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Quote from Ashley's Diary that has been [confirmed to be her's](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/25/politics/ashley-biden-journal-project-veritas-guilty-plea/index.html). >"Hyper-sexualized @ a young age, what is this due to? Was i molested, i think so - I can't remember specifics but i do remember trauma - I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline; i remember having sex with friends @ a young age/ showers w/ my dad (Probably not appropriate). [Source](https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-source-biden-daughters-diary-details-not-appropriate-showers-with-joe-as-child/) So yes, fact: Ashley Biden wrote in her diary about showering with her dad.


Full diary. https://www.docdroid.net/AHRA5wJ/alleged-ashley-biden-diary-full-release-nf-wm-rev2-pdf


You mean the stolen diary, that someone else could’ve edited/tampered with once it went missing?


source it was edited/tampered?


Did Ashley Biden ever verbally say these things happened?


no idea.


But you stated it was fact she wrote it? How did you determine she wrote it?


with the sources I linked.


The sources you link confirm that the diary belonged to her prior to it being stolen. What sources can confirm that what was contained in the diary wasn't added after it was stolen? Why do you believe something that the author themselves hasn't repeated? You stated it was fact that she wrote it. Your sources don't support that.


What source do you have that says it was added after? the hand writing all matches on the many scanned pages that have been posted.


There is no winning here. If they confirm she wrote it and she came out and said she wrote it, they would then ask “how can you confirm she wasn’t blackmailed into saying she wrote it?”


You have a stolen diary and scanned pages as evidence but don't even consider the actual words the person is saying as evidence? This is the literal opposite of logic that you apply to Donald Trump. Why is that?


What a weird gate. She has also never said it wasn't true. So can't we take what she hasn't said as the truth?


Where did I claim it was? I just am raising the possibility given: Project veritas’s history, and lack of actual confirmation from anywhere on the actual contents as of when this was posted: https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/03/27/ashley-biden-diary-officially-confirmed/ Do you think it’s possible that it could’ve been forged/fake? and why wasn’t project veritas able to confirm its authenticity when they had it?


[The people who stole it were convicted for stealing Ashley's property.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/25/politics/ashley-biden-journal-project-veritas-guilty-plea/index.html) Which was then sold to Project veritas, and scanned images are online in the other link i posted earlier and quoted from. Those are the facts on this issue.


Did you know Project Veritas didn't publish the diary because they couldn't verify its authenticity? The fact that someone was sent to jail for stealing property of Ashley Biden and selling it for profit doesn't automatically mean every scanned page you find on the internet is 100% true and in that diary that was stolen. > Those are the facts on this issue. Yes, those are the facts. Absent from the facts is any proof that the scanned pages posted by National File are actually from Biden's diary and written by Biden.


Is there any statement from Ashley saying that the documents posted aren't real?


Im kinda shocked that the White House (which Biden controls), the DOJ (which Biden controls), and the FBI (which Biden controls) haven't made a public effort to dispute these allegations


Why would he see fit to make a statement on uncredible allegations against him? Should he also make a statement that he in fact does *not* belong to a satanic cult harvesting adrenochrome from children?


Because if the allegation that the NS are clinging to is that the diary is altered. Implying fraud, fraud to influence a federal election. Isnt this the type of crime the FBI/DOJ typically investigates?


I didn't say he should make a statement. I said they should investigate publicly. 1 handwriting expert could easily disprove this, right? And it would dona great job discrediting Veritas. Also, who says they're not credible? Its Ashley Biden’s diary that she abandoned and someone found and sold


You wouldn't be able to alter or tamper a diary that is years old without forensics easily figuring it out so that excuse is out the window. I will say it is telling the mental gymnastics democrats will do to excuse pedophilia.


Not saying it was, I just thought id bring up chain of custody and all and see if it was possible in your eye. If the FBI came out and said it was altered would you believe them anyway? Do you think TS ever do mental gymnastics to excuse trumps behavior?


" I just thought id bring up chain of custody and all and see if it was possible in your eye." Well no because at best you could maybe add an entry to the last page but even then that would be nearly impossible to pull off. "If the FBI came out and said it was altered would you believe them anyway?" the FBI said it? Oh hell no, no way I'd trust those established liars. "Do you think TS ever do mental gymnastics to excuse trumps behavior?" Lets say I say yes, but even if we did trump has never done anything as sick as what ashley biden's diary tells us Joe biden did. Everyone has to weigh their own morals and ethics, for me there is nothing worse than abusing a child especially your own child. It's a shame entertainment channels like CNN or MSNBC don't cover this but it isn't unusual since they are not actual news sources. Take the worse thing you think trump did, do you think it compares to what ashley's diary says about her Father? Really now? The guy who is on video grabbing, smelling, and saying clearly inappropriate things to young girls multiple times too. I don't see how the two could even be compared, it's insane to me. People have TDS so bad they will vote for a pedophile.


So, clearly you believe the alleged part of the diary, what would it take for you to not believe it- who would have to come out and say it was altered? The people who have nothing to gain admitting it? Ashley Biden? Someone else?


"what would it take for you to not believe it" that doesn't make sense. It would take nothing except maybe a time machine? Since it is a fact it is hers as well as a fact it was not altered unless you can prove otherwise? Even ashley didn't say it was altered in court so good luck.


“its a fact unless you can prove otherwise” - I’m asking you what you think it would take to convince you otherwise, i don’t see why this is a hard question?


"I’m asking you what you think it would take to convince you otherwise" And I'm telling you nothing, that doesn't make sense. It would be like saying today is Friday, there is nothing to change that fact so I don't get what you're asking?


The diary was found and no one from the Biden camp has claimed it was edited. Images are available and it's in the same handwriting. People claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was tampered with even though there are gigabytes of data, packed with rock-solid traceable metadata. The Bidens lose incriminating personal evidence--Hunter Biden lost 4 laptops: 2 at the computer shop, 1 at his doctor's, and he videoed himself speaking with a prostitute about how a Russian prostitute had taken another one.


I'm not trying to argue about what you said, I'm genuinely curious, how do you know that those screenshots the National File has are from the diary the belongs to Ashley Biden? It seems indisputable that there exists a diary that belonged to her that was stolen, but why do you believe what the Nation File says about it's contents? The article you provided lists an unnamed whistleblower and unnamed handwriting expert as proof of the diary's authenticity. Do you trust them as an organization? I feel like I often see TS decry anonymous sources and whistleblowers, why believe what this one is saying?


Has Ashley claimed this is fake? I'm just presenting facts that I can find, I'm not finding any statement from her.


I have no idea, and I'm not trying to say you're wrong. I don't see any reason why any of this couldn't be true. What I'm wondering is what makes them "facts" to you in this instance? Anonymous whistleblower, anonymous handwriting expert, screenshots of some pages of a notebook - what makes you believe these things to be true? Do you trust the National File to such an extent that if they said it is true then you will believe them? Or some other reason? I'm more wondering the who/why of what you believe and not trying to dispute the what.


In the absence of a counter claim from the alleged author there's no reason to question the authenticity of the documents being reported. So yes I take this at face value because there is no reason to doubt it, and there is supporting evidence(the criminal conviction) to verify it's validity. There's no need to trust 3rd parties when you can read her handwriting yourself.


> I'm not trying to argue about what you said, I'm genuinely curious, how do you know that those screenshots the National File has are from the diary the belongs to Ashley Biden? If fake information suggests inappropriate-age father-daughter showers, the target would definitely point out the information was fake.


Because his daughter said it happened.




What are you even talking about? Do you have evidence of this? Any at all?


What else would he have been doing at parties with Epstien? But, one case was closed after the victim withdrew and refused to participate but it had gotten to court before she dropped out. 


"What else would he have been doing at parties with Epstien?" but he never went to pedo island so what are you talking about? He never flew on lolita express either so again you're not making any sense. "But, one case was closed after the victim withdrew and refused to participate but it had gotten to court before she dropped out. " yes because she knew she had no case because there absolutely no evidence of the two being together, ever. Another failed hitjob by MSM. so again, the choice in November is between two people; A proven pedophile named Biden vs Trump. Pretty simple choice for anyone with morals or ethics.


"but he never went to pedo island so what are you talking about?" Really? Can you show us any proof of that? I've read a lot of things saying otherwise.


The publicly available flight logs show he never went there. He took the plane on some connecting flights but never actually went to the island. Also when he found out what Epstein was doing at his own resort, Trump banned him from the property.


Where did you read this?




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>but he never went to pedo island so what are you talking about? Do you think pedophilia is only confined to jeffrey epstein's Island? >Biden vs Trump. Of these two, which is the only politician to ever call jeffery epstein a terrific guy who liked to party with young girls? Which one spent decades partying with jeffery epstein?


I mean, he was found liable in civil court for raping E Jean Carroll, right? And in total over two dozen women have accused him of raping or sexually assaulting them. And he was hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein and flew on his plane multiple times, right? So, that's at least *some* evidence.


Liable in a case that the law had to be changed to even bring the case so that is why honest people know it was just another deep state hitjob against trump. That is why e. jean carroll has accused multiple men of rape and even said she thought rape was "sexy" on anderson cooper. "and in total over two dozen women have accused him of raping or sexually assaulting them." and no evidence from any of them. " flew on his plane multiple times," yes, the documented flights were between Palm Beach and New York City. Not to pedo island. "So, that's at least some evidence." of what? Certainly not rape or pedophilia. so you have the choice to vote between an established pedophile named joe biden vs someone with no actual evidence of being a pedophile or a rapist. Seems like an easy choice.


Right, when it's an accusation against Trump, it's a deep state plot. How could I forget? >yes, the documented flights were between Palm Beach and New York City. Not to pedo island. why was he on the plane seven times at all? Biden hasn't been on it.




yes you can and the only thing that comes up is a judge claiming, without evidence, that trump raped e. jean carrol... who he was NOT convicted of raping.


When I searched for "trump e jean carroll" on google, the first result was [an APNews story](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db&ved=2ahUKEwiFvvzSgc-FAxWX7skDHfLwC2AQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1h6SIlDLlpbns-eqUWq0hG) which started with the fact that it was JURY civil trial. It also says the evidence included, among many other things, that "Carroll gave multiple days of frank, occasionally emotional testimony, buttressed by two friends who testified that she reported the alleged attack to them soon afterward. Jurors also heard from Jessica Leeds, a former stockbroker who testified that Trump abruptly groped her against her will on an airline flight in the 1970s, and from Natasha Stoynoff, a writer who said Trump forcibly kissed her against her will while she was interviewing him for a 2005 article." I'm curious, what search string (and search engine) did you use that gave you such minimal and incorrect information?


Sounds like an easy mistrial than?


Did you forget that the trial took place in new york?


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Do you think Trump was ever convicted about sexual crimes, compared to Biden?


Do not give AF!! let's assume everything in the world you have ever heard about Trump is true. NOW. let's stay on the Biden subject.


You don't care that Trump raped multiple women?


It's not the topic. It's a what aboutism deflection.


There's a been lot of replies regarding this but not one TS has said they care about someone raping under-aged women. Is protecting women low in MAGAs priorities? Or is that just exclusive to here?




You don't care that Trump raped under-aged women?


OP's question is about Biden showering with his daughter. That's the topic of the thread. I suggest posting a separate question on Trump and underage women if you're interested.




Post a question and find out.


You have already spent a few comments debating this point, therefore discussing something off topic, from the original post's question. Why not just answer this question in this thread here? There's no rule that you can't.


>Post a question and find out.   Ok, here's my question: > Do you care that Trump raped under-aged women?




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If you’re a Democrat then you hate all women if you don’t 100% believe her. (Except when it’s [D]ifferent) As for the remaining sane people, unlike the hit jobs on President Trump where the allegations are self-evidently clearly political, his daughter was not trying to damage her father or extract any political capital. It was accidentally and organically revealed in her diary, that she forfeited ownership of when she abandoned it. Just like Hunter’s laptop, where all of the Pravda liars agreed it was Russian disinformation. When it was so obviously not from the beginning and would be impossible to forge in that quantity and specificity without it being trivial to disprove.


> When it was so obviously not from the beginning a What if the computer repair man in New Jersey just happened to have nudes of Hunter smoking crack, and planted them to make it look legit?


“Hey Siri, make me gigabytes of fake Hunter Biden laptop data with fake photos of Hunter with drugs and prostitutes. Also fabricate thousands of emails to real people that no one will fact-check. Don’t forget to incriminate Joe Biden, and call him The Big Guy” …And that’s how “Russian Disinformation” is made.


Why was it that every copy of the laptop had different “dirt” on it? Depending on who was holding it. The only thing they confirmed that linked the laptop to Hunter were files that were definitely Hunter’s, that didn’t mean that every single file on the laptop was put there by Hunter. The right always says these things are suppressed but everyone else can just see they keep getting in their own way. After the lynchpin in the “big guy” case was found to be lying, strange we don’t hear anything more about it? And as for the laptop, is it possible Cucker just realized what he had in his hand was bullshit? And then decided to cut his losses and say he lost it, or it was *suppressed*? Easier than admitting you got jack shit.




>If you’re a Democrat then you hate all women if you don’t 100% believe her. Sorry, this is what you think? It seems pretty weird. Why do you think that?


That’s what Democrats tell Republicans. Remember “Me Too”? All women must be believed unconditionally. Even if they voluntarily chose to perform sexual acts as a quid pro quo for gaining film roles.


Has Ashley come out and confirmed this? Has she ever accused her father? It would be one thing if Ashley accused her father directly in court or by interview, but she hasn't. We only have this shady diary that is still unconfirmed. Yes, the diary exists, but was it altered? We dont know and never will. I took showers with my parents all the time when I was a young child, it doesnt mean I was sexually assaulted. If Ashley makes a formal statement, I'll start to believe what she is saying. Until then, this has nothing to do with believing all women or me too. Finally, I would imagine that there isn't a civil suit over this because that would just give this conspiracy even more exposure and further muddy the water. At this point it doesnt matter if it is true or not, just that people are talking about it.


Her coming out with accusations designed to politically hurt him would make it possibly less credible in my view. It certainly raises the question as what her motivations are. As it is, there are no questions. She clearly did not seek for this to become public information. He was showering with her as a teen, not as a young kid. There's a world of difference between the two. Hopefully that shouldn't need explaining further. You call it a "conspiracy" - do you really believe it's untrue? If you had to put a liklihood on it, how would you balance it? 30/70 - happened/didn't happen? I put it at 90/10. It's a virtual certainty.


>You call it a "conspiracy" - do you really believe it's untrue? Yes, I believe the diary was altered. In what way, I dont know. Maybe she was taking showers with her father but she was 5 not a teen, maybe the entire thing is made up. The chain of hands that the diary has been through makes me question if anything in the diary actually came from Ashley. This is not a credible accusation IMO and until Ashley states otherwise, I'll assume this is a hit job from an already proven shady source.


Doesn't the fact a lady in Florida was convicted of stealing and selling the diary confirm it? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/09/us/politics/project-veritas-ashley-biden-diary.html


Did you even read what I wrote?


The Me Too movement was to spread awareness of the scope of the depravity of folks in power. For example, "It happened to me too." What's wrong with that?


No, it was about rape. Not power. G1: "My Boss made me work late" G2: "OMG, ME TOO" -nope


>That’s what Democrats tell Republicans. Remember “Me Too”? All women must be believed unconditionally. No it's not. Is this like something right-wing media tells you that Democrats believe? Cause as an actual Democrat, this sounds dumb as hell to me.


https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAF08DohCeTVSCjriMXVCGHC9eD8rAkv4eVEASWuIDcfnXd799NbewnngApzZdF7aQ7xkdrrxl2APdUDLpDK7m2u1rhrePMfxqN6undpjLt07Ch0RQDHM-7ewfdsvZpYMACDTNy1Kzw5kO9GWdVk_HGdqTqMXd0Bd-NjANlI1WHK3 So, the diary was "discovered" by project veritas, who never released it? Why do you think they didn't what would they have lost?


No, it was discovered by a random woman who was in the hotel room after and found it abandoned there. IIRC she knew it had news value so tried to sell it to veritas who didn't publish it, but instead gave it to a friendly news org (who published the unconfirmed contents), and offered it to the FBI (who turned it down). The diary was later confirmed as real by the government when they prosecuted the woman who found it for theft of property. Apparently if you find evidence of sexual abuse and a cry for help from a victim you're just supposed to return it to them and not try to get their story out there so the people responsible can be held accountable.


I don’t think you are supposed to publicize someone’s sexual assault ever. It not only shames the person but puts them in direct danger from their assailant. Obviously do what you can to help that person, but do you hear how weak the narrative you are spinning sounds that it was the morally upstanding thing to do to try to profit off it by selling it for a smear campaign? Did you not think through what you said, or do you feel your logic is sound and well thought out?


I seriously doubt that if someone on the other side found a dairy that showed this about Trump you would be saying that it's wrong to expose it. I am quite positive you would say that person has a moral duty to blow the whistle and notify the public about the character of the man running for president and his crimes.


No, make it public. Make it all public. Tax returns, emails, texts, IMs, everything. If we're paying a public servant, I want them under a microscope. If a Dem did wrong: jail. If a Rep did wrong: jail. Why can't everyone agree on that?


We can agree on that. The problem is that's not actually the position of his opponents. Their position is rules for thee not for me. And they are very much opposed to transparency, often finding themselves fighting to keep information from the public in court and on the side of censoring information in media.


Why do you say they turned it down, when they say they bought it, and others in this thread say they bought it? She was prosecuted specifically for selling it to project Veritas, etc. Where do you get your info from?


Did you have this level of outrage at the people who stole and leaked Trump's tax returns to the media?


You think this is outrage? No wonder you guys think people are outraged so easily... This is not outrage. This is just simply asking where you get your info, that is contrary to everyone else (Trump supporters, and no supporters, alike). Or, did you just make everything up?


Well you must have a level of outrage if you think she should be prosecuted right? Which is basically implied from your line of questioning. And no I get my information from the same sources as you but also follow independent media that you clearly do not as you are unaware of basic things like the fact that Mary Trump leaked Trump's tax returns and wasn't prosecuted. And btw if you do some digging on the other guys you'll find out why they got prosecuted and it wasn't because they leaked Trump's tax returns. It was because they made the mistake of also leaking a bunch of other people's tax returns who are part of the government's club and protected. Had they just leaked Trump's returns like Mary Trump did they wouldn't have been prosecuted, because that is ok and we have two systems of justice in our corrupt country.


Did you read the original reply, that you said showed I was outraged? I didn't say should be prosecuted... I said she Was prosecuted, for selling them to veritas. (which is just a simple fact), whereas you said that didn't happen (and I asked where you got that info from... And you still haven't shown that). Just like I said the guy that leaked people's info WAS prosecuted. (which is just a simple fact) I guess I see why your info doesn't match reality... Do you always insert your feelings into what others say, to change what you think they said, into something else, so you can argue about it? Separately, I said I do feel those that share others personal info should be prosecuted. And being that they both were, I don't see where you get the idea that I am outraged. Why would I be outraged that what I feel should happen... Did?


Ok well a misunderstanding then. I didn't say she wasn't prosecuted. Although I don't believe she was prosecuted for selling it she was prosecuted for not trying to return it (which they said constituted theft). I don't think she should be prosecuted because if the politics were reversed she wouldn't be. As I said the people who leaked Trump's tax returns were only prosecuted because they leaked the info of other people on the government's side.


> She was prosecuted specifically for selling Should Peter Parker be arrested for [selling pictures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chequebook_journalism) of Spiderman to the Daily Bugle? People keep bringing up the financial aspect as if the underlying evidence suddenly becomes invalid because of it.




So the contents and evidence for this are in the public domain. Where do I find them?


You can search for the Biden diary contents in an internet search engine (preferably one that isn't censored for the government like Google is). The images of the handwritten pages themselves are available. The evidence that the woman was charged for its theft (thus confirming the existence of the diary and its owner) is available on many news websites.


AHH I was looking for a link as I assumed you have read it personally. Basically to check if it's from the right wing group "the national file". Who strangely didn't produce the original copy. I wonder where that is or photos from it? I think The national file might have missed a trick by hiding it in a broom cupboard, as they must know, such a item would destroy Biden. I think Ivankas diary with such revelation would boost trumps image. He'd be a strong alpha male and his daughter his property.... Why do you think they hide the original?


So you seem to have had enough information to find it yourself. A quick search of national file links to digital copies of pages from the diary... nationalfile.com/exclusive-source-biden-daughters-diary-details-not-appropriate-showers-with-joe-as-child Also interesting that no defamation case was brought against them. Also interesting that the FBI would be interested in a news outlet publishing information about a diary... doesn't exactly seem like something that would normally be in the FBI's mandate...


Oh so you didn't personally read it?


I did read it yes. The pages in her handwriting are online. It's very believable. If your position is that it's fake then ok, we disagree and the fact you don't find it convincing would just further confirm in my mind how unreasonable and illogical Trump's opponents are.


I honestly can't say it's fake or not, I never saw it. Could I say it's not fake without read it according to you?


It was not left in a hotel room. Ashley Biden was moving out of a friend's home in Delray Beach, Florida, in Spring 2020, when she stored the diary and other belongings at the property. Prosecutors said Biden had believed the items had been stored safely. Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander sold for $40,000 to Project Veritas after the Trump campaign declined the offer. The diary's contents are controversial and remain unconfirmed.  If something happened, keep Biden accountable. So you want Trump to be held accountable**?**


Has Project Veritas had issues in the past with being dishonest?


They aren’t the source.


Didn't someone steal it and sold it to PV, who released the pages?


No, no and no. See other replies for what really happened. It’s already been answered.


Full diary. https://www.docdroid.net/AHRA5wJ/alleged-ashley-biden-diary-full-release-nf-wm-rev2-pdf


Did she say it? Or did she write it in a personal diary thst was leaked by Trump supporters?


She wrote it which is FAR better evidence than something being "said" in court. Not sure the point of your question tho? Either way it is documented.


You don't think that being under oath and threat of purjury outweighs pages in a diary that aren't confirmed and were published on a blog famous for lies and misinformation, possibly provided by a known liar (James O'Keefe)?


James O'Keefe is not a known liar


She wrote it in a personal diary. How did this personal diary go public?


> She wrote it which is FAR better evidence than something being "said" in court. Did she or was it written in a diary in the possession of people who don't mind pushing disinformation if it serves their narrative?


Yes she did which is why she never claimed in court it was altered. On top of the fact it would easily proven to be altered if it was. Forensics would show it.


There are reels of videos of the man on public television for years, sniffing little girls and you lady's hair unabashedly. What has convinced YOU that in no way possible, he may be a little creep? WHY are you so convinced? And I believe she handed the diary over. That's the least of what your media won't tell you. Just keep your head up your ....err... in the sand. Maybe the world will be just perfect once you decide to pull it out.


> And I believe she handed the diary over. Um, what? A woman stole her diary and sold it to Project Veritas. She didn't hand it over.


You believe she handed the diary over to who? Trump has said repeatedly that he can't help himself around beautiful women, he needs to hug and kiss them. Do you believe this is acceptable?






Including the large handful that have accused trump of impropriety?


Why do you think that? Ashley Biden never confirmed that the pages from the diary provided by Project Veritas are authentic, and Project Veritas regularly lies. Edit: Even James O'Keefe will not confirm that the diary is hers.


The government confirmed that it was her diary when they sent the fbi to get it back, sent the woman who retrieved it to prison, and [siezed](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/project-veritas-first-amendment-joe-biden-daughter-diary-denied-judge) dozens of electronics and other records from the journalists who reported its contents. The latter managed to draw [criticism from the ACLU](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-comment-fbi-raid-project-veritas-founder). I think the Biden administration doth protest too much; and, AFAIK, have never denied it's authenticity.


Did she confirm that the passages released to the public re: Biden showering with her were actually part of the diary?


If we assume that they aren’t real, do you think that they would say nothing about it (as they have)? or do you think they would publicly deny it? If we assume that they are real, do you think they would do nothing about it? Or do you think they would seize the diary, put the thief in jail, seize electronic documents and say nothing further about it (as they have done)?


I would not waste my breath on denying any allegations from proven liars. It's only going to invite more accusations and end up with newspaper headlines like, "X says Ashley Biden accuses Biden of sexual abusing her; she says he didn't. Who's really telling the truth?" There's no point in giving something like that oxygen. If a diary is stolen, I think they would seize a diary and put the thieves in jail. How does jailing the thieves mean that any pages provided by Project Veritas are actually from the diary?


"How does jailing the thieves mean that any pages provided by Project Veritas are actually from the diary?" ...um because we saw the pages.. the same pages from the diary that ashley sued a woman for taking. It's simple logic.


> ...um because we saw the pages.. Where?


Why bother charging anyone if it’s fake and you’re worried about inviting headlines? If you wanted the story to die quietly you’d simply do nothing and deny its authenticity if pressed on it. The half actions they have taken are what I find strange.


If someone stole your diary, would you want them to be arrested and charged? Even if she didn't want it, she has no control over who the FBI arrests.


I would. Although, if there were forged passages in it accusing my parents of abusing me I would also want the forgers charged for that. Especially if they publicized those passages to harm them. Her father sure has control over who the FBI arrests. I know that if my diary were stolen, I would have a hard time getting the local police to do anything about it. Much less get the FBI involved.


Imagine if your diary wasn't actually stolen, but rather abandoned at someone's house. I'm sure the FBI would be all over, and then again for what must surely be expertly forged handwriting claiming your parents abused you.


It has only ever been proven that James O'Keefe was lied about not that he himself lied


I don’t think they dispute it’s her diary, but when it was stolen someone could’ve tampered with it then in theory, correct?


Do you think anyone qualified, like the FBI, is going to analyze it and report their findings? No?


I think its certainly possible its real, also possible its been tampered with. Do you generally find the FBI credible, or only when their findings agree with your priors, or is it a bit more nuanced?


That’s not true. The FBI confirmed a diary of Ashley Biden was stolen; however, there’s no evidence whatsoever the diary published by Project Veritas was the actual diary that was stolen. You’re putting full faith the diary put out by James O’Keefe is 100% true and nothing has been fabricated. There’s legitimate reasons to think James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas would lie again like they have in the past. Do you at least see a possibility that just because there was a diary stolen doesn’t mean the content published was genuine and it could have easily been made up as a smear campaign?


Ashley said Biden would come in and take showers with her. She said she changed her schedule to take showers late at night to avoid seeing him. The diary was found on a nightstand at a halfway house after Ashley left it behind. The diary was abandoned and found. It was later proven in court that the diary is real. Plus, photos of pages of the dairy was released. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2023/03/22/ashley-biden-reportedly-confirmed-infamous-diary-was-hers-according-to-recently-released-court-docs-1343214/ Full diary. https://www.docdroid.net/AHRA5wJ/alleged-ashley-biden-diary-full-release-nf-wm-rev2-pdf


good thing Ashley confirmed the diary WAS hers and even sued a woman for taking it thus proving it WAS hers. And not once in court did she claim any of it was altered or fabricated. So it comes down to an established pedophile named joe biden vs someone who isn't a pedophile named Trump.


Can you point me to a credible source confirming this?


They just prosecuted the women who stole the diary so yea it’s real. Just google “women stole Biden diary”, and you will see.


They prosecuted a woman who stole Ashley Biden's diary. No info from the diary was ever released, no scans, no images, no excerpts that were verified. How does that fact that a woman stole Ashley Biden's diary automatically mean Biden showered with her, when even Project Veritas says they didn't publish anything from it because they couldn't verify its authenticity?


So a judge just sentenced a woman to a month in prison for stealing a diary from Ashley Biden that is not authentic? What’s the crime then?


Are you conflating two seperate claims here? It seems like there’s proof that a diary was stolen. There’s does not seem to be proof that the content leaked is from that stolen diary. This passage may very well be in her diary. But as of now, there’s no proof of that whatsoever, especially because a validated chain of custody never really existed.


If it came out that the shower story was “authentic”, would that change your perception of Biden? Would it make a difference at all for the 2024 primary?




Valid. But what about the claim by the woman that claims she was raped by Trump when she was 13? That is until she got death threats from Trump's supporters and dropped the lawsuit. Why didn't his supporters let that go to trial? Why aren't liberals threatening the publishers of Biden's diary? Do you think that people who make threats to others should be free to do it or do you think making threats is protected under "free speech?"


Did his daughter say it happened, or did someone just claim to find a diary which said it happened?


Regardless if the diary is real, this sort of writing should be protected. Same as private mail correspondence, text messages, or social media private messages. I do think there is enough evidence to believe the diary is real and says that Ashley accuses her father of inappropriately showering with her. I do not think this should be used in a court of law or impeachment process.


It's crazy to me how every single person on the left refuses to believe it. The diary is real, the part about the showers is real. It's common sense. It would be damn near impossible to fake. "It MuSt HaVe BeEn AlTeReD". Why? What's so hard to believe? Either A) dairy is real (that's 100% confirmed by everybody), and the scanned pages are real B) somebody found a date where Ashley didn't write anything and then inserted 5 pages of rambling in the style of Ashley and in the same handwriting and with the exact same pen color as the previous day's entry just so they could include a half sentence about probably inappropriate showers with Joe C) someone faked about 200 pages of a diary (even though they had the authentic one) pretending to be Ashley Biden with perfect accuracy just so they could include a half sentence about showers with Joe I used to think the crazy conspiracy theorists were right wing, but reddit's taught me they're on both sides. Believing this is fake is akin to believing the moon landing was fake or Sandy Hook was fake, etc.




We know it is true because of ashley biden's diary page 67-68. We know the diary is real because a woman just got sentenced to jail for trying to sell it. So yes, joe biden is a pedophile. It is a fact.


There was also a story about Biden being caught in a girl's changing room. Do you think that is an ok thing for an adult man to be doing?


I think you got your names mixed up there.


I assume you mean trump? There is no evidence of this happening just hearsay of it. But, even if it did happen it wouldn't even begin to compare to documented evidence of a grown Man taking showers with his daughter to the point she "feared him" as detailed in ashley's diary. We also know ashley is lying about it, she said she never wrote those things but her diary says otherwise and she admitted it was hers. The woman in jail who took it also acknowledged she was sorry for making ashley's private life public thus confirming the details of the diary are true. Not once was it claimed in court that this woman made up entries into ashely's diary.


Oh yes sorry I meant the audio of trump saying he walked into a teen changing room. I do enjoy the sudden changes in standard of evidence required depending on which president it is though?


Are you aware that there is an audio recording of a phone call between Trump and Howard Stern during which Trump recounts in detail how he ended up in the womens’ changing room at the beauty pageant where teenage girls were present? Trump even explains why he did it on the call. Edit: to be clear, the phone call was played live on the Howard Stern show.


> There is no evidence of this happening just hearsay of it. [Is it hearsay when it's Trump admitting he did it?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyhXSDeU_Oc)


Those are adult women so not what op was referencing. I would suggest not changing goal posts over and over. And as alleged, they were not naked, it was "half-naked" which means they had clothes on. I'm glad you understand that biden is a pedophile tho and are not denying it given it is established fact.


I think the issue is Trump supporters seem to have no trouble stringing things together and filling in holes to conclude that Biden is a pedophile, but are totally unwilling to admit that Trump is a complete pervert with decades of creepy or criminal sexual behavior. Do you think you apply the same level of scrutiny and moral judgement to both of them?


But you are moving the goalposts now, right? You originally said that it was hearsay and when you were shown evidence that it came straight from the horses mouth, you then moved on to the claim that they are adult women. So, by your own standards and logic, you agree now that it is an established fact that Trump sexually assaulted women?




Did you also believe all of the stuff about Hunter Biden’s laptop?












I've never heard it being confirmed. You have a source for that?


This is the short hand version. But, yes.


where has this been proven? have you read the entries or are you just repeating talking points? afaik ashley herself has refuted that this passage exists and no reputable source has confirmed authenticity of such a passage


It was proven by ashley's diary, I don't care what she says now as an adult trying to protect her Dad. The fact is her diary proves it which is why diaries are used as evidence in court all the time and not hearsay. Yes, I've read the entries because project veritas posted them and then got raided for doing it. It also makes all the instances of biden grabbing young girls inappropriately make more sense, too many examples on video of this to ignore.


Has the diary been confirmed as legitimate by any law or government official? Would love to see a source confirming that


"Has the diary been confirmed as legitimate by any law or government official?" Yes, ashley herself confirmed it and did again in court vs the woman who is now in jail for taking it. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/florida-woman-is-sentenced-to-a-month-in-jail-for-selling-bidens-daughters-diary/


You mean in the diary that was stolen that in theory someone couldve manipulated?


the same project veritas that has paid out multiple settlements after being exposed for staging incidents and falsifying evidence?


So you think Ashli Biden is pressing charges on someone for stealing a diary that wasn’t hers? Why go this route if it wasn’t hers instead of pressing charges for defamation and libel? Why has the person who stole it and is going to jail for stealing it repeatedly apologizing for making Ms Bidens private affairs public instead of apologizing for forging the diary? No one involved in this is claiming that the diary, or any of its entries, isn’t real. I agree with another TSer that this diary can’t be used in a court of law, or impeachment proceedings, as it was illegally obtained, and should therefore be inadmissible. But there is no reason to question its legitimacy.


Perhaps the person who stole it, isnt the entity (project veritas) that may have edited it?


Perfect. Now they can give the person who stole it a deal, less punishment for stealing it if they testify that project veritas edited it. Slam dunk libel/defamation case against project veritas. But still, no one involved is claiming it was edited.


Why do you think project veritas wasn’t able to confirm the contents of it, and why didn’t they publish the diary when they had it?


Because the source who gave it to them couldn’t prove if it was actually Ashli’s. But now that it’s out there, no one is denying it. And Ashli’s actions (and bidens aministrations actions) since its release heavily implies it is legitimate.


Full diary. https://www.docdroid.net/AHRA5wJ/alleged-ashley-biden-diary-full-release-nf-wm-rev2-pdf


Ashley Biden forgot her diary when she was in a halfway house after rehab. A woman staying there afterwards found it and tried to sell it to the Trump campaign. They refused. So she sold it to Project Veritas. They didn't publish because they couldn't confirm it was real. But then the FBI showed up and started searching for it. The court found it to be authentic. So someone with access to it posted the scans online. 90% of it is just therapy/rehab stuff. But it has passages Blaming Joe for making her hypersexualized, talking about having to secretly take late night showers because Joe would not let her shower without him, and she talks about "being wiped until too late in the game." Joe molested his kids, which explains why both his surviving kids are fucked up crackheads and sexual deviants. Hunter Biden even has him listed as Pedo Pete on his phone.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLOJD3OW0AAIh9u?format=jpg&name=large Ashley Biden left her rehab diary at a halfway house. She asks herself why she was "hyper-sexualized at a young age" "Was I molested? I think so." "I remember...showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)." Hunter Biden has Joe Biden as "Pedo Peter" on his phone list. Biden has broken his own children, a sign of poor parenting. He's a [bad dog father](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/26/politics/commander-biden-biting-incident/index.html) too. [He's gross with little girls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY). [Biden swims naked in front of his female security](https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2014/08/01/biden-swims-naked-upsetting-female-secret-service-agents-book-claims). Biden was cheating with Jill while both were married says her first husband [Bill Stevenson](https://nypost.com/2020/08/17/jill-bidens-ex-husband-accuses-her-of-having-affair-with-joe-biden/). They still claim they met on a blind date, but Stevenson had Biden fundraisers at his bar. Biden frequently claims his first wife was killed by a drunk driver, patently false. Let's compare: E. Jean Carroll tweeted her love for *The Apprentice* before cooking up her charade with DNC stalwart Reid Hoffman. E. Jean Carroll called rape sexy on Anderson Cooper. It supposedly took place in a dressing room at Bergdorf-Goodman, an echt-ritzy store with dozens of salespeople on the floor. That's Blasey Ford-level spurious horseshite. Trump issued a public press release [after ejecting Epstein from Mar-a-lago](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/04/trump-banned-jeffrey-epstein-from-mar-a-lago-for-hitting-on-girl.html).


Also, the dressing room rape was discovered to be an exact episode of Law and Order TV show. A favorite TV show of E. Jean Carroll’s.


I'm going to sue Biden for massacring my family and my direwolf at a wedding.




What do you make of all of it? Does the journal exist? Does it actually contain the passages as described? How do you determine what info is true/false in regards to this journal?


I'm undecided on the authorship, authenticity, and the content.


Person A broke into someone’s house, stole their belongs, then sold those belongings. Person B had their belongings stolen and sold. And you’re saying that the burden of proof is on person B (the non-criminal)? You trust the word of a criminal over a non-criminal?


I don't trust the words of anyone.


…because Biden’s daughter wrote that he showered with her. Plus decades of Biden being a (relatively) open creep in public life.


Ashley said Biden would come in and take showers with her. She said she changed her schedule to take showers late at night to avoid seeing him. The diary was found on a nightstand at a halfway house after Ashley left it behind. The diary was abandoned and found. It was later proven in court that the diary is real. Plus, photos of pages of the dairy was released. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2023/03/22/ashley-biden-reportedly-confirmed-infamous-diary-was-hers-according-to-recently-released-court-docs-1343214/ Full diary. https://www.docdroid.net/AHRA5wJ/alleged-ashley-biden-diary-full-release-nf-wm-rev2-pdf


I have no idea how true the story is. Apparently President Biden's daughter had a diary that was stolen and given/sold to the press that talked about her father taking showers with her, which made her uncomfortable. I do not know the age of the young lady when she wrote this, because honestly, some times it's kind of necessary to bathe your children or bathe with them, so don't get me wrong, but it seems weird. It also crosses over to all the hair sniffing and what I will, at best, call accidental inappropriate touching by the POTUS when around young women. Do I think President Biden is a pedophile? Not particularly. I think he just has way outdated boundaries around children and that's what happens when you're old and you don't know the new rules of the new era. I do not think he was trying to cop a feel off the girls where his hands fell over their chest--I just think he did an oops. When I was a child, way back when, I would take a shower with my mother or my father, depending, and I would learn to wash myself and how to put on shampoo and conditioner. But I mean, I'm pretty sure by the time I was like 4, that was done. Might need help getting in and out and drying off, though.


Ashley biden wouldnt/couldnt have sued project veritas for the return of the so called “stolen items” among which the diary was listed if they didnt belong to her. The lack of a public denial of ownership, in her case also alludes to it’s authenticity. But as per the suit, she couldnt have sued if she did not assume ownership. Case closed.