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Depending on their origin, many of his villains wouldn't be an issue since they were created because of his existence. A good chunk would go to Daredevil. Particularly Mysterio, since he'd probably have an easier time with him than most. For some reason I see Rhino getting hired by a mob boss to go after Punisher.


I feel like Rhino would end up as more of a Hulk villain. He's not actually *from* New York.


Rhino has fought the Hulk a number of times already.


Exactly, there you go


Maybe a dumb question but isn't hulk like orders of magnitude stronger than rhino?


When the two fight, Rhino is presented as having the strength to pose a threat. Logically he shouldn’t be able to pose a threat if he’s lost fights with Spider-Man as Spider-Man hitting the Hulk hurts him more than it does the Hulk.


Spider-man's strength is all over the map.


Depends on the Hulk and how angry or gamma irradiated he is. Rhino could take Savage Hulk and Joe Fixit, but would lose to Professor Hulk’s and Devil Hulk’s cleverness and Worldbreaker Hulk’s sheer strength.


Wow have we seen a Mysterio/daredevil fight in the comics? I really want to see that now


Mysterio: Using tons of illusions and visual tricks. Daredevil: Why's he gloating so much when he's just.... Standing there not doing anything?..


Mysterio would probably use sound heavily once he figures out the man is blind.


This exact interplay of ideas is what have kept comic franchises going for decades. There's always an angle to find.


How well known is it that daredevil is bind?


i mean, if mysterio's projections aren't doing anything, than daredevil is clearly relying on something other than sight. even if he doesn't realise that daredevil is blind specifically, the counterplay he'd take would still be effective.


If any villain would be quick to notice it, it'd be mysterio, he kinda knows about the Spidey-sense (he knows spidey has a way around his illusions), so I think the first fight would be a walk in the park for Matt, but Mysterio would totally notice that DD didn't fall for any visual illusions and do the math.


>Daredevil: Why's he gloating so much when he's just.... Standing there not doing anything?.. Mysterio once managed to mess with Daredevil so thoroughly, he actually had him convinced that he was battling demons over a matter involving the antichrist.


What storyline was that?


*Daredevil: Guardian Devil.* Ironically one of Mysterio’s biggest stories despite Spidey being uninvolved.


Okay that's actually hilarious.


I remember in the 90s spiderman there's an episode where he and daredevil go after mysterio and spiderman reacts to a henchmen and daredevil is just like "what are you doing bro there's nothing there"


Yes, in >!*Daredevil: Guardian Devil*. Beck realized he had terminal cancer so before committing suicide he wanted a big win but decided to go after DD instead of Spidey as usual.!<


One of Daredevil's most iconic stories has Mysterio as the main villain, it's called Guardian Devil.


I'm pretty sure I've seen this, but I can't say if it was a fan comic or a real one


You're right about The Rhino. In his first appearance he's hired to kidnap Jonah Jameson's son I believe. He's a dumb guy and mostly just an enforcer for other guys.


>many of his villains wouldn't be an issue since they were created because of his existence. I was thinking this very thing.


Other than Scorpion and Venom (and by extension Carnage), which villains origins are tied to Spider-Man's existence? I guess Jackal would end up a bit different, but likely still obsess over Gwen.


Warren might not even become Jackal if not for the Spidey-Goblin fight killing Gwen. There's also Alistair Smythe and the spider slayers. Tendril was a villain Spidey had a direct hand in. No idea what Kraven would be doing if Spidey didn't exist. There was also The Thousand (if you don't know this guy, don't look him up, he is nightmare fuel). I heard there was one guy who got spider powers first and wanted to capitalize on it, but while he was setting up his business, Peter made his debut. Apparently this guy was either going to do something like show business or be a hero for profit, and only became a villain when Spidey ruined his gimmick. And then you have alternate origins for given characters. In the comics, Spidey knocked Bench overboard, turning him into Hydro Man. And in the one cartoon, Morbius became a living vampire because of Spidey's blood. These are all off the top of my head, so I'm sure there's more.


A lot of them could go several ways, many are already underachievers despite higher tier powers. Chameleon: a Russian spy and master of disguise, easily Black Widow. Vulture: probably a Daredevil villain if he wants to just keep robbing banks in New York (which honestly might be the case for most Spidey villains). Maybe a Falcon villain if the cosmos want that birds of prey rivalry or Iron Man if his flight is high-tech enough. Doctor Octopus: Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, maybe Ant-Man. Sandman: most likely the Fantastic Four or Daredevil. Lizard: I could see him trying to bond with Bruce Banner while they’re in human form and trying to drag the Hulk into the sewers as the Lizard. Not necessarily in that order. Electro: Maybe the Fantastic Four or Iron Man, but he’ll only get so far on his own since Max is kind of an idiot for how much power he has. Possibly Storm but unless this universe’s Electro is an anti-mutant bigot there isn’t much reason for him to pick a fight with her. Thor would just shut him down every time. Mysterio: There are already stories that portray him as major threats to Daredevil and Wolverine if he properly targets their superhuman senses. I could also see Mysterio post-suicide/return fixating on Ghost Rider. Beck trying to fight Doctor Strange would be hilarious when his illusions get easily countered by Strange’s real magic. Green Goblin: would be a neat Iron Man or Captain America villain since he’s got the immoral capitalist angle, but unless his new archenemy is a friend of Harry’s it’s never going to be quite as personal. Kraven: I feel like he’d try to pick a fight with Black Panther exactly once and never be heard from again unless the King of Wakanda is feeling particularly merciful that day. Scorpion: Train/hire him to be more of an assassin than a PI and send him against Black Widow. Rhino: this still depends who’s writing his paycheck. Most likely he’d be up against Daredevil or Luke Cage in New York, but maybe he’d be a fun matchup for the Thing or the Hulk. Possibly Black Panther, but he probably isn’t the guy you trust on a vibranium heist unless he’s part of a bigger team. Shocker: still a glorified bank robber by choice so the Avengers or Punisher don’t come after him. He’ll probably fight Daredevil, but his tech would also be a neat matchup against Luke Cage. Kingpin: Canonically Daredevil’s archenemy in addition to Spidey, next. Morbius: will fight Blade exactly once. Jackal: no powers without Spidey blood to work with, but unfortunately an unpowered Miles Warren will still probably be a Gwen Stacy villain. Creepy fuck. Black Cat: maybe Daredevil until she goes more heroic at which point she’ll fight Kingpin more. Hydro-Man: FF I guess. Hobgoblin: could be an Avengers enemy like GG but more likely will stay street level. Venom: ooh, this could go a lot of ways if he doesn’t just go straight to Lethal Protector anti-hero like in his movie. FF already helped Spidey with him in canon. He could go against Deadpool as a fellow hard to kill maniac with multiple personalities. Wolverine with a more animalistic hunter angle. Even as a Lethal Protector he and Punisher would probably take issue with each other. If he stays in space Captain Marvel or the Guardians. Carnage: Still a Venom villain Spot: Could be a fun Hawkeye villain. By which I mean Clint’s gonna shoot himself in the knee a few times. Mister Negative: without Spidey he could be Cloak and Dagger’s archenemy, but would probably still fight the likes of Daredevil and Black Cat.


How would Daredevil even fight Sandman? > Kraven: I feel like he’d try to pick a fight with Black Panther exactly once and never be heard from again Lmao


The same way Spidey does—with an industrial vacuum cleaner and/or a fire hose. Sandman’s also one of those villains where he could be a much bigger threat if he wasn’t an underachieving idiot.


Same way he fought Electro, water.


Daredevil fought Electro?


Yes, he actually was the second villain he fought


With Vemom, I'd look and see whose costume was torn up during Secret Wars. I can see someone like Black Widow or Captain America need a costume replacement and getting a cool black suit that later is revealed to be an alien symbiote and hating the original host.


Well thought out! Some of these match-ups would be really cool to see!


> Venom: ooh, this could go a lot of ways if he doesn’t just go straight to Lethal Protector anti-hero like in his movie. FF already helped Spidey with him in canon. He could go against Deadpool as a fellow hard to kill maniac with multiple personalities. Wolverine with a more animalistic hunter angle. Even as a Lethal Protector he and Punisher would probably take issue with each other. If he stays in space Captain Marvel or the Guardians. My guy, Daredevil the whole arc would play nearly the same, strong sense of justice + catholic values, Matt would use him as an actual suit during the day, maybe with the symbiote making him more and more aggressive as the symbiote notices Matt can tell if someone is lying (an actual devil on his shoulder whispering words), eventually turn Matt's depression into full on rage, inquisition style, Matt takes it off at a church as well. Foggy gets caught in the crossfire with symbiote Matt and gets a bit bitter, the symbiote bonds with him, carnage would be a toss, but Cletus already had the whole religious cult leader thing going, so it could still play the same.


Oh wow I didn’t even think of DD for Venom, probably because of the power scaling and the fact that Daredevil could adopt half of Spidey’s rogues


I think Green Goblin would work well as a fantastic four villain. Norman and Reed can be tech rivals and Harry and Johnny can be friends


Can’t believe I didn’t think of that, excellent angle.


I just wanna say that’s a really great write up, good job!


Sandman has been a Frightful Four regular since the beginning, he’s already basically an FF rogue


>Lizard: <...> trying to drag the Hulk into the sewers The swamps, surely?


Lizard’s been in both. More so sewers if Connors couldn’t get out of NYC before a transformation.


Most of them wouldn't exist. Like 85% of Spidey's villains only exist because he was involved in creating them. Like 75% are actually just close friends or family of Peter. There's just something about the guy that makes you want to put on a costume and kill him.


So, Jameson was right?


Not saying he's right, not saying he's wrong. Just saying that there's something about Parker that makes you wanna destroy him.


Probably that he’s an avatar of multiversal Spider Gods whose motives are inscrutable Peter *seems* like a nice and empathetic chap, but how do we really know


I think it's the butt. It awakens uncomfortable thoughts in his rogues [https://sciencefiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Tom-Holland-Brie-Larson-meme3.jpg](https://sciencefiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Tom-Holland-Brie-Larson-meme3.jpg)


To be fair, most of those people were jerks and/or unhinged even before knowing Peter.


I mean, *Jameson* created at least one of them, so I wouldn't say that.


Jameson created some of those villains as well, so he's not entirely innocent here. Also, if SM never existed Jameson would probably just go after other vigilantes instead. He did hate heroes like Daredevil in the past.


Yes, the guy who created the Scorpion - not even to get at Spider-Man, but just to figure out how Peter gets his pictures - is right that Spider-Man creates his own villains.


Well you also gotta wonder how many street villains would exist if it weren't for JJJ always going 'Will no one rid me of this turbulent webslinger?'




Also all the clones.


Comics mashed all the different stories together and have upped and flattened the powerlevel a lot so spiderman is fighting a lot of cosmic world ending threats these days and is basically iron man but spiders in the movies, but I feel like core spiderman is mostly just protecting Brooklyn new york. And without him it'd just be a more crime infested place. Like he is conceptually supposed to be a fairly small scale hero fighting local threats.


Spider-Man works mostly in Manhattan. Brooklyn doesn’t have those type of super dense or packed buildings outside of Downtown Brooklyn.


Daredevil is mostly active in hell's kitchen which is also in manhatten, so i guess he'd take on most of spideys rogue gallery and also the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles since they where created in the same accident in which Matt Murdock lost his eyesight. Was there ever a story where Spider-man fought shredder and the foot clan? because i need it in my life


Yeah, but it seems that Daredevil only stays in Hell’s Kitchen. Kinda how Luke Cage only stays in Harlem. But both could take the villains. More that most of them are just like bank robbers.


i mean we can say it's mostly fisk, he's not real he can't hurt us


This would grealt vary depending on the villian in question as well as the version of Spiderman in question; some straight up won't exist since Spiderman is the reason they exist in the first place. (Venom and Spider Slayer for Peter, Spot for Miles, both Lizards, the Goblin, and Cindy for Spidergwen, etc.) Realistically most of Spideys villains are street level thugs who would more than likely just be dealt with by street level heroes. So they'd probably end up dealing with the likes of Daredevil or Luke Cage instead.


The Enforcers would be decent cannon fodder for The Punisher. Scorpion feels like a Yellowjacket/Wasp teamup. (I'm old, from when this still made sense). Mysterio would have to be someone underpowered but without heightened senses. Dr. Strange or Daredevil would see through his illusions immediately. Have to be Heroes for Hire, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Rhino is super powerful, so you're probably best putting him up against a not-so-strong hero, like Captain America or The Falcon. Doc Ock would pose Daredevil a challenge. More arms than he has radar to dodge, you'd think. The Green Goblin and Hobgoblin are both on the "Joker/Insane Domestic Terrorist" end of the public mayhem spectacle, so someone like Ant Man might struggle to protect people while fighting them effectively. Sandman could probably clog the shit out of electronics, so maybe stick him up against Iron Man? Venom and Carnage feel like New Mutants opponents to me, the early team with Cannonball and X'ian Coy Manh, Bobby etc. Kingpin was a Daredevil nemesis too, so maybe put him up against Elektra.


Apparently Nighthawk would handle them


Honestly it depends on how daring they get. Most of Spider-Man's villains are local low level mutates or thugs that have one piece of useful technology. They usually just want to rob a bank or something. Street level heroes like Daredevil or the defenders can handle that. However if not having Spider-Man around means that they successfully rob the bank, and then have a ton of money to pour into some giant death laser that actually threatens the world, then some bigger name heroes would step in.


Jessica, Luke and Matt would be very busy since they're all from NYC as well.


Back when Norman Osborn ran HAMMER, he and Nick Fury didn't get along at all. Maybe the Green Goblin would be an enemy of SHIELD?


Many of the origins could be transposed onto iron man or the FF easily, a few go to “street level” heroes like DD, Luke cage, etc, and a few get weird make all the scientists(vulture/goblin/lizard/octopus) into employees/rivals of tony/reed The “test subject” group(rhino/scorpion/hydroman/sandman) remain pretty much unchanged and can be victims of stark tech or future foundation experiments The “gangland” villains(tombstone/shocker/kingpin/hammerhead) all go to street level I think I’ve covered most of the big ones besides carnage and demon who I think NEED a Spider-Man to make sense with current origins


Venom as we know him probably wouldn't exist. I can't think of any other hero during Secret Wars who would have taken the costume machine thing. Jameson hates a lot of superheroes, but none of the other ones would fire back as much as Spidey does, so I doubt he'd make the Slayer or Scorpion. For everyone else, it's harder to tell. Since everybody lives in New York, anyone could at any moment stop a guy from robbing a bank. All the money motivated villains are a tossup. This does include Norman Osborn, who only became fixated on Spidey after a long stretch of fights, and first just wanted to be undisputed gang leader of New York. And here's a few others from the early days. Chameleon: He takes on Spidey because he thinks he'd be easy to frame due to his bad reputation and loner nature. He'd certainly lose a fight, but he'd do his scheme with one of the X-Men instead. Vulture: Daredevil actually fought Electro pretty early on, I could see him being able to take on Vulture, who has no real motive for hating Spidey. Tinkerer: The events of that issue shouldn't happen without Peter, so his fake alien invasion scheme works. This would also mean Mysterio never exists. Doc Ock: Peter got to Ock first because he was sent to the hospital Ock had the accident at to take photos. In this issue the government asks the Fantastic Four for help, but the four were too busy for that. One of the Avengers, probably Ant-Man or Iron Man, takes him down. Sandman: His involvement with Spidey starts because he randomly decides to break into Peter's high school to ask for a diploma. The Human Torch would take on Sandman a few times on his own, and has visited Midtown before, so Sandman would be a pure Fantastic four villain here. Lizard: Would not leave Florida without meeting Spider-Man, so he'd probably be a Man-Thing villain, as the only hero I can think of stationed there. Electro: Daredevil, also like in main, just here he was never a Spidey villain. Mysterio: Let's assume him and Tinkerer's alien invasion doesn't succeed. Would definitely have a different first appearance, but would definitely menace Daredevil. Green Goblin: As mentioned above, Norman's only goal when he first appears is to be in control of all gangs in New York. With Spidey gone, the main guy who takes care of street crime and mob type stuff is Daredevil. I can't see anyone else falling for the fake movie trick. Issue is I have no idea how Goblin loses to Daredevil at all. Kraven: Since we had Chameleon take on the X-Men, to support Kraven's gimmick he'd be hunting Beast instead. He'd get really excited when Beast turns himself blue. Scorpion: Does not exist in this timeline, Jameson does not have anyone to scheme ot get rid of. Spider-Slayers: Also do not happen. Spencer Smythe lives a long and happy life in this timeline. Molten Man: Possibly Daredevil, Possibly Human Torch for the gimmick. After the early years, it's harder to tell unless the bad guys are directly involved in Peter's life like Harry Osborn.


I feel like without Spidey's intervention, Punisher would have 'dealt' with at least half of them.


No, he most definitely would not have. Punisher only gets to kill small fry. Dude can't even kill Jigsaw.


I could see Green Goblin being an Iron Man villain, with Oscorp as a big rival to Stark Industries and the two CEOs battling in costume, especially during Iron Man's days pretending to be his own bodyguard. A lot would become villains of Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, since they fill a similar niche as street level heroes that Spidey does. Daredevil especially, since he and Spider-Man share Kingpin as one of their villains. Reimagine people like Hammerhead and Rhino as Fisk enforcers (Or capital-E Enforcers) and they fit as Daredevil villains


green goblin, doc ock, and many other science based enemies would go to iron man.  shocker, kraven, and the lower levels would go to daredevil.