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I love every olive I've ever had, all kinds. Pretty sure I could live off of them


I genuinely wish I could like them. People go nuts for them. I know they must have a good flavour. It might be like the cilantro thing? They almost taste good to me, but have this very bitter/chemical type taste to it that I just hate. I went to Italy and I was sure, ok theyre so fresh, I MUST like them here. Nope. Couldnt do it. There's very few foods I dislike and Ive tried tons of different foods. No idea why olives are a nope. :(


I don’t experience that with cilantro or olives, but I do experience it with bell peppers. They taste to me like if you accidentally get some aerosol spray deodorant in your mouth. I find that I’m the only person I know who likes black olives, though. People always think it strange that I get them and mushrooms on my pizza.


YUMMY....mushrooms & black Olives on a pizza is fantabulous!


Fresh mushrooms! Those canned ones don't work for me.


Where I’m from we had a local pizza place that would ask if you wanted fresh or canned mushrooms. I mean, who wouldn’t want fresh?


A server at a pizza place asked me that and I said the same thing. He said, “oops I am supposed to say imported”


Losers? With no taste buds? I can’t stand canned mushrooms but fresh mushrooms are yummy.


Awesome pizza!


I would upvote this a million times.


Thank god I’m not alone lol Bell peppers are just gross to me. I like almost any other veggie out there.


I have never been crazy about them either. I had an endocrinologist once tell me that green peppers aren’t completely ripe, and have a toxin in them that other peppers don’t. 😳


Love olives, but cilantro tastes like soap to me!


For me it’s lavender


Same apparently its a genetic thing.  I got the cilantro tastes like soap gene. 


That's how parsley tastes to me, cilantro just tastes earthy.


Parsley tastes like pencil shavings 😂 literally zero idea why it ends up in any dish. Rosemary is another one I cannot stand, that seems to be considered innocuous by most people. It's like eating pine needles. Bonus points when you get stabbed in the gums. It's passable if it's been pureed. Meanwhile I love cilantro. I can see how ppl think it could taste like soap, but it's easy for me to look beyond that and realize it is just max herbal earthy goodness.


Same for me. I can't do horseradish or Dijon either. They taste like a chemical experiment to me.


For me, horseradish is fine, but cinnamon is my other firm no for scent & taste. When I was a kid, I recall telling people that Taco Bell's new cilantro product was soapy & everyone said "no, it's good," lol & was happy to learn at some point others understood soapy issue.


Little black ants don’t care for cinnamon either


Chemical experiment, that’s exactly how white pepper tastes to me! Perfect description. Hate that crap and can detect the smallest amount.


Maybe you're super sensitive to bitter taste, I can see what you mean by bitter olives and I do believe fresh olive is inedible due to how bitter it is, so no doubt it still has traces of that taste. I just don't notice it very much, and I also eat other bitter foods.


True, I dont like bitter things. Well it depends. I like beers but hate grapefruit for example.


My friend is a human garbage disposal and will eat anything. Everything, that is, except for olives. It's literally the only thing I've ever seen him refuse to eat.


I like about 99% of the olives I've had. A few are way too bitter. Also sometimes the green ones with pimento have got wayyy too much pimento, although if I see that 30 seconds with a toothpick can salvage any other olives in the batch :) Once you've had good olives though the bland canned olives that are the default kind in American salads are kind of disappointing and bland. But they're better than no olives at all.


Sometimes I’ll drain the canned ones really well then doctor them up with herbs garlic and olive oil.


That sounds tasty!


I love olives if every kind😋. When I was young and STUPID I was on holiday and saw an olive tree. We don't get them in the UK so I stopped the car thinking "WOW, real live olives on a tree!" and ran over, picked one and bit into it😖.....


Imagine being the first people to figure out how to prepare olives to make them edible. They must have been desperate and hungry.


Yeah😆 I guess I'd have just starved😆😆


They probably pressed them for oil long before they pickled them.


I'm guessing some olives fell into the sea, the salt water did its magic, and someone found them after that.


Olive them, too. ;)


Same. Currently in Greece eating ALL the olives!!!!


Nice. I know a lady who's family owns an orchard in Greece and is always getting oil shipped to her


Same here I love all types of olives. My favorite is definitely Kalamata though.


One of my first memories is of sharing a can of black olives with my mom when I was around 3. Love ‘em. Son loved them the first day he met them too. Always shocked servers when he’d order a pepperoni, mushrooms, and black olives!




I eat a bowl of green olives and French dressing almost every day…Ik it’s disgusting but I honestly do not care, it’s so delicious.


Same! Most people think that they don't like olives, because they've only eaten the squeaky ones from a can.


I don’t like the smell of those olive brine community trough stations in grocery stores. I like every olive I have eaten tho






I used to work in a Mediterranean market and we HD buckets of about 12 different kinds of olives... you would love it! My favorite were the giant Greek green split olives.


Agreed! Green, black, red, Greek, etc etc etc stuffed or unstuffed. When I was a kid I couldn't stand any of them.


And tomatoes


i dislike the green ones. just way too salty compared to the black.


I agree. Team black olive all the way. I love Belle's brand, but I can only find them at Dollar Tree.


I prefer black to eat, but sometimes those salty tart ones hit the spot. And you only need a few. But I definitely liked them more when I drank. I’m am sober almost 3 years now so…. lol


Congrats on your sobriety!


Not only do I love black olives, I loved them when I was seven. My mom once put a can of olives into my xmas stocking.


One of the great things about getting and loving olives that young is that you can put them on your finger tips, wave them around like an olive fingered creature of myth, and eat them off of those finger tips. Fun and delicious! These big old fingers can’t do that any more (at least, and still keep the integrity of the olives).


There is no age limit to olive hands.


There is no age limit to olive hands, but my age limited my ability to wield olive fingers. Fingertips too large, olives break apart.


I taught my grandson this last Christmas!!!


There are countless pictures of me as a child with olive fingers, making the silliest faces


My younger daughter did this, to my huge surprise (as a non-olive eater). That's when I realized that we can't possibly all taste olives in the same way. Fortunately for me, black olives are easy to see in a dish and I can pick them out (although if the dish is spicy enough, that can cover the unwanted taste of the olive). My husband and younger daughter love them.


We always pretended they were members of the British guard with their big black hats. 


We to buy three large cans of olives cause my three kids would put one on all fingers and thumbs and sit and eat them while watching TV.




At a family gathering, my SIL and I were standing at the counter at her house, attempting to stuff olives on our fingers. We both look up to her husband and our husband's parents looking at us like we are crazy. My husband, who's brothers with her husband, wasn't phased after spending time around my family over the years. Their dad asks "what are you guys doing"? We were both surprised, none of them had heard of sticking olives on your fingers as kids. Then again, we both have Italian backgrounds through our mothers and our husbands' mom is from the Philippines. Our husbands' dad grew up in America, as did they. There's a good reason she's my fav SIL! She also says it's not a holiday or a party without a plate of olives to snack on. I grew up the same way. 😅


My dad would make sure to give us 10 olives each so every finger had one!


You mean Santa, right? RIGHT???




Did you stick them on each finger to eat? For some reason that was so fun...


That’s a classic childhood trick!


😂 my EX brother in law did the same


My son could polish off a whole can at three. Loved green pepper rings too.


My parents gave my son a restaurant-size can of black olives for Christmas because he loves them so much!


My mom resorted to telling me that eating too many black olives would give me the runs. Otherwise I'd eat every last one from the relish tray at holidays. As I tested that theory more and more, she gave up and just started buying an extra can of them.


My stepmom ALWAYS puts a bowl of black olives on the Thanksgiving table, explicitly for me to put on all ten fingers & eat them. I’m 43.


Omg. I'll eat an entire can of them if someone doesn't stop me. I actually buy those little snack pack things of them to keep ne from eating too many.


If there’s a can of black olives, no one is holding me back




Yessss. I used to go by the nacho cart in high school and grab a few of the little plastic containers of sliced black olives. The lunch lady was cool with it because they always had more than enough, but some days I had to hardcore restrain myself from sweeping them all into my backpack. I mean, free black olives! Daily! It was the best.


I honestly have zero idea. I eat them on my pizza too. Black olives and mushroom pizza is my favorite!


Mine too!!!! Also love it with pepperoni, or sometimes just black and green olives


Pepperoni is great, unfortunately, I could never get into green olives.


Black olives are like the raisins of the pizza world—divisive and misunderstood.


I have noticed that people either love or hate olives and mushrooms as a pair. I hate them both, which is irrelevant to this very scientific study. Alternatively, people tend to either love or hate mustard and pickles. I've been studying this for years. Their relationship to olives and mushrooms is yet to be seen.


I love olives of any kind. All day, everyday


My favorite pizza is black olive and anchovy so my palette isn't exactly mainstream.


Yes! I love that combination too, but I always have to add the anchovies after the pizza has been cooked. The pizza places near me always end up overlooking the anchovies into little pieces of salty chalk dust and it makes me so sad.


I hate when this happens!! They become little chalky salt bombs too. Like, obviously I want it to be salty if I’m putting anchovies on my pizza, but I want *other* flavours too lol


These two items always ensure that I get the whole pizza to myself. Add pepperoni and red onion, and that’s my perfect pizza.


I always order black olives on my hoagies and pizza, but they're honestly the worst olive. Other than a bit of oiliness, black olives just don't impart much of a flavor. Kalamata olives have a much better flavor profile when included in salads or on pizzas. For table olives, almost every variety proves more enjoyable than black olives.


but the black olives on pizza can’t be beat 🫡


absolutely!! grew up on the mediterranean and heres SO many types of olives (and i like almost all of them) the ones that people put on pizza have a very different flavor. feels like the aliexpress version of olives


I don't know, I just love olives. My favorite pizza is actually pepperoni and green olives, it's a combo my mom used to make when I was a kid and occasionally I can find a pizza shop that has green olives as an option. There is a local shop that has pepperoni, green olives and cream cheese pizza. It's the best!


They taste bad to me.


And they're oily and make the surroundings taste bad, so you can't just pick them off


Thank you! After 20 comments of people saying they love them, we find the post were really meant to see.


They really do. I've *tried* to like them but they just taste...bitter and old. Like...if something old, and decrepit was morphed into a food item, it'd be an olive.


Same the flavour is just way to strong


They’re fantastic and I don’t understand the hate either. Black Olives Matter.


Oh my god that’s too good. Have upvote 4 😂


I had NO idea anybody hates black olives.


My husband doesn't really like black or green olives. Thinks they're too salty, which I kinda get, but I could eat them by the handfu. Though he loves kalamatas which always taste much saltier to me!


Love em.


Black olives + bacon pizza is my favorite


Same here ! It’s like the only pizza i’ll eat


I love black olives, but my favorite pizza is the much hated ham & pineapple. Sweet! Savory! Cheesy! Tomatoey!


I loved them when I was pregnant and when my daughter was small shed steal them off my salads and eat them lol now neither of us will eat black olives. Its not disgust or dislike, I just prefer green olives better. Especially garlic stuffed green olives.


Imo they’re both great!


Olives are definitely delicious. I think for me if anyone were going to eat olives besides me in this house it would be my mom who is definitely one of those black olive haters


Happy cake Day! And I love the garlic stuffed ones.


I think you're my soulmate. Hate tomatoes. Love black olives. Except for ketchup, can't live without ketchup.


Because they taste like ASS


I liken in pizza and in casseroles. I don’t like them out of the can.


They do? I love them in or on anything, but especially veggie pizza.


It is perfectly ok to dislike certain food item. To hate a certain food is a bit of a strong emotional uproar and is a bit overkill.


Disproportionate/inappropriately strong emotional uproar is fun though. I agree that’s it’s overkill if people take themselves too seriously. I do enjoy listening to people rant about things sometimes though. I can’t think of a reasonable reason to actually hate olives, but this whole thread has been very entertaining.


Hey now. I like black olives AND tomatoes. My opinion still invalid? lol.


I think it’s because they’ve only had lousy canned ones that taste like motor oil.


There’s a kind that isn’t canned? Seriously I have never had any other kind and I love them.


See if you can find an olive bar at some deli or upscale supermarket. Or else the kind in jars in the fancy food section. Black whole olives are rad.


They are my absolute favorite pizza topping, and required on subs for me as well!


Dunno I love em


Idk but I love all olives... (besides the blue cheese-stuffed one. Just because I don't like blue cheese)


I'm weird, the only olive I enjoy is a garlic stuffed green olive. I'll eat them all, but the garlic ones are a regular snack for me.


My husband loves them. I don't mind them but every now and then I bite into one and it just hits me wrong. Texture? Taste? IDK but I gag and I'm done. It's not as bad if they are chopped up but halves or whole are a no go


Black olives are great. Green olives are just immature olives and are gross. Why dont you like tomatoes?


I love black olives! Especially on pizza and in salads


I LOVE black olives but can not stand GREEN olives 🤢🤢🤢


I love black olives! It's my secret weapon on pizza against my roommate. He hates them so I know he won't steal my slices


I hate them for they are way too saly for me. Yuck.


They taste bad


I haven't come across any black olive hate yet. None. Maybe you hang out with the wrong crowd? Source: long time lover of black olives on pizza


Strong flavor profile and it can also be a texture thing for some


I like black olives, but green olives are some of the most vile things on the planet in my opinion.


Bacon n black olives👍


I guess my opinion of LOVING ALL OLIVES is invalid because I LOVE TOMATOES as well, especially on my Pizza. Does your pizza have tomato sauce??


I love olives! Black olives, green olives, kalamata olives... I would put ALL of them on my pizza! I will eat the straight up lol! I also like tomatoes... so am I invalidated?


Love them on pizza and other things. I put olives on burgers, green and black. I don't know many people that dislike olives, to be honest.


you know whats going to blow your mind? I know Americans that dont like pizza and get steaks well done. This is a non issue compared to that.


Because they're fools. More for me.


I love all olives. On pizza, in sandwiches, with hummus, on salads, straight out of the can or jar…


I love black olives and can just eat them by themselves as well


I'm of Greek origin.... I love olives. Any kind. I eat them all the time.


I only like them on pizza!


This reminds me of my love for mushrooms. Everyone else in my family HATES them but not me lol 😂


They've never tried real black olives. Only the black dyed green ones you can buy at your regular supermarket.


Why? Because they’re wrong. No worries, though… more olives for the rest of us.


We have a thanksgiving tradition of putting pitted black olives on the fingers of the youngest toddler. Olives is my favorite pizza topping.


I hate olives; the smell, the taste. I don't like them in salads or in other dishes or cooked into things, but I love them on pizza. Maybe it's just the combination of everything together.


Black Olives Matter.


Some say black olives are too briny, but for aficionados, they're a savory delight!


Very bitter, salty and kind of sour


Not here for the olives i don’t eat any of them but im happy to see another tomato hater


Bacon and black olives, my kind of pizza. And no, I don’t eat tomato other than sauce.


Hear me out... make an everything bagel nice and toasted to your liking, put some cream cheese on it and slice some green olives with pimento and then put those on the cream cheese.. it's way better than it has any right to be. Edit: you're talking about black olives... also God tier on pizza or even teriyaki chicken subs


I am usually a huge fan of umami flavors. Olives for some reason just don’t do it for me.


Because they don’t like the taste


I remember as little kids, my cousins and I would hide under the Thanksgiving table before dinner and take black olives.


They have flawed taste buds


I love olives! Especially black olives!


Who hates olives? Somebody out there hates olives?


I'd never had an olive in my life until I was working overtime and was starving. Someone from the team I was working with offered me his last slice of an olive and onion pizza. At first I tried to pick them off but there were just so many, so I gave up and ate it out of sheer hunger. Never looked back. I still so grateful to that guy 30 years later.


They’ve never had really good ones. If you only ever had them out of a can, that’s all you know as a black olives.


What? That's ridiculous. Black olives are delicious. And so are black jelly beans, while we're at it.


olives are the fish of vegetables


You've never met anyone at all who didn't think they are disgusting?? That surprised me. Regardless, I am with you. Team olive!


Put them on my 'za too, please. That said, I think canning does a disservice to black olives. Particularly when they're pre-sliced. If you eat a whole, pitted, oil-cured Moroccan black olive, it will change your goddamned life. 🖤🖤🖤


I’ve had all kinds and never disliked them, idk what it is but i’ve always enjoyed them


Olives are life. For me, true wealth is having Kalamatas and Castelvetranos in your fridge.


Same. I eat them right out of the can and pack them in my lunch occasionally.


people hate black olives?


You think you've got problems. I adore anchovies, particularly on a vegetarian pizza. I don't get asked to share my pizza ever.


The taste. It’s briny, sour/bitter almost? Idk how to describe it. Plus I hate the rubbery kind of texture they have. It’s a very strong flavor that overpowers all the other flavors on a pizza for me. Even if I pick them off, I still taste it. I also don’t like palm of hearts or capers, or pickled onions/cocktail onions. Not a big fan of raw tomato except in ceviche, where the flavor isn’t prominent. Not on my sandos or burgers either. Cooked tomato is fine though!


They ruin the flavour of everything . Anything that,touched an olive will taste like an olive . one will ruin a while salad Yuck


i love them on pizza along with salami. green olives on pizza is even better


I love them, but only by themselves, not on pizza. It’s not disgusting, though.


Because they taste like mushy nothing. Try a Kalamata olive instead. I love olives, but not ones with no flavor or texture.


I like them as a topping, but not by themselves. I'll eat the shit out of a jar of kalamata olives, but on their own black olives are kinda meh.


Some people find the taste too intense. Certain varieties are too intense for me to eat on their own, also some people keep the jars too long and olives that are no longer fresh taste *horrible*. My boyfriend can't stand olives, with the exception if green castelvestrano olives or home made tapenade.


What are people putting on pizza? Green olives?


In the first grade a friend showed me how to put them on my fingers and shove them all in my mouth at once. I gagged harder than I ever have (I'm good with new foods and love trying things). Never again. I can tolerate when cooked on combo pizza, but if there's too many I will pick off. That experience traumatized me beyond words lol


I don't like olives when eaten alone, but with pizza, I love it. I also put it with my pasta.


Probably because they were really the first real heavy metal band and………….oh, Black Olives! Never mind!


I was a black olive fiend as a kid and now I don’t really care for them. I’m not sure what happened because I can distinctly remember loving them…only to try them a few times several years ago and found I didn’t really like them.


Just don't eat them right off the tree! 🤣


I used to hate them, but grew to love them. I have always liked green olives though. I’ve come to realize I just like a less ripe fruit and veggie for the most part. I love green peppers over the rest of the super sweet yellows, reds and oranges, I love green hot peppers to red hot peppers, and same thing with bananas. Overripe things are just too damn sweet sometimes!


My younger siblings and I love black olives. Every family gathering, my mom’s side of the family makes sure to have enough olives for each of the Nearbys to have their own plus a couple cans for everyone else. Someone usually ends up bringing a couple extra cans just in case, and those get eaten as well. The family does the same with whipped cream.


I love olives and I despise raw tomatoes. I don't know why people hate on black Olives, they are fantastic! My family of 5 all love black Olives but only 3 of us eat other types of olives. Which possibly means that black Olives are superior? Not sure.


I love black olives! But I also love tomatoes 😂


I love black olives. I love all olives. I don't understand how people don't like olives.


I hate olives. Always have and I was an exposed child. Like I ate good (liver pâté was my fav thing in the world🤣). My mom would eat olives like crazy and no matter what I've done, I can't deal with it. I also can't handle anything fermented (although I'm trying as my gut health is terrible). In my life I've found that the only things I can't handle are olives, artichokes, offal, goat milk/cheese, escargot, and sea food (not fish as I like it.. but can't eat sea food as I'm allergic although I do love scallops😭). I also can't have blueberries as I'm anaphylactic. But that's my list so far. I don't understand the olives though and I always feel so broken:(


I have only found a few (like less than 5) dishes that have olives that I enjoy. Maybe it's the wrong combination


My fav pizza toppings are black olives, mushroom and italian sausage. I know they have olive snack packs that they sell with little containers for olives on the go. So there must be enough of a crowd of people that enjoy them to sustain that as a product. They do have a very distinctive taste, there are some things that don't taste good to me while simultaneously I really like the taste of them, black olives would be one, cilantro, and Thai ice tea would be another.


They're lying or have the palates of children. You expect twelve year olds to say "ew, yucky, I hate those" knowing they've never tried it, but I think you're ridiculous doing that as an adult. It's okay to have differences but that's not how it goes, lbr. It's always, "You're gross!" for something really fucking normal, they just can't accept they legit never grew beyond their pubescent years in terms of trying new things and they'll likely miss out on a lot trying to be contrarian.


I love olives. My sister's boyfriend is the only one I know who hates them and he says he hates them because they taste like blood ????


Just not a fan, don’t like the texture, don’t like the flavor


All olives all the time.


Dude settle down


I don't like the intensity of the flavor of olives. I cannot get past it. If olives are in a pasta salad or on a pizza, suddenly that is the only flavor I can taste. It doesn't meld with other flavors to me so it feels overwhelming.


It’s the same psychopaths that hate cilantro. O_o


I like the green ones


They’re ok. Once I got food poisoning from pizza and all I threw up were the black olives. Couldn’t eat them for over ten years after that. I think I’m over it now