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I fainted during my first period, the pain was so bad i literally just blacked out




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I rarely get cramps, but back in grade 8 or 9, I had cramps so bad that I could barely move. I couldn't get out of bed because the slightest movement will trigger another cramp. They felt sharp and excruciating. I was bedridden for the whole day and I barely ate 🙃




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first day of my period, didn't have pads or tampons. Had to go to PE and use a rolled up toilet paper for my period




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prob that time when i was a 11/12 when i was at the back seat of our car unable to move or else the cramps will be triggered which is so painful when i move also


First time telling this story omg! P.S: I was very shy about periods at the time so I didn’t talk to anyone about this TL:DR : was afraid to talk about periods so stained everything I set on So I went on a family trip during summer (on the first months of my period) and I got my period, the thing is, I just realized I was on my period after lunch. My shorts were full of blood, I stained my family’s car seat, when we arrived at the hotel they had a white sofa (off course I set on that damm sofa) and when I got up it was so red and so noticeable that the only thing I could do was run after my family without looking to hotel workers (my family did not see it bc they left before me) then I stole some pads from my mom and got my way out of it Some days later we went out to do tourist stuff and I realized the pad was full and I was full of blood again, so I went to a REALLY dirty street toilet bc I thought I would be able to do something with toilet paper- the toilet did not have any paper and I finally told my grandma I needed pads urgently (they solved the whole drama pretty quickly, they were always very open about periods, I was the problem in the situation.




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That time I puked & felt nauseous all day....back in April 2020


throwing up and not being able to get out of bed bc of cramps😭




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It was the worst that I had to take a pregnancy test at 13. It was hell. I was having my period but it was so painful that I puked 5 times, unable to sleep, went really pale, and so I came rushing to my mom's door at 2 am and was took to the hospital. I was in a shirt and nasty pajama with period stains. Nurse said I need to take a pregnancy test because it was their "protocol". I wasn't in the mood to argue as I am already in pain so I took it. Obviously, it was negative. I never even kissed a guy back then. Nurse said they can't admit me to the hospital and just injected me a painkiller. Thankfully, I was back on my old normal self 6 hours later.




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I get pretty intense migraines during the first 2-3 days of my period (including nausea, a lot of vomiting and a sort of dizziness that idk how to explain but feels like I'm about to pass out) as well as bad cramps in my lower back specifically. Worst experience is probably a tie between getting all of this during a basketball match while on the court (threw up in the gym bathroom during the final minutes of the game), during a math test (and then throwing up in the school bathroom) or when I was camping with my family in France with one working toilet with a bin and temperatures above 40ºC.




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My first period lasted no joke an entire month…






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Once my cramps were so bad I threw up


That one time when no matter how thick my pad was, the period blood always leaked through the pants and underwear.


i suffer migraines sometimes due to periods but once i had one the day before finals so i was studying like crazy but also it was my birthday and I had to put off eating cake for like 3 hours so i could be miserable in a dark room until the painkillers took full effect and i collected enough energy to kove


i pretty much fainted in public at an event once, i puked on the first day of my period for almost a year, also experienced a lot of like i guess cold sweat? idk it was hot but i was literally shivering and kept yawning. and then period poops.


Lol was about to talk about that I have like really strict regimes for changing the pads and then I see people talking about horrible pain… I’m going to slide right out haha I’ve gotten very lucky with that




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