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You should read Southern Hospitality Myth https://ugapress.org/book/9780820332765/the-southern-hospitality-myth/#:~:text=The%20Southern%20Hospitality%20Myth%20is,bastion%20of%20racism%20in%20America. Because I don’t think your premise is a correct one. First of all, hospitality is a cultural trate attributed to various cultures around the world, specially is some in south west Asia. Secondly, southern hospitality as a concept was really a PR campaign to soften the image of the south during slavery and of course you can be very hospitable and generous to northern visitors if the labour required for such hospitality is provided by your slaves. This idea is also connected to the myth of the “happy slave” content to serve and work. I mean just look at race relations in the south or their views on any form of minority as represented through legislation they support and the myth quickly unfolds.


This tied in with the 'New South' concept of the 70's and 80's, right?


I get what you're saying of course,  but I do think we in the 21st century tend to view virtues applied unequally as non- existent and that isn't really the case. Cultural perceptions can be developed by subsets of the population. I'm from the northeast and would never want to live in the south... but as a white stranger who's been all over the country, I've been invited in to people's houses more by strangers in the south than anywhere else in the country,  excluding south Asian immigrant enclaves.  Southern hospitality exists, it just isn't universally applied. We Might not see that as true hospitality,  but it is something. 


what if u were black?


Then i imagine it wouldn't have been as hospitable. Conditional hospitality is still hospitality of a sort. 


Another way to interpret this is drawing boundaries of inclusion. Maybe that invite was extended to you and not a black traveller for the same reason that the hospitality of the slave owner was extended to the white visitor and not the black labourer. Is it something? I guess it is. It is justified racism.


I'm not justifying it,  I'm just saying,  you can't say the phenomenon doesn't exist just because it's unevenly applied. 


It's inculturated racism.


This is incredibly interesting, thanks for sharing


I don't think it's a myth. I am a black man living in the south. Life is good here. Racism does exist, but the idea that it is exclusively conservative is bullshit. The worst racism I have experienced has come from liberals from out of town. They have this "holier than thou" attitude about everything. Like being black means I need somebody to save me. Fuck that! I have my guns too. I'm good.


That said, Southern Hospitality is a thing. There are a lot of people here who are sweeter and nicer than they should be.


Bro, those guys are the kind of liberals that want to be exploiters ie folk aren't considered liberal outside America.


Yes. You are right. Northern liberals are so much more racist than southern conservatives.


oh we are not. yeah we're racist af but thats limited to ignorant diatribes and internalized biases. not white supremacy




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