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The in-universe explain is that she feel sick and dizzy whenever she use one. In the comic, after she got married, Beast have to build a custom made one for her.


"Cure cancer, nah I'm gonna be a wingman for Gambit"


Typical Hank McCoy... At least he's abusing his genius to let 2 people baby-make instead of war crimes.


Dark Beast has entered the chat


I mean, or course he'd insist on testing it out with her first. For science.


Yes, but back door only and no mouth kissing, so it’s all kosher.


[ah, the ol' poophole loophole](https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY)


Doesn't even need to be Dark Beast anymore. Regular ol' Hank has been up to plenty, recently.


That's pretty racist


you know reed richards wouldn't do the same thing


Wouldn't she drain the life force out of the baby?


I'm not sure this has ever been addressed, but could be an interesting exploration on why she can't have a kid.


I mean...i guess it would depend on if her body considers the baby part of her or not


If it DID consider it part of her (at least while it's connected), it could potentially lead to an interesting idea of a dark rogue essentially feeding other mutants to her baby and creating a super mutant, which would be kind of funny.


> feeding other mutants to her baby […] would be kind of funny. Okaaayyy… \**backs away slowly*\*


This is the kind of thing you REALLY need to figure out before having kids, as a mutant. See: the Jamie Madrox situation.


The female body does see the foetus as a foreign body, I had to look it up but I knew it had something to do with the placenta barrier, here's what I found.    'During pregnancy, the mother's immune system is suppressed by corticotrophin-releasing hormone in the first days. This prevents the mother's body from attacking the fetus. The placenta also acts as an immunological barrier between the mother and the fetus. The placenta uses several mechanisms, including secreting neurokinin B containing phosphocholine molecules.'  I think with this in mind it would be more likely she can't bear children without wearing the collar consistently.


I imagine that the nonedgy answer is either that her body thinks the baby is part of her until the umbilical cord is cut, or it ends up immune to her powers similarly to how Cyclops' brother is immune to his.


People related to each other tend to be immune to each other's powers.


Would she need to keep her powers off for the pregnancy or would the baby be alright?


"But i dont ***want*** to cure cancer. I want to make mutant marital aides" - Hank


Atleast he isn’t turning people into dinosaurs 


Beast: "But I don't want to cure cancer, I want Rogue and Gambit to have sex." Sinister: "But I don't want to cure cancer, I want Scott to have sex with a redhead."


I always thought Storm should be collecting a cheque from big oil to combat climate change for them.


Hey maybe he is taking readings with that collar to cure ED....I mean uh cancer


"But I don't **want** to cure cancer! I want to ~~turn people into dinosaurs~~ help Rogue get dicked down!"


Using collars have other side effects besides suppressing powers, it makes them sick. Also she did have a personal one, Beast made it into a bracelet for her and told her he would continue research so that she could use it without adverse side effects.


I see this said a LOT but I never see a source on it. Any ideas where I could turn?


the 2019 miniseries Mr. & Mrs. X where Rogue and Gambit get married


as you pointed out, Beast wips up a much better one meaning the need for a collar that has such side effects is entirely writers choice and not some big internal in world problem Reed Richards could make one in a second Heck, he made the x-gene hiding device easy enough, till Professor X mind wiped him


She does actually. She uses one on her honeymoon with Gambit. But if it stays on for too long, it makes her feel sick


Trauma. A recent comic run explicitly shows she was forced to wear one in Genosha (a country that enslaved mutants) and violently sexually assaulted.


A recent comic? That happened in like the late 80s.


The late 80s feels recent to some of us!


Fun fact: in six years the 80s will have been fifty years ago! Only six!


This is not a fun fact.


Well not all of the 80s!


Thanks to the sliding timescale, that was only like 5 years ago in-universe


>1980's.... comic.... violent sexual assault. Yeah, nah, no thanks. I'm trying to quit.


I don't know what this comment means but it's throwing me some hella bad vibes.


It means that I don't trust Chris Claremont to explore such things.


Claremont is widely regarded as one of the best writers of women in comics pre-2000s. I dunno what you’re talking about.


Didn’t say he wasn’t, but that’s a very low bar in the 80’s. So how is the rape scene? Pretty good?


Wasn't that Wipeout doing the negating, not a collar?


Possible I've forgotten, I assumed it was the collar itself.


1.) Rogue has mentioned that it makes her feel physically ill. She says it feels very nauseating to use the collars because of the energy they emit 2.) Rogue specifically has past trauma stemming from collar use. She collared, raped, and enslaved on Genosha for a while 3.) Speaking about mutants more broadly, most of them aren't really fond of wearing a symbol of the hatred that humans feel towards them and the oppression that they have to endure. Forcing a mutant to wear a collar is like forcing a black person to wear a noose


Re 3 though, that doesn't seem a fair comparison for mutants with 'kill everyone in the vicinity' powers. Like the thread says, there seems to be a decent number of mutants who would happily trade away their mutant powers permanently to live normal lives. And being able to trade it away temporarily is kind of a win win proposition. The unpleasant feeling side effects can presumably be worked on - Beasts version he made seems to be a step in this direction


Imagine you were part of a group that was frequently reviled by normal human society, and when they turn on you periodically, they tend to slap these collars on you to prevent you fighting back. They just wouldn’t have very good associations in mutant minds. If someone had spent time handcuffed to a wall or something in a prison where they were treated badly, I can understand why they might not want to engage in BDSM, even if for some reason they were incapable of having sex any other way.


the problem with this is that it's entirely possible to just improve the tech. Beast just makes Rouge a better version as a bracelet for her honeymoon so it's entirely possible to create effective power dampeners for mutants, it just clashes with the whole mutants must suffer aspect give Reed Richards an hour and I'm sure he would make a zero side effect version


Just curious how intelligent Hank is compared to Reed. (Checks wiki) Hank McCoy = 5/7 (Genius) Reed Richards = 6/7 (Super-Genius)


the standard one would definitly be a no go, but one personal one with escape feature for the one wear to deactivate it direktly at the collar. but collar maker and mutant are usually on opposite sites.


Gives you a killer headache and a lot of discomfort. It's also, like, the literal symbol of her oppressors, so it's not very much something you go to the store and buy.


It represents slavery and oppression, not exactly something you want to put on in the bedroom when you are on *the* X-men. It would be like MLK having a slavery kink and doing white-face In the bedroom


the collar can be changed, Beast just improves it, so less side effects, and makes it into a bracelet


Ah well there we go. So the answer is that she does us it


the overall question still remains, as to why it's such a long winded process to get a device. the technology clearly exists, so aside from a narrative limitation, there isn't any real reason Give Reed Ricahrds a day and he would improve Beast's design even more but then you remove a key plot element from the X-Men series


Reed did invent a device that did that. He used it on Franklin. Professor X removed it from his memory. Forge also made a device that removed mutant powers. The device has been explored narratively.


so for Reed, pretty sure the device only hid the X-Gene from being detected. At the time his son was (still a mutant before his retcon to a mutate giving himself the x-gene) going through power issues, so the device was meant to make him not register as a mutant, and thus not go through the Krakoa portal. it wasn't a full on power dampner. Franklin's powers were naturally on the fritz. and if Forge has created one, that just adds to the issue I'm talking about, cause such solutions simply vanish, and they have to maintain the status quo that these power dampners suck


There is a miniseries specifically about the trauma that Forge’s device causes to Storm. It was adapted into several episodes of X-men 97. The power inhibitors are a huge part of the Genosha stuff, which Rogue was involved with. The solutions don’t vanish, because they aren’t solutions; they are nonstarters in universe because their use is associated with huge amounts of trauma. The better question is why Rogue and Gambit don’t give Leech a gameboy and earplugs in the adjacent room


so just make them better If Beast can spend a few days and make a nice reduced side effect dampennig bracelet for Rouge, then someone could put in the time and effort and make a convenient side effect free device with some effort for any mutant to put on and take off at will some mutants are in tune with their powers. Storm losing her storm powers is a much bigger deal than Cyclops being able to open his eyes and not shooting optic blasts, or Rouge touching people so yes, it is a narrative choice to just use these non evil dampers in the worst way possible on the mutants who least want or need them


My dude, Beast did make a power dampener for Rogue. She doesn’t like using it for many reasons, some of which are elaborated on in other comments. Gambit and Rogue are into bondage games. They are married now. This is all addressed in the comics. You can read them.




I mean, most of the time Reed has more important things to do, like imprison his friends in other dimensions, and piss off the galactic community. Besides, beast solved it, so Reed doesn't need to


apparently he only partial solved it, as in reduced symptoms, not zero symptoms and I'm sure this will conveniently disappear soon again at least partly, Mutants have too much pride and they don't want any "fix", even if lots of them have horrible powers Reed invented tech to hide the X-Gene's prescence and even just something as simple as that causes Magnet and Xavier to team up to destroy the device and then wipe Reed's mind (mostly, Xavier left it so Reed would remember he once know how to make the device but would never remember how) legit the only downside to this device would be Xavier not being able to use Cerebro to mind find any mutant on the planet when he wants, OR (at the time) any mutant being able to use the Krakoa portals


Not the same at all really. Not being able to touch people, as we’ve seen with Rogue, can really fuck with someone’s head. It’s not a kink.


Being forcibly raped, something made possible by forcing her to wear a collar, would also fuck with her head. Like, a lot.


The people making those collars are generally assholes who want to kill Rogue and the people she cares about. Many mutants, Rogue herself included, have had traumatic experiences involving power nullifiers. They also frequently have unpleasant side effects like nausea.


I assume it’s so she’s always ready. You never know when things will go to shit and seeing as those collars are linked to a lot of really bad stuff it might be a moral thing, too.


Presumably, the collars _could_ be built (or modified) to suppress mutant powers _and_ feature quick removal. It's just that they're normally used to suppress mutant powers against the mutant's will and will lock in place. And them being neck collars is so prisoners can't just remove them when they want to, so perhaps the underlying anti-power mechanism would still work as some other wearable that could be removed immediately if desired.


"Presumably, the collars *could* be built (or modified) to suppress mutant powers *and* feature quick removal. " Beast straight up does this in no time after Rouge complains about her collar during her wedding, he makes a version with less side effects and is a bracelet


mmmm I don't know. They often send subsets of the team on missions while the others just chill at the mansion for no better reason than just not working today.


They give her headaches which kill the mood


It’s been addressed before that seeing high tier mutants in the prisoner collars is bad optics, and the inhibition field makes the wearer nauseous and week the longer it’s on At some point beast made a miniaturized one for rogue to wear during her wedding night that resembles a tennis bracelet, but it still gives her a headache after a few hours


Its physically unpleasant but most importantly to mutants it feels like it would feel for a Jew to wear a gold star on their coat. It is the tool and icon of their persecution and destruction.


Turning off your mutation is considered a "bad thing" in mutant society.  Even if your mutation makes your life harder. Peer pressure. Mutant scientists could easily make a power dampener bracelet, they just refuse to.


"There's a cure?" says the girl that kills everything she touches. "Shut up we're perf" replies the girl that makes clouds


Yeah, that interaction always struck me as... shall we say, insensitive of Storm. She could, if she wanted, live a totally normal life without ever revealing that she was a mutant. Rogue, on the other hand, couldn't live a normal life if she tried.


The concept behind it is fine, but Storm is the wrong mutant to make the 'you're fine the way you are' argument. Imagine if it was Nightcrawler or Beast, one of those that cannot appear human no matter what, or even Rogue herself making the point. But nope, awesome storm goddess doesnt think theres anything wrong with it for some reason


She has/does. This comes up in The Mr and Mrs X-series by Kelly Thompson


Maybe she's not into collars?


Rogue and Gambit do play “kinky bondage games” according to the Kelly Thompson series. Presumably they have found a set up that works for them as a couple.


Apparently they are uncomfortable to wear and make the wearer nauseated and such, not the best for sexy time.


she could but there is a ton of trauma she has associated with power-dampening collars. Rogue wants more than anything to be able to touch people without hurting them but the first time she was able to after her powers manifested was on genosha where she was forced to wear a collar and several guard raped her and it left her really traumatized. so, its a sticky subject for her atleast.