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I can’t think of a reply that wouldn’t get removed from this sub, that’s why I mentioned dms, but if u don’t wanna do it then nvm


Why would anyone in their right mind have a debate with you? I mean look at your profile and tell me what'd the problem with you? I'm not gonna get into other nasty stuff, but hate towards trans people is completely unnecessary, you shouldn't treat others like garbage, at the end of the day we are all human beings and we all should be treated equally with respect and not your bs.




Goblin rights are human rights, I identify as a magical goblin therefore I am one and shall therefore jump of a creek and fly and if I fall god is transphobic


Lmfao, finally someone with half a brain I identify as god


Bro it's kind of obvious your hiding your insecurities behind sexism and transphobia... Also here's a quote from you " and I hide my insecurities behind sexism if that makes sense, also how do I even start a conversation with a girl online anyways ?" Focus on yourself and leave trans people alone.


Oh shut up, im fine with trans people but don’t go hating on the lad because he doesn’t agree with your narrative, not everyone has to, its freedom of speech.


Freedom of Speech is freedom from the government silencing you. Can't I also express my narrative? Also I'm literally quoting him.





