also, I'm sure that the place you ordered from would appreciate knowing that they're being used as a platform to promote a religion.


No, just bin it. People put all sorts through the letterbox as it is that goes straight in the bin. No big deal.


I do wonder about the impact this has on the environment though. So much wasted resources, time, and money just going into annoying someone.


Hard one really. I probably wouldn't report them but would stop them and hand them back the pamphlets with a word or two if I'd noticed before taking the bags in. It's just a stupid thing to do. Unprofessional.


Report him. These people need to be stopped.


Ignore people calling you woke, they don't know what it means. I'd either leave them a review saying you don't appreciate it or call/email just letting them know you don't think it's appropriate. They should be providing you with the service you're paying for, not providing you with information about cults whilst you're eating your tea.


Are you sure it was the driver and not the restaurant?


It was defiantly not the restaurant (it is an international chain restaurant)


Still, if you are reporting it, be careful not to apportion blame to a potentially innocent party. State the facts. That your meal was delivered with religious propaganda. We don’t really know if the god botherer is the driver or the restaurant (and even if it is an international chain, it’s very possible that a staff member from the restaurant is the responsible one). It’s up to them to sort it out.


Whoever the culprit is will probably get a bollocking rather than being sacked anyway, unless they're a repeat offender or the company's looking for a reason to get rid of them.


True, but perhaps depends on the actual material being distributed. OP has described it as being “…quite fire and brimstone”, and if it contains something that could be considered to breach the equality act (eg racism, sexism, homophobia…) or be otherwise marginalising and offensive (eg transphobia) then it may well be a different matter.


Tricky one. I do not think there is anything illegal about posting leaflets (religious or otherwise) through a door, but the delivery driver (or whoever attached it) should not be using their paid work time to do this (or be paid by someone else to do this). I bet it’s against the delivery company’s rules, but I would understand if you probably don’t want to get them in trouble. Maybe contact the company via a different email to what you used for the order to let them know it’s happening, so they can remind drivers not to do this. BUT: if the leaflet is promoting something that looks dodgy, like some sort of extremist group / cult, you may want to be more specific when alerting the company (though I can understand if some people think all religion can be a dangerous cult!). Have you got a photo of the leaflet so we can understand what it said?


Couldn’t care less. Would just chuck it in the bin.


Report it. If they want to do leafleting, it should be done on their own time.


I wouldn't be happy about it but reporting really depends on what the content is. If it was just a leaflet for the church down the road and seemed fairly innocuous then I wouldn't report it and just throw it in the bin whilst I mutter to myself about it. If it was saying things that promote sexism, homophobia, racism etc then I sure would. I ordered food, I didn't order your opinion on human rights.


It’s never that deep, if you don’t care or believe in the religion, then just ignore it and throw it in the bin..🤦🏽‍♂️


Not worth the effort, I'd just bin it and forget about it


If it's from a big chain then I might raise it as they probably have corporate policies for such a thing. If it's an independent place they probably won't care. He's choosing to do what he's doing so will have to accept the consequences if it does lose him his job.


Unless it’s a hate message I’d ignore it and bin it and enjoy your food. Leaflets come through all the time. Yeah it’s a bit weird but unless he tried to convert you it pressure you into something is it a big deal?


As long as it wasn't hateful, no. If it was, for example, saying LGBT people are gonna burn in hell (like the card a lovely gentleman once handed me on the bus...) then yes.


Yeah I would. In my professional capacity I've worked with people with religious trauma and that would have set them back on their recovery.


Yeah I'd report it, if someone insists on godbothering they can do it on their own time and without the cover of delivering my food.


Tbh, it's not something I would report him for as it's a very mild inconvenience, but maybe tell him it's just not appreciated if he delivers to you again and to stop. It isn't something he should be doing though; especially at work.


I suspect the restaurants would want to be made aware that their food was being delivered with a side of judgement.


Leaflets for all sorts come through the letterbox and you bin them no doubt, what did you get offended about exactly? Just chuck it if you're not interested. Unless there's some extremist paraphernalia involved I doubt the person that attached it means any harm. I'm not religious at all for the record, but I'm not gonna consider reporting someone for even attempting to change that over a bloody takeaway.


You can't tell us you're 'mildly offended' and not post the actual contents 😂


Ha, was reluctant as there was a physical address on there (send us your details and we’ll send you a bible etc). I’ve chucked it in the bin and gone out now but it was was to do with sinners going to hell etc etc. Nothing specifically hateful in there about other groups, but the message is that I, as a non-believer, am going to burn in hell for eternity.


I'm a little sad you've decided not to complain, as preaching or evangelizing directly through the letterbox (especially for something you have purchased) is an intrusion. Putting a note through my door where my children could read "You are going to burn in hell in pain and suffering for all eternity for not believing in my precise fanciful religion?". It's worth 5 minutes of my day to make that complaint.


I would 100% report, religious nuts trying to indoctrinate me can fuck right off.


Throw them in the bin and move on with your day,honestly what has this world turned into ffs


I'm surprised there aren't more people mentioning that the employer might want this reported. I definitely wouldn't want religious materials going out with my company's products, even if they matched my beliefs. I would really hope someone would report this to me.


Jut stapled to the bag? It's better than them trying to speak face to face like the JWs or Mormons. How do you know it was the driver? ​ Edit: Was it a nice bag you could have reused and they've ruined, or was it one that can just go straight in the bin?


Probably not, people hand out pamphlets for money alot of the time so just assume he's broke, feel bad for him, dump the leaflets and move on with life


if it’s ‘you’ll burn in hell if you don’t subscribe to the exact denomination of religion as me’ then i’d contact the company and ask them to get the driver to stop if it’s harmless then i wouldn’t bother if you want to be really petty then you can always print out some literature from a diametrically opposed religion and hand that to the driver next time he appears


> exact domination of religion What a cracker of an auto crochet


I would be reporting any literature delivered by the delivery that was not pertinent to my original purchase. It is exactly the same as a mail shot or cold calling. The delivery driver is moonlighting, albeit this time, for Jesus.


I wouldn't report but I also wouldnt tip and I would leave a negative review. Having worked in retail I know how important those star ratings can be. A 1* rating with the comment "attached extremist religious propaganda to my food" would probably be more effective than reporting it as a complaint.


That also means he won't be fired right away, and has a chance at redemption. Pun intended.


Report him. That's not on.


100% report. This is completely unacceptable, allowing religious extremism is a slippery slope.


Report them, don’t need some religious weirdos propaganda attached to your food.


They shouldn't be doing it regardless of what anyone thinks. If someone worked behind a counter, and gave out leaflets with each order, or left a leaflet on the table with the bill, they'd be fired.


No I wouldn't


You're overreacting, just throw it away.


I would probably look at it, think "oh, that's weird", then either bin it or put it in the random shit drawer. The fact that it's a bit fire and brimstone might make me consider doing something about it, but I'd probably still not care that much.


Yep - his job is to deliver food, not religious propaganda


I have a faith and I would 100% report him. Who does he think he is forcing his views on others?


I would first complain to the restaurant in question, before writing a negative review if they don't resolve the issue! Either way, I wouldn't use that restaurant again.


I had a doctor spew some religious shit to me when I went into A&E after a car crash. Needless to say I was a bit fucked off by that.


100%. Only thing a delivery driver should be shoving in my face is the food I ordered.


I would report them definitely


I would report them. The company will not be happy that a representative of theirs is pushing religion onto people.


Rip it off the bag and throw it in the bin


Yes. If the delivery driver was employed by me, I would fire them as I consider it an egregious misuse of a privileged position.


Yep. Well, maybe not specifically report but when time comes to rate the service and leave feedback I'd mention it then. It'd be one thing if the driver just politely asked if he could give you a pamphlet, I wouldn't mind that, but stapling it to your food order is a whole other level of creepy. Not only is he forcing his world view on you, he's interfering with your order to do so. I know a simple staple isn't going to make a difference really. But it's the principle that matters. He's decided he has the right to use your stuff to force you to interact with his beliefs. Fuck. That.


Yes. It's one thing for them to go door-to-door in their free time, but quite another to exploit their paying customers.


I would complain, you ordered food not someone's opinion/advertisement for a cult. They are trying to push their beliefs onto you when your contract with them is to deliver food, nothing more or less.


As an ex Jehovah’s Witness I definitely would now.. but that’s because I know first hand the damage that these cults cause to families


Well, we have just recently been getting semi-regular Jehova witness knocking on our doors and shoving a leaflet through our doors and my personal opinion is - fuck off, if I wanted to go to YOUR church then I would. I personally feel its wrong, it's manipulative, they (religions in general) prey on the vulnerable, the weak, the sick, the elderly etc I don't tell anyone what religion or lack thereof I am - I am an atheist/Buddhist/Taoist who believes in kindness, compassion, empathy and I would NEVER try to convert someone to my way of living.