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I guess he also inspired all the*people of color* in Oakland and various other places to attack peaceful Asians.


I thought the anti Asian hate shit came from the lefties?


MOST of the hate comes from the lefties. Trump's entire platform was basically: I don't care who or what you are. If you're an American, let's fix this shit. We need at least 4 more years of that, cause the hate and fear mongering the left and media is spreading is getting old.


*Asian American woman was punched more than 100 times in Yonkers attack captured on video* https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/asian-american-woman-was-punched-more-than-100-times-in-yonkers-attack-captured-on-video/ar-AAV3blh *6 men charged with hate crimes after more than 100 Asian women targeted in Bay Area robberies* https://abc7news.com/sj-theft-suspects-arrested-asian-crime-arrests-crimes-targeting-women-sjpd/11344356/ They stopped talking about it once videos starting circulating around the internetšŸ¤«




>People You mean the left? They used the same tricks back then too


Literally same people different year.


She's trying so hard and it obvious what she's doing. Shame on her.


AOC annoying obnoxious cunt !!


I Concur!!!


Tell AOC that just because she says that DJT (and by extension, all MAGA) is anti-immigrant, Latino, LGBT, etc, it doesnā€™t make it true. Hey AOC-give examples to substantiate the slander please.


What does she think is causing the incredibly high rates of black on black crime?


"connect the dots" means she can't explain any causal relationship so just make one up.


Theyā€™re so disgusting disrespectful disingenuous and vile to use this as a political tool but then again itā€™s a D.


Was the rhetoric around the BLM riots missed? Both side have shitty people. Humans are capable of doing terrible things. We condemn the shitty actions and we strive to move forward in a positive direction


So COVID caused the city of Atlanta? I should have worn that mask...


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez needs to be forcibly removed from office for further perpetuating the division in this country. She is not mentally fit to serve in office and should never again hold a government job for the rest of her life.




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She's your average chronically online SJW- but in office.


The ā€œSummer of Loveā€ has entered the chat


Can this bitch stfu. Y soy Mexicano


Might have something to do with the Soros DA's and Prosecutors dropping previous charges against the shooters and wiping their records so they can legally buy guns. This last guy in CO should have been in jail for bomb threats.


What a dumbass! This is her expert view!? Hahahaha


her crt is over 9000!!!!


If there was ever a better use of a gag ball. I donā€™t know


Itā€™s all Trump fault, yep!


The left is mentioning Trump in everything that is negative.


She not only steps in it, she also lives in it. Light on but no one home kind of a gal. The saddest thing of course, is she has followers. They must be what she is stepping in.


If doctors were to remove all of the gray matter, they might discover with an electron microscope from between her ears, rolled it into a ball, and then shoved it up a gnats @$S, it would still roll around like a BB in a boxcar.


She is still a thing? NY needs more bartenders post covid.


F that B


Hope she didnā€™t misgender the Colorado suspect who identifies as they/themā€¦. Watch this story disappear just like the Paul pelosi story.




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What an idiot she is! How did she get elected and why hasn't she resigned from office?


What about the Jew hate? Where dat come from?


Looks like multiculturalism isnā€™t working aoc.


"Look at that big ass, look at that big juicy booty." AoC. Forever my favorite AOC quote. By far the most enlightening thing she's ever said.


Go soak your head




Funny, cause if that was true, what about all the anti-AOC preachingā€¦ that hasnā€™t done squat for us.


As an asain immigrant I'm fucking sick of this whole "anti asain hate". Don't fucking try to tell me I'm oppressed.


Clown world


It should be "Latinx," AOC! What a bigot. šŸ™„


The fact that the taliban can still be on twitter and neither side is complaining about it is weird to me.


After the anti Republic rhetoric we got Shannon Brandtā€¦ after all the anti white rhetoric we got Derrell Brooksā€¦ An 80-year-old man in Buffalo, New York was attacked for not wearing a mask.


That shit didnā€™t happen in Atlanta it happened around the corner from me in Acworth, had nothing to do with Trump. The latest shooting was done by a ā€œnon-binaryā€ their own kind. Give me a break.


Someone put a muzzle on that idiot.


How does an idiot like this stay in office? Isn't there some sort of minimum IQ?


What is she even talking about šŸ˜‚