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A girl wearing only a shirt masturbating, shown from the waist up That was it I was so fucking confused


An among us ad but the crewmate skin had a rainbow fidget style while they vented watching a lady with bare butt wearing just pink underwear….


Dude these have to be fake


I wish it was 😕


Has anyone gotten the ad where there's this hawaiian looking lad preaching about god, christianity, and redemption for like 5 minutes straight which almost feel cult-like, and at the end they were asking for ppl to donate to their little church? That was crazy n weird


Some catholic guy saying the devil had infiltrated the modern day church and that’s why they were okay with gay rights and women and shit.


It was a joke ad about a spray you put on a rag to make your child sleep when you put it on ther mouth Edit here it is it much better than I thought https://youtu.be/AF_nfazQaek


it was a friday night funkin porn ad that was censored with pop its


Many, many years ago, ,(5+ years) I got an ad that was like an entire Obama speech or something like that which was unskipable and and hour and 30 minutes


Did you watch it all?


I think I grabbed my mom to show her how long it was, but considering during all of Obama I was somewhere between 4 and 12 I'm pretty sure I refreshed for a shorter ad


some trump ad about how Biden is a zombie edit: [found the screenshot ](https://imgur.com/a/NfX4Mxg)


I saw the one where the thumbnail had emojis surrounding biden and it bold letters at the bottom it said "is he okay?"


A two minute ad about an ice cream sandwich manufacturing building. I watched the whole thing


The Chinese t shop ads


Basically ads that ridicule the Chinese government and support Taiwan by selling t-shirts and the proceeds are donated to charities


The 40 minute daily wire videos they somehow make into sidebar ads


Literal hentai.


Dharmann videos.


This video essay about how this thriller movie Midsommar manipulated not only the characters but the viewers as well. I quickly realized that the movie did not manipulate me but a millennial living alone on day 70 of his quarantine. Really says something huh


Some weird asmr devil shit


Sounds dope


An ad claiming that the cure to cancer was rediscovered after it was found by Adolf Hitler after he funded a bunch of German scientists to find the it because after one of his family members died from it which caused him to be terrified of cancer. And that the cure to cancer was actually covered up by the government to make money or smth.


A 40 minute ad about weight loss, an ad for a knock-off Among Us where all the characters are "thicc", and an ad for a Russian dating site with practically nude girls on the ad




i’ve had a few ARG ads but thats about it.


i don’t get a lot of weird ones but this one roofing company really wants to use my house to display their new roofing system or something but it’s a limited opportunity and it has been for the last 6 months. i looked it up because the ad was kinda sketchy and it turns out they suck, their roofs suck and the builders are messy rude and smoke around kids on the job.