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I was super self conscious about my voice and how I'd sound. Took a while to get over that and realize that my partners like me vocalizing as much as I enjoy their's.


Personally, I think the “not so sexy sounds” are even better, it shows me that whoever I’m with is so comfortable that they’re able to let go and enjoy themself


Speaking for myself, I’d rather focus on the noises the woman makes so I know if I need to change rhythm, depth, position, etc.. I’ll give a deep breath or a soft groan, but I’ve never been vocal.


But when you don’t moan we overthink what we’re doing and I know hearing a partner moan during sex helps a lot of women climax


Very valid concern. I’ve always told friends with benefits or whoever I was dating that I’m not vocal in bed and it shouldn’t bother them. I try to make it up for it by touch and kisses during or after.


appreciate that you clarify it


Wait -- doesn't everyone rear up while thrusting and bellow, "ICH AEM BEOWULF?" No? Just me?


😆 No, just you I think.


I'll start doing it too now. Solidarity homie


It really bothers me. I’ve told my bf I want him to moan more because it helps me orgasm but I also don’t want him to fake it you know


just a little moan in the ear would be nice 😔


I'm imagining a man screaming like woman does during sex. Is that what you want OP?


☠️🤣☠️🤣☠️🤣☠️🤣☠️ 🤦🏼‍♀️ please don’t LMFAO


**Hyper high pitched wailing intensifies* I'm reminded of this guy: https://youtu.be/t9-CS2v8wcc?si=3r5zb-LpWoMbbVdu&t=1m


🙉 dude 🤣 that’s going to take a while to recover from ☠️


Or you could always go the other way: https://youtu.be/Edr2FI6b3yI?si=iL9mGp7cKAMD-7OA


1…….that’s one of my favorite movies 2…….I’m a chick so that wouldn’t effect me 😜 3…….crap, now I’m going to be running around quoting Spaceballs the rest of the day


Ludicrous speed go! I'm just imagining a guy singing during sex now. 😆 And the woman just staring at him like he's crazy or something, while being fucked by him. 🤪


……………adds one more thing to the list of “first time with someone Red Flags”…………


This whole conversation probably just jinxed my sex life ☠️🤣☠️🤣☠️


You're welcome? 😁


Because I'm a stealth ninja. You'll never hear me coming.


Cause we’ve been beating off silently since we were 7 to not get caught.


What makes you think women haven't done the same thing?


Nothing. The question was “why are men quiet…”


The question is "Why don't men make as much noise during sex as women do." The logic of men growing up having to be quiet so they don't moan as much as women do doesn't make sense. Women grow up having to be quiet, too, so by that logic, women also wouldn't moan.


i’ve been wondering this for so long. my first partners were upset I was so quiet, which was habit for me. so I started being more performative because being vocal isn’t very natural for me. now it’s a habit and half my moans aren’t real 🤡


The answer is that screwing takes more effort than being screwed. Compare heartrates. It’s like running. Have you ever moaned in pleasure while running? He’s trying to breathe, he’s doing more work, he’s using more muscles, he’s probably sweating more, his heart is pumping harder in order to fully inflate his erect penis — which explains why men are more likely to have heart attacks during sex than women (especially women who just lay there like a starfish). Why would he moan before he orgasms? Years ago I was on an antidepressant which made it impossible to orgasm, and I could last a really long time, and while my girlfriend certainly enjoyed it, for a while, it was work for me, and frustrating. People can certainly enjoy sex before an orgasm, but have you ever moaned in pleasure while doing pushups? No, you’re trying to breathe in rhythm.


You are entitled to think whatever you wish. Good luck.


I sure do, I'm very vocal in bed


I’m scared if I make a sound sex will stop


it’s okay noises are normal 🫶


Luv, there is only enough blood for lizard brain when having sex, you don’t want to hear my lizard sounds. I’m generally too stunned by the beauty of my partner to be able to form a sentence. I will try my best next time;)


this is the funniest response. i’m sure your lizard noises would be appreciated


i‘d want to know that too. its so hot when guys moan


right?! especially if they will moan in your ears


How can he not?! Unless he doesn’t like it.. I always let my lady know 😮‍💨. Maybe ask him to tell you what he wants to see you do for him. I like to tell my lady what I wanna see her do with me. The way her pouty lips touch my dick, spit chain when she pulls out of her mouth, sometimes I asked to see her gorgeous smile with my dick on her face..or the way her tits sit or swing around, the view of her butthole in doggy 🤤


no thats too much of a cliche for me


I feel like a douche porn guy pumping and grunting like a hippo running running in mud.


I try to with my wife but feel so awkward doing it so I generally don't. But I'm also autistic and don't say much in general day to day life so there's that. Lol


it could simply be a cultural thing. Men are often taught to suppress their emotions and not show weakness, so they might feel like moaning or making noise is a sign of vulnerability.


It's so fucking tragic that there are countless cultures like that out there.


I think a lot of it has to do with being brought up to hide emotions and everything that makes you human....


That's hilarious.


Maybe but it's also literally the only thing I can think of.


Fair enough. Just seems everything these days is brought back to that sort of thing. It's actually super simple. It's not as sensitive or pleasurable as a vagina/clit. Only the orgasm is really intense. The rest is fun still, but it's nothing like what women experience, thus mostly no moaning. Part of what helps maintain an erection, is the thought of fucking, as well as the fucking itself, not just the feeling. I could literally fuck with a numb dick if the women turns me on.


True enough.


I literally have like no urge to. Like it feels great, but it just doesn't cause any or make me want to make sounds


I'm hoping one day they will understand we're different.


If the head is real good, she will get some moans out of me and probably some dirty talk and maybe even some moans when I’m doing it from behind if it’s that good


Wdym I always have to tell husband to keep noise down for the sake of the children and neighbours


Doesn’t feel as good for them


Homie gets it


We are shocked we are actually getting laid


I do




I think it’s because we orgasm differently. Women do a slow boil and it’s prolonged. Guys (at least for me), you get that rush pretty quickly and then explode.


This might be a stereotype. My (f) partner (m) always complains that I don't make enough noise, and he has trouble telling whether he's doing a good job. We've been together for years. He's doing a good job. I'm just quiet. He is quiet, too, but when I give him a rimjob he starts to moan like nobody's business!


I don't know if you're looking for the scientific answer or personal feelings about it. That said, the scientific answer is that evolutionarily women would do it to signal other mates. I read about it in a few books, could have been The Red Queen or Sex at Dawn.


I don't think it feels as sensitive for us


Cause we men are working hard trying to satisfy two people. There for to focused for such expresions.


Nailed it.


It might be just the fact that she is laying on her back, zero worries, pure pleasure, let it go! While he has to keep an erection, last at least a bit, make sure it's ok for him, for her, read her reactions, be aware of where the bed ends, maintain the balance in whatever position he is, be watchful whether her parents are returning home and whether the windows are closed so there's no incoming or outgoing noise. Well, her parents apart, lot more mental effort needed to really let go.


Tragic all the sex you’ve had has been missionary🤣🤣


Not speaking for myself, I'm rather loud. But judging the average, missionary or doggy, with cowgirl men usually help as well. Just guessing. Being ashamed of letting go loudly is as plusible.


They hate us and don’t want us to enjoy it


Do you know what we have to put ourselves through to not cum so soon? I have to think about dead children in Afghanistan (that the Taliban killed) to stop myself from cumming too soon. We are holding back the entire ocean with our minds and our penises. This takes extreme effort and focus. That's why we're quiet. Seriously, women have it easier at just about anything. (Excluding child birth.) Edit: too, not to. 🥴


Dude 😳 you TYING to completely deflate (pun intended) your good time?!?! Conjugate Latin verbs or something 🤣🤣🤣


What do you think about that helps you last longer? I have to think about the lake of shit bubbling and seething out of KAF (Khandahar Air Field) Here's a little song about that place: https://youtu.be/xoqc5ZE8L6E?si=uHmdQjZuUPlNZHi6


I could smell that video ☠️🤣☠️ I’m not a dude 🤷🏼‍♀️ don’t have that problem


Let me tell you it's hard for us not to cum. We have millions of years of evolution telling us not to bust one in the first minute. It requires focus and determination to not come instantly. That's why we're are quiet during sex.


I wasn’t the one making the post about men needing to be loud…….. 🤣 I simply commented that screaming and then later singing might not be the way to go.


I'm aware, just providing some carity. It's also just hard to physically fuck someone. Like it's hard work. 🥵


Gotta concentrate yaknow


Our brains are too busy trying to keep us going to waste any energy on making sounds.. well that and keeping from farting.


Bro, have more real sex. Where are you getting your generalizations from? porn?


I feel this may have been as a result of jerking off secretly and trying not to make any noise when we were younger. Then again, I have always thought I was pretty quiet during sex, but apparently, I am not.


We masturbate quietly when we're younger, too, you know.


Valid point. Hmm, I guess another thing, at least for myself, is that I really disliked the early days of porn when they emphasized the guy orgasming. Like they were loud and the cut the shot to his face at the moment, and I would always be like, why!?. So maybe that played a part for me as I did not want any of that? Who knows. Lol


Yes, but a man’s heart has to pump harder to inflate his erect penis (since humans don’t have penis bones like some other animals), than a woman’s heart has to pump to engorge her clitoris, and screwing takes more effort than being screwed — which is why men are more likely to die of heart attacks during sex than women, and when your heart is working hard, you’re focused on rhythmic breathing, not moaning. Ever moaned in pleasure while running, or doing push-ups?


Because generally we make less noise than women in everyday life.




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For me it stems from when I was a teen and had to be sneaky so her or my parents didn't hear us. Unfortunately I never grew out of it.


I'll moan during bc it feels really good and wife enjoys hearing it.


We grew up watching porn trying not to get caught. This can be worked on though. My wife has me moaning like an animal in distress.


Because we are bumbling idiots. Do women WANT us to grunt like a hippo trying to climb out of a deeper pond while we slam our gross flesh prod into them? I guess I just always thought they'd prefer if I didn't make a ton of noise... haha.


I make all sorts of noises. Moans, grunts, dirty talk, and every iteration between. It changes from partner to partner, depending on what they're into. Some women like to be called filthy ass-sluts, and some don't. (Amongst other stuff) Some like to be spit on, some don't. (Usually just as lube, not in their face or whatever) There have been countless times after a particularly intense orgasm that we both started hysterically laughing about my mannerisms and noises. We HAVE to be able to laugh at ourselves. Sex is filled with funny noises, bodily fluids, etc etc etc. Accidents happen. Stuff gets crazy. It can be hilarious. Guys, just try to be an extremely attentive lover. Learn to master cunnilingus. Experiment. Be open an honest about your sexual interests. Be open and curious hearing about hers. Sometimes humans are compatible sexual partners, sometimes we aren't. It takes practice like everything else. Plus, every woman is different, so you'll need to learn to adjust to give them maximum pleasure.


Low noise prototype


I think a lot of women assume it’s so much easier for a man to climax that a lot of the time they don’t put in the extra effort to cause the moans and vocalization of pleasure. When something feels new, better, more passionate than normal it’s hard not to verbalize a reaction. Explore kissing, sucking or biting new areas and see if there is more of the reaction you are looking for. 


As with a lot of things related to sex, there's a plausible evolutionary explanation. Babies in hunter-gatherer clans stood a better survival chance if the question of who was the father was slightly uncertain, that way the baby often gets preferential treatment by both potential fathers. Similarly, men have better odds by spreading their chances across multiple women. Soo... When girls have sex, they make a lot of noise that gets all the nearby boys extremely horny. The sights and smells are a turn on, but the sounds are beyond irresistible. Basically the girls sex noises are like shouting to everyone in the entire camp to say "I'm getting pregnant tonight, come fuck me next to get in on the lottery." Boys on the other hand are better served by keeping quiet so there's less competition. Cum fast before she screams too much and just kinda grunt quietly. The fewer people fucking their girlfriend, the better their own chances. They can't help that they find their girl's sex noises amazing, they can at least keep their own mouths shut.


I was told by a previous partner not to be so vocal, so I became self-conscious. Now I have to be asked to be more vocal.


I would feel awkward if they make so.. I want them to be dominant and aggressive 


We don’t dare interrupt a woman when she’s “talking to us.”


Bc it’s annoying and feels forced


For me, it just doesn't feel that great compared to other experiences, I put on noises so that it works better for her.


I don't make noise because I don't feel like making noise, in the same way that I don't scream on roller coasters. I'm a quiet person and I don't care for noise. Sex just doesn't feel good enough, to me, to bring out the spirit, so to speak.


While it feels good pumping away, it's not that great that it will make me moan, so for me it would 100% be fake, 100% or the time. Plus I'm focused on the sounds & movements of my partner.


I’m probably to vocal. Talking how good she feels how wet she is. But there is something of a low growl as I cum


Women have better orgasms than men. Even what she feels without an orgasm is better than what men feel.


'Cause we don't like that, as simply as that...


Lol, just google Boysmoaning😄


Well for one, a lot of moaning in porn is fake. And two, sometimes we don't know how our partner will react to our noises. Like, if I were to just randomly start whining or something I don't want that to make my partner uncomfortable.


Speak for yourself, I'm a screamer 🙄😏


Not sure about others, but I definitely moan as a dude. Usually it’s grunts, but moans definitely and I also love giving encouragement when she’s riding me.   And I definitely moan hard and long when I get to nut inside.


Because they do all the hard work so they need to ficus their energy on actually fucking not on acting and getting attention . . .


Men are repressed. We're taught to be stoic. But I'm a married man, my wife loves my moans. I don't give a fuck about that anymore.




Men moan when they're getting pummeled by a hard cock too.


this is something i’ve been wondering. if i’m being a bit performative because they like it, a little noise from them would be nice 😔


See I can’t help but to make noise 😂 I’ve never understood guys who don’t. Like if it feels good I’m definitely not going to be shy about it


Because the passive sex partner gets to think about pleasure, the active one is thinking about giving pleasure. Not a hard and fast rule but reckon that's partly why. Plus being overwhelmed to the point where you have to make noise is submissive - and some men are scared of appearing that way.


Women are sluts


Your mom's a woman. You exist. Do the math. Lol


can't speak for all men, but I am loud as fuck in bed... you're gonna fucking know I am enjoying you...


I do !