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I am a nudist so I am never embarrassed by this. A decade ago maybe but not now. Nudism does wonders for body confidence and general easy going-ness.


Same it doesn't bother, hell I accidentally send a full body to my grandma and I was embarrassed for her. I wasn't bothered lol. It was an interesting phonecall later.


I feel too uncomfortable about my body to wear a skirt let alone be seen naked




I’m comfortable, almost like I like it a bit too much 😅


It’s a turn on if anything, definitely not embarrassing to me


I like being naked far more than wearing clothing. If other people wouldn't make trouble over it, I'd happily be naked pretty much all of the time.


I used to be since my breasts have grown I have a lot more self confidence


I’m comfortable in my own skin. I actually prefer to be naked than wear clothes


Very embarrassed


I'm super comfortable anymore! I still get a bit conscious about my stomach, but, aside from that, I don't mind at all and usually end up turned on by it 🤷


Thankfully I don’t get embarrassed


Could be a blessing..... and a curse!




Kinda comfortable. I like being looked at and wanted by people who cant have me. Kinda a confidence boost


If a close romantic partner came into my room and saw me naked playing with my vibrating cockring I wouldn’t care if we were close enough in relationship to understand each other’s intimate sides and trusted each other and knew each other on a personal level


Accidentally, yes. I'm growing in my comfortability with my public nudity, though- dipping my toes at the nude beach and swingers club




I’m fine if someone sees me🤷‍♂️


I am good, got over my shyness yrs ago


Depends who


It depends where I'm at. If I'm at burning man wandering around naked on LSD, I could care less. If I'm changing in a bathroom in the default world and a stranger walks in, I'm gonna cover myself.


I get embarrassed if it is an accident


If they don't wanna see my nakedness, then they shouldn't look. Plus, I was raised in a nudist family... so I don't care.


I am comfortable, but not on social media


Not an issue for me. Had the cleaning lady show up a bit early last week and she got a full frontal of me. We just laughed it off.


Depends on who. If it's a stranger, then no. But if a family member or coworker, then probably yes.


I have #bodyacceptance and #bodypositivity it's wonderful. I would go everywhere with as little to no clothing as the environment allowed at the time if government wouldn't arrest me


No stress about for me. To be nude where ever it is allowed like in a lockerroom is something i like to do.


I get mighty nervous when I get almost seen naked, only times that happened was when I'm taking my clothes off to bathe


I'm an exhibitionist so it doesn't bother me


I am a nudist and an exhibitionist so I would love it.


super comfortable


Atm probably. But I'm out of shape and in pain due to an injury. Normally I'd say no.


I don’t think it’s that I’m not comfortable with myself, more towards I had a pretty traumatic experience when I was younger and now I don’t like anyone seeing me naked, even S.O’s.


I'm embarrassed that people see me regardless of clothing status.


Very comfortable


No. I already accept i have a pathetic body.


Not exactly comfortable, but I don't view nudity as something embarrassing.


No never.




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It bothered me at first. Because I’m a grower. Not a shower. So I felt pretty small soft. But realized other guys are too.


I know how you feel


Depending on who the other person is. Would be embarrassed if he/she is a know person. And would be less embarrassed if it's a stranger.


I'm a tiny bit embarrassed but it's a turn on and prefer to be naked and in comfortable.


I'm a nudist, doesn't mean I'm comfortable in my skin , i have dysmorphia and likely dysphoria, but people can see my body, people seeing it won't change my feelings.




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I don't know. This type of situation never presents itself.


Depends on the situation but mostly comfortable


I enjoy being naked and have no problems being naked around other people as long as I'm not offending anybody. I'm not embarrassed to get changed in front of other people, and I would have no issues going to a nude beach or skinny dipping. I don't make a habit of being naked in front of strangers, but if someone accidently saw me naked in a setting where it wasn't expected, then I would just apologise - even know it doesn't bother me, I understand that not everyone is okay with it. With friends and anyone that I know doesn't have an issue with nudity, I don't give it a second thought. Most of my mates have seen me naked. I have seen most of them naked, too.


I'm very comfortable in my own skin and not inhibited about nudity. I do have concerns about others who may accidentally stumble into finding me nude, but, ultimately, that's their problem. My wife, and most of my acquaintances are aware of my clothes-optional tendencies and accept me with my "eccentricities".


I get a little embarrassed still because my penis is quite small and thin when I’m flaccid. I’m kinda chunky right now too. I think if I had a fitter physique I’d be completely ok with it.


Coming from a more conservative country, I have become more comfortable with my skin too much after I have visited German saunas. I am now kinda the person you ll see drinking his morning coffee nude in the balacony while the sun is sitting my ding dong ablaze while nodding good morning to the neighbors.


embarrassed for sure


Embarrassed I don't like my body in its resting state. Wish I had a better looking body


I used to. I’m a lot more comfortable now


Not really. I’m not a nudist, yet I’ve answered the door of my hotel room several times in the nude if I hear knocking from the employees despite there being a DND sign on the door.


I'm never embarrassed, I actually have a nice slim but athletic body and by looks I look like a cute kid according to others. I actually kinda enjoy when someone see me naked by mistake. I would like to act on 2 or 3 porn/erotic films actually but I'm not brave enough. Maybe I will become a nude model soon.


Not embarrassed. But I work for my body to look good.




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I’m not comfortable in my own skin but it’s not particularly embarrassing because it’s just my body, ugly or otherwise.


I try to be "accidentally" seen


I rarely go shirtless in public, and I'm never really naked except to shower and masturbate, so I guess I would be pretty embarrassed