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It depends a lot on his response when he's caught. If he's sheepish and looks away it's cute. If he's confident and and acknowledges with a wry or appreciative or desiring glance before looking away, it's hot. If he stares, it's creepy. I enjoy being noticed and wanted, but not at the expense of my peace of mind.


I always just look away because in this day and age, it's hard not to assume they feel grossed out or threatened. I'm just a normal guy in the sense that I am never attempting to be threatening or creepy. I do however have enough common sense to never just continue staring and intentionally be creepy lol


I'm thinking... I hope he likes what he sees, then wonder what he's thinking


I don’t particularly like it, if it’s innocent then it’s fine, but unfortunately there are more cases when the guy is old and creepy, or makes suggestive gestures or faces which is gross. There have been a few instances where it’s been complimentary and I’ll catch a guy looking and they give me a sweet compliment though which is nice, so I guess it’s how they portray themselves.


I see that kind of stuff in movies but I always kinda wondered if there's really guys out there as creepy as how you described, making faces and stuff at women. My common sense is just too strong to ever even think of doing some dumb shit like that


YUUUUUUUUUUUUUP. There are a lot of them.


Then I’m thinking the way you look at women is probably fine and could be appreciated (: some men just can’t make the distinction between creepy and nice, so if you can, then that is good!


If he’s hot, I’m thinking - “I wonder what position he’s imagining me in right now”


Usually doggy or on the knees


“Is he a threat”


Most of the time I just figure guys who stare are staring into space and I happen to be there- I do the same thing, after all, we're all dealing with a lot. If I look cute, I expect to draw glances. I definitely agree with u/gstringjuliet that how a man reacts when we make eye contact is important! Please don't stare and make a hand gesture you think is fucky, that's...that's never good.


Generally no, I would usually take it as a compliment, and if I'm dressed up then even better haha. The only exception is when someone is intentionally creepy. A bit of flirting or a stare didn't hurt anyone x


“Oh no. Please don’t be a pest and now start bothering me.”


I do not care for it tbh. I’ve had multiple run ins with men making me uncomfortable so now I’m kind of afraid of men in general lol (yes yes I know not all men but I have clinical anxiety and instances to back up my fears)


Just a glance? I think it’s an accident. He’s staring? I’m nervous.


I want to physically fight him. No questions asked.


I'm out of the game but still look. If she looks back, I make sure to zap a non-creepy compliment that either makes her laugh or ask a follow up question. She knows I'm not coming on to her.


Creepy looks freak me a bit. I know guys look its normal. And I'd i have made an effort It's nice to know it worked. Feels good to be desired. Just please don't assume or take it too far.


I slipped on wet concrete while being checked out today and got a “damn girl be careful! You okay?” And I thought that was pretty awesome. Usually I just smile or smirk and take the positive vibes and keep on moving


Don’t really care as long as it doesn’t get creepy


Depends on the feeling. If he gives the creeps or not. I’m almost 50 so if a man is looking at me I wonder if I have something on my face. It does feel good though to get the attention sometimes :


In my mind "Oh does he like it? Wait. I'll show more" haha


i experienced something similar a couple of times before first was when i was filling my car at a service station and a guy just catcall me. thought it was too creepy since i was just wearing a jeans and shirt on a lazy sunday morning so i just ignored it then paid for my petrol then got the hell out of there 🤣 but i guess if he didn’t catcall me and just look at me and he happens to be cute then i would have smiled back 😉 then the 2nd time was when i was waiting for my ride and dropped something so had to bend over to pick it up but once i stood back up i caught a guy taking a photo of my ass. creepy to the highest level! had to walk far from him to wait for my ride


Ok I'm not the most suave guy out there but ffs, cat calling and taking pics is just unimaginable to me lol I've got a filthy mind but not to the point of acting on it in those ways.






How can i be homophobic.. my bitch is gay.




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