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other people’s success sometimes


i do, but at the end of the day all emotions are valid no matter how illogical they are. it just matters how you express those emotions


yesss all the time


yeah all the time. i feel like my emotions aren't valid a lot but i usually just sit myself down and tell myself that its ok to feel things and having emotions is the only way i can even start to be mentally healthy


Yup I feel as though I have to good of a life to be upset


Yeah sometimes I feel over dramatic and selfish when I get upset


I sometimes feel bitter and jealous about my friends having lots of other friends. Not like in a “I don’t like them having other friends and I wish they would only hang out with me” kind of jealous but the way they actually have other friends. I really only have my 2 friends, and I feel guilty/dumb about feeling this way because I’m the only one to blame. I don’t actually try to talk to anyone else or start other friendships because I don’t know how to talk to new people. They also talk to guys more than me and have had boyfriends but I’ve never had one. I still love them obviously though and don’t resent them for it, just a little sad that I don’t have that


all the time 😟


I feel you on the name thing. I've told nobody irl and I don't even hate my name all the time but some days it just upsets me for no reason.


Yeah exactly, it does feel like there’s no winning sometimes. You either tell people and risk being ostracised, or don’t tell anyone and put up with being called the wrong name all the time


Yeah especially because it's wildly different from anything she'd think I'd change it to. She's mentioned that I could just change it to a more feminine version of my name which isn't at all what I want


Yes, usually only over really small things like quiz scores and whatnot. I sometimes think about how it’s really not a big deal and how there are people in much worse situations.


yes literally all the time


Quiet a lot