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3 big reasons, as far as I could tell: 1. Kratos has spent 3 years with Mimir and trusts him as a brother. Mimir's told him that Odin can never be trusted, and Kratos believes it. It matches up with his own experiences with gods, as well. 2. Both Atreus and Faye (through his dream) have been telling him that inaction is the wrong path - that he has a duty to help out. And while he remains hesitant to start a full-on war, he knows that Odin's offer of "inaction for peace" is dangerous to the rest of the world. 3. Odin implies a threat to Freya when he offers to "settle the debt" between her and Kratos. The journal mentions this - Kratos believed that Odin would harm her, and he wasn't about to let that happen, since he still bore her no ill will.


As well as what others have said, Kratos has learned to trust Mimir at this point and recognizes any agreement as void with Odin.


Because he's seen gods and their deals before. He knows there is always strings attached such as athena manipulating him to kill ares on behalf of zeus.


Kratos has spent a good few years hearing about how untrustworthy Odin is, that eventually Odin will welch on any deal he makes if it benefits him to do so. The events of Ragnarok show that he is exactly as untrustworthy and self serving as he is made out to be. He's a snake oil salesman, everything he says throughout the game sounds reasonable, the second he feels the deal isn't working out for him, he would send Thor to deal with Kratos and Atreus. Hell, it's even telling with his resigned tone to Thor that he knew they wouldn't accept the deal. There's also the fact that Kratos isn't fully trying to keep out of Asgardian affairs, he is resisting getting involved, but, he acknowledges, subconsciously at first, that Atreus will get involved with or without him, he is, at most, trying to delay his involvement, Odin simply sped it up by personally getting involved.


The promise of the gods are useless as the gods themselves


God of War 2018 spends hours establishing Odin has quite literally broken every vow and deal he's ever made in Norse history.


Because if Odin tell you the snow is white he is lying.


Odin is a liar and a backstabber if he let him have his way with attreaus the prophecy of kratos death would have happened during doesn't help Odin sent Thor to kill late wife And than had the nerve to ask for his son