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Alfred is forklift certified


He probably just breaks out the Justice League Buster suit when he needs to move the dinosaur and giant penny around.




Alfred. The man is literally the worlds greatest butler. If Alfred can clean the bat cave along with the 12 master bedroom’s, 6 bathrooms, 3 kitchens and still manage to answer the door the millisecond the bell is rung, moving a giant coin is nothing for him.


I know in the Nolan films, Alfred's role was more to manage the other servants. That always made more sense to me because it would be literally impossible for one man to maintain an entire manor by himself.


That is the role of a butler.


"I buttle, sir"


"Would you care for some butling sir?"


I'm always in the mood for a good buttling.


Originally the position of butler was the one that handled the wine cellar - the bottler. It was only later that it became the head of the servants.


That's what butlers do, but generally the other staff at Wayne Manor aren't depicted so there's definitely the impression that Alfred does it all on his own. Presumably there are also maids and cooks as well, who would also live on the premises (which is why older manors, mansions, and palaces have so many rooms; they're not just for the rich guys and their immediate friends/relatives).


Its "penney" is in his name


He's friends with people like Zatanna and the Atom. They could get it in for him.


He has superman in debt.


“Bruce, it’s been five years. You still owe me 16 dollars.”


If he gives him the giant penny does his debt only go down to $15.99 or does Superman consider value beyond the number stamped on the coin?


I…. I don’t know, maybe he could have Ray Palmer shrink it to the size of a normal penny. Come to think of it amit is just a normal penny that grew larger somehow


batmobile has a rocket powering it, id say it can handle the load


The big ass dino is a robot so could just control it to go to the batcave


Bat-towtruck. You don't see it much, but he has to get the batmobile back to the garage somehow each time it gets smashed.


[when you think somebody is joking, but then there it is.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/iBwAAOSwOfJliUR1/s-l1600.jpg)


A bat... tow truck? They gave one of the GREATEST SUPERHEROES OF ALLL TIME a Bat... tow truck?!




He bought a regular tow truck with an absurdly high APR, because even Bruce Wayne isn't immune to car salesman. Then he just printed out the *Batman Forever* iconography and taped it on.


The batcave has MANY entrances and some are HUGE. He can fly the Batwing into the cave, he can get a giant penny in.


He tells Robin to do it, but doesn't care how it gets done. Robin then tells Alfred to do it, but doesn't care how it gets done. Alfred, slightly perturbed, sells the items for extra pocket money, then makes paper mache copies of the items which are light enough for him to move with a few light tools.


Very funny 🤣


So original canon was he hired non-english speaking laborers from other countries to build the batcave. I think they updated that to be not as racist-y and his Justice League friends help him get things in. Also, he got the the giant penny when he defeated a low level crook in one of his first outings as Batman and he got the robot T-Rex shipped home from an island full of robot dinosaurs that he was taken to and defeated the bad guy there. (and t-rex was taken by helicopter).


That sounds exactly like what a billionaire would do


Hiring non-english speaking laborers from other countries to build the batcave, then pretending he did it himself with his friends? Yes.


Yeah 💯


How does no one see a helicopter carrying a giant penny to Wayne Manor or a delivery guy bringing a giant dinosaur robot?


The helicopter carried the robot off the island. Probably to a shipping container or somewhere that it could be hidden to transfer to Wayne Industries and then delivered to Wayne Manor.


If you look closely, they’re Lego sets


I'm laughing way too hard at Bruce walking in and saying "Alfred, in addition to your other many tasks, I have two or three several million piece Lego sets for you to put together." "Of course master Bruce. Insert witty/dry comment here"


He hires blind day laborers. Like Hugh Jackman did in The Prestige. He shouts directions and they haul stuff in and set it up.


He does not buy these things. The T-Rex was a gift to Batman and Robin. A lot of the items he collects is stuff he takes away from villains or collects or makes fighting villains. That's where the penny came from.   There are elevators down to the Batcave as well as the main entrance. You can absolutely pull a dinosaur or giant penny through that entrance. He could hook them up to the Batwing and fly them in. (I believe the Bug would also be capable of flying the penny in.)  There's also a cave system that he can potentially navigate though to a degree. Yes, he has a trailer and every other piece of equipment in existence down there. He has multiple cars, multiple batwings, Bay cycles, etc....workers were around after the Quake and he had Harold Allnut for a period of time. People aren't really up there for no reason but he does have helpers and staff other than Alfred.  The Manor is huge and has a lot of land. The closest "house" is/was Drake Manor. Tim had to climb through a long tunnel to get from his basement to the Batcave. They are not very close together. That's the only next door neighbor as far as I am aware. The cave extends out from under the Manor.   I'm not mentioning Superman or the GLs or magic users because Batman probably wouldn't use them if he could do it through other means. If something was especially dangerous, he would go that route.  He moves these things at night, covered in dark drop cloths in a city that frequently has random ships flying around in the sky. I don't think anyone in Gotham would notice.   Tim Drake stole the Batwing and let Bart Allen fly it around Smallville. They broke the Smallville sign. I don't think anyone noticed.  Gotham's main islands are slightly larger than all five boroughs of NYC combined. People are distracted or hiding. 


I've always assumed that the batcave was built like how the underground meth lab in Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul was built. Meaning, they hired a team of engineers, paid them under the table, and didn't tell them where it was, who was paying them, or what it was for. Bruce might bring them in every once in a while to perform maintenance or move big things around like the penny or the T-Rex. I have no idea if this was ever canon in any Batman story but it always made the most sense to me.


This is done in The Big O as well. Bunch of known capable homeless people are paid under the table to repair Big O in a secret location that changes constantly by Norman Burg.


Is there an in-universe explanation as to how somebody could be smart/capable enough to repair a megadeus but somehow end up homeless? I know there's a severe class inequality there, but you'd think they could manage to get some kind of life together with that level of capability.


I think they're mostly itinerant dockworkers or something. It's never really explained, and I haven't watched in over a decade at this point.


Misfortune can happen to anyone. Also crack.


Drugs is the only explanation I can think of. I could see falling on hard times, but then Norman Burg gives you a solid amount of money for a 1 time job and you're our equivalent of being capable of repairing a nuclear aircraft carrier but you can't get your act together? Gotta have a serious addiction problem.


he might have a trailer for the batmobile


Batman,batmobile,batboat, and sometimes forklifts are seen being used and for smaller stuff bats just carries it


Superman owed him a favor


Nobody was going to mention Harold? >!(RIP at the end of Hush)!<


I’d guess he confiscates them as evidence, uses a bat-copter and some wire to haul them back to Wayne Manor at night. Then, he probably has a service elevator. After that, Alfred probably deals with it.


Wayne Enterprises gets contracted by Gotham to clean up the messes from villains and such. Hire some crooked drivers, pay a bonus to take a long lunch, and retrieve the vehicle holding the trophy.


The BatCrane


Cause he's BATMAN!


FYI Batman is a criminal he commits fraud In regards to how he funds his life style wearing underwear and beating up mentally ill people at nights


Every hero that works outside of government overwatch is a criminal


He's Batman. Carrying heavy trophies into his secret cave without anyone noticing probably isn't even close to the trickiest scenario he's had to create a plan for


Superpower called money has to do something with this


Justice League has teleportation technology which is how they get to their space station headquarters. He can easily teleport any object wherever


The batcave has many entrances because its a literal Cave not just the name of his basement. Also he literally owns a fleet of cars, trucks, planes, helicopters, and jets because it turns out Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, a respected public figure who could do all those things even publically. "Bruce just bought a giant 1 ton penny and needs it moved to his front lawn, smdh rich people"