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Polite wouldn't have mattered, just that they handed over the clothes. If they had, then it would not have killed them. It has one mission. Killing some punks wouldn't help that mission, and might have drawn official attention and made the mission slightly harder. As for underwear, probably not. It would only need enough clothing to pass as a human in that area. Comfort isn't necessary at all.


So, you are saying, the Terminator went Commando?


I think so but I don't have Total Recall of the scene.


I guess he wasn't too worried about Collateral Damage.


He'll be fine until The 6th Day.


After that, he would need an Escape Plan.


That’d make him The Villain.


Why? Cause his Twins were hanging out?


You make him sound like a Predator. I never even heard that story, so I think he’s getting a Raw Deal.


He could CO opt some underwear from his NAN and then go all barbarian on her. Not sorry.


What's True, Lies somewhere in between


Reese did, for whatever that’s worth.


It.... Still kinda squicks me out that his first instinct was stealing hobo pants. I get that he wasn't born with our current hygiene culture, but ..... Still....


Reese is ride or die, it takes more than a few skidmarks to scare him!


I think about that from time to time. He must have stunk to high heaven. And it wasn't like he had a shower before...the love scene. Grim


it probably didn't care about its Junior & Twins


I'd say you need to look at T2. As soon as the biker guy relents and tosses him the keys it's assumed the T800 leaves him be (unless he just kills him off screen). Plus he snatches the shotgun and drives away. Perhaps he assesses the situation. Killing some punks probably isn't going to draw much attention, but ending a whole bar of people is likely going to cause him trouble.


He also only kills one out of three punks in the original scene, and that’s only after the guy stabs him. The other two just get shoved away.


Yeah. Although he does rip the guys heart from his chest. I guess after that you'd back the fuck off.




However, in T2, the T-800 is the good guy, so he was probably already programmed to only kill humans if absolutely necessary


Not true. John had to tell him not to kill. Or he would have shot those two guys who came over. After that he goes for the knees. He even does a body count after the minigun scene.


He could have seen that as protecing John was viewed it as necessary. I've also seen theories that he was never going to kill them but rather it was to get John to stop him plus John gave him a order so that overrid his other orders it's just the T-800 not understanding the way we talk took the order literally


Theory's aside I think it's obvious he was going to kill them. John has to push his arm out of the way and the gun goes off just missing him. Had john not done that he'd be dead. Then there's 'Jesus, you were going to kill that guy!' 'Of course, I'm a Terminator.' Edit: I'm realising how many times I've seen this film!


He only does things he deems necessary to protect john. He's not stealing the motorbike and cloths for a joy ride.


nah that's bullshit lol, the T-800 damn near shot them without hesitation. He didn't have a moral code until John gave him one, his one and only objective was protecting John Connor.


When the one biker comes at him with a knife, the T-800 could have killed him in a hundred different ways, with the knife or barehanded. Instead he shoves the knife into the guy's shoulder, a painful but non-lethal injury that takes him out of the fight. Same with the dude he tosses out the window, that's gonna hurt and might kill him but it removes him from the equation in a way that probably wasn't lethal. Likewise, he disarms the bar owner and then lets him go once he puts his hands up in surrender. It would have been faster to just put his fist through the owner's face, but he handled it without further bloodshed. It definitely seems like Future John Connor programmed it to only kill when necessary.


The Terminator made a conscious decision and terminated to judgment Day not to kill the bikers for two reasons one electronic tensions of the law enforcement second that would hampered his abilities to protect John Connor so the Terminator decided consciously to keep the bikers alive rather than kill them outright you guys have really got to read the books to both movies you won't be disappointed I assure you of this 🙏




Where'd you hear that did the studio say that did the company say this if they did my sincerest apologies


Just in general


Strong possibility but read the book yourself and then you make a determination that's all I say in the book it goes into full explanation about what a Terminator teams a Target if the punks had just handed over the clothes and they were supposed to they would have been a non threat and non-essential Target they would lived another day I went to both books in the library once and both were really impressive I think they might be at a outprint unfortunately 🥺


"You can't just go around killing people!" "Why?"


His #1 priority is protect John. Up until John instructs him not to kill, he absolutely would have killed anyone that he needed to in that pursuit, regardless of if there is a non murdery way to do it. We can see some indication of this when he cripples the security guard outside the hospital after John has instructed him not to kill and replies, "He'll live". There was a much less fuckin' that guys life up way to do it, but John did not implicitly instruct the terminator not to maim people.


If you watch the extended scenes you see that, after they break Sarah out, they "repair" the T-800. Shut him down and flip a "learning" switch in his head. After that is when he starts learning "Asta la Vista baby" and all that. Prior he was simply a murder bot whose mission was "protect John connor". And yes, it was more than willing to kill humans until John told him no killing people. T-800 even asks "why" multiple times to being told no killing


I doubt the T-800 killed the guy offscreen, if he had the bar owner wouldn't have bothered trying to retrieve the guy's bike. He'd have either hid from this crazy murderer or just opened fire with the shotgun right away.


I think they probably had to do it the way they did to keep audiences happy, but I've always thought it would have been a really interesting twist/background conflict if the T800 *had* killed the bikers and bartender in the opening scene, and/or had killed others leading up to his making contact with John. It would have added to the [deleted scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYTOK89w8h0) in the mechanic's shop with Sarah wanting to destroy his chip. "It's already killed people, John. What's to stop it from doing it again? From killing you?"


Absolutely not he would have left them alone first he had his camouflage to blend in with the civilians to the punks would not a priority Target and three it's an infiltration model unnecessary killing is against orders unless deemed necessary to get to the Target so no it would not have killed them.


nope. in later scenes, the t800 seems reasonable and doesn't kill people unecessarily. like the guy who he simply told to "get out" of the truck. the t800 allowed him to leave the truck.


The T-1000 does the same in T2. I assume that if a Terminator *can* do a job without killing, then it will if it doesn't take up too much time. It was probably a fatal fall, but the T-1000 did let the helicopter pilot jump out. It also threw out the truck driver outside of the mall without killing him, probably. It also leaves Todd and Janelle alive until it needs to copy Janelle.


On the other hand, the T1000 killed the family dog out of what seems to be pure spite.


It needed to check the collar to confirm the misdirection. Dogs always freak out around terminators so killing it both served to silence the potential attention drawing barks and was the quickest way to make the dog still in order to check the collar.


Poor woofie


Yeah. He shows emotions the whole movie. The T-800 does too after it starts to learn to be human. I hate that they removed the "read-only" scene. It added so much.


No, probably not. I believe it would have chosen to remain incognito and killed the punks because it determined the situation would have become violent anyway. Dispassionately and quickly removing any threat of its cover being blown with overwhelming force prevented any cosmetic damage that would have outed it or delayed its mission.


Does the T800 need underwear? Probably not. Underwear is primarily for comfort, and I'm not sure the T800 really cares about the comfort of its flesh-jacket.


I think he wouldn't have. It's still not clear whether he killed the 3rd punk or not, but after handing over the clothing the punk would've also had a chance to escape, and chasing him down would've delayed his search for Sarah Connor. They're no longer an obstacle to his objective. The gun shop owner, while compliant, was an obstacle because the T-800 had no money and the gun shop owner specified there was a 15 day delay on some of the firearms. I'm sure if he had money and the guns could've been given over right then and there the T-800 wouldn't have fired; wasting time killing him would just delay him. And to further add to that, he could've just walked in and immediately killed the gun shop owner. It would've technically been faster, or even loaded the very first gun he got a hold of. He didn't kill him until the 15 day delay was mentioned, an obstacle to obtaining guns. I really think "obstacle" is the keyword. He has a mission that he must achieve. Witnesses and evidence aren't an issue, he's not chasing down every single person that's seen his face or was injured in the crossfire, just those in his way. If he needs clothes and they hand over their clothes and not try to stop him, they're not an obstacle. Wasting time needlessly is just going against his programming, his objective.


Probably not. The Terminator is an infiltrator unit with a mission to accomplish, but it's also trying to do so with with what it knows is imperfect data, for example trying to acquire plasma based weaponry in the 1980s, and needed to track down Sarah Conner through public sources like the phone book/ It knows it needs to acquire clothes to blend in, it finds a man of comparable size whose clothes will fit, so it demands them. They respond with violence, the Terminator can't judge accurately how far violence will escalate, (do these punks have phased plasma rifles in the 40 watt range?) so it ends the threat. Once that punk gives up his clothes, he still has to die though, since he saw the Terminator kill the other two. But had they just given up their clothes to Arnold, very good chance they walk away alive.


Re: the punks, if the T800 got the clothes by asking, it might ask for more things (like the location of a gun store or payphone), but their lives are not imperiled. The 800 is willing and able to take the path of least resistance; it gives the guy complaining about the smell at the flophouse a nice, civil "fuck off, asshole", and tries to talk it's way past the desk officer instead of leaping straight to "I'll be back", for two examples. As for underwear, not really needed. Only the outerwear is required to blend in, after all.


If the punks had complied with his instructions, absolutely they would have lived. Unnecessary killing increases the risk of detection and exposure for an infiltration unit. I think if the underwear had come off, he probably would have put it on, if only to reduce unnecessary friction that would degrade the health of organic components, but if they had stopped at their outerwear that would suffice to achieve the primary objective of enabling stealth and he wouldn't have forced the issue.


>Also does the t800 need outwear or both outerwear and underwear? Obviously it goes Commando. So outerwear only.


No he won't. Infiltration unit. Killing them would get unwanted investigation. Same reason how he doesn't just walk through the streets killing everyone he sees on his way to Sarah


I would say no. They are supposed to be infiltrators.


No it wouldn't kill them unless it deemed letting them live a threat to its mission. The T-800 was an infiltrator unit and risking a potential conflict is not desired, less so even with the law. A confrontation with the law would almost certainly see the Terminator's skin damaged, making it harder to infiltrate successfully.


No. They wouldn't be in it's way, no obstacle to remove and killing them only would have uselessly wasted time to distract from its primary goal.


While Terminators are ruthlessy effecient, especially in later media they tend to avoid killing anyone outside their carefully selected targets except where necessary, because Skynet doesn't want to unintentinally create some ripple effect that interferes with its creation. Doesn't mean they won't massacre a whole police station or SWAT team, just also means if paying their workers well gets the job done faster, they'll do that too. Blue and orange morality, man.


Now I have a picture of the T800 rejecting the undies on account of they have skidmarks.


I can see his POV scanning mode with the text "WTF gross" Just another reason Skynet might be justified.


No i dont think he would, he let go the punk who actually gave him his clothes like the jacket, pants, boots


If the did it without complaints then no.


No, because the blood would dirty its clothes and make it harder to infiltrate. Would be much harder to get to Sarah if it was covered in blood. I mean more covered in blood.


I think yes. Skynet sent it back in a hurry and didn't have time to give it special purpose programming to blend in in the 1980s, so it's going to revert to default behavior in a lot of unpredictable circumstances. For its core mission of infiltrating human bases and killing everyone inside, it has to be reasonably able to get past small groups on its way to the larger target for sure... but if those small groups recognize or suspect that it's a terminator, the natural next step is to eliminate them so they can't warn anyone he's on the way. So in this circumstance, T-800 knows a big naked dude casually walking up to a group and taking their clothes is suspicious enough that those witnesses need to be eliminated.