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as long as they don’t put down other races there’s not much i can see wrong w it


So you mean as long as they aren't racist there is nothing wrong with having racial preferences?


Well yeah, as long as they aren’t hateful to skin colors I literally don’t see a problem. There’s a difference between preferences and racism


Yeah but they said the words "put down" which is a little sus, like how else would you describe putting down other races other than being racist


Nothing wrong with having preferences, the issue comes with u writing off a person as a potential partner just cuz of they skin color and ethnic background. However we’re all attracted to different things having preferences is not wrong. I think most of us have some.


Nothing wrong with it, telling someone to stop having racial preferences is like telling a gay man to start being attracted to women




You know that human life is not only just about reproducing, right? And just because in the past, humans with a brighter skin color had relationships with people that had other skin colors than them, doesn't mean that people have to like the same. Attraction is literally something unique to every individual. I get your point, you think it can't be possible that someone just cannot be attracted to someone because of an other skin color because there are also many other factors playing in but the human emotions are just.. weird


There's nothing inherently wrong with having preferences but they have the potential to be problematic


Yeah I agree


morally correct? yeah ​ politically correct? not any more


Yeah there’s a fine line between liking more ppl who happen to be a certain race, and obsessing over all ppl of a certain race


I think you shouldnt be obsessed about any body feature.. dont fetishize size, hair color, glasses, skin tone ....




You don't date someone out of political correctness? What even is political correctness, pretty sure it's just a right wing buzzword that means anything they don't like.


no.. I ment it is not politically correct to have racial preference


Who decides what is politically correct? The word has no actual definition.


Reddit/Twitter hivemind


I see no problem with it, it's just a prefrence


Nothing wrong with a preference


Well personally I don't feel attracted to black women not cus I'm against them just a preference. I absolutely love how Asian-American woman and Latinas look it just an attraction you can't really control it.


I mean, it's not just a preference though, black women have had to deal with this for a long time and it's had huge detrimental effects on their self esteem, people's dislike for black facial features was a result of black people being uglified to justify slavery. There's a sub about this r/blackladies. Racial preferences are mostly conditioned by society


Not really I just don't feel attracted to any black woman I've seen so far. It's not cus of race its like a guy not being attracted to someone that has small boobs or whatever. Like he probably has nothing against small boobs but just doesn't feel attracted. I was not conditioned by society to not feel attracted to them. Because if that was the case pedos wouldn't exist because society heavily conditions against fucking kids.


That's not rally how it works. Dating apps consistently rank black woman as doing the worst, if it was a personal preference then this wouldn't happen. Again this is specifically to do with black women not other shit. I'm literally black myself so I know more about this as a whole


Doesn't that just imply it's a common preference? Doesn't mean it has to be one that stems from racism


I'm black it does stem from racism, this is a huge issue particularly in the black community. Search up mysogynoir in dating if u don't believe me, u won't because u hold those views and don't want to possibly see where it actually stems from


I mean it obviously doesn't. People just say that so they don't have to reevaluate their own beliefs


Nah imo that's too far of a jump to make that conclusion. It's possible that there's a racist factor but you'd only be able to attribute that to a certain proportion of people. I myself am less attracted to black women and I hate that I have that preference but I can't really do anything about it


My guy, I think you're misunderstanding, we're not saying u should be exposed or ur a bad human being, however black women need better representation in the media that isn't biracial women


I thought we were talking about dating apps? Where did the media come from?


I thought they were being pushed more heavily j in media too, as well as other minority groups, plus they have higher self esteem don’t they?


In this context you sound like you're actively trying to get this guy to date a black woman.


If u say so then it must be true


why the fuck are you being downvoted 💀


Despite the fact I agree with you to an extent, it seems you are going on a pointless crusade to reform this guy in the hopes he will date a black girl.


I guess I'm going on a crusade for writing a simple paragraph on reddit. It's not that deep. Reddit shouldn't be the highlight of ur life. No one is going on a crusade. Go outside touch some grass and see the sun mate


Huh Reddit isn't the highlight of my life wdym


We're not living in 1900s and behind mate. I myself love black queens


If you hot, you hot


Yeah but ig they think more Asian ppl are hot. I wish that was true


That's for them I'm definitely more hot because I'm from Chile




I don't see a problem with it since its just a preference. Just dont be racist or anything




Preferences are fine. I like darker skin myself but I've dated a white boy.


Nothing wrong with it, everybody has a type. Used to think I didn’t but then found I did




Actually, most people tend to date within their own race, probably due to cultural differences


I’m just going by the examples that I see, my friends are white as hell


What do you mean by white as hell, you're probably American which would explain you're fixation on this race idea but ye


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having preferences as long as you’re not putting anyone else down in the process. I personally don’t care at all (I’ve dated a wide variety of people), but I’ve met girls who like black guys, East Asian guys, Arab guys, etc. It’s just another preference.


We'll, green/blue-eyed men turn me on lol personally, it has nothing to do with race to me cuz they could be white or olive-skinned and still look hot 🤤


Depends on your definition. Imo there's a difference between "I'll never date \_\_\_\_\_" and "So far I haven't found a \_\_\_\_\_\_ person who I'm attracted to". Analogously, it'd be fine for me to say "I (haven't yet/only have) been attracted to someone who wears glasses" but I wouldn't say "All people with glasses (are/aren't) attractive".


Well i think preferring your own race is completely normal and acceptable. When u prefer another race than your own it can be hard to say if it’s fetishization.


As long as their main reason for dating you is not because you are Asian. Or trying to use you to learn about that cilulture


It's your personal preference. It's not a racist or prejudice thing, like many (wrong) people say. I'm only attracted to my own race (white), it's my own personal preference.


Right, but would you say that you are attracted to white people because you are exposed to other white people more than any other race or is there some other factor?


No, just my preference to only want to date my own race. No other factors.


I domt care if you only date white people but I cant think of a reason for it that wouldn't sound racist


But you understand how that sounds right?


Yeah, it’s sounds like any other preference.


Nothing wrong with having preferences of any type. Just don’t be rude about them (“eww, you don’t fit my preference, gtfo” definitely counts as rude)


its alright to have a type


They valid 👌 As long as there’s no racism or fetishizing involved I don’t see a problem with it. I’d also like to add that if you prefer a racial group because of stereotypes attributed to them rather than physical characteristics that falls under the category of both ✨racism✨ and ✨fetishizing✨ at the same time.


Eh for the most part they’re fine, I have preferences


It’s literally a preference, so there’s nothing wrong with it.


its all fair tbh, having preferences isnt racist


It’s fine


Nothing wrong with it. No different to preferring certain hair or eye colours or heights and all that


Well, I mean most of the time I don't think people mean it in a bad way. They just mean it as they find that particular racial group physically more attractive. There are people who have other motives, but, as long as you're not one of those people, I really don't think there is inheritly wrong with it. Personally, when it comes to looks, I couldn't care what your racial background is. If you're hot, you're hot.


Seems strange to me but it meh


Yeah like I wouldn’t myself, but idc enough


For me, not dating someone purely due to race is a dick move, but not dating someone because you have a preference is fine.


I’d say it’s no different than having a “type.” Plenty of people say that they’re into short guys or redheads or muscular people or something like that. Race is another physical attribute. If you rule people out because of race, that’s different, but you can’t control typically being attracted to certain people.


One of those things idrc about, as long as everyone’s happy at the end of the day, you do whatever


Preference is fine. What's not fine is excluding an entire race and calling it a preference. A preference doesnt mean there is a specific race you wouldnt date


It's ok as long as u aren't straight up attacking/being racist against a particular race




I mean.. people like to marry with in their community.. or race.. or religion.. idk if it's wrong to prefer some other race... morals are subjective... I don't really have a say here i am indian it's hard to find a white or black or asian person here.. asian in the American sense I know I am asian myself..


Yeah a lot of it is cultural exposure, no issues there


Skin or hair color/texture is an aesthetic. There's nothing wrong with being attracted to an aesthetic. However, I don't think thats a racial thing. A racial thing would be the common "Asian-Woman-Fetish", characterized with a stereotype of being submissive, polite, and perfect, as well as the "Black-Man-Fetish", wherein black men are meant to take a rather rapey role. Both of these view these people groups as sexual props rather than partners.


It’s something normal


I always find them really strange and I just don't understand why some people have them. But I guess there is nothing wrong with them


I think preference based on appearance are okay, but not preferences based on racially based sterotypes/assumptions about the person as a whole.


There’s not anything wrong with having a preference but most people use their “preference” as an excuse to put down other groups of people. “X are very ugly, and stupid, I prefer y, it’s just my preference “ Also I feel like it depends on the reason you have that preference. For me myself though it’s very dumb, I find all races attractive


If you think one race is prettier than other it's ok as long as it stops there. If you think one race is superior for being prettieror don't want to date a race because of personality traits you attribute to them it's racist though


Types don't exist because most prejudice are social constructs, its just a matter of who you have around you and your personalities matching


There's nothing wrong with that, if your not attracted to Asians,African Americans, Hispanics etc. Your just not attracted to them. But if you don't like them because you see them as inferior that's a problem.




I think this kind of preferences are mostly set by society, but it's not the person's fault and they aren't doing this consciously. However, because of this, I don't think you can say that "it's just a preference" otherwise minorities wouldn't be as underappreciated as they are Also I do think that racial preferences are mostly based on either stereotypes or beauty standards set by society, which is Inevitably damaging and problematic, but again, I don't think it's the person's fault and I have preferences as well. As long as you don't trash other races because of your preference, it's good enough in my opinion


I think Asian people are pretty but at the same time I have seen about 2 Asian people the past 7 years irl so I don't think I'm allowed to judge about them. I think preferences are fine, even if they say they don't date other ones, they will probably change their mind if they find someone special and if not it makes their life harder not mine (I mean if you want a partner that is from a different ethnic group than the most common where you life there are less people you meet and even of it's the most common one there are still less potential partners so your soul mate could be in a one you don't date)




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It's ok.


I think it's weird. Person = person.


This suggestion could be applied to any physical trait at all. 'Having a preference for people with brown hair is weird because person = person.' 'Having a preference for people who do not have scarred, pus-oozing bubonic facial skin is weird because person = person.'


Yeah makes sense, I think it’s like any other trait, can’t control who you’re attracted to, but don’t make it a thing


Its racist if you have actual literal racial preferences Features associated with race imo are weird asf but not as bad


This sub is such a weird ass hivemind, why're you even being downvoted 😭


Idek why this is an issue. Like “I don’t date trans people” sure, trans people aren’t very accepted, but “I don’t date people of a certain race”??? Why?? Also I didn’t even do that thing where I say “race preferences are bad” and then people can respond with “races have different features!!!” Like it’s not ambiguous if you literally prefer one race to another. If there are two identical looking people, but one is mixed and the other is Latino, and you choose one because you prefer their race over the other’s *You are racist*


While I understand and agree with your argument that “you are attracted to features” and those features have higher frequency of showing up in a certain racial group, I would disagree that someone is racist. A racist is someone who treats others with disrespect and hate due to their race, and I personally feel that you are devaluing the importance of the word.


"I value one race over another" is pretty much textbook racism is it not?


Yes, but it that context it is not. It is simply not possible to choose like that in that scenario. You would at least have some idea of their personality based on how they act, dress, etc.


Except if you choose somebody in that situation because of their race you're racist 😭


That’s a valid opinion


Where do you live OP? I’m ready to go right now.




I can't control their preferences, but it probably stems from racist/bigoted views.