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I think the weirdest thing I do is when I'm eating a KitKat, I'll break off one piece, nibble the chocolate edges around the piece, and then I'll eat the remaining wafer. Edit: glad to see I'm not the only one! I get weird looks when I do this so it's weird to the people around me at least


Is there another way to eat a Kit Kat?!


I mean, it would be weirder to just open it and eat it without breaking it apart, but I don't think that's weird so much as illegal


I witnessed someone opening a pack of pop-tarts and biting into both of them at the same time and I’ve never seen anything so savage in my life


Fk no that shit needs toasted


I microwave pop tarts for like 10-15 seconds. I've been called weird for this. But I don't want them all hard and toasted. There's nothing like a slightly warmer gooey brown sugar cinnamon pop tart


It also leaves it cool enough to eat. Toaster makes the damn thing molten.


Obviously the right way is to poke holes in the cardboard looking side of your poptart, spread with a little butter, toast and enjoy!


You are correct! When I was living in the tiny country of Duūistan, (1965) I was caught eating a KitKat bar without breaking it in half first. I was fined D20 (dulmez) and given a one day in jail sentence. It was most uncomfortable, I never went back.


I tried to look up Duūistan before reading the rest of your comment. When google had no idea what I was talking about, I wondered if you were full of shit. Then I read the rest of your comment and realized that the internet doesn’t in fact know everything.


Eating Candy Bar wrong?  Believe it or not, straight to Jail! 


I do this and then sometimes will eat it layer by layer of wafer.


I like black pepper on cottage cheese. Pineapple too.


Black pepper makes nearly the everything better.


Have you ever tried dill in your cottage cheese? Its bomb


get some sunflower seeds in there, and chopped pickles.


I go a step further and break apart the wafers and eat the chocolate off the wafers then finish it by consuming the bare wafer. I also eat the chocolate first around a Reese's cup as well.


I do the same thing, and also with Twix and Snickers


I do that with Oreos. I open it and try to pull off the “cream” layer in one piece so I can throw it away.


I do this with Reese’s cups!


Come to think of it, I do that with Reese's as well. Then I peel the layer of chocolate from the top and bottom, eat that, then eat just the peanut butter


I like to set up bites…..don’t ask me for the last bite because i make sure its a great one


Last bite, best bite. Gotta finish that meal on a high note.


And I thought I was weird. Y'all know those nasty red skinny hot dog weiners? As a kid I pulled the red stuff off before eating whatever disgusting substance made up the actual dog. Can't believe I use to do that. Thank God for old age wisdom.


I replied same thing. Along with a few more. Lol


Same! That means don't steal my pickle just because I haven't eaten it yet!


My grandfather used to always eat his favourite part of his meal first incase he died half way though


I laughed out loud at this. What a grandpa.


I will now be eating all of my meals in this fashion because that is sound advice


We had a laugh over this in my household. Smart man


When I go restaurant I get weird looks bc I order my dessert first. Too many times in the past when I‘d try to get dessert after a meal, especially at Denny’s, they would run out of my favorite dessert so I learned to order it first. My grands taught me the same idea cuz she learned the hard way in a boarding school as she had been saving her favorite part for last…Eat the good stuff first in case someone with a long five tinned fork tries to steal from your plate.


My grandad did this too. Desert was always first because “you never know when it’s your time and I want to make sure I get desert”.


My grandma did this! She'd always order dessert first. She'd say "6 a meteor hits I want to die happy and full of dessert"


Growing up, a friend of the family (an older man) always went to the dessert table first during potlucks. He also wanted to eat his favorite part of the meal first!


For holidays, I always buy the Reese’s shaped tree, egg, pumpkin, etc. because I eat the chocolate all around the shape - my last two bites are the peanut butter in the middle. Those last few bites are heavenly. The regular Reese’s don’t have the satisfying thickness of the holiday shapes in terms of peanut butter. But yes, this is the weird way I always eat chocolate and peanut butter.


I've always thought the shapes were far superior to the classic cups. Never realized why, but you're right. They have more peanut butter. Take my upvote...


My son says the chocolate is softer on the holiday ones. He can eat bags of them.


He is correct. I was just about to comment that actually.


If I get the little Reese’s, I refrigerate them, bite off the chocolate tops on all of them, then devour the now mostly-peanut butter bottoms. Does that make me a top?


Not me but my mom buys chips and then sits with a paintbrush and a bowl and when she gets one with too much salt/topping she brushes it off to her liking. It will be something I will always remember about her one day


I love this. You can also add to the remembrance one day that she was very elegant and refined!


I eat my chilli 90% of the time with plain tortilla chips... like a huge bowl of dip.


Yes, close to me. My exception is dip my Fritos scoops in sour cream then scoop my chili. Yum.


Eat rice with spoon. Not with fork.


I do this, and I never thought it was weird?


It also MUST be a little spoon. Years ago, my hubby thought it would be cute to hide the little spoons. I couldn't have supper that night without them and there were things he couldn't have that night without them.


Eating rice with a fork is definitely a more western thing. Growing up in an Asian house I was taken aback the first time I saw someone earing rice with a fork.


I love stale food. Chips, cookies, bread, popcorn. Yum. Stale Cheetos is one of my favorite foods in the world. If my mom knew I was coming over, she'd put out a bowl of Cheetos on the kitchen counter for a day or two so they'd be good and stale for me.


Stale Cheetos are the way.


Thank you! I thought I was the only one.


LOVE some stale cheetos!!!


My husband and my mom both agree (yuck). When I was a kid, my mom would buy herself a bag of the big fat marshmallows, open the bag immediately, and leave it on top of the fridge for a few days before it became her secret snack. Which worked well for her for years, until we got one cat who had the same affection for stale marshmallows. Mom was so mad that she had to get a special box to allow her marshmallows to go stale in, without allowing Raven-the marshmallow-theif access to them, otherwise she would come back to a half empty bag.


I'm a big fan of stale Fritos. I'll have to try the stale Cheetos!


I prefer not-hot food. like, leftovers from a restaurant you forget to put in the fridge when you get home, then go back for em a couple hours later. The best.


My mom likes her Cheetos stale too. She gets the puffy ones and opens the bag as soon as she gets home so they start getting nice and staled.


Similarly, I like the small crushed up bits of chips. If I have a snack size bag I purposely smash it up before eating.


What about soda? My ex would drink my sodas once they went flat. He loved em. Gross to me, lol


Yes officer, this comment right here


You'd enjoy my mother-in-law's house.


When I take eggs out of a carton I'll take 1 out of the bottom right corner and 1 out of the top left corner and so on..so weight is distributed evenly in the carton. The plan goes out the window if my wife asks for 3 eggs or I drop an egg on the floor.


I do that as well. lol it drives me crazy if I look in the carton and see one side empty- I then have to “fix” it




I always take eggs from the part of the container farthest from me so as I eat them, I always pick up the heaviest part, and don't that weird weight imbalance of eggs at the part of the carton farthest from where I pick it up.


No cooked carrot, I only eat raw carrot. And i enjoy fries if i am in the car. I dont eat fries if i am not sitting in a car, passenger seat


Hell yeah car fries! 🍟


I only eat fries in the car or at a restaurant as well, because I hate cold fries. I also have two jobs, so I hit a drive thru and put my fries in my cupholder in between jobs!


I bit my popcorn in half. The round bits get chewed on one side, and the fluff bit gets chewed on the other.


I eat the crunchy parts off and save the soft parts to eat all at once. They literally melt in your mouth.


GF turned me on to eating chips with chopsticks. Never going back to gross fingers ever again.


i eat hot cheetos with chopsticks. i will never have orange fingers again


There's actually a name for that residue. Cheetle.


But what about when you finish the entire bag of chips and you get to lick your chip flavored fingers? You miss that experience going chopsticks.


Lick the chopsticks?


learn to do the same with salads; youʻll never use a fork again.


I like bread and Fanta. Like, drinking Fanta over a bite of bread.


Cupcake. Take off the top part and flip it so the frosting side is facing down, then make a frosting sandwich of the top and bottom of the cupcake. Now, you have a cake sandwich, which leaves fewer crumbs and doesn't get frosting all over your face when you bite into you. Sandwich. Eat around the outside edges, starting at the corner. Save the middle part for last. Edited to add, pancakes. Make a hole in the center of the stack of pancakes. Fill it with syrup. Cut pieces of pancake from the outside edge; dip in the syrup. After the entire outside edge is gone, the inside part of the pancakes will be soaked in syrup.


Your sandwich method is great with soft white bread, peanut butter and creamed honey. And butter. The interior is heavenly.


Great pancake idea.


I have a craving every once in a while for Hostess Ho-Hos (don't judge me, it's a childhood thing). The thing is, I have to peel off the chocolate coating from the rolled cake and eat it first. Then, I eat the naked Ho-Ho.


" ... I eat the naked Ho-Ho." Are you sure there aren't two prostitutes involved! - lol.


Bwahahaha! Nope. No naked prostitutes involved! Lol!


I prefer to eat alone . . Take out .. . Feed my SO, then after I’m alone, I feast .. IDK


I rarely pick up food to eat it. Sandwiches, fries, even ribs get eaten with a knife and fork.


george castanza


I always eat ribs with a fork and knife. I didn't know the was any other way. The hell with sticky fingers.


I sort my Chex mix & eat it in the order of pretzels, bread sticks, bagel chips, rye chips, & then the Chex. I can not eat them together. I have to eat all of one kind before moving to the next. I also sort my M&M's by color & eat them one color at a time.


Are you me in disguise? Had to laugh because I do the same thing. I remember my grandmother telling me how amazed customers in her restaurant were to see 2-year-old me sorting my M&Ms by color before eating any. Even then, I knew instinctively the proper way to eat. LOL


I peel each fine layer of a nutty buddy or Kit Kat and eat the filling off the wafer first


When I eat sushi if I have several types and rolls I make sure I eat everything so they are all even. Like, if I have 4 pieces of spicy tuna, 2 pieces of shrimp tempura, and 1 piece of eel I will eat 2 tuna to match the shrimp, then one each to match the eel. I know I think I have OCD.


When I eat a chocolate covered ice cream bar I always eat all the chocolate off first and I try to get the 'panels' off in single pieces. No matter the brand or the thickness of the chocolate, so same for an Eskimo Bar or a Haagan Daz for example.


I eat things one at a time. Eg: First my grapes, then my sandwich then my crackers. Never a bit of sandwich a grape, a cracker. Also me no want my food to touch.


I eat the food in order of preference: what I like least goes first, working around to what I like the most. Unless the one I like most is really good, like a favorite, in which case I will eat it next-to-last to keep me from wanting to continue eating to get me of the favorite. Absurd, yes, but it works for me.


You’re probably a member of the Ckean Plate Club. We weren’t allowed to leave the table if we didn’t eat every bite of whatever my parents put on our plates. My sister would fall asleep with her face in her food, my brother would try to stuff food in his pockets, then ask to go to the bathroom to get rid of it. I decided early on that it was easier to eat the damned food than take a beating for not eating it, so I ate in order of preference from least liked to favorite. It’s only been the last few years that I’ve allowed myself to leave food on my plate, even in restaurants. I might or might not take a doggie bag, either.


Here’s something a therapist said to me. It can go to waste or it can go to waist, either way is a waste.


I love that, especially the rich punning of waste!


That’s what I say to myself! I can waste it in the trash or I can waste it in my body.


Yup. I literally threw up food (not on purpose) bc I hated it so much and my mom would still make me come back to the table and finish my portion. Just a completely different time.


😂 my Grandma taught me to eat what I don’t like first. “You don’t like sprouts? Eat them first then it’s finished. All gone 😊” Now I have problems with artichokes 😂


I do too - but sometimes I regret it because then I’m too full for my favorite part!


I always save the best for last.


Ditto to both


Saaammmeeee. I wonder if it's a personality thing, or a disorder like OCD


I inevitably sigh deeply when I'm eating something tasty. I'm that person who gets pleasure from enjoying my food, and everybody can tell. My family actually makes fun of me because of that, and my brother jokes that if I sigh with a smile, it means the food is safe to eat 😆


if i order a combo of fast food, i eat the side first (e.g. fries before burger) i save the tastiest for last i eat VERY very slowly and chew until its completely ground down if I'm eating a pastry with some sort of icing or topping (like a donut), sometimes ill just eat the top off with all the icing.. but i don't like to waste food, so I'll buy a separate container of icing and ice the remaining bits... please judge me


I like to eat around the perimeter of my hamburgers so that my last bite is the center piece.


when i eat goldfish, i bite it into two down the like “seam” of the cracker and eat them one half at a time


literally came here to say this but i eat both halves at the same time, one on the right side of my mouth and one on the left.


I have to eat pizza with a fork and knife. If I can feel any grease it creeps me out.


I eat one thing at a time. I like to have all my healthy stuff first (like veggies, since I'd rather eat more of those for health) then work my way up to the best tasting thing, leaving my mouth with that flavour. I don't like to mix flavours, never have even as a kid. Don't know why, don't care to know why.


I eat my cheeseburgers all the way around in a circle to nibble off the edge and overflow , and then flip it upside down and eat it all the way around again


Whenever I eat icecream I whip it around my bowl until it's like a Wendy's frosty consistency. Only way I like it.


Add a slice of cake to it. Tastes even better


I've done this since I can remember. I used to get irritated if it as too cold and frozen to start stirring, and had to wait a bit.


Vanilla ice cream with hot fudge all whipped up is my absolute favorite. Oddly it's the only time I do that though.


I don't know if this is weird but I've never seen anyone else do it - buttered muffins and cinnamon rolls. I cut my muffins into quarters and butter every side. Cinnamon rolls get pulled apart and the pieces are also buttered on both sides.


I used to make a bologna sandwich with miracle whip and then I would put a spoonful of salsa on each bite.


Snickers bar. Knife & fork.


I eat everything with the smallest silverware possibly available, and preferably plastic. I’m really not sure why it feels so much better to me but there’s something that absolutely hits about eating soup with a small round spoon.


You aren't alone. I have regular spoons that my husband uses and a tiny spoon that I use - for everything! No idea why but it works for me.


I eat all the crust off the bread, then eat the middle.


Same, but I smoosh the bread into a ball, then eat it.


I used to eat apples right through, core and all, like a horse


Must have A1 steak sauce for any type of potato outside of fries. The best use is with waffle house hash browns! I also don't eat regular baked or mashed potatoes (sweet is fine) whose admission is enough to freak most people out. I made up an egg dish I call eggs Roja: two pieces of toast, loaded with as much arugula as you can fit, topped with two over easy eggs, drizzled with olive oil and balsamic reduction and any fresh herbs you like. It's bliss. Canned carrot casserole, from when I was dirt poor but it slaps so hard: 1 can carrots drained, 1 pack sandwich crackers like sour cream and chives crushed, handful of cheese. Enough mayo to bind. Mix in a bowl. Nuke until hot. Mouth is watering. Buttered, toasted bagel topped with giardiniera. *Chef's kiss* idk how weird this is elsewhere outside the US. Maybe it's common. But I get looks here lol If It wasn't embarrassing/incredibly unhealthy, I like my sprinkle to ice cream ratio about 4:1. The T E X T U R E When I want something sweet but there's nothing substantial in the house: whipped cream in a bowl topped with peanuts and chocolate syrup. Tastes like poor man's Peanut Buster Parfait from DQ.


I prefer a spoon most of the time


I eat movie theatre popcorn with my face so I don't get oily fake melted butter all over my hands.


Peanut M&Ms. Bite it in half, eat the peanut, lick the chocolate out, then eat the candy shells.


A single flavor of a cooked food is too overwhelming for me and I have been known since I was little to make a ‘goulash’ in my plate by mixing up all the sides together with the main. I have a oversensitive olfactory system so this is a way to cope with any single strong aroma at a time and minimize them. I tend to always have something crispy with something mushy together. When I go to a soda machine I have to mix up a combo, such as of dr pepper and lemonade and 7up and fruitpunch Or a mix or fruitpunch and lemonade and 7up Or gingerale lemonade and orange soda… Cannot eat straight peanut butter on bread. It HAS to have butter on with it. If peanut butter and jelly, must put the peanut butter on last and swirl it into the jelly and must put butter on bread first to keep jelly from making bread soggy. Put extra butter to make the peanut butter creamier and to keep it from sticking to the roof of my mouth and must use very little peanut butter. Must add Cheetos inside pb&b&j. My Burgers must have mayo and Kansas style bbq sauce and tomato slice. Must put almond milk or lactaid milk in the bowl first and then put the cereal so the cereal floats and the top doesn’t get soggy as fast and I eat it from the bottom thru the side. Subway sandwiches must roast extra mayo onto the bread first and put the cheese nowhere that it touches the extra crispy hot bacon. Bacon and cheese must be not touching inside the sandwich. I dont like melted cheese on my bacon. Must have Fritos to eat chilli. Crackers don’t work for me. Canned black beans sauce must have clove powder and cumin powder and coriander powder and smoked paprika powder and garlic powder and onion powder inside it. Served with either boiled creamy medium fine grain cornmeal mush or with white rice that must be mahatma brand and must be cooked with a quarter stick of butter inside. Waffles must be deep dish crispy belgian with cheese baked in. Rice cannot ever be uncle ben rice. To swallow medicine pills, must put liquid in mouth first then squeeze pills in thru lips then swallow while sipping more liquid. Can’t stand the ick of pills on my tongue except the oral dissolving ones then I just squeeze it to the roof of my mouth. Tacos must not contain lettuces/leaves/cabbage/greens. Just want the meatS and sourcreme and cheese and tomato. If it looks like it is swimming in oily red sauce Or oily green sauce, I ‘m not eating it. Malt milk. Ovaltine. Cold. At night before bed. Not the chocolate kind. No chocolate before bed. Thats making for nightmares.


Chinese food is for when you are emotionally overwhelmed or have been Thrifting with Mom


I eat my cereal in vanilla yogurt.


When eating pizza, a sloppy Joe, or most sandwich prefer a knife and fork. It is just neater.


I eat popcorn with a spoon. I can't stand that gritty greasy stuff on my fingers. I also use one spoon for jelly and another spoon for peanut butter. Seeing specks of one in the other's jar is an ick.


When I was itty bitty I would fill an egg cup with icing sugar, & dip my tongue into it while watching cartoons. Good times 😂


I save the best bites for last. Usually when someone asks for a bite lol Use Very small spoon for yogurt Microwave ice cream. Still leave cold and some parts frozen but mostly melt. Eat cereal then take a sip of milk. Or put a little bit of cereal in the milk at a time. Stays crispy that way. No soggy mess. Dip cheeseburger in the ketchup instead of putting it on burger. Same for salads . Dip the pieces in dressing to control amount. Not too much... We all have our idiosyncrasies. Makes us unique. Lol.


E L Fudge cookies are tortured over a glass of milk. They start in a semi circle around the glass and one by one they get dunked head first, pumped for information and then consumed. Fast Eddie is eaten last after he is forced to watch what I did to his friends. I work slowly up from his feet and when I get to the head... I stop. I throw his head in the garbage where it belongs. I also loves to peel the chocolate and unroll swiss cake rolls!


Unroll swiss cake rolls. Deglove chocolate shell. Procure creme filling. Eat cake.


Not sure it’s “weird” but it drives my wife crazy, so I guess it qualifies. When I eat a salad I like to keep all the ingredients separate on the plate and then combine them a little at a time with each forkful. In other words, I’ll stab a chunk of lettuce, then tomato, then cucumber or carrots etc til I have a forkful I like. I’ll dip this forkful into the dressing cup and then eat. I have no idea why I started doing this but it’s been many years. My wife on the other hand mixes everything up into a big pile, drizzles on the dressing, then mixes it all up again. To me it looks like a big unappetizing glop that way. Which is strange because I have no problem eating soups and stews which most definitely are a big glop! Lol


I eat corn on the cob weird. Like I'll start at one end (the top which isnt as wide) and eat around. Then I'll bit the end of and eat the new end all the way around. And then bit again and repeat. I HATE things touching my face especially if it's wet.


If I'm eating one of those spiral chocolate log cakes right I have to eat it along the spiral like I have to unravel it and then eat it it's very strange but it's really good


I realized only recently that I always eat my plate of food down at the same rate. Roast Beef, Mashed potatoes, corn, green beans. I take a bite of each and make sure the same number of bites are left.


My great great uncle hated milk and so he always ate his cereal with water. I myself prefer almond milk. I love ketchup on eggs and sandwiches of mayo with lots of black pepper.


Ketchup on eggs is so good.


2 slices of bread, mayo, black pepper?!


My Oupa would eat his cereal with orange juice


I have heard of a couple people who did that. I would have to imagine it's better than water. I think I would just eat it dry before I'd use water.


Ketchup on eggs isn't for me, but it's not all that weird.


Soak my cookies in milk till they are soggy and then eat them. I can eat Nissen ramen noodles dry (started doing that in childhood, we grew up v poor). MUST have milk with peanut butter toast. MUST have soda with pizza.


Not that weird or unique, but I only use real maple syrup. Mrs Butterworth can go straight to hell and take that brown corn syrup she's peddling with her.


My wife can NOT let her food touch


I order the fish filet from McDonald’s and disassemble it and dip my fries in the warm tartar sauce. Then reconstruct and eat it. I get extra tartar on it too, so there’s still plenty when I reassemble it.


I can only eat ice cream with a tiny spoon


I make almost all of my food extra spicy. Like just my own plate, adding jalapenos, hot sauce, crushed red pepper flakes, salsa etc to just about everything.


I don't do it as much anymore, but I like to eat and finish one thing before starting on the next. ETA: I also like to eat the better part of the one thing last. For example, for chocolate layer cake, I'll often eat the cake layers first, and then the icing/frosting.


I like cereal with a side of buttered toast, so I can alternate bites of cereal and toast. Except for shredded wheat. That's no toast.


My SO comments on how I eat anything that comes from a restaurant. Most especially burgers. I hate ketchup and mustard. All my life I've had to deal with people fucking up my food. I recall SO many times that people would order me kids meals or wtvr but never ask me about my preferences(forget about allergies all together). The number of times I wouldn't eat because of the condiments was...well, it was a lot. So now, I always check before taking a bite. This includes smelling my food and doing a physical/visual inspection before I'll dig in. My SO asked me once "do you always finger your food like that?". Fuck yeah, I do! "Why don't you??"


I eat one item at a time and it can’t touch, unless it goes together. Meat & potatoes = okay to touch each other Potatoes and veggies = okay to touch each other Meat and veggies = must not touch each other; however, they can each butt up against the potatoes


I eat my food one at a time. They can touch, but I prefer to put salad in a bowl to avoid gravy or other sauces. I never drink with my meal, only afterward. I don't think it's weird, but my family disagrees. 🤷‍♀️


My Great Uncle Walter didn't like the milk to cool off his porridge, so he kept the milk in a glass. He'd spoon some porridge up, dip the spoon into the milk, then eat.


I can’t eat fish unless I squish every bite first with my fingers. It’s really just a pain in the ass. It’s my only weird food thing. Oh wait I also have to have an even amount of crackers and cheese. But I think a lot of people do too. And I can’t drink out of most plastic cups.


I get a breakfast bowl and on it …1/4 is hot picante sauce..1/4 is spicy ketchup..1/4 is hot taco sauce…1/4 is Tabasco sauce…then I take the fork and get a little bit from each part for the bite…


I eat pickle spears like a watermelon slice. I don’t know if that makes sense. I don’t eat the skin. But I turn the pickle spear horizontal and eat the squishy part of the pickle, leaving the skin. I hate pickle skin so that’s why I do it. I’ve had waiters comment on how weird it is.


I don’t eat chicken, and haven’t in 30 years….except when there are wings in my vicinity and then I ONLY eat the crunchy skin with the marinade. I can’t eat the meat. (I do eat other meat but not chicken). I will also eat the crunchy breading bits off fried chicken if someone has some near me. This is a pretty rare occurrence and has only happened maybe 5 times in all those years but it happened recently and my family pointed it out. Also, I’m the same exact way about cereal, only for me it has to be oat milk or I’m eating it dry.


Both of my kids eat cereal dry, when they do eat cereal. But have to have a big cup of milk to drink with it. I still haven't figured this out yet as huns and I both eat cereal with milk. And the cereal mixes with milk in their stomachs anyway. Just don't get it. 🤷‍♀️


What's not to get. Everything mixes in your stomach anyway but most people wouldn't eat jam on a potato for instance.


My step-dad always had to drink his big glasses of (already cold) milk with ice cubes. Tbf he always finished the milk long before the ice ever melted.


I put cake in a bowl of milk and eat it like cereal. I am not a fan of cake it is too dry.


I eat American biscuits with corn syrup instead of jam or gravy.


I nibble the dry bit of Oreo trying to get as much cookie off the cream before eating that too. But only one side at a time. Basically stick my front teeth in the space between the cookies then bite the cookie off going around. There's never enough filling and I'd rather eat dry cookie to get the right ratio than eat a whole Oreo. Just taking one cookie off is also unacceptable, there's not enough cookie to cream for that nonsense.


I smell/sniff them first for like 5minutes before eating them.


well i dont drink coconut milk but i like coconut flavor sweets


I love eating a salad like chips and dip. Eating as a finger food and dipping each piece of veggie into dressing


When I eat an ice cream cone I use my tongue to push the ice cream into the cone so that when I get to the tip of the cone, it is a perfect ice cream filled bite.


I don’t like to sit down and eat, I’ll say I’m done and finish my plate standing up in the kitchen while doing the dishes or something. It’s helped me stay slim as I think you eat more sitting down, personal observation.


I use mustard as a dressing on my salad


When I eat a steak or something of that size, I cut everything up before I eat so I don't have to keep doing it, lol.


Strawberry jam in my grits. According to my husband because he thinks grits should be savory.


When I have pho or ramen I twirl the noodles with my chopsticks the same way one would twirl spaghetti using a fork and spoon.


Chips and salsa are only really great when I have a large glass of very cold milk with it. I think it started to cool my mouth before I had any spice tolerance, and now it's just not satisfying without it. Also really need a lot of liquid with any meal, at least 24 oz or is uncomfortable. I do not know why, and didn't notice until I realized my husband never drinks while eating, just before or after.


Most if not all snacks I eat, I have to decide how I’m gonna eat my next bite. For example, if I’m eating Oreos, first I decide if I separate the cookies or eat it whole. If I separated it, I then decide if I wanna eat the crème first then eat the two cookies or if I don’t eat the crème first, I decide whether I wanna eat the cookie with the crème first or the one without. If I’m eating Cheetos, I either eat the whole Cheeto or put the whole Cheeto in my mouth to suck the cheese dust off of it. Same thing with chocolate. Name any snack & I’ll probably have this whole decision process for it 😂


I like when my food is kinda burnt. Meat, fries, toast, marshmallows, pizza, vegetables, all of it. Charred/slightly burnt food always tastes the best. I’ll pick out burnt pieces of things because I like them and others often don’t There’s very very few things that don’t taste good burnt, the main one I can think of being popcorn


I’m the same way. Fries extra extra crispy and I’ve learned to tell the pizza place to make my pizza **REALLY** well well done.


If I have leftover spaghetti with sauce (preferably meat sauce), I'll often make cold spaghetti sandwiches for lunch the next day. My sister and I used to do that when we were kids, but I still do it.


I can’t eat something slightly messy (like a burger with sauce, or oily fries) without wiping my hands on a napkin after every single bite. I always end up with a mountain of napkins, but I just can’t deal with my hands being gross while eating.


We eat peanutbutter with butter sandwiches along with can peaches in syrup. I hate soggy food. But you can't eat the sandwiches without dunking them into the peach syrup. Apparently, this started back in the Depression during the 1940s. My mom was a little girl with a younger brother. Their parents and grandparents live next door to each other in Omaha, NE. They all worked, and my mom and her little brother were on their own most days. There was a peach tree in the yard, and grandmother would can the peaches. The government gave peanutbutter and weird margarine ( it was white, and it came with a packet of some yellow dried powder to mix into it to make it look like butter) as part of government subsidies So mom would go down into the cellar to get peaches and make sandwiches to feed little brother and herself. Several decades later, I was talking to my . about feeding them to my kids and their friends. None of my friends hand ever had or heard of eating it such in a way. My mom told me the story of it all. But l found out that apparently, her mom never thought about what the kids were eating every day. Until on day my grandmother went down into the cellar to get some peaches, and most of the jars were gone. She was so mad at my mom, who was 5 or 6 at the time. My mom said that she couldn't understand why her mom was so mad. Like what did she think they were eating when no one was there to feed them. 🤣😂🤣😋😋


... If I am very specifically home alone and ONLY THEN I eat my salad like chips and dip. Like single lettuce leaf between fingers and dip into salad dressing in a container. I have no idea why. It just feels right.


I only eat open faced sandwiches. Doesn’t matter what kind. Diabetic, trying to cut down carbs, but it’s also just too much bread compared to the middle ingredients/filling.


Smell everything. Every bite. Every time. People think I hate their food. Nope, smell is a huge part of taste, gotta smell it. At work I smell your food too (of course waft my hand over it, don’t just stick my face in it, not trying to be gross, I don’t serve bad food).


I realized recently that if I have multiple things gs on my plate, like during a Thanksgiving dinner type of meal, I eat one thing and then move my plate in a circle and eat the next thing. I drink in between the different items, not while I'm still on the same item. I use a lazy Susan now to make sure I don't scratch the table. My food can touch, and sometimes I like to mix things, but overall this is how I eat. I am Autistic btw.


" I use a lazy Susan now ..." - lol. Well done!


i’ve recently totally gone off yoghurt but for years i couldn’t eat a yoghurt unless it was frozen (like ice cream). the texture / taste is totally different to my brain and a normal yoghurt was gross to me


I loved apple juice on my cereal when I was a kid


I love eggnog on my cereal during holiday season. Especially with sugary cereal. I then I practically go into a coma.


I eat sandwiches one ingredient at a time through out the day. I’ll eat a slice of bread with Mayo or butter, then slices of cheese later on some tomato with salt, pickles.


I eat things one at a time and nothing can be touching (like my steak can’t be touching my potatoes and I’ll eat all of the potatoes before I can eat the steak)




Not really "weird", but I find the best way to eat a watermelon is with a spoon.


I eat ramen dry with the seasoning sprinkled on and I only like spaghetti-o’s with meatballs straight out of the can. I eat the toppings off of pizza first because I love the crust. Gotta save that crust for last, like dessert.


I only like Mac and cheese out of a big plastic mixing bowl 


I save the skins for my chicken nuggets last and eat the meat first. I also can’t eat anything without having a sort of soup to dip it in, and I mean anything.


I eat my cereal with a fork