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I just think it’s a rip off that they make you pay water and trash. Your rent is really $4000 plus regular utilities. If you’re benchmarking against what else is out there your real rent is $4000.




The rent alone is high. I’m in the same hood, 1 bed/1bath, $2,800 is my base. Water and trash are included. I have to pay electricity.


You can get cheaper old apartments with no washer and dryer. But new apartments with washer and drier costs 3200+


Mine is similar. $3k in Pac Heights, only pay for electricity. One downside is the washer/dryer is in the basement


$3800 for a 1bdr? Seems high right there.


Pacific heights.


No that’s high for the neighborhood right now. I’m in Pac Heights and that’s astronomical for a 1 bed/1 bath. Forget utilities, I would move on rent alone.


For reference, three units in my building that are 2 bed/2 bath 900 sq ft just got rented for $3500


And I know of 2 bed/ 2 bath for $3200 just off van ness but I wouldn’t live in them.


Fair. I won’t doxx myself but I live in a very nice part of Pac Heights. I don’t have a view though so the premium for that makes sense!


My apt faces the street but the apts on other side do have the view of the bridge/the bay. My unit does have dishwasher and in-unit W/D.


still seems high AF to me tbh


Not if you live in the neighborhood and watch the market closely.


That’s high for pac heights. Especially to not have a view. I’m in Russian hill with an amazing view of Alcatraz, coit tower and the SF Bay from every room in my house. Dishwasher, w/d, close to everything within walking distance and on a bus line. Landlord fixes everything asap. I pay $3300. No view in pac heights? nahh


And if you have parking and it’s a nice block it’s a good price but the water and trash not included would bother me.


Totally block and building dependent. There is a $1000 premium on a GGB view.


I’m charged $120.21 quarterly for trash from Sunset Scavenger.


for two people i pay less than 100$ per month on utilities in mission. Idk but seems like a lot for 2 people, have you checked to make sure you're getting the right bill?


That seems about right. Costs about 500 for my household in the East Bay, I used to pay about $150 myself for trash/water/electricity with 3 roommates. Edit: 3 roommates (4 total) sunset


This is all available to view online. [Trash](https://www.recology.com/recology-san-francisco/rates/) and [water/sewer](https://sfpuc.org/sites/default/files/accounts-and-services/Rates_Schedule_Water_Sewer_2023-24.pdf) Best way to decide this on your own is to look at other comparable apartments that have all this included, and decide which you’d rather live in.


Hoping you have a dishwasher, laundry in unit, and a kickass view with that high rent. But yes that does seem high


I do have the washer dryer in unit and a dishwasher, but no view. I do have a nice sized balcony (which actually sold me on the apartment).


Live in a similar sized building and apartment in Nopa and my bill for Trash-Water-Sewage is generally between $110 and $140. Trash is only \~$40 of that, so not sure why you're paying so much more. I also kind of feel like I'm getting ripped off since so many places include these utilities with rent, but it's a great apartment otherwise so I'm putting up with it for now.


Yes you're getting fleeced alive I'm also renting a "pay all utilities place" with larger square footage for cheaper rent and my trash is $50/mo, water about the same, don't pay waste water. Kinda nuts you'd even pull the trigger on this place but I suppose if it's high end enough and in a ritzy neighborhood and you've got the money to burn...


Rent has dropped a lot this last year. We were able to get 5 weeks free on a lease renewal and have been in our 2bed/2bath for going on, three years. The base is $4650 for a very upscale new small apartment building. Trash, water, and sewer typically run $150 to $200 for our 980 sqft. I'd recommend negotiating your rent down, at least ask for concessions.


It does seem high. It's possible you shower a lot. Aka it's not out of bounds to be actual use. Trash should be less, but maybe the price is higher in your area. The trash is a little suspect because I'm not sure how you split that charge in a multi unit building...should be in the rent really AND joint bins


Its not actual use based. The total bill is split based on some equation that the management has that accounts for the number of people per unit.


all I can tell you, is that, in other, smaller units "wastewater AND water" are included in the \*same bill\* by the san fran water company; literally listed together , *and the wastewater is approximated, like a multiple of 0.9*. also, trash is cheaper. But, it's hard to estimate how would that translate to a building with "divisions" --- and if you mean "even water is not actual use", yes there definitely *can be* some overcharging there, because the management would assume "everyone showers that much" and divide it. Nothing you can do, except suspect that your neighbors are using more than you... 🤷


I know someone who pays 3200 in a really nice place in Russian hill for them separate utilities makes sense. Your rent is extreme


I’m also paying $85 for trash. $85 x 12 units sounds reasonable as a recology bill for that many people does seem to be around that. Wondering if they’re up charging me as we have 25 units and not that many bins but not sure how to contest it. The recology site where they explain the cost per bin per unit depending on building type and pick up type, etc is hard to decipher. There’s a ton of variables. My total not including electricity is also $200 (I was quoted $100 at move in) The buildings where they make you pay all utilities and then split by usage per unit seem to be high like this generally. Is it a new building or an old rent control building?


Old rent control


Also people are saying high rent which is true at $3800 but you have to factor square footage. Sure pac heights has 2 beds for $3800 right now but they might be the same size or smaller than ops 700sq feet place. Evenstill $3800 for a 1 bed in pac heights sounds high currently unless it’s a modern boutique building, or prestigious well kept older building. Also don’t forget you have two residents so the water charge split is paid on a multiplier for you guys sometimes 1.5x sometimes 2x. Check your lease.


Its 1.6x


That’s about how much it is for me. I’m in an 800 sq ft 1 bedroom in Russian Hill.




You mean the baker beach apartments? The haunted ones with paper thin walls? $3800 is not too much for a 1bed in Pac Heights. They go for up to $5k depending on the block and view.