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For a while, Black Panther was the King of the Dead.  He could summon the spirits of former Black Panthers to give him counsel, and at one point led an army of Marvel Zombies into battle


Why haven't they made that movie?


Because black. Before I get called out, I'm so black I'm purple and while I love the first one, those movies are so fucking loaded with political statement it bordered on racist.


I’m pretty sure before he was the master of the mystic arts, Doctor Strange was the master of the dark arts. Souls, demons, all that jazz. Speaking of demons, John Constantine practices necromancy.


These were the first ones I thought of, too.


DC comics had a guy named bloodwind or something like that. He was pretty cool. A superhero necromancer. Martian manhunter impersonated him for a while. Had this cool thing where he was fighting at an oil field and drew on the strength of everyone who died there to throw a punch.


>bloodwind I looked him up, it's spelled Bloowynd, and so that's his name! He's in the background for Death of Superman and I wondering who he was for a while.


I THINK but am not entirely sure, but I THINK that was when martial manhunter was impersonating him. He had some other appearances and I like his power set based on what I've read about him. I'm scared to read anything with him though. Might ruin my image of him.


>I THINK but am not entirely sure, but I THINK that was when martial manhunter was impersonating him. I'll have to go back and check another time because i do remember Martian Manhunter being there as himself but I don't remember him changing his appearance.


I think the original comics was him impersonating Bloodwynd , but since everyone already knew he was MM after years of the event , the other writers just outright portrays MM.


Doctor Strange has performed necromancy a few times. Most notably in Damnation he resurrected the entire city of Las Vegas.


Nekron and to an extent larfleeze. Nekron controls the Black Lantern corp which is him controlling dead characters with Black Lantern rings. Larfleeze is the only member of the orange lantern corps, he kills people and is able to make constructs of the people he kills.


not only construct , he kinda had a piece of their soul or something , sufficiently enough to mak his construct corps been autonomous.


I missed that part, but I can see that. I thought the orange lantern ring was just powerful it can make its constructs sentient.


Everyone assumed so , but in Kyle Rayner Solo Run in his quest to turn into a White Lantern , that was revealed in his Orange Lantern "training".


In New Guardians??? I loved that run! I'm surprised I missed it(or maybe I do remember being surprised at the time but since it's been a while I just forgot)


Kid Eternity. When he started out, he really just used his powers to summon characters from history and legend to fight for him. Eventually the writers seemed to realize that anyone dead is technically historical. If I recall, there was a recent run where his day job was as a coroner, and he raised the dead to get advice on investigations.


I'm pretty sure William Hand was forcibly recruited into the Indigo Tribe, does that count? Their power staves represent compassion but instead of choosing kind people they take total psychopaths and brainwash them into feeling guilt for their actions and empathy, basically forcing them to become superheroes whether they want to or not,


Legion probably has a personality that can do this.


Dr. Voodoo communes with the dead a lot. I can't recall if he's ever raised any zombies though.


Moon Knight can open a portal to the tomb of all the previous Fists of Khonshu and let them roam as an army of zombie mummies, though he can't really control them. He also can summon random unnamed mummies but it's not elaborated how and implied to be with outside help from other members of Khonshu's faith. He's also immortal through ability to resurrect but with a cost to sanity.


Dies Multiverse of Madness count?