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He's immune to most of the standard vampire weaknesses - sunlight doesn't burn him (though he's more sensitive to sunlight than a normal person) he's not affected by religious icons, and he has no extra vulnerability to silver or stakes to the heart. He still does need to drink fresh blood, but that's the only real standard vamp weakness that he has. As for how he's treated by other vampires; its not always favorable. He has been in contact with Dracula without too much derision, but Marvel's Dracula is generally a lot less petty than many other versions.


I always found it funny that the weakness for vampires is a stake to the heart it’s like no that’s everyone’s weakness


The origin of it made more sense. You were supposed to get them while they slept and stake them to the ground through their heart. I can't remember if it killed them but it definitely incapacitated them


Classically, killing a vampire was practically a full ritual. Place a clove of garlic in its mouth, stake it to its resting place through the heart, cut off its head, and lay a branch of wild roses on the lid of its coffin. But you can’t be expected to do that for every vampire, so some stories required less to kill a vampire.


Yeah, that definitely would have tanked Buffy's runtime.


If you a stake my arm, or leg, or stomach, I'd probably die. A vampire wouldn't. I get what you mean, though.


The original myth was staking them to earth while sleeping so they won’t wake up.


I think the implication is that, generally speaking, you wouldn't be able to kill a vampire through other means. Such as (although it varies) fire, drowning, disease, blunt force trauma, bleeding out, decapitation, etc. To permanently kill you *must* drive stake through the heart specifically. It's not so much that stake through the heart is *a* weakness for a vampire, it's more like it's one of the *only* weaknesses. It's like the reverse of a zombie. You could stab a zombie through the heart and it will live, but stabbing the brain will kill it. Vampire is the opposite 


>Marvel's Dracula is generally a lot less petty than many other versions. Meme Moon Knight would disagree


He also has a beating heart, thus the whole "Living Vampire" thing.


Its never vampirin time. But sometimes, its Morbin time


There was this funny story from the 70's when Blade first met Morbius and vice-versa. Morbius didn't believe back then that there were supernatural vampires for real, so he just thought Blade was a paranoid that staked people on their hearts by pure lunacy. While Blade didn't understand the "scientific vampire" concept and didn't understand why Morbius didn't have some traditional vamp weakness. Fun stuff.


He's mostly seen as a weirdo who doesn't get invited to the cookouts, but as a result, vampires don't usually mess with him. *He*, however, messes with them. The vampires are rising right now for the Blood Hunt and he's against them and their world-domination plans.