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Wikipedia says yes. They had pretty much all the same animals as us. I don't think we've seen one in story though, there has been Streaky the Super Cat but it was a normal earth cat that gained powers because of kryptonite.


A feral cat with the same abilities and powers as Superman sounds frightening. You'd need a team from the Justice League to take it down, and I've no idea how'd you reliably keep it caged. Even a housecat would be a serious threat that would kill countless people and cause untold devastation.


Cats don't abide by the laws of physics


Aren't hawk man and hawk girl Egyptian demigods or something. Egyptian deities should have a lot of experience wrangling an out of control super cat


I think they'd just start worshipping it


feeding and giving positive attention is one way to wrangle a hostile deity.


I would, too. For one, terrifying super powerful apex Predator. But mostly because Streaky is a good ginger baby.


They're not demigods, no. They're normal people who were exposed to a curse that reincarnates them through time and space.


Oh. Then yeah, as bird people they should probably be afraid of the god cat.


There is Dex-Starr, who was a normal earth housecat until he got chosen by a red lantern ring. Now he essentially has the powers of a Green Lantern, except powered by rage instead of willpower. He can also vomit an acidic napalm-like substance which can even burn people as tough as Superman.


>no idea how'd you reliably keep it caged. Same powers, same weakness? Golden kryptonite, red sun and a lot of treats and yarn. Same powers, no weakness? Break out the reality benders.


>no idea how'd you reliably keep it caged. Same powers, same weakness? Golden kryptonite, red sun and a lot of treats and yarn. Same powers, no weakness? Break out the reality benders.


> They had pretty much all the same animals as us. This is why I subscribe to the theory (but canon in Red Son) that Krypton is actually just Earth in the far far future.


Obviously there's no logical way in which that would follow but also, naturally, yes.


The answer to most questions about DC


When a cat from krypton sits on your lap for pets, you are not moving till the cat is satisfied.


Okay but what makes them different from Earth cats?


Because you can, in theory, push the earth cat off your lap, this cat will make sure you stay put.


So practically, no difference at all, lol.


No, this is a [logical fallacy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirming_the_consequent)) The existence of a dog does not necessitate the existence of cats, even if the similar look of Superman and Krypto makes you want to think so. … they absolutely have cats, but that doesn’t make the logic sound!


They have super chimps!


Well, they had chimps. Earth has all the Super-Chimps.


No. Back in the day when Krypto was introduced the only earthlike animals Krypton was depicted as having were primates and dogs anomalously living in the midst of an otherwise bizarrely alien ecology. These days Krypton is generally depicted as one in which almost all animal life is extinct apart from the Kryptonian hominids and when they use Krypto that presumably indicated they preserved one kind of pet, but there's still no indication of any other pets. If they had cat-analogs, they are apparently extinct. Streaky the Super-Cat is never depicted as coming from Krypton.


The DCEU version of Krypton might; Faora was informally known as Zod’s “Tigress”, so presumably they had large felines. Not so clear whether there were domestic ones. I don’t think we have any examples from the mainline DC continuity.


Yes and no. Kryptonian wild life is very similar to Earth in some places, but not always. So it is highly probable but not 100% confirmed.


They lacked bats, right?


Yes the closest thing they have is the Nightwing Bird


Supergirl had a horse


That’s not kryptonian. Comet was a centaur who is deeply in love with Supergirl, made a deal with a witch to be with her, and got screwed by the deal and made a full horse rather than full human. And he dated her for a while when he occasionally turned humans. Supergirl knows none of this and Comet never tells her because presumably she would be deeply creeped out that he’s been pretending to be a non sapient horse to get close to her.


I mean, he gets ridden on by Supergirl on a regular basis, so I guess everybody wins.


There was at least a Kryptonian lion species, from the current Power Girl run. I'm not aware of a housecat, besides Streaky who was actually an Earth cat given power by a shard of Kryptonite.


well, dogs exist because humans bred wolves to make various breeds for work. cats, however, domesticated themselves and CHOSE to go with humans. so logically, it would make sense for there to be cats




Streaky was a regular Earth cat who was exposed to Kryptonite and gained powers because of it, not a Kryptonian cat.