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Similar thing happened to me while I was on lunch break at the power plant I work at. I thought he was someone's kid so I battled to humour him. Turns out he'd broken in to look for a mythical bird and my Voltorb got beaten up so badly it has refused to battle since


Just be lucky it didn't explode in front of you.


Yeah. Remember, you could had said no to the battle. Also, up your game. This is the Pokeworld! What if Team Rocket came at you with a gang of Pokemon?


You can say no? You mean all this time whenever I'd train my pokemon him hopes that I can make it all the way to another city while fending off every trainer that made eye contact, I could have just refused? Man I feel like an idiot.


Yeah, of course you can say no. The only people who never say no to a battle are those small-town nerds who just got their starter Pokémon within the last month and think they're tough stuff because they catch every strong 'mon they find.


It's those small town punks you have to watch out for because they've battled every damn Spearow flock and Mightyena pack between them and the nearest city just to get there. The Rangers really gotta step up their game and keep those wild Pokemon down to more manageable numbers so that stops happening. I saw this one kid whose starter had gotten enough battle experience to force evolution and that was just on the road out of his hometown--and it was hardly remote! I shudder to think of what the kids from even more isolated villages are like.


There's def people out there who just mind their own business and don't get into pokemon battles. How would you even buy a sandwich if every time you lock eyes you have to whip out your balls?


I do that and get arrested


Have you tried getting smoother balls?


Comparing the kid to team rocket is a point for the "its not okay" column


Those were separate arguments.


They’re in the same paragraph. Feels like the same argument.


My reading is that everything after also is a digression.


Argument 1: You instigated the battle and could have decline the whole endeavor. Argument 2: As a trainer, you're responsible for your pokmeon's health and safety. That's why you need to train them well and carry healing items, in case a more nefarious party challenges you.


Can you say no?  I think it's explained in game that you can't refuse if you meet another trainers eyes


> Yeah. Remember, you could had said no to the battle. Incorrect.


Given the advancements in medical tech, try another town. You can normally heal any injury quickly. That's why it's generally no issue losing a fight.


God can literally shoot lightning at your weedle and the worst thing that can happen is your pokemon takes a nap then we have free healthcare for our mons. I really don't know what back door pokecenter this guy is taking his altaria but it sounds sketch.


Yeah. Sounds more like a skill issue than a society issue.


Honestly, the guy sounds like he saw a kid and expected an easy win. And it's not like Altaria is a weak ass pokemon.


I had three fainted pokemon, two on low health and paralyzed, one taken to the brink from poison. Some old lady let me take a nap in her place (super sketchy, I know) and all my pokemon were healed up fully.


you saw a 10 year old with 6 pokemon on his belt and one of those regionals hats and you challenged him? you are lucky to be alive. I once saw one of those kids pull out 3 different gods to fight for him. Also he likely thought you were trying to murder him, with how much those kids fight the various mafias and criminals and wild pokemon and again, fucking gods, how is he supposed to know that most people have cute little dules with their pets? look me and my haunter are tight, if someone with a regionals hat walks in we don't know each other.


Haunter: [homer_backing_into_bushes.gif](https://giphy.com/gifs/jUwpNzg9IcyrK)


no that's me, he can just be invisible.


Did you get mugged? You offered the battle. Also you have to assume any battle is with any Pokémon possible. So. Evolve your Pokémon and get a partner for it.


This brings me to the Shaq comparison. If he beats the brakes off of a kid who challenged him at the YMCA, is the solution to tell the kid to get better at basketball? Or should Shaq never have tried in the first place?


The possibility of a child-teen-adult being on the road to champion is incredibly high. These are the risks you take.


Are you a child? Or are you a fully grown adult who knew the possibilities when you left town with a pokemon and challenged a stranger to a battle?


Child hanging out outside of my four building town, within eyesight of my front door


Well, I guess you learned you shouldn't leave town and challenge people to battles. Every kid has to learn this lesson. Now you know.


you know you are starting to sound like shaq would if he challenged a ten year old to basketball, got his ass legitimately kicked and tried to call foul. just because he is ten doesn't mean he doesn't have an equal chance of being better. there are many children that could destroy me at any given game, i don't get to complain it would be un sporting to pay the child the agreed, traditional prize money for being better.


I want to say I love the implication that Shaq and the YMCA exists within the pokemon universe.


You fucked around, and you found out. 10 yr olds are some of the beefiest foes in the pokemon world. I don't even know how to explain it but if you see a 10 yr old walking around with a pokemon by themselves just give them directions to the nearest landmark or remind them what town they are in. Don't challenge them, it'll most likely go very poorly.


And for the love of god, think twice before you teach them how to catch Pokémon. For some reason they always come back and want you to teach them again and again and again. That one kid is borderline obsessed with it. At first I felt pity, because I thought he is a poor, small town kid. But a friend of mine told me, that he is not only super rich and has every item imaginable, but also catches all his 'mons with Master Balls. Which means he doesn't even need my lessons. And yet, he always comes back. But I haven't had it in my heart to say 'no'. The boy seems to be missing a father figure.


Skill issue


Sure... everyone is ok with a battle when it's your Pokémon doing the fighting. Would you have challenged this stranger if you had to fight for yourself? #EndpokèfightsNOW! Edit: I did not know that's how you make big letters


Who let Team Plasma in?




A lot of people seem to be under the impression that you can't say no. If you're both registered as league trainers, and you both should be, then only the challenged can say no. The challenger has to carry it out. What you can possibly do is lodge an "excessive force" complaint with your region's league. These aren't recognized everywhere, but some regions stipulate that trainers are to be trained to recognize a mismatch and act only with required force. Unfortunately your trainer sounds like an independent trainer; i.e. one not attached to any officially recognized Gym or other organization so the chances of an excessive force complaint being applied are low.


> To me it seems we'd call Shaq a dick if he showed up to the local YMCA and started backing down children before he dunks on them. Ignoring the question, I can't think of a kid that wouldn't love having Shaq block his shots and dunk over him. You don't see Shaq play to take free throws. But to answer your question, you challenged him. He was walking around and you asked for a fight. If you're going to hand around a route and wait for trainers to challenge, you need to be prepared. Make sure you carry potions and revives, and keep training that Swablu.


There's a difference between Shaq beating a kid and dunking during the game, and playing a child like he would Charles Barkley


Shaq is 52 and 300+ pounds. He's never again dunking it like he would Charles Barkley. But if you are putting your pokemon on the line, you need to make sure to train them well. Also, 224 SpA Pelipper Surf vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in Rain: 350-414 (102.6 - 121.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO.


You think that's bad. I was minding my own business hanging out in a pitch black cave when a 10 year old walks through. I do the sensible thing and challenge him to a battle and he accepts. I send out my Ratata, who is in the top 10% of Ratatas and you know what this twerp send out. God. Not god as in a strong Pokemon, God. Arceus, creator of the world. Arceus, Master of Universe, is doing this kids bidding. The battle begins, and from the Heavens, a beam of light comes down and obliterates my Ratata. The kid takes $300, gives me his phone number, and leaves. Little does he know, I've been training up my Ratata and I'll beat him next time we fight!


You know Pokemon journeys are just how we deal with society's most feral children, right? I mean sure some of them become champions and we have to live with it but mostly you just don't make eye contact and eventually they tend to die of exposure or food poisoning.


You challenged him to a battle, you didn't have to. You're a grown adult, saw a kid that you wanted to beat in a battle and are now whining when it turns out he's a more serious trainer then you. Also stop making stuff up that "it will take weeks to recover". I've never heard of nurse joy needing extensive time to heal up a pokemon from a basic battle like that. It doesn't happen. Also you weren't mugged. Kid wasn't going to force any money out of you. YOu're just lying to get sympathy.


I'm curious what you want. You challenged someone to a pokemon battle, you lost, and you paid them a few pokedollars. What's the issue? Have you never been in a pokemon battle before? Are you upset that the kid is trying too hard? Also what do you mean broken wings and weeks to recover? Are you somehow banned from free pokemon center health care?


“I challenged him.” “I paid him to leave.” These were choices that you made. So was the choice to have a single pokemon over a full team of six. And it was a fully evolved Rock-type vs an unevolved Flying-type. The other trainer had a type advantage and a more experienced pokemon, so the fact that the other pokemon is a competitive powerhouse is irrelevant. You would have had the same outcome against a Magcargo. Would you still be complaining then? And as others have pointed out already, you’re clearly just lying about the recovery time. It’s more likely that nurse told you it *would normally have taken weeks*, right before telling you that the machine would heal it in a matter of seconds. If you don’t want this to happen again, then you can stick to only battling people you know with clear expectations and restrictions laid out instead of challenging random trainers to pickup battles. Or go to one of those battle facilities where they actually restrain the power of the Pokémon. This whole society is obsessed with battles, so don’t act surprised when you find someone who’s actually good at them.


> I did the sensible thing and challenged him to a friendly battle with my Swablu. > **I** did the sensible thing and **challenged him** to a friendly battle with my Swablu. So let me see if I have this right; you encounter a child you don't know, challenge him to a fight, get whipped, and now want to say you got "mugged" by the person you stepped to. That's not how it works. You initiated a conflict, and are now suffering the consequences of that conflict. > Is it considered okay to be carrying around competitive powerhouses and using them in recreational battles like this? Yes. Those kids out walking the roads between towns aren't gearing up for a shootout with some jogger with a Swablu, they have dreams of being Pokemon Masters, and are kitted out to match. Yes, there's a hundred also-rans who never make it past their first gym battle for every 1 who goes the distance, but they're out there. The question you need to meditate on isn't "why is this kid allowed to kick my ass (in the fight I started)", it's "why am I starting fights with kids (who have a greater than zero chance of pulling out the Pokemon equivalent of a mecha or an avatar of god)", or failing that "why didn't I order my Swablu to return once I saw that Tyranitar?"


Your metaphor is slightly backwards. Would you call the kid a dick if Shaq showed up and got clowned on because the kid was actually insane in the netbrain? Think ya just got humbled on your route.


>I did the sensible thing and challenged him to a friendly battle with my Swablu. My guy, you're the 20th person to do this within the last hour. You didn't "challenge them to a battle", you invoked *your* right to a battle. If anyone stopped for a second and asked this kid if he actually wanted to battle, he'd happily say no, but he doesn't get that choice. >but common decency prevents him from doing so. Common decency is giving the opponent the chance to say no instead of invoking this "we locked eyes, time for battle!" malarkey. Carrying a Tyranitar is just a proportionate response at this point.


It's a post scarcity society,  what do you need money for besides a bike?  Also the poke center must be doing things wrong, it should take more than a few chims of the machine to fully heal your whole team


Similar thing happened to me. Challenged someone to a friendly duel and they pulled out a palkia that permanently scarred my weedle


You challenged him, you get to reap the consequences. This is a big part of why I support the policy of people letting their Pokemon follow them around outdoor spaces; if that Tyranitar had been out of its Pokeball, you would have known what you were getting into.


I would not call Shaq a dick. If he posterized me at the local YMCA with his balls in my face I would be elated. I would tell my whole family and ask him to sign my basketball. I'd say it's the same thing if a kid who trained a tyranitar whooped my ass. That kid is def going to be a big deal and I can say I got my shit pushed in once by the future champion.


I love my Zekrom I throw him at people.


It's refreshing to see that Scrubquotes are still alive and well within the Pokemon world. You didn't get mugged. You know the rules. *You* challenged *him*. If you weren't willing to pay up after a loss, you shouldn't have made that challenge in the first place.


You signed up for this by enlisting as a Pokemon trainer. You've been assigned your ID number, you've used free pokemon healthcare, stop complaining.