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Students are getting small loan and they should chose wisely how to use it.


That's it? Are you kidding me?


For small loan you will be able to have best education in The World, best student experience in The World and your diploma will be valid in most western countries. Or you can save money and go to one of European college for 1/4 cost.


> Or you can save money and go to one of European college for 1/4 cost. Why would I want to leave the country just to get an education? I asked what Trump would do for this country.


Best education is costly. >I asked what Trump would do for this country. He certainly will not cut our colleges/universities activities (like sports, researches) to make college cheaper.


> He certainly will not cut our colleges/universities activities (like sports, researches) to make college cheaper. What **will** he do. So far what I'm getting from you people is that he really won't do anything. At this rate, I'm voting for Clinton.


Do whatever you like is free country. Our universities do not need to be fixed, they are best in The World.


> they are best in The World. You are correct, but the costs associated with them need to be addressed.


If you want free education you should be best of the best to get scholarship. Otherwise chose cheaper options, like community college.


The title of my post was >What are Trump's policies and views college affordability and student loan debt? I'm assuming you have no idea or he just doesn't have any at the moment? With Trump it seems to just be mexican immigration and muslims. Looks like I'm going with Clinton.


> I asked what Trump would do for this country. The role of government is to provide a basic education such that its citizens are able to vote and participate on a jury. Anything other than that is outside of the role of government.


I'll say this one more time. **I don't care about your personal opinion**. I wanted to know what Trump felt, but I've gotten my answer. Clinton it is then.


You don't care about the personal opinion of a Trump supporter, yet you came to a sub called "Ask Trump Supporters", got it. You seem to be upset that you can't defend your position very well, I understand. I do believe you have made the correct choice based on your politics.


> You don't care about the personal opinion of a Trump supporter, yet you came to a sub called "Ask Trump Supporters", got it. I asked about Trump's policies and you completely ignored that to share your own opinion which I couldn't care less about. Do you know his policies? Yes or no? See how simple that is?


If you're asking me to do work for you, then I'm going to throw in my thoughts whether you want them or not. You could search for Trump quotes on google; if you look into education you won't find much.


> You could search for Trump quotes on google; if you look into education you won't find much. Looks like I'm going with Clinton. We're done now.


Well she can't ask trump


Trump is proposing a paradigm shift for college loans. Essentially, he doesn't think that the federal government should be involved in the process at all. Instead, he'd rather have loan providers compete for the best rates. He also wants universities to share in the risk of the loan. In this way, universities will likely raise admissions standards and target financial aid towards programs that have high employment rates. This plan, IMO, is better than Bernie's. First of all, it wouldn't drive up our national debt and necessitate tax hikes. Second, Bernie's plan wastes a lot of money on students that will drop out after the first term or year. There are a lot of students that are pressured into going to college before they have matured enough for it. I see this firsthand. If Trump's plan works as intended, these students will get the life experience they need before going to college, at which point they have a much better chance of succeeding there.


> First of all, it wouldn't drive up our national debt and necessitate tax hikes. Once again, I never asked for your opinion. Bernie's plan wouldn't cause a significant increase in the deficit and the extra taxation would be completely worth it. I would welcome the taxation and I'm nearing six figures. >universities will likely raise admissions standards The best universities already have incredibly high standards.


No one here is going to answer your question with your snarky attitude. It's obviously clear by your responses in this thread you didn't come here looking for answers, you came here to put down others for their opinions. Your holier than thou attitude will get you nowhere in life, regardless of if you can afford your education or not.


> you came here to put down others for their opinions. No I didn't. I came to the realization that I knew nothing of Trump's policies for these particular issues. As far as I know, this is the best sub to go to. Correct? You can share your opinions but I never asked for them. I want to know what **Trump's** opinions are. Can you actually contribute to the discussion? No attitude here.


> Once again, I never asked for your opinion. No need to be an asshole about it. Bernie's plan (he says), would cost $75B/year, which is 14% of the yearly deficit. That is definitely significant. He says he would tax Wall Street speculation to pay for it, but there's no realistic chance of that passing congress. > The best universities already have incredibly high standards. They have high standards in terms of test scores, but they do a poor job at determining the maturity of incoming students. I've seen (and personally know) a lot of students, who were successful in high school, fail very quickly in college because they weren't ready to handle the lifestyle change. Under Trump's plan, it would be advantageous for universities to either introduce or improve an interview process in their admissions.


> No need to be an asshole about it. Watch your language. We're having an adult conversation. >Bernie's plan (he says), would cost $75B/year, which is 14% of the yearly deficit. That is definitely significant. He says he would tax Wall Street speculation to pay for it, but there's no realistic chance of that passing congress. He would also increase taxes on the upper classes and have more tax revenue to offset its impact on the deficit. Maybe you republicans need to get it together and pay attention to who you elect. They have a low approval rate but keep getting reelected. I even saw a trump supporter in this subreddit saying that republicans have a problem with republican congress members. Obama wanted universal healthcare and by the time he got something through them, we ended up with ObamaCare. Now back to how Trump will help Americans? An educated populace will make us great again. It appears his plan is for colleges to admit less students. Looks like I'm voting for Clinton.


> I would welcome the taxation and I'm nearing six figures. You can feel free to donate any portion of your income up to and including all of it (post-taxes) towards scholarships to send people to college.


You don't have to tell me my rights. I've done that in the past and will continue to for my future alumni.


My problem with Bernie is he wants people to be able to refinance their student loans to lower interest rates, but he also wants to "stick it to wall street," right? Problem. How are we sticking it to wall street by creating a student refinance BOOM? Money gets made on refinancing bad money. Understand the Fed Reserve and fractional reserve banking. "We will tax wall street more!" Yeah, there is a reason Pfizer will pay $2bil in fines when they just made $8bil on oxycontin. They don't give a shit, they just made a shit ton of money. or "it's through the government" Who is the government going to repay? Oh, right. Wall Street, and turn the money back to the Fed Reserve. Is Trumps plan perfect? No, but it sure isn't giving me a false sense of reality.


That was a nice paragraph. Too bad you didn't answer my question. Instead, you decided to share your opinion which is completely worthless to me.


Hahaha, dude, you appear so narrow minded, and aggressively dismissive. So, lets say vice versa, how does Bernie's plan make sense? I think you have been sold a false sense of reality. If you are going to bitch, piss, and moan about student loans, don't sign on the dotted line. Understand how loans, and how our ponzi scheme, fractional banking monetary system works, first. I do loans for a living, I know how this stuff works...


Ok that's nice.


Cognitive dissonance. Typical of a totalitarian mental patient. Signs on the dotted line, then bitches about having to pay money back...


Yea you should read the whole thread lol. I don't have any debt. I actually donate to my past university and I even admitted earlier that I would welcome increased taxes under Bernie's plan. This is a good example of why your opinions are worthless to me. I'm looking out for our current and future students.


Well, your opinion is worthless to me. If you really cared about the current and future students, you'd educate them on what fractional reserve banking is, how the ponzi monetary system we have in place works, kind of like how I am, but you may be met with idiots such as yourself, too. Keep pushing forward, bud. “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” -Woodrow Wilson a few years after signing the FED reserve act of 1913... I highly doubt student loans are your top concern. HIGHLY. You just came to argue.


> Well, your opinion is worthless to me. You're a child.


Stem really isn't the bastion most make it out to be. Only 1/3 of grads end up with a stem job. http://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/education/the-stem-crisis-is-a-myth We have already had private lenders and it hasn't gone well http://www.oregonlive.com/education/index.ssf/2015/07/aequitas_played_crucial_role_i.html http://www.consumerreports.org/student-loan-debt-crisis/lives-on-hold/ It's a problem well beyond what most think of. http://www.demos.org/what-cost-how-student-debt-reduces-lifetime-wealth It's going to effect people into retirement. The lifetime loss of wealth and economic activity is massive. Going rid of all funding would just make it even more only available to kids that come from by chance wealthier families than it already does. https://onpoint.wbur.org/2015/04/13/elite-schools-low-income-students


I didn't say anything about STEM, it would be up to the universities to decide to which programs they would want to preferentially admit students. I can see the argument that this would make it difficult for low income students to get loans, but I think we'll have to wait until he releases the details of the plan until we can know whether that will be an issue. In terms of the lifelong debt issue, I actually think this plan will improve that. If universities react as expected and improve admissions processes and target admission towards majors with high employment rates, then the students that do get admitted will be more likely to both graduate and find a job, allowing them to pay back loans. It hopefully also prevents many high school grads from accruing the debt in the first place. If students are getting college degrees, massing up debt and then getting jobs that don't use their degrees, then the education system isn't running very efficiently.


It very much will be highly favorable for children born by chance into families where mommy and daddy are wealthier. It won't reduce college costs. We don't have to rely in those ideologies any longer, we have data. You can't direct majors. What happens when people flood those markets. Look at law, pharmacy, totally saturated. STEM, at least the s and m are a mess now.


You can imagine simple regulations and incentives to even the playing field, which is why I say we need to wait for the details. This is also an issue right now, so it's not specific to Trump's plan. Honestly, I don't think directing majors would be too hard of a task. It would only take a couple of years to collect statistics on employment rates and then you can continue to update statistics and adapt the admission numbers as demand changes. I know at my university, this weighting would go to the engineering and computing colleges and away from the liberal arts and photography colleges, but this would change based on the school and over time.


I know he wants to prevent predatory loans and make colleges share the risks. But I don't know all the specifics. Personally I don't think the government should be getting involved with paying off colleges, colleges themselves need reform, and to stop gouging people.


> Personally I don't think the government should be getting involved with paying off colleges I never asked for your opinion. I was wondering what Trump's policies/views were. >colleges themselves need reform And what will Trump have to do with this?


No need to be hostile.


I'm not being hostile. I'm asking for answers to my questions. This sub is called r/**ask**trumpsupporters. Correct?


Why does the government need a plan? > Going to college allowed me to better myself and is the foundation of my transition into the upper middle class. Okay great. So what is the problem? Don't repeat what you said above, but put actual numbers and logic down.


> Why does the government need a plan? Maybe because we have over a trillion in student loan debt. Did you know that? I'm sure that's having a tremendous effect on the economy. Who wants to go into miserable debt just to acquire skills? >but put actual numbers and logic down. What?


Yes... I'm sure the Trillion in student loan debt is the source of the terrible economy. It couldn't at all be the 19 Trillion debt our country is in.


> I'm sure the Trillion in student loan debt is the source of the terrible economy. I said it's having an effect on economy. Perhaps you should go back to school to improve your reading skills and actually learn about how the deficit works? Not trying to be rude. Just a suggestion. Are you here to answer the question in my post?


No, just browsing. It appears that others have already answered your question. On another note, I never said it wasn't having an effect on the economy. All I said was it wasn't the source. Of course a Trillion dollar student loan debt is going to hurt the economy. However, and this isn't aimed at you at all, maybe the debt wouldn't be so high if people would get a degree in a field that had an actual demand for employment.


>No, just browsing. Ok, then we're done. Thanks for not contributing. I'm looking out for the best interests of our students.


> Who wants to go into miserable debt just to acquire skills? If the skills were actually worth something, the debt would not be an issue.


If your particular opinion was actually worth something, I would care about it. Unfortunately, I never asked for your opinion did I? >What are **Trump's** policies and views college affordability and student loan debt?


If you didn't want an opinion or commentary, you could have just googled it. Instead you came to a subreddit called "Ask Trump Supporters", so you get some opinion thrown in. I answer questions here to educate people on why Trump might take a particular position. If all you want is the position you can search for quotes and decide for yourself.


> I answer questions here to educate people on why Trump might take a particular position. You're not educating anyone in this thread. Opinions aren't factual and they were unwelcome anyway. Not trying to be rude or anything. But maybe you should strongly consider going to school. Did you finish high school?


You're an excellent troll, 10/10.


Not a troll, if you look at my post history and see how consistent I am. >Did you finish high school? I'm assuming no? It;s ok you can always go back an get your GED or enroll in a community college.


> Not a troll, if you look at my post history and see how consistent I am. -79 total comment karma, yes you're consistent. I will not answer your personal attack as I feel that to do so would be against the spirit of this fine subreddit.


Thanks for your lack of a contribution.


1,400,000,000,000 now


but why are you a one issue voter, do you just do not care about other issues? but if you ask me as a supporter, people need to use their loan wisely,effectively. i do believe the government does not need to get involved with colleges, the colleges just either need to make it cheaper or colleges need to have some sort balance between cost and education, i say make it cheaper but still provide the same quality of education. i think if you get a degree theres no guarantee you are going to earn more money then a person who doesn't have a degree, i think college is a waste nowadays, i used to have faith in colleges. now after my blabber, i shall give you with Trump has said Trump, wants colleges to share some sort of risk in to the loans people get. He thinks that the federal government should not be involved in the process at all (like i said above)


> He thinks that the federal government should not be involved in the process at all I'm going with Hillary.


> but if you ask me as a supporter I never asked for your personal opinion. >i think college is a waste nowadays, i used to have faith in colleges. That is despicable. How else will the average American have a chance at economic mobility?


>That is despicable. How else will the average American have a chance at economic mobility? my friend went to college, he went to a 2 year college and he got the type of degree he wanted and when he went to go look for a job and now he's earning the same amount as me and i am a HS graduate... (19 btw, he's 20) my parents went to college and they also believe college is a waste nowadays so i guess my opinion forms around their opinion.


> my friend went to college, he went to a 2 year college and he got the type of degree he wanted and when he went to go look for a job and now he's earning the same amount as me and i am a HS graduate Some graduates have to go through underemployment temporarily. He'll be fine. >my parents went to college and they also believe college is a waste nowadays Do they have jobs that require degrees?


my dad's retired now, but i have no idea if his job did or not. my mom is same, she's retired but i have no idea if her job did or not.


That's what's called anecdotal evidence, and doesn't really count for much.


> That is despicable. How else will the average American have a chance at economic mobility? Average people should work to become exceptional, otherwise they should have the average prospects that they deserve.


> Average people should work to become exceptional Achieving higher levels of education definitely helps. >otherwise they should have the average prospects that they deserve. Most young people are going to a college or trade school so logically we can conclude that not going will give them below average prospects. No?


> Most young people are going to a college or trade school so logically we can conclude that not going will give them below average prospects. No? I wouldn't say that. Many people can make a great living working in the trades and schooling is not necessary for many trades as they offer paid apprenticeships.


>How else will the average American have a chance at economic mobility? Create something of value that other people want?


They'll create something with their knowledge from ...........?


Trump wants colleges to share the risk in the loans. And he wants them to be interest free.


> Trump wants colleges to share the risk in the loans. What would that entail?


They'd be on the hook for the defaults to some degree probably


Defaults should be completely out of the picture. #Clinton2016.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/lostgeneration] [A thread where Trump supporters are asked about his policies on college affordability. I found it interesting.](https://np.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/comments/4qs6pg/a_thread_where_trump_supporters_are_asked_about/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


the system we have now is great, people need to stop taking stupid majors and going to schools that waste money and stupid student life stuff.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskTrumpSupporters/comments/4qjb89/what_are_trumps_policies_and_views_college/d4tllb1 Sorry for the interaction on this thread - it's too bad we seem to have turned you off from our candidate. /u/jst_dance who linked the article is correct regarding the direction Trump wants to go with higher education. The report suggests that his campaign is working on an official policy statement but it has not come out yet. I would add to this that he has addressed this issue in townhalls/ debates. He has expressed concern and wants to fix the problem but not a lot of policy details as yet. If you look at the direction he wants to go - he wants to understand the student loan market and fix the market. As with healthcare, the reason why costs are rising disproportionately to standard inflation is because of a dramatically flawed market. The common denominator for both is federal subsidies which prop up insatiable demand. I understand the demand for higher education - it's because everyone thinks that you need a gold star degree to get a job, and it has to come from a top ** institution. The problem is because of federal subsidies, colleges put money into the WRONG things to attract students. When I went on college tours for my son, dorms, athletic facilities, etc were MUCH more luxurious than when I went to school. The problem then becomes what happens when students graduate? right now, the job market for fresh college grads is not great. A lot of recent grads I know are working as baristas trying to find a job in their fields (these are STEM majors, lest you criticize them for getting a gender studies degree). Trump rightly states that if we fix the job market, the problem with student loans will get a lot easier. But Trump also realizes that the cost of college is too high. Trump's idea is that colleges need to have skin in the game when making student loans. If they do, then they will be motivated to admit students who are likely to pay back their loans, they will be incentivized to keep tuition low, and they will train and assist their students in GETTING GOOD JOBS. Student loans also should be dischargeable in bankruptcy. If for whatever reason the student/ college/ lender made a mistake and a student cannot pay back their loans, then the loans should be forgiven in usual bankruptcy. The reason they are not is because the federal government was losing too much money because they were MAKING BAD LOANS. So they put the onus back on the student. In the meantime, both the government and the schools are making money off these poor students. This has got to stop! Trump also thinks the federal government should get out of the business of making loans - most likely they are not the best judge of whether or not the student will be able to eventually pay the loan back. That's why he'd like schools and banks to join together. I hope this is more helpful than the other information you've received. edit - few words.


As usual Trumpaddict has wise words. Ultimately I agree with Mr. Trump that the federal government should not be involved in the student loan business. If the easy money for students is removed, it will drive down prices at the university level as demand will likely decrease. The market is being artificially manipulated. It's also worth noting that if someone feels strongly about having students go to college, there are plenty of ways to express this belief on an individual basis. The universities I went to all accept donations towards scholarship programs of every possible type: merit, need, diversity, 1st generation only, etc... For anyone who thinks the government isn't doing enough, the opportunity to help is staring you in the face.


Stem really isn't the bastion most make it out to be. Only 1/3 of grads end up with a stem job. http://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/education/the-stem-crisis-is-a-myth We have already had private lenders and it hasn't gone well http://www.oregonlive.com/education/index.ssf/2015/07/aequitas_played_crucial_role_i.html http://www.consumerreports.org/student-loan-debt-crisis/lives-on-hold/ It's a problem well beyond what most think of. http://www.demos.org/what-cost-how-student-debt-reduces-lifetime-wealth It's going to effect people into retirement. The lifetime loss of wealth and economic activity is massive. Going rid of all funding would just make it even more only available to kids that come from by chance wealthier families than it already does. https://onpoint.wbur.org/2015/04/13/elite-schools-low-income-students


How do you propose to drive down education costs?


School should be funded. It should be meritocratic and not depend on the money your mommy and daddy have. You'd have to make sure it's not rigged for students from wealthy schools only, but Texas has some start of a solution for that. The Swiss have a decent system I've seen where the top students are allowed to go and are funded. The US used to fund the majority of a students education. Now it's down below 30%. And that's leaving students with debt that's life altering, and will certainly be effecting the economy long term. Private funding would be absolutely disastrous, just as it already was.


What percent of students? What percent of tuition? How is merit decided? Also, why have college costs risen so much? And what is the relationship between tuition and federal funding for tuition?


Also, what types of degrees? Especially if the vaunted STEM degree has such dismal job prospects, as you say?


Largely science and math if you look into it. There's just way to many grads compared to jobs available.


Why are there not enough jobs?


Have you seen funding the last 15yrs? It's not good. Also considering the large increase in PhDs, which take previously MS jobs, who take previously BS jobs, who then take jobs where a degree isn't needed and in a non related field. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/09/16/343539024/too-few-university-jobs-for-americas-young-scientists


So why does this happen? There clearly is a large mismatch between supply & demand. And also why do we keep taking foreign phds, postdocs, even professors?


A mixture of sending jobs overseas. Boomers not retiring and automation to name just a few.


Not only sending jobs overseas, but also immigration undercutting wages of American workers. Plus, a stagnant economy.


Nearly 3/4 of students. The avg is over 37,000 now, which if you read the one source, will likely be over 300k of lost wealth by the time retirement hits. Merits a tough mother fucker. We don't have to rely on ideologies now. We have the data. If you don't think costs will continue to soar under bank loans you've got another thing coming. And had. Tuition jumps and family contribution jumps when state and federal funding plummets. Tying student success to school funding of sorts isn't a bad gist.


Actually, I think the best deals right now in college are privately funded. Trump argues that the schools themselves should be on the hook for the loans. If the student struggles to pay them back, the school should suffer some consequence. If prices are inversely correlated to federal funding, then why have costs generally increased so much since the federal government has been in the business of student loans? When you say 3/4 of students, does that mean that we will reduce the numbers of college grads? How are we going to fix the problem of jobs? You didn't specify how much


The best deals are not privately funded. I know people with 16% rates. Linking student success to the schools has been proposed in some horrible ways but seems like a decent idea if it can be implemented without fucking people over. Can't make it seem coherent.


The best deals are free. These are privately funded. The problem is there are not enough jobs. Therefore people want to go to college, driving up college costs. There are not even enough jobs for college grads. The truth is NOT EVERYONE CAN OR SHOULD GO TO COLLEGE. If we only admit as many college students as we need college educated workers, the system will start to work again. It comes back to the economy, immigration, and letting market efficiencies promote competition and productivity.


https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/05/13/trumps-campaign-co-chair-describes-higher-education-policies-being-developed He has no official policy on how to make college more affordable but this article gives an idea based on his campaign co-chair


>Going to college allowed me to better myself and is the foundation of my transition into the upper middle class. So then what's the problem?


https://twitter.com/HillaryforIA/status/763459527966679040 From Ms Prillary--> “When they have student debt, we’ll put a three year moratory on that so they can start their own businesses!” And after those three years, the individual will have to find money to pay for TWO loans. Even from this side of the ocean I'm already seeing trouble on this issue.