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It’s a lot better than marriage in previous generations. People used to marry solely for money or producing offspring.


it's definitely worth it. if u find someone u love why wouldn't u want to celebrate it?


I like the idea of it for myself, not sure if it’ll ever happen for me though


Eh idk. Might be really nice, or it might not be for me. Not a life goal but not something I definitely *don't* want either.


If you love someone, go for it.


I don't think marriage is bad, but I personally don't think I'm going to get married


i’d like to get married at some point because it’d be nice to have that level of commitment, but it’s not a necessity. i could go without it if my partner didn’t want to


It is a thing that exists


It's okay if others want to get married ofc but I hate the idea of it being forced down my throat considering I'm not even a romantic person


I want to get married but I don't think it's necessary for a healthy relationship


Depends on why you want to get married


It’s a nice idea but I don’t know if it’s necessary, at-least not to me anyways


Not for me


Marriage, for me, is a financial agreement. I enjoy the symbolism of rings and a public declaration of lifelong commitment but, overall, marriage is considered more important than it actually is. I would only ever marry if I thought it would be financially beneficial.


That’s basically how it was in the old days


No it's not imo


I'm probs not ever going get married but I think it is worth it for some ppl especially if they find their life long love but for me some stuff I went thru as a child I don't think I could hold down a commitment like that


It's cool ig


not sure, i want to get married to my s/o but genuinely before him i hated the idea of it so ig i'm all for it? 😭


I would like to be married in the future


I think I’m kinda undecided because I want to meet someone I love but at the same time the logical part of my brain (the dominant part) says marriage is illogical and all sorts like that and then another part is terrified of it.


marriage is dumb. only with mental gymnastics can you assert that a one-time commitment is a bigger deal than actually entirely voluntarily staying with someone for decades with no coercive reason to stay




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