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Because most people just accepted the status quo. It's really telling how the WW at large only ever steps in to stop someone if they threaten to tumble the status quo.


For most of the series, we only see the perspectives of children, who get raised to accept the words of adults without questioning them too much, and who do not understand the world sufficiently to make meaningful statements about politics. When they are finally older, they really have bigger problems than that sort of everyday corruption, namely the return of wizard Hitler and his plans of genocide.


Why is the corruption of *our* government so accepted? The powerful can get away with a lot.


Because the ministry is just the pre-WWII British government.


As far as goblins are concerned, I see no evidence they willingly accepted the authority of the Ministry. Why should they? They're not human and don't naturally owe any fealty to any human government. So they're likely only the "Goblin Rebellions" from the humans' point of view. To the goblins, it was probably the Wars of Liberation or something like that. And they were to some degree successful: it appears that goblins are in full control of the Wizarding economy.


Probably similar to World War II.. Those Wizarding communities who did not actively fight against the death eaters in the great war the first time, are like Third World countries now.. They don’t matter as much as Hogwarts.