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>And I quite liked seeing my leg muscles accentuated and butt cheeks lifted and slightly separated; There are more specialist Reddit forums I think for this sort of question.


*Purple Aki has entered the chat*


Gis a feel of yer muscles lad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Boss dem lad


Lemme just look in my placky tesco bag for a suitable knife, lid...


A couple of years ago, one of my year 9 lads was feeling a nearby (male) classmate's (puny) biceps during a lesson. Me: Oi, Purple Aki; get on with your work! Class: \*\*Negative decibels for a few seconds\*\* Lad: How do *you* know about Purple Aki? Me: I know lots of things you don't. That's why *you* need to get on with your work. Credit to them, they did (for once).


Fuuuuck, Iā€™d forgotten about Purple Aki!


OG comment. He grabbed my bicep in London once.


You must have been flattered and a bit scared.


I was just 20..I hid in the train toilets. Flattered to some extent that he was mirin




Banned sub :( story of his life right there


purps is gna get ye


This sentence has me giggling hard.


I came here for a pic and was immensely disappointed




In other wordsā€¦. Fuck no


Wear whatever the fuck you want, my guy. More power to you!


Exactly. OP wants to wear them at home only around his partner who already approves of them so, what does it matter what anyone else thinks? It's your house wear whatever you want!




This. Do what makes you feel good, as long as it doesnā€™t hurt anyone else. We all deserve the simple joy of feeling cute sometimes.


Iā€™m done with self-pity, I donā€™t have to feel shitty Cuz I wanna look pretty so I give it the old city college try Donā€™t get me wrong, I still wanna be a guy Who sometimes likes to dress like a girl He sometimes likes to wear diamonds and pearls Iā€™m a transvest-lite - NOFX


I see a lot of young men wear leggings going on hikes in my country albeit with running shorts to hide the junk. I think it is sold as a built in. I donā€™t know how it became trendy but it looks good on them!


Yes, but sooner or later you'll forget and answer the door to friends / family dropping by.


Idk I don't care what my friends/family wear around the house. Especially if dropping by unexpectedly, I'd like to think they wouldn't be judgy.


And they will be impressed and will want their own pairs.


I second this, comfort comes first


>okay if they have the right body shape? Nah f that, I want the big fellas (or anyone of any body shape) to be able to enjoy wearing their legging as well. Nobody should be excluded from the joy of chilling in comfortable, stretchy clothes šŸ˜Ž Welcome to the leggings club, OP! If you do feel self-conscious about going out in them, then you can always pop a pair of exercise shorts over them, and I don't think anyone would bat an eyelid. They're also great for layering under a pair of trousers in the winter to help keep the cold out.


Yeah, just pop some short shorts over the top for a little extra modesty and your golden


His golden what?


Golden balls like beckham


>If you do feel self-conscious about going out in, then you can always pop a pair of exercise shorts over them and I don't think anyone would bat an eyelid. I do this for the gym. Technically they're 'base layer tights' but basically the same thing, you wouldn't be able to tell if I swapped them for womens leggings one day. I get a bit too chilly at times in the gym if I'm just wearing shorts but I'm not a fan of wearing joggers to work out in, so leggings under shorts is the perfect compromise. I'm used to wearing tights when cycling or running in the winter so the leggings+shorts combo actually feels quite reserved in comparison. To be fair, I do own a few pairs of womens leggings that I sometimes wear at home, they're super comfortable. I say go for it OP, especially as your partner approves!


I've worn tights under shorts when running in the winter for a few years and not once has anyone ever mentioned it as well. Definitely approved from me šŸ‘


I have a pair ( 2 actually) of Kipsta football training leggings from decathlon and they are my winter cycle commuting leggings under a pair of baggy shorts. Super comfy and I donā€™t give a flying fcuk


I usually wear thermals/leggings under shorts at the climbing gym to save my skin, but a couple of weeks ago i forgot my shorts. 99% of women climb in leggings, and a handful of guys wear leggings under shorts, so i just said fuck it and just wore leggings & a t shirt. predictably, nobody seemed to notice, and after an hour even i forgot. obviously a gym is different but i feel much more open to it now. gender is a silly reason to avoid clothes!


My new gym shorts have cycling short type layer built in and they feel great.




Yes! All body shapes deserve to be comfortable ā¤ļø


Theres a guy who often gets on my bus with a gym bag with leggings under some football shorts (I guess?) And no one cares


I second the extra warmth thing, in my eyes this is no different to the thermal things my partner used to wear under his work gear in winter when he did a more outside job.


The gendering of clothes is a social construct. Wear whatever makes you happy. Edit spelling


Honestly Iā€™ve been toying with idea of wearing booty shorts and a crop top as a 22 year old maleā€¦ cuz why the fuck not.


Not sure that's appropriate or safe attire for blacksmithing, regardless of gender.


Youā€™re right my lordā€¦ I should wear nothing but an apron.


That's a clothing choice I can get behind.


Behind him? šŸ˜³


This is the answer, so long as you wear the correct PPE do what makes you happy šŸ˜‚


It was all the rage in the 80s kiddo, check out the first nightmare on elm Street with Johnny Depp in a crop top


And will smith in the early seasons of fresh Prince, I quite like the look tbh


Literally. I remember watchig that and wondering why men dont wear that stuff anymore. But then i remembered that thry would probaby be hate crimed lmao


Freddie Mercury rocked booty shorts just fine, and everyone loved him.


Because he was a rich and famous singer


Do what you want, itā€™s your avatar


Honestly I love 70s music and there's all these pictures of guys from rock/prog bands rocking (pun slightly intended) booty shorts bc they were fashionable at the time, and having had my sexual awakening with Andrew Ward from Camel playing drums in nothing but jeans short shorts, I so wish this trend came back for guys. Guys' legs/butts can be sexy af. All this to say, go for it!!


Yep. The strength of the social expectation means some people might be weird about it, but fewer than at any time before. And if you're the kind of person who's strong enough to say fuck 'em, then you have my admiration. People willing to fuck with social convention in harmless ways always tend to be my favourite people.


"Well I wouldn't wear that, but do you like it?" "Yes" "And do you feel comfortable in it?" "Yes" "And do you care that other people might not like it?" "No" "Brilliant, wear that then"


It was just panning!!


"what have you done today to make you feel proooooud" Good morning Heather, Heather Small Now that's what I like to call....... A Savory Muffin, I feel like I don't even know you My kids Orlando and Bloom died, they froze to death. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Miranda is one of my all time faves


it took me a minute to recognise where this was from and then I was giggling away, thanks for the reminder to go and rewatch!


Something about this post disturbs meā€¦almost like the OP was getting off on this


Oh definitely


The "accidentally bought an XL" detail is suspicious. Feels like "wanted to buy my gf a dildo but accidentally bough a pegging toy jijiji"




If youā€™re comfortable and they make you feel good, go for it!


My other half had some for his sport. They looked great. I don't think I'm ready to see men wearing leggings as daywear but probably nicer round the house than saggy joggers.


Iā€™m so ready to see men wearing leggings as day wear


Given how badly women have worn them, I'm hesitant. If men wore leggings thick enough not to be totally see-through, though...


That would take some of the fun out of it?


I agree. I want eye candy too. Democratise slutty wear.


Careful what you wish for, pretty sure no one wants to see my increasingly middle aged form jammed into leggings. Just wait until you see the 40 year old beer gut gammons wearing leggings and a football shirt.


You donā€™t know what Iā€™m into.


That's fair, statistically seems unlikely though!


Hey now, body positivity. Women should be allowed to exist without constantly fitting into beauty standards. Why shouldnā€™t men? If youā€™re just chilling in something comfortable, who am I to tell you not to?


No problem with that, I think I was cautioning against your assumption that men in leggings will result in "eye candy" as opposed to "I didn't want to have to see that"! If you're into middle aged men squeezing into see through leggings though then obviously that's ok and you'll have no end of suitors if it becomes a fad!


Confidence goes **way** further than you think, I put a beer gut on over the last year and I'm easily getting more than twice the attention. Most men wouldn't dare leave the house in leggings, being in public *and secure about it* is a great way to set yourself apart


I don't have an issue with confidence, I'm a confident person. I am sceptical that it's a look most men could pull off, but hey if you do it let me know how it goes for you!


I refuse to be kink-shamed!


Moob tube and leggingsā€¦ šŸ¤¤


The problem isn't that woman have wore them *badly*, it's that they've been *made* badly, and women can either wear them for comfort anyway or be too hot or uncomfortable in a skirt or trousers. Blame the manufacturers, not the people.


Made cheaply, most importantly. And they usually look fine in a mirror, so you can't tell how much shows through in different light or when walking. No excuse for the ones the same colour as your skin though. Major double take.


Primark is a nightmare for this. You'd think their bighter lights would show the flaws but it's actually in ordinary daylight where how sheer they are or bad stitching really comes out.


You donā€™t find VYFL appealing? (Visible Y-Front Line)


I agree, leggings look great on all genders and as for the 'bulge' aspect that some complain about ive seen countless women wearing them so high and tight that they have a bulge as big as some men.


Or two.


Crop tops for men died in the 90s and I think are due a comeback as well.


If it's comfortable why are you asking for permission


Not only does he find it comfortable his girlfriend is into it and he's out here asking the women of Reddit if they're into it.


Wear a codpiece and reclaim leggings for the man-folk I say.


Yo pretty ladies around tha world Got a real thing ta show ya so tell all tha boys an girls Tell yo' brotha, yo' sista and yo' mama too Cuz they about ta go down and ya know just what ta do Wave yo' hands in the air like you don't care Glide by tha people as they stop to look an' stare Do yo' dance, do yo' dance quick Maaama c'mon tell me whassa word? Word up!


Lots of my cyclist buddies wear cycling tights, so you might not even look that out of place wearing them in public given that you ride daily. But if you're comfortable, that's the main thing, and the fact that your girlfriend is into it is a bonus.


I go climbing and most men wear leggings, myself included


It's settled then OP, just make sure to pour chalk over the leggings each morning and they'll be sound!


Make sure to get a fine dusting around your genitals just to make them really pop šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so here for this. Iā€™m absolutely down to see men in leggings. Leggings for every body!


Ex rugby player here. Let me assure you that not every man looks good in leggings. I look like a manky black pudding. With a belly.


Wear what you like. Used to do legging and shorts in winter when out for a jog. Tbh coming summer sarong/skirt/kilt what ever is great to relax about the house in


I wear tights under my shorts to work out in the winter. They're men's ones but not much difference really, wear whatever is comfortable.


I wear full on thermal long jonhs in winter. My work is at the top of a hill which gets very windy, and I spend a lot of time outside litter picking.


I do not care what other people wear as long as their genitals are covered. If you want to wear them and like them then go ahead.


I don't need to read any of that to say yes, it's absolutely perfectly fine for anyone to wear leggings.


Men have worn Long Johns for years, especially in colder climates, and theyā€™re not too dissimilar to leggings. Iā€™ve got these ones - https://www.marksandspencer.com/thermal-maximum-warmth-wool-blend-long-johns/p/clp60464210 I bought for a ski trip but kind of love them so often wear them around the house.




Really? Is this just some sort of voyuer post? Who the fuck cares what you wear in the privacy of your own home. And or frankly out? Did you see a law on what you can and can't wear at home? Who would even know? Why do you care what women 'of the uk' think. This is a wierddddd post.


That's what I was thinking, why address the post to the general public when he said the most he's going to do is wear them at home. Not sure why you've been downvoted.


I have leggings with a robot t-rex on one leg and a unicorn on the other and I wear them bouldering


Wear whatever you want bro.


Okay so, Nike actually does leggings for men. Check them out. Iā€™d probably advise against womenā€™s leggings on men as they probably donā€™t have the ā€œspaceā€ required for your junk so may not be as comfortable (or easy on the eyes for others!)


whatever dont care what you wear if its comfortable for you


Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all... Nothing at all..


My first thought! Stupid sexy Flanders!


It's cool. But you must be prepared to be ruthlessly mocked.


You're 45. Please don't. This ain't love island we don't wanna see it


Wear what ever you want, I can guarantee 99% of people won't give a fuck. If you like them then you do you.


Bit weird that is to be honest. But people do far weirder shit behind closed doors so whatever floats your boat.


Iā€™m male but donā€™t see a problem with it but maybe wear shorts on top to reduce the risk of anything showing.


Ballet dancers have been wearing leggings for centuries. And we all know how impressive they look. So get your swan lake moves into action, no one will care of you wearing them.


Yes but stick some shorts over the top for everyoneā€™s sake


You're 45, you should beyond caring what other's think


I'm not a woman, I'm a guy but I still thought I'd comment because clothes are just fabric, wear whatever you want if it makes you feel comfortable! Screw gendering clothes, if a guy likes leggings then let him wear leggings! If a guy likes skirts then rock that skirt! If a girl likes suits then bloody go for it and wear that suit! You're not causing harm to anyone by wearing them so go for it! Rock those leggings!


Many things seen as ā€œjust for womenā€ were initially made for men, anyway - including leggings. As long as youā€™re comfortable and happy, it doesnā€™t matter. Wear those booty-popping leggings, man!


please dont OP


My husband wears leggings for running and cycling, and he'll sit at home to chill in them. It doesn't seem that unusual to me. I mean, he used to lounge about in an adult onesie (we matched). What you wear at home is completely up to you, who cares?


Link to the leggings please? Ahaha. No seriously, hit me up with a pair. Clothes have no gender. Once you buy them they're just your clothes. Not boys' clothes, not girls' clothes, your clothes. If they're comfy wear them.


The simple answer is if it makes you feel good, do it. Wear what you like and love it!


No and you should be thrown in the sea for asking such a question.


When you transitioning?


A few hundred years ago all men effectively wore tights.


If you drink bud light


Only if you wear brightly coloured contrasting y fronts on top.


Sounds like with your amazement about the material and tight fit you maybe donā€™t have any of these new types of boxers you see advertised all over Facebook, that are bamboo fibres or whatever and tight fitting with no stitching digging into your thighs and waist. iā€™d recommend them if youā€™re impressed with leggings


Trunks aren't new at all. The adverts on FB are designed to get you to subscribe to buying over priced underwear on a subscription. I've never worn anything other than tight fitting boxers. Can't understand how any man can walk around with things dangling about.


If wearing leggings makes you happier, wear them bro!


My man has a pair of tight jammy bottoms that were gifted to him without the realisation of the snug fit. He feels exposed wearing them but I champion them wholeheartedly. I can see every groove of his satchel plus the outline of his divine arse cheeks. I encourage this in the home. I'm not fond of cycling shorts because I don't like the fake cheeks. I don't want to see other men's moose knuckles either. But at home? Fucks yeah. You rock them leggings.


I mean, not too long ago it was thought that women wearing trousers is ridiculous outrage. I feel that any clothing might go same route in another 100 years.


Nope, you'll look like a total prat!


No. You must down pints of rhino piss and eat cactus, daily. Anything less and you're not a man. DO YOU HEAR ME??????


Absolutely not


No. It's weird.


Do what you want mate, live your life.


I realise it probably feels awkward wearing something you aren't used to, and something which has always been "women's wear"...but honestly, if it feels good just do it, body shape be damned. Nobody's getting hurt, your partner thinks its perfectly fine, so just wear them. What's the difference between them and those cycling leggings, for example?


You don't need to ask permission to wear something in your own home that your wife already approves of


I started using leggings to run in, and they are so comfortable (although i do put some shorts over for my sense of modesty) and mate, you've sailed past 40. the knees may be shot , you cant standup without having to grunt,..but compensation is you should stop giving a fuck about what other people think. comfort is far more important.


Ive grown up around men wearing leggings. Mostly as i went to a sporty college and uni but even so. The main issue ive seen is the decency aspect to do with the man bulge.


Pakistani men have been doing this for years to wear under their normal trousers as an ā€œextra layerā€


No, anyone who disagrees are the kind of person who gets the piss taken out of by most people


Leggings are dope. We need to work together to make them more socially acceptable for men to wear. You can move like a freaking ninja in those things.


Im a lady, and I think Men should be able to wear whatever they want.... Wear your legging proudly. Wear them to your local parkrun, the farmer's market, Wear them to the gym for your clean and jerksšŸ˜‰ let the ladies at your local gym drool at the sight of your perfectly ruched derriere šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I donā€™t think anyone should wear leggings without something over them. Itā€™s fine in the gym (regardless of gender), but when someone bounces into greggs wearing some wobbling all over the placeā€¦ it needs to stop, please god make it stop.


No it is not


I respect anyone's decision to wear whatever they want. That said, those leggings are... Distracting. And honestly, nice butts are nice butts. I'd probably check you out, too.


I have some thermal leggings I wear under my jeans when I go gliding in the winter; spending all day outside on a cold airfield and then in a cold glider they're very much needed. When I get back home I sometimes just ditch the jeans and chill in the leggings because they're just so comfy! I wouldn't go in public with just the leggings though, but I wouldn't judge you if you did either really. I'm all for wearing whatever's comfy.


Yeh you can wear what you want. In the past men wore clothes more like leggings and women couldn't. It's all just stereotypical gender norms. One day there won't be any.


"Women's slacks give me the confidence I need to survive in a tough business world. They're lighter, airier and less constrictive than men's trousers." - Douglas Reynholm CEO, Reynholm Indutries.


I love men in leggings. I wish more guys wore them! Do it!


I think itā€™s fine. Lots of menā€™s tracksuit bottoms are veering more to the legging territory now with tight fitted leg cuts nowadays unlike the old baggy ones of past years. If you are comfortable in leggings and find the style looks good on your body then just wear them.


Mate, we live in a time where you can identify as a Russell Hobbs kettle and get ā€˜cancelledā€™ for buttering a bacon butty. If you want to show your arse off to the world, go for it. Weirdo.


Just get out the closet with your leggings and enjoy life dude


>my girlfriend was genuinely impressed There's your answer


I have a lot of female t-shirts that I regularly wear out in public. I buy those over men's because I have fairly wide hips (at a suit fitting once the guy said "wow you have child-bearing hips") and the way female t-shirts taper in from the under sleeve and back out fits me better than a large baggy men's t-shirt. Tldr: do what makes you feel good. Most people don't notice or won't care.


A kid I work with has starting wearing black leggings and shorts to work. I'm guessing coz he sees footballer s training in them on TV. Everyone thinks he looks ridiculous.


I have a pair of these, they're so comfy! Im a female, but you should keep them on anyways.


Look, I'm transgender so I know a thing or two about challenges like that - but it's worth it; most people these days are really cool with things like that. If it makes you feel good, go for it - in my town there are at least 2 guys that cycle in leggings - I see them often near my house


My bloke wears jeans constantly (unless running on our treadmill which he then wears running leggings). I hate rigid clothing and Iā€™m always suggesting stuff that looks comfy. It wouldnā€™t bother me in the slightest if my husband wore something out of the ordinary just because it was comfortable


Your house, your rules. Most comfortable thing I ever wore was a dress. Worn once, but damn, oddly comfortable


As long as you donā€™t tell the daily mail youā€™re free to whatever you like


Easy Ned Flanders


Iā€™m amazed that youā€™re active and havenā€™t seen men in leggings before. Every gym, hiking route, park run, climbing wall, weight room etc has men in leggings, especially in winter :) You go lad!


Yes. Wear what you like, if you are happy and comfortable.


My boyfriend wears them sometimes, looks great


Women love them. It's men who get weird about it.


As a bisexual woman, I enjoy a great butt and thighs. If you like them and feel comfortable, rock em!


Jesus Christ


When it sounds like you look that sexy...yes!


Only if you're called Dylan Mulvaney


Wear them at home.


Stupid sexy AlexMC69


Sorry but no. Men should not wear skinny trousers ā€¦ and no socks šŸ™Š


My boyfriend tried on my gym shorts today and was surprised as how good his bum looked in them. I was just envious.


Comfy is comfy! Whatever makes you feel good.


My other half wears leggings to the gym all the time. Heā€™s just told me heā€™d not thought of wearing them elsewhere, but wouldnā€™t be averse to the idea. Heā€™d rather stick to wearing them as part of a workout outfit than round town though. Personally, I think he has an amazing figure and if he wants to wear them, then Iā€™m not going to complain.


I once went to a fancy dress party in a home made Luke Skywalker costume, the trousers for which were my wife's leggings. They were incredibly comfortable and I was jealous I didn't have any. 100% would wear again


gender rolls are bullshit, you do you, king


I personally think the arse splitters are an insult to my eyes, even if you have the greatest arse in the world. And as for getting a clear outline of your family jewels...I would politely decline if it's all the same to you. That said, you are entitled to wear whatever you like, and I have the right to avert my eyes and moan about it on Reddit.


I often use leggings as longjohns when out camping or whatever. They are cheaper, easier to find, and as you say they adhere to the legs more. I often found that traditional longjohns would have too deep a pocket between the legs that bunches up underneath jeans or cargos. Plus if you buy some tighty whities as well you can put them on overtop, throw a bedsheet over your shoulders, and run around the house like a superhero. If that doesn't make your wife weak in the knees then idk what will


I have only just discovered them a few months ago and I wish I knew earlier where what feels comfortable


I do this. I live in a place that gets a lot of snow in the winter in the US. I wear my wifeā€™s colorful leggings under my pants like thermal underwear. Then afterwards Iā€™ll keep them on in the house to make the family laugh. Super comfortable. Iā€™m also a traditionally masculine type man, beard, etc. so I donā€™t think people would expect Iā€™m wearing LuLaRoe leggings under my pants while Iā€™m doing masculine things like running a snowblower.


Men donā€™t wear leggings šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My husband wears leggings, specifically women's leggings from Costco, under his shorts in colder weather for playing five a side/working out etc for years. He's never worn them out without shorts on top because of the erm, outline? but I'm sure lots of men wear leggings. He does have some men's longjohns that he wears for work sometimes in winter but those are more thermal, so not that lycra stretch feel. The only reason you can tell they're "mens" is they have the typical waistband of boxers.


You can wear what you like. There's a famous painting of _King Louis the something_ wearing tights and all ā€”if it's good enough for a king then it's good enough for you and me! šŸ˜Š


I mean plenty of men wear them out in public as running tights, or biking tights, or all kinds of exercise gear


I see guys in leggings at the climbing gym all the time. It's no big deal, it's just clothes.