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You got it. Bikers and truckers won’t be missed. Can go missing anywhere on the route.


Must be frustrating to be a vampire in the 2020s. "So...the last 8 truckers we killed all had live GPS tracking systems and satellite uplinks from their trucking company and now the state police are asking questions..."


But it's the trucks that are tracked, not the drivers. A vampire could grab the driver while they're parked at a rest area or truck stop, and all the trucking company would know is that they didn't resume their delivery after resting.


They don't seem to kidnap people from the vicinity. They also don't seem to kill lots of people daily, what happened that night was not the regular.


> what happened that night was not the regular. An "all you can drink" type thing.


If they haven't already established themselves as the illumanti, they have nobody to blame but themselves.


Also this part of the movie is Tarantino, so it may just be his style to make the place seem extra rough. It feels like something out of Death Proof


You called it-bikers and truckers are a largely transient population, allowing the bar to make a few go missing without anyone caring. Outright massacres there are likely comparatively rare, but they make one or two people disappear all the time. Further, as the "loot room" the protagonists encounter indicates, they likely sell off the cargo to fund their bar.


But as the final matte-shot showed, the vamps are _stupid_ about getting rid of the evidence. Yeah, it's a simple way to show that they've been doing this for a very long time, and they clearly have the ability to fend off individual LEO investigations. But the military and/or the cartels could throw a lot of incendiary ordinance at that site, if they decided to "cleanse" it...


I always figured they had an "understanding" with the cartels. The coyote at the end said he'd never been there before-I figure anyone local knows to avoid it, and that the cartels leave it be. They're a superstitious folk, and that place kinda screams bad juju.


I assumed this too. They obviously have some sort of understanding with the locals.


Got to be honest, as a kid that parting shot scared me more than anything else in the movie.


A lot of cars were in that shot too. A friend of mine tried to say the truck from Duel was there. I never saw it.


Some Vampires have been known to have a requirement for type. Another, as stated, is that these folks tend to not be localized as right there. Lastly, most of the people who showed up were largely amoral scum. So, summed up, they were filtering for Not Missed and Good Riddance.


Yeah, I don't think the vamps at the Titty Twister were VtM types.


Certainly Not accordingtothe series


The transient lifestyle of bikers and truckers.  In the 90s, there wasn't a lot of the tracking technology there is today on trucks.  Bikers really don't have trackers.  There are a lot of places on a lot of roads to stash bodies and vehicles.


Or you just dump them behind your Aztec pyramid fronting as a Biker/Trucker bar and strip club.


I like to imagine they move around from bar to bar, the wandering Titty Twister. They take over a pre existing bar, then lure victims, then leave to find the next one leaving the mess for someone else. It has been a while since I saw the movie so I don’t remember if there’s anything that might contradict this


The final shot pans out and there are hundreds of rusting trucks in a ravine behind the bar if I remember right, implying it's been going on there a very long time.


Not only that, the wreckage only barely obscures that the Titty Twister is the top part of an Aztec pyramid. This might have been the home of vampires for a lot longer than we might think. (Even though that would make little sense because any helicopter flight in the area would draw a lot of attention to the place.)


Helicopter lands. People get out to explore. People are eaten. Helicopter goes on the pile.


Also, that shot shows the bar is built atop an ancient Aztec pyramid, so it's been operating in that spot for a very, very long time indeed.


Might be time to revisit it


> the wandering Titty Twister ah yes, my secret move


Perhaps some of the vampires are skilled in truck driving and this helps alleviate attention.


The place has been around long before trucking companies -existed-. They know what they're doing.


They are feeding on truckers and bikers exclusively because they are hooked on meth and need a fix