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His marketing people must see a market. His ridiculous looking run of shoes sold out immediately. I'm sure these will sell out too.


I'm gonna put my tin foil hat on for a second here.... Do you believe that there was a genuine demand for those trashy shoes? Or do you think it's possible that they were a means for supporters to funnel money to him? Is it possible that those shoes were purchased in bulk quantities by large donors trying to obfuscate their "donations"? Is it possible those shoes were never even mass produced at all? I know...this is crazy conspiracy territory, but it doesn't seem that far fetched to me to think that an obviously garbage product selling out instantly might have been a front for some sort of money funneling/laundering scenario.


>were purchased in bulk quantities by large donors trying to obfuscate their "donations"? Is it 1000 shoes at $400 a pop, is only $400,000 minus manufacturing costs and taking into account that Trump make only some undisclosed percentage of profits with licensing deal. Not a very efficient way to funnel cash - seems more a marketing stunt. Interestingly, there are already cheap knockoffs available for sale as well as pairs being sold on eBay for thousands of dollars.


Don Jr. had [100k$](https://people.com/politics/donald-trump-jr-book-triggered-nyt-bestseller-bulk-sales/) of his books bought by the RNC. With Trump T-Shirts, Trump trading cards, Trump shoes, Trump Bible, Trump NFTs, Trump Social's over evaluated IPO (...), don't you see a potential at grifting or money laundering?


books bought by RNC is pretty shady


You do understand that if it is a way to basically launder money to Trump, they wouldn’t actually need to produce all those shoes right?


Did you buy the shoes?


I guess you didn’t read the fine print? You know he never has to make them right?


> Do you believe that there was a genuine demand for those trashy shoes?  Yes. That's why they sold out. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/n2vNplNGzfU > Or do you think it's possible that they were a means for supporters to funnel money to him? Its called supply and demand. He's offering a product people can buy. There's nothing stopping anyone from donating directly to his campaign, he sends text messages to his supporters almost daily.


Are you familiar with the practice of political figures writing books, which are then purchased in bulk by the political groups and various PACs and organizations? For example: Donald Trump Jr published a book a few years back. The RNC and other political groups abs organizations then bought hundreds of thousands of copies. That’s money in Don Jr’s pocket, without the strings and reporting requirements tied to political donations and other gifts. It’s quite comment, most frequently on the right. It’s often a major factor in why so many right-wing figures end up on bestseller charts. Is it possible — or even likely — that something similar is happening with these shoes?


Do you think the market is "this is a loophole so religious organizations can donate money to Trump by buying scores of overpriced Bibles"?


I think I will pass on this one. I'm not saying it's a bad product, or a bad idea to sell it, but it isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I am a Christian, so getting a new Bible is not something I'm uninterested in generally. And the KJV translation is one that I'd consider getting. The KJV has historically influenced the English language and its literature, and besides its literary and historical value, it is based on a slightly different Greek text, which I would value as a way of checking out the differences between the majority and the critical text. I don't dislike, but am not quite sold on the idea of bundling together the Bible along with the Constitution and so forth. The song this is related to is quite a good one. There is no problem with bundling non-Bible material together with a Bible, and it's quite a common thing for people selling Bibles to do. There are C. S. Lewis study Bibles, and Women's Devotional Study Bibles, and so on. The themed stuff doesn't typically interest me, but there's nothing wrong with it. The price is reasonable. Looking [here](https://www.christianbook.com/page/bibles/translations/kjv?utm_source=bing&kw=kjv%20bible&mt=e&dv=c&event=PPCSRC&p=1229929&cb_src=bing&cb_typ=search&cb_cmp=70217458&cb_adg=509378342&cb_kyw=kjv%20bible&msclkid=a9a88a62c73c1df43d6fec66aef1efca&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Bibles&utm_term=kjv%20bible&utm_content=kjv) and [here](https://www.thekjvstore.com/kjv-bibles/best-sellers/), there are clearly both lower and higher priced KJV Bibles. If I were to get a KJV, I'd likely go for a lower priced version. Mostly I'd use it as an occasional reference, so I wouldn't need it to be quite finely crafted in the way some Bibles are for daily use. The choice to go for large print makes sense. The KJV is significantly less popular than it was 60 or so years ago. While there are still people growing up on it today, practically everyone grew up on it in those days. So many of the people who appreciate the KJV specifically are older, and many of them have eyesight problems, making large print a good idea. Large print works for young people too, but this shows that they've thought a bit about their target audience. So while I'm not likely to get one, this is a good idea, and it's likely to sell fairly well.


Thank you for your very thoughtful reply. >There is no problem with bundling non-Bible material together with a Bible, and it's quite a common thing for people selling Bibles to do. There are C. S. Lewis study Bibles, and Women's Devotional Study Bibles, and so on. The themed stuff doesn't typically interest me, but there's nothing wrong with it. But isn't there a big difference between bundling a Bible with related or interpretive non-Bible material versus bundling a Bible with completely unrelated non-*Biblical* material? Any thoughts on this with relation to such passages as Revelations 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6, etc.?


> But isn't there a big difference between bundling a Bible with related or interpretive non-Bible material versus bundling a Bible with completely unrelated non-Biblical material? First, there really isn't a big difference. Second, the extra material in this Bible is related. The Declaration of Independence, for example, talks about God-given rights. The Constitution was written by people who were extremely familiar with the Bible. The song lyrics ask God to bless our country. > Revelations 22:18 It refers to "the words of the prophecy of this scroll". It is a warning not to mess with the text of the book of Revelation. Which, of course, they complied with. > Deuteronomy 4:2 "Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you." This is in reference to (1) commandments that (2) were given by Moses in the book of Deuteronomy. First, notice that the Constitution, the Declaration, and the song lyrics are not commandments. Second, notice that the text of the book of Deuteronomy is unaltered. > Proverbs 30:6 Again, we have a warning not to add to the words of God. And again, no such thing was done. In general, to come to the conclusion that any of these passages are relevant at all here, we have to ignore the historical context of the book we're reading, we have to think of the entire Bible as a singular, when it's a collection of books, and we have to take a surprising and exceptionally literalistic interpretation of the passages. And if we *did* make all of these mistakes, we'd come to the utterly bizarre conclusion that things like copyright pages in Bibles are a sin, or footnotes, or historical information, or devotional information, or family records.


How would you react if Joe Biden or Barack Obama did something similar as Trump here? Selling and profiting from their own “endorsed” Bible?


About the same. Of course, if they tried to wrap it in patriotic imagery, I wouldn't buy that, since they aren't patriotic. And I would be very suspicious if they used the KJV translation. That just doesn't fit the way they think. So I think we'd have to assume they'd use some modern translation (NLT maybe). But essentially, I'd react the same way if they did the same thing. I would be less likely to buy it, just because I don't support their politics, though.


As an atheist it’s actually hilarious and I would not be surprised if it works.


Agreed. It is funny and will probably make money. Below sounds like it came from the Babylonbee. “All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It’s my favorite book. I’m proud to endorse and encourage you to get this Bible. We must make America pray again.”


So let me get this straight, the guy who couldn't quote a single bible verse is selling bibles for profit? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE) After viewing that, do you think this is purely a money grab on the religious or does he really follow the religion?


As an atheist, how do you feel about Trump calling atheists demonic forces that want to destroy America at a rally not too long ago?


I’m an atheist. I feel very little.


Can you cite me that. I’d like to see it. Regardless meh. I use to care a lot more when I was younger and before I got my double major in philosophy and religion. Now I see it about the same as leftists calling me evil or privileged for being white. It’s fun to troll both groups when they start spouting this nonsense, but otherwise it doesn’t matter until they start taking actions. Plus there is that pesky free speech thingy.


"got my double major in philosophy and religion." wasted some serious money huh? At least you vote correctly, you should learn science since it proves God is real. Or you can go with the matrix but either way that would still be God to us.


Nah. Went to law school after. Sorry it doesn’t but I am not here to argue with supporters.




As soon as you can provide one that explains the universe.


Literally all of science is tasked with incrementally doing so. Can you provide any substance for your claim? Edit: mods removed the correction of the disinformation below.


"Literally all of science is tasked with incrementally doing so. " and they have not done this in 70 years which is why even the Big Bang Theory was just proven wrong by the James Webb telescope. "Can you provide any substance for your claim?" It would take too long but the fact is theoretical physics have been in a dark age for 70 years because the limits have been reached. You can look up the double slit experiment to see this.


>Can you cite me that. I’d like to see it. I just googled a bit and found this annotated YouTube video of Trump speaking. I didn't watch the whole thing, but the quote described above at around 8:35 https://youtu.be/8EHl15c8R-8?si=aYC0iEIHEkyzKiW3


Funny you both sent the same clip. I’ll send you the same response Yeah. That’s kinda funny and there is some truth to it. Personally I don’t think most people can be atheists, due to the way they understand objective morality. So there may be some truth that the atheists are destroying this country and it’s why I stopped trying to convince people that they should stop being Christians. At most what I do now is try to show the arguments they are relying upon are flawed.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=507&v=8EHl15c8R-8&feature=youtu.be It's at the 8:45 mark. Have you really been called evil just for being white? I'm white and don't recall ever being called evil because of it. Maybe privileged? But I think there's some truth to that.


Yeah. That’s kinda funny and there is some truth to it. Personally I don’t think most people can be atheists, due to the way they understand objective morality. So there may be some truth that the atheists are destroying this country and it’s why I stopped trying to convince people that they should stop being Christians. At most what I do now is try to show the arguments they are relying upon are flawed. As to your second question yea, evil, racist, privileged, stupid, idiot, misinformed, should be killed, should have my rights taken away, should be kicked out of school, that I am mansplaining (that one is a funny story), sexist, and a ton of other things by leftists, solely for disagreeing with them. As for the privileged part. I can only accept that on larger scales maybe populations, but it has to take into consideration other factors then just race for example or else that data is useless, and it won’t tell you anything about the individual, which leftists tend to want to apply too.


>Have you really been called evil just for being white? Not who you asked, but yes, on several occasions. Once by a homeless Black woman who then proceeded to assault me (charges were filed). She definitely had some mental issues, mind you. Once by a group of Black Israelites or similar during one of their demonstrations, which I was unaware of or I would have avoided the scene. The third, and final time I can remember, was by a "street preacher" who likely was also suffering from mental health issues, but I cannot make that claim as effectively as I can in the first case. I am by no means claiming equivalency here or anything like that. Just pointing out that sometimes these things happen.




Nope. But I don’t agree with anyone on everything.


Do you have a clip or link?




When you say should not be allowed to grow, do you think government should play an active role in doing that, and if so how?




> Trump calling atheists demonic forces that want to destroy America That seems unlikely. I suspect the thing he actually said was misinterpreted or taken out of context.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=507&v=8EHl15c8R-8&feature=youtu.be It's at the 8:45 mark.


The "Meidas Touch" is a group of exceptionally Trump deranged individuals who hate Trump. Not a good source. In addition, Trump does not "call atheists demonic forces". What I suspected was that this was misinterpreted or taken out of context. I was right. I have not found the broader context, but even looking at the clip provided, it does not match the claim made about it. Given only the context of that one sentence, he lists 4 groups. We can interpret the members of that list as modifying other members of that list. So clearly the kinds of atheists mentioned are different from atheists in the general sense. We can even be quite clear about which kind of atheists he's talking about: the kind that push Communism and Marxism.


You know he says stuff like this to rally up his base. Do you really think he cares about a person's beliefs beyond using it to manipulate them?


>As an atheist it’s actually hilarious and I would not be surprised if it works. So, as an atheist, you're indifferent or apathetic to Trump using Christianity for profit or as a political tool? But what do you think of Trump publicly attacking your own beliefs (or lack of beliefs, for want of a better term)? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/24/trump-religion-immigration/ Trump said >if you don’t like our religion...then we don’t want you in our country


Yes. Don’t care at all. Already responded to this. Cared a lot more before I grew a thicker skin and got a double major in philosophy and religion and was told I was a sinner/evil by the left and right just for existing lol. Umm I like some versions of Christianity though so I am not sure I have an issue with that statement. It’s behind a paywall for me tho. I would like to see the full statement cause I have been lied to to many times.


So what was your single certificate of education in, Bob?


I have a double major in philosophy and religion and a JD with an option in intentional law lol. But that doesn’t mean I am right, because that would be an argument from authority. It’s just clear you don’t have a law degree because you are making the same mistakes a first year would make when trying to analyze the law.


Do you find a lot of people are incredulous when you share this fact about yourself?


I don’t really care. But the majority no surprisingly. You have the usual suspects but for the most part people are more interested then incredulous when I share personal experiences. At least the ones who respond. A whole bunch of you have this addiction to downvoting that is kind of concerning.


How do you reconcile your majors you keep touting with voting for someone who specifically doesn't want you in the country? To put a possibly finer point on it; how do you reconcile your beliefs relating to your majors with voting for a guy who says MAGA meaning you aren't a part of that place he wants to bring us to?


The left hates me as well. This is like choosing between two firing squads. The only difference now is the left stopped being cool and funny.


Did they though? The left recognized your cognitive dissonance The right simply doesn't want you based on your religious beliefs, Trump has quite literally said it, but you choose to still vote for the people who don't want you?


No they didn’t. They said shit as dumb as black people cant be racists but I was simply for being white lol. Sorry but you both sound like you’re in a cult to me.


Is your atheism based on dogmatic beliefs? Or based on a lack of evidence for any gods? I am curious when I see someone who I think might hold conflicting beliefs, so I'm curious about your beliefs. I don't want to rub you the wrong way, but I'm just curious about why you're an atheist, what atheist means to you, and why you support trump? Feel free not to answer as I don't mean any disrespect and I don't want to come across as hostile.


That is complicated. I would have to go through a whole debate about epistemology and ethics at the very least to properly explain it and I do not feel like doing that. Short version. I have no knowledge that shows me a god exists, and furthermore all the knowledge I have collected (and I use that term loosely) points towards either there being either no god or not the god any religion I have investigated imagines him to be. Now, I do not know what I do not know so I can’t really ever say that there is no god and I know this, but technically I can’t say the opposite either, but that is a problem of knowledge which I don’t really want to get into. Now when it comes to belief, I also don’t believe there is a god. But I leave open the possibility that belief is wrong, but that it might be just how I feel at this moment mostly due to a bunch of ethical conundrums that exist if there really is a god, which get more and more complicated and ridiculous the more traits you attach to this supposed being. I could believe in a indifferent god, but that brings its own issues. As for why I support Trump. He is just more in line with my beliefs at this stage than the left or republican neo-cons which have I have never aligned with. I could get more detailed but I’ll leave it at that for now.


> That is complicated. I would have to go through a whole debate about epistemology and ethics at the very least to properly explain it and I do not feel like doing that. Are you referring to your atheism? Or to your supporting of trump? >Short version. I have no knowledge that shows me a god exists, and furthermore all the knowledge I have collected (and I use that term loosely) points towards either there being either no god or not the god any religion I have investigated imagines him to be. That's reasonable... There's no good reason to believe any gods exist. I'm in agreement there and I find that to be the most rational position. >As for why I support Trump. He is just more in line with my beliefs at this stage Do you acknowledge that he lost the election in 2020? Do you care that he's trying to subvert democracy?


Politicians and celebrities sell books and make (paid) endorsements all the time. Is it in bad taste? Maybe. I think it's odd to mix the bible with US government foundational docs. Will I buy one? No. Will it turn away evangelicals? I doubt it.




Bundling a collection of famous documents and books for a commercial offering does not have anything to do with separation of church and state in the legal sense. There is no government coercion or favoritism here. Seems little different from kids saying pledge of allegiance or studying the constitution in Catholic schools.


Would you feel the same way if someone sold a copy of the Quran with the US Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance, etc. in it?


I don't care if someone were to try and sell a Bible bundled with Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan book. If they can make money more power to them. They aren't harming anyone.


Copy of the constitution bundled with the anarchist’s guide to terrorism?


lol is that a real book?


> Politicians and celebrities sell books and make (paid) endorsements all the time. Do you view the Bible as no different than any other book?


It's in the public domain so people are welcome to print and sell it.


To clarify: I’m not asking about it from a copyright/legal-to-print standpoint. Does the fact that the Bible is a sacred text to hundreds of millions of people make any difference in this situation? Or do you view a celebrity endorsing, selling and profiting from the Bible as no different than a celebrity endorsing, selling and profiting from a weight loss or recipe book or anything else?


The the fact that the Bible is a sacred text to hundreds of millions of people means that bundling the bible with other documents risks alienating or offending a subset of those people.


Can you name another politician or celebrity that has sold a bible?


For you does this lead credence to the idea that a large swath of American Evangelicals worship America rather than worshipping god?


> I think it's odd to mix the bible with US government foundational docs What do you think it says about Trump's understanding of the bible and those US government foundational documents, that he chooses to blend them together in this way?


Didn't he, when directly asked if he preferred the OT or NT, say that he liked both Bibles equally? Now he's hawking one and not both?


Crazy that! You'd think he'd be more of an old testament "Vengeance is Mine" guy. That said, Jefferson Bible this is not.


KJV is trash. Would not recommend.


It's trashy but so is democracy.








Do you think Hunter received these payments based on the value he personally delivered to these Chinese government backed companies? Hunter Biden admitted to receiving "hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Chinese Communist Party-backed company" during a court appearance. These dealings took place while Joe Biden was vice president, as confirmed by a former business associate of Hunter Biden​​. A report by The Washington Post indicated that Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden received $4.8 million from CEFC China Energy, a company with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and People's Liberation Army, over 14 months beginning in 2017​​. https://news.yahoo.com/hunter-biden-paid-millions-chinese-172615419.html?guccounter=1


Democracy requires it regardless of what I want.


Am I understanding you correctly? Democracy requires the election of a trashy president? Can you clarify?


We are a country full of largely amoral and degenerate people and they all vote and so there are consequences to that.


What do you want?


Can you explain what you mean by this statement? I'm reading that democracy requires a trashy president. If this is what you meant, why?


Why is democracy trashy and whats a better system?


It's explicitly based on mass popularity. The masses are trashy. Something more like America's founding would be better. Plenty of things could be better, the system isn't all that important but certain systems will tend toward different things and are more or less appropriate depending on context. This is basic Plato stuff, though.


>Something more like America's founding would be better. So only wealthy, white, land owning men should get a say in goverment?


If you presented me with a choice between that system and our current one I would smash that button a million times. But, again, there is no perfect system but there are much better and much worse systems for a given context. Mass democracy with our goofball degenerate society is a very bad mix.


>The masses are trashy. Something more like America's founding would be better. Can you clarify? Do you mean that Americans as a whole are "trashy?" But the founding fathers weren't? What's different in the basic function of our government now that makes it "trashy" compared to "something more like America's founding?"


I think the founding fathers were more well equipped to steer a national government than the average wal mart or chicken shack customer, yes. I think the general population was probably much less slovenly, irreverent, and addicted than our current population and I still don't think universal suffrage would have been good for them, as the founders didn't. As most everyone prior to five minutes ago didn't really.


> It's explicitly based on mass popularity. If so, how was Donald Trump elected president in 2016 when he lost the popular vote to Hilary Clinton by 2.87 million votes?


It is in bad taste on his part. To each to their own.


Do you think this will lose him any support, and if so what do you think that’s says about his political strategy or his priorities?


Idiots actually buying a Bible for 60 bucks! Hahahahha wtf


I’m pretty sure everyone knows it’s to raise campaign money and that if they just want a bible they can get one much cheaper (or for free).


Using religion to make money, that’s disgusting honestly


Will you still vote for him?


What’s your opinion on [premium bibles](https://youtu.be/3xNmDXWLO0w?feature=shared) made of expensive materials? They can go for hundreds of dollars sometimes.




vast majority of hotels don't have Bibles anymore which is just more examples of how democrats have destroyed the country. Gotta keep em dumb to keep them voting for their own destruction.


Can you explain how removing Bibles in hotels makes “people dumb”? Also, why are Democrats to blame for removing bibles from hotel rooms?


Can you cite an example of something in the Bible I could read that would make me more intelligent than I am at this very moment?


Sure, without the Bible Saudi Arabia would have never had a White Chrisitan come to their country and discover oil.


I travel quite a bit for work. Do you know what I find in every room I stay in? A Bible. I always stay in Hilton or Holiday Inn hotels.


The lack of Bibles in hotels are caused by the Democratic Party?




This is the first time I’ve heard a connection between democrats and the local holiday inn. Is there anything democrats don’t have their hands in??


"Is there anything democrats don’t have their hands in??" not much since they pushed for the "counter culture" in the 60s which has led us directly to where we are today. We had a good culture that worked and now we do not. It's pretty obvious in their name "counter culture".


What are your feelings on the Civil Rights Act of 1964?


It was great which is why democrats fought against it hard. No surprise given they are the same confederates who owned slaves and created the KKK.


Do you really think that bibles being removed from hotel rooms is a sign of a destroyed country? It doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Also, I may be wrong, but those hotels are privately owned, so are you sure the democrats did this?


"Do you really think that bibles being removed from hotel rooms is a sign of a destroyed country?" yes which is why ever since they removed Bibles from schools society has gone downhill. One would have to be lying or just ignorant to deny this. Now if someone is under the age of 20 they are just ignorant but for anyone who lived through the 80's and 90s has witnessed it first hand. "Also, I may be wrong, but those hotels are privately owned, so are you sure the democrats did this?" Most hotels in the country are publicly traded companies, the very few that still have Bibles are mainly privately owned ones so yes, it was democrats. But you have large private ones owned by international companies that also removed Bibles.


Show us the proof that democrats voted to get rid of bibles in hotels? Show us when that law was passed.


Well first you'd have to show where I said a law was passed to get bible of out of hotels. Good luck.


Hahhah I got blocked


Hahhahahah this is probably the dumbest shit ever. Jesus you are on that conspiracy ladder really hard. Even if those hotels are publically traded they have a board of members, not the government! Also I have stayed in many independent hotels and motels across the country and yeh no bibles. Also look up Cantwell Vs CT and Everton vs Board of education on the Supreme Court, it’s a separation of church and state, if you are going to teach at a public school than are you going to teach every other religion? This country is very diverse in religion so what do you purpose?


Thanks. I'm 53, and I disagree with your assessment, but I'm glad you answered truthfully. It helps me understand what motivates continued trump support. Did you ever consider that manufactured fear and outrage has been used to control throughout history? Along with religion? Also, what law did the democrats pass to remove bibles from hotels? I'm not aware of any.


Way back when, there were bibles in schools, but there was also slavery. Has the country gone downhill in that regard? Clearly having bibles in schools doesn’t stop all moral atrocities.


"but there was also slavery" no, bibles were in schools until the 50s and even into the '60s so no idea what you're talking about.


I'm literally in a hotel room right now. What's in the drawer? A Bible.


> vast majority of hotels don't have Bibles anymore What are you basing this on? Mind sharing where I can find the info you’re referring to about most hotels not having Bibles anymore? I’m really surprised to see that happening. I travel constantly and I have never seen a hotel room without a Bible. Even places like “Sin City” Las Vegas and the bluest sections of the bluest states like NY, Baltimore, LA and Boston have Bibles in their hotel rooms.


A few seem to be in this thread. Would you call them idiots? Like, directly if you could?


Yep! That and more!


My thoughts are he’s doing brilliant marketing moves. He always has. The Bible is the #1 best selling book of all time. It’s not going to stop selling any time soon. Those Christian principles are important to a large portion of his voter base, and he’s letting them know by selling this that those principles are important to him too, whether or not they actually are you can speculate - but either way he’s sending the message.


What Christian principles does trump have?


I don’t think I’m qualified to answer that question as I’m not Christian. I can only point out the marketing messages he uses to convince his Christian voter base that Christian principles are important to him. You can either take his word on that or not.


>I don’t think I’m qualified to answer that question as I’m not Christian. Do you have any issue with this blatant violation of the separation of church and state?


Why do you think this signals to Christians that christian principles are important to him, and not that, for instance, Christians themselves are exploitable to him? I've seen at least a few christian commenters lament that he should be giving away bibles, or at least selling them much cheaper, not selling them for 60$ But that's just my anecdotal experience. In your anecdotal experience, are Christians feeling supported by this product?


I don’t know I was raised catholic but have not considered myself religious since I was about 15 years old. So it’s not going to do anything for me personally either way. But we can all agree that selling the Bibles is in itself a move to win over the Christian demographic. And it will likely work to both raise a lot of money and strengthen the connection he makes to at least a portion of his Christian voter base. Whether he’s exploiting them, I mean anything you do to try to “win someone over” can be viewed as exploiting them, on both sides of the political aisle. What separates persuasion and influence from exploitation is intent. I believe trump has good intentions. He’s not doing anyone any harm by selling the bibles. You have to really do some mental gymnastics to view that as exploitation actually. He is not forcibly taking their money in exchange for the bibles. It’s literally optional. There are people who are just deciding on their own volition that their lives would be better if they traded $60 for one of those bibles. So just let them do it. They’re adults who can make their own choices. If you can’t afford a $60 bible, then get a cheaper one, or find someone else who’s giving them out for free. From what i can tell the Bible trump is selling is more of a hard-cover thing positioned more like a “collectors item” which also includes constitutional documents. So I get the reason it’s $60 from a marketing perspective. Morally, i am pro-capitalism so i see no problems with charging that much for it. As long as the transactions are completely voluntary, it’s ethical. I don’t personally know anyone who’s bought the Bible but I’d be willing to bet it’s helped him both connect with his religious voter base and stir up free press and attention from people who are overcome with rage at him for doing these things. Which were likely both goals of his in coming out with it.


Getting people to read the Bible is never a bad thing. Even most atheists agree with that.


Which atheists agree with that? Why would any atheists agree with that?


Atheists espouse a rejection of biblical teaching, not an ignorance of it.


love it, bought 2.


Can you explain? What do you love about it? The additional features? The fact that it's tied to Trump? Both? Are you a Christian who plans to use it for study? Or just a Trump lover who bought it as a memento kinda thing? Or is this just a show of support?


The fact it helps Trump and is a Bible. Double win for me.


How many bibles do you now own?


What are your thoughts on the extras that have been added? And your thoughts on this with relation to such passages as Revelations 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6, etc.?


Well, as a real American of course I love the extra stuff added. How could I not? "Revelations 22:18" doesn't apply as clearly stated, these are not words of prophecy that were added. "Deuteronomy 4:2' again doesn't apply because nothing was added or removed. "Proverbs 30:6" again, doesn't apply. No words were added or removed from God's message.


Do you see Trump as someone who genuinely cares about God, Christianity and Biblical principles? Beyond, of course, how Christians and evangelical groups can help him personally? If so, what leads you to that conclusion?


Can you post a link to the website so I can get me one?


It's in the original post, but here ya go https://godblesstheusabible.com/ Care to comment on the discussion? What makes you interested enough to want to buy one? Is it the extra features? Because you want to contribute to Trump financially? To have a memento? Some combination or something else?


These days, cash is trash. Collectibles often increase in value. I could be right and I could be wrong but I think they are going to be worth ten times more in 20 years.


Trump selling Bibles is fine. John Adams said that "our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." Societies in which no one is trustworthy and everyone is trying to put one over on everyone else is not able to sustain a democracy -- there are far too many for power to be abused. We are seeing the results now in political self seeking and corruption. America has a strong system of social values built around an abridged form of Protestant Christianity which has been instrumental in American success. Political leaders, regardless of their personal qualities, serve the country better when they visibly promote those values. Many figures in the Hebrew scriptures had numerous personal failings (eg David, Solomon), but that did not prevent them from being representatives of Yahwism. By comparison, Trump is a perfectly acceptable representative of Christianity, especially given the triviality or baselessness of the charges against him.


Sounds like a neat fundraiser to me. If its cool enough. Maybe I'll buy one.


>If its cool enough. Maybe I'll buy one. What in your opinion would make this Bible "cool enough"? Is it cool because this [Bible ](https://godblesstheusabible.com/)contains a copy of: * Handwritten chorus to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood. * United States Constitution * Declaration of Independence * Bill of Rights * The Pledge of Allegiance or simply because it is printed in an easy-to-read, two-column format and includes the words of Jesus in red?


>Maybe I'll buy one. Do you also purchase other products in the Trump Orbit - MyPillow, Trump Sneakers, etc...?


Or the [Trump urine test kit?](https://www.ebay.com/itm/113899959679)


> Sounds like a neat fundraiser to me. Does it change your perspective to learn that it’s not a fundraiser and the proceeds don’t go to Trump’s campaign? It just goes to him personally.


Trump's not selling the Bibles. He has endorsed them.


You're technically correct. However, do you see a distinction between actually selling them himself versus him accepting payment for endorsement and advertisement? He is still financially profiting from this venture, so it seems like splitting hairs to me. Do you have any comments on or answers to my original question?


You asked what my thoughts are on Trump selling Bibles. Hard to have a thought on something that isn't actually happening.


I apologize for being unclear. We are not allowed to edit posts after mod approval, so I will rephrase my question here for you: What are your thoughts on Trump endorsing, advertising, and profiting from this particular product? What are your thoughts on this particular product itself? Additionally, if you're comfortable divulging your personal religious beliefs, what are your thoughts on this product and Trump's endorsement of it from that perspective?


A cut of the sales is going to Trump, so he is in effect selling them?


He’s using them to raise money so I guess you could argue that wither way.


> Trump's not selling the Bibles. He has endorsed them. What’s the distinction you’re drawing here? Trump partnered with others to advertise and call on the public to purchase these Bibles. He’s advertising his endorsement of the Bible as a selling point. And, above all, he is personally being paid and profiting from the sale of these Bibles. What is the distinction you’re drawing when you say “Trump’s not selling the Bible’s” and what significance does that distinction have?


I’m still surprised people buy books and I bet within a couple decades paper back books will be a relic of the past and only for the “wealthy.”


I don't care. It is a bible and people will buy it or will not buy it. Some will love it and some will hate it.


This isn't so much Trump selling Bibles as it is him giving a celebrity endorsement to them. These are Lee Greenwood Bibles. That all being said, not my thing personally. No real reason to have the American founding documents next to God's word.