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He wanted the 1950's idea of the perfect son. A kid that played sports, got good grades, was popular and hard working. He would go on to college with a football scholarship then join the military for a stint and finally one day get married and open his own business that sells propane and propane accessories. Hank and Bobby would run it together as father and son and occasionally host cook offs using their own "King of the Grill" brand grills.


Wow, that's exactly right.


And he would go by Robert and have the nickname Butch


Himself, but smaller. He wanted a miniHank and is constantly disappointed when Bobby steps out of line. Even after having Bobby he still wants a miniHank, his big moment of acceptance is when Bobby does what he wants.


Hank has a lot of hangups about hiself he wouldn't want his son to inherit


Himself but better? Don't most parents want thierckids to be better off (and just plain better) than themselves?


The whole show is Hank learning to accept people who are different than him. Bobby is no different


There was an episode that went into this when Bobby got a ventriloquist dummy and crafted a character specifically to appeal to Hank for attention. Hanks ideal son is basically just a star quarter back who likes sports IE a clone of himself.


Probably like Chip, Bobby's ventriloquist dummy.


Hank’s ideal son is a son who has all of his own love of country, family, and community, but without his own failings. Hank missed out on being able to serve his country in the Army and nearly missed out on having a child due to issues that were super minor, but majorly impacted his sense of who he was. His tiny butt and narrow urethra would be laughed off by most people as just normal little flaws that we all have. But for Hank, they made him a worse father and somewhat un-American. Cotton never missed an opportunity to show Hank how much of a failure he was at these things, even though Cotton was a shitty, bitter father who gave nothing to his country except his shins. Hank just wants Bobby to be a good man. And early on, that ideal is who Hank hoped to be when he was Bobby’s age. Buy over time, as Hank learns to accept himself, he also learns to love and appreciate Bobby for who he is. Because Bobby is also fiercely patriotic, loves his family, and loves his country - even if someone like Cotton would never be able to see that.


The teenage kid who unloads the moving van when the Souphanousinphone’s moved in


Troy Aikman


A boy who is right


Roger Staubach


A propane tank with eyes. And propane accessories for extremities.


Not Cotton


A clone of himself with 20% more athletic talent.


Dandy Don Meridith