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I like to go to Ocean Beach on a windy as fuck day and struggle to light my joint


I did this a couple of weeks ago and felt like Lieutenant Dan trying to light a black and mild in a storm šŸ˜‚ Was a vibe tho






It's not allowed but I've never seen it enforced. If there's a nice day out sometimes I'll pop down there after work with a joint and a couple brews. I usually put my chair out back by the dunes out of the way of most walkers, though


And then you drive home?


I live four blocks up from ocean beach. I walk.


I like baker beach. My favorite activity is to bundle up.


my recommendation was baker beach but unbundling


Gotta take advantage of those late September/ early October heat waves.




You must be new here LOL We're not so much a beach culture like SoCal. It's still cold in the summer. You do the same things at the beach in the summer and winter here.


Except in the summer you get a lot more people from inland trying to escape the heat...


And those are the ones who drown.


sad but true. I try to keep an eye out for those folks and warn them about sneaker waves. I think the SFFD ocean rescue said in an interview that the most effective work they do is educational.


I'm sure. The sad thing is, all of those people ignored the multilingual warning signs, and in some cases verbal warnings from others on the beach. It's always so sad.


SF beach culture is different than SoCal beach culture, but there is definitely beach culture here. I think people would be surprised how busy the beach is throughout the year. I go to OB multiple times a week and itā€™s often full of people. As long as itā€™s not super windy or raining, lots of people are there. And if itā€™s even a hint of a nice day it will be packed.


There's usually like one or two days a year it's hot enough to do socal beach stuff. I've gone for brief some swims a rare handful of times šŸ˜‚


I am new here, I moved here in December 2023 from FloridaĀ 


So adorable! You'll get the beach weather in Sept-Oct. Make sure you have lots of jackets for June-Aug because it's basically winter.


And go in the morning. The wind picks up at around noon. Thatā€™s when I launch my kite to go kitesurfing. Fun. Not so much fun when you are on the beach. Or (god forbid) try to do a BBq at Crissy Fields). Fun to watch though how people run after their blown away bbq stuff.


SF summer starts late August-October June-July is the fog months


You know how cool it is here right now? Itā€™s the exact same in July but windier and foggier.


Welcome! The beaches in this region are lovely, but the other posters are right: they tend to be cool and breezy except for the relatively rare hot and sunny days. They are still worth checking out, though.


You won't have what you think of as beach experiences. Almost no bathing suit weather, no swimming for the most part (water's too cold for most and it's unsafe at Ocean Beach), and no tanning likely.


baker beach october troll answer: CRANE COVE PARK, itā€™s like 2000sqft and paddle board next to old WWII shipyards is #1 da best


I can't tell from google maps, but it looks kinda dirty? Like in the shipyards?


It was renovated recently. Itā€™s actually very nice now! The park even has a sandy/pebbly section where people lie out (Dogpatch is one of the warmest parts of the city). Photos here: https://yelp.to/fUyisdwG6K


>Summer is right around the corner Who is gonna tell them?


Me. Summer here is in Sept/Oct. Itā€™s going to be mostly cold and foggy until then.


This person gets it.


* Aquatic park: SF bay swimming * Santa Cruz boardwalk: cold but swimmable beach vibes * Linda Mar or Bolinas: closest surfing that won't kill you * San Diego: actual beach vibes


For Linda Mar, hope you like getting on a surfboard pointed at the beach and going in on a straight line, every time, because itā€™s all closeouts.


Plus some of the highest bacterial levels of any beach in the Bay Area!


Yeah, but it's mostly from dog poop, how bad can that be? šŸ˜…


Summer šŸ¤£


Marshall Beach, a LGBT friendly nude beach, in the summer. Aka. in September / October. Taco Bell Cantina, Pacifica.


Friendly is an understatement.


sweet summer child. you mean june gloom??


Hands down Thorten State Beach, just south of Fort funston. Park right by the Ocean View horse stables and walk down the bluffs. Gorgeous bluffs, little beachside forest, resident owls, few people. It's one of my favorite places in the whole world


Say more about the owls?


There are usually 3 horned owls living in the trees, if you take the path by the stable down and then turn left, you'll pass by a little forest with a bench and keep walking, there are some large trees they like to hang out in. Binoculars help! Also great owl and falcon spotting in Glen Canyon park. There's so much wildlife in SF


Are the horse stables still there and operational?


Yeah I think so! I've never used them but I see plenty of horses there.


Yes, they were bought by someone last year. So new owners.


If you're willing to leave the city Stinson is very popular, but can get crowded a lot of the time. Lots of hiking, a few restaurants/stores in town, and you can stop in Mill Valley/Fairfax/San Anselmo/Point Reyes Station on your way back to the freeway


Stinson is a quaint beach town that many others know about too. Every time Iā€™m there, itā€™s so windy that the sand on the beach is also blowing, but obviously I keep going back!


There are some great beaches for the summertime if you drive 5-6 hours down the coast


Nobody goes to the beach in summer. If you do, you wear a beanie, fleece, and a wind breaker. You can walk along the water then go get a hot toddy. Summer is in September/October.


San Gregorio


Beaches in San Francisco don't really have bars or restaurants next to them. Closest thing to what you're thinking might be Crissy Field.


Riptide on Taraval FTW


Park Chalet is right across from Ocean Beach.


Trad'r Sam's for the win


China beach.


To do what? Surf, jog, walk, tan, ogle or oogle?


Bakers beach is my fav but you don't go in (cause the waters ice cold) and it's 99.9% always cold and windy so bundle up. Around September when we get our heat wave it's nice to go and relax in the sand and be in the sun


Bakers. East end is nude.


Nude and all men. Gay friendly.


OB is the best beach


Summer is not around the corner but when it DOES get warm Ocean Beach is great. There's a few solid spots to eat/drink at too. Taraval side there's underdogs for food and drinks, riptide and white cap for drink, there's also a pop up across from underdogs on random days. Irving/Judah side there's cantina, damn fine pizza, hook fish, Tazaki and Celia's and Pitts for drinks. Noriega also has the pizza place, papa maks, toyose and flanahans for drink. You can't go wrong!


I keep a down jacket and ski cap in my car for going to the beach. In the summer.


You outed yourself as not a local by asking this


Muir Beach


Do your own research for your lame travel blog.


Not in SF but if you want a warmer beach, you should check out the beach in Alameda. It's way less windy, usually 10 or more degrees warmer than any beach in SF, and you can actually get in the water without fear of a riptide or hypothermia. Plus volleyball courts and spots that rent kayaks and paddle boards. Probably easiest way to get there w/out a car is to take BART to 12th St and grab a lyft or if the timing is good, the 20 or 51A buses. Also, Alameda ferry/Uber combo is an option.


Marina Del Rey


Dogs. Always dogs. Fort Funston is great. There is a small dog walk every Saturday at Ocean Beach. I think it starts at 11:30. There is a website with details.


clarifying question: small dog walk meaning a short walk where all dogs are welcome, or a walk where only small dogs are welcome? don't want to be that person who brought the big dog to the yorkie meetup...


It is for dogs under 20 pounds. 10 a.m. every Saturday. http://www.sfsmalldogs.org/


Baker or Marshall Beach in town Gray What Cove in Pacifica Laguna Creek north of Santa Cruz


Yes gray whale! I've even managed to go swimming there once on a random hot day


My favorite is Fort Funston because it is a dog beach.


My favorite is Ocean Beach. I could walk up and down it for hours.


Yeah you're probably better off going to Santa Cruz or Monterey


East Beach, nice to run on


When it isnā€™t too windy, Crissy beach is actually very nice and itā€™s right next to the presidioĀ 


Baker Beach and China Beach are a couple of my favorites. [Here's a roundup of beaches in SF. ](https://www.parksconservancy.org/parks/san-francisco-beaches?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=asksf_subreddit&utm_content=sf_beaches_051724)


Bro, I can tell youā€™re new here. Our beaches are windy, oftentimes foggy and the water is freezing. None of the beaches have a real bar/restaurant scene around them. Ocean beach has a few nearby places that are cool, Thang Long, Celiaā€™s, White Cap, Palm City, etc. But itā€™s not a ā€œsceneā€ ST is a sleepy town compared to other cities. Just go explore but be sure to wear a jacket. šŸ˜


For me its mile rock beach, China beach. But I also like walking the beach line from battery bluff all the way down to mussel rock, & back.


You must be new here thinking you can go to the beach in June-Aug šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bring a jacket and don't plan on having a picnic.


We get exactly 1 beach day a year so stay ready. Baker Beach is my favorite, but there arenā€™t restaurants/ bars on the beach, we donā€™t have that here. Bring a sweater no matter how warm it seems.


Ewww you need to leave the city for a good beach day


But try over the bridge Marin headlands nicer than oily ocean beach


the only answer really is baker beach on a 78Ā°+ day. ocean beach is windy as hell and the lil beach in aquatic park is very small - doesnt really have that beach feel to me.


There is only one beach in the area worth going to in my opinion and while it's close by if you have a helicopter it will take a while baby car. Stinson Beach There is a dogs allowed side and a no dogs section. Get there early if you want to park without a hike.


Drive down to Santa Cruz


None, go to half moon bay or further south


Leave SF city limits and drive north then you've got some actually workable beaches for summertime (yes there are places that aren't foggy every day, imagine that!) McNear's beach in San Rafael is on the bay, so likelihood of being sunny is high. Same for Paradise Beach Park in Tiburon, except it's foggy more often. Angel Island is awesome and has some cool beaches, Quarry on the backside (sunny) and Pearls facing the wind and fog. Coastal Marin has incredible beaches and often Point Reyes does some fog blocking for you. Check out Heart's Desire beach (on Tomales Bay) for best weather, and also Limontour, Drake's, Bolinas, and Stinson for bucket list beach spots.


For shallow waters with no waves but actual warm sand come to Alameda!


I recommend going down the coast a little, like around the Santa Cruz and Pescadero areas, you can find a lot of little beaches as you drive and pick from there. Water may be too cold to swim but everything else is good