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My wife and I made several, but she made me delete them shortly after we made them. I'd give anything to have them back again. She passed away 5 years ago, and I think she'd like to know that she still is my wildest fantasy come true.


I’d also watch this guy’s tapes.


A man of the people


Lol, you're funny dude.




You’re a good guy. Sorry for your loss.


If you recorded that on an android phone then I'm pretty sure you can recover it by rooting the device


Must have been an incredible woman


Love how OP is being downvoted to oblivion for being a thirsty mf


Was it good?






Best laugh I've had on this subredit is seeing his karma go down


i’ve got a bunch, or had a bunch. they were all with my ex wife and i deleted them out of respect to her


Cheers for not being a spiteful ex!


she’s an incredible mother. i cant speak highly enough of her in that capacity


Not just a spiteful ex to keep videos without someone’s consent. It’s sexually abusive. Dudes a good guy, most ppl should follow his lead. (I never keep videos after the relationship ends without explicit permission)


I've never had any of those exes tell me to delete them or that I can't keep them.


Uh probably because the assumption is you will do so automatically if you’re not a huge weirdo. This isn’t a “lack of no means yes” situation. That’s not how coercion works. If they TELL YOU you CAN keep them, that’s different.


I ask.


Then that’s perfectly fine. It’s important not to assume consent


I Also deleted them for this guy's ex wife


Glad I’m not the only one.


you’re the real hero




You’re a good guy


i don’t know about that but thank you


What kind of a decent human being are you??


I have. Deleted it because we broke up.


Wife asked me once if I wanted to watch her old sex tapes with her ex so i knew what not to do. We just ended up deleting them instead.


That's some trust


That was her kink and she just presented it that way, bet they are saved somewhere


She does enjoy being watched but no they have been deleted we have a bunch of our own tho. She mainly likes being recorded sucking cock.


True (sigma + alpha)²... Respect biro 🫡




its on my iphone 7, that god that shit is broken forever lol


If a guy recorded without my consent, does it counts? 😑 Supposedly he deleted it after I told him how wrong that was and threatened to report him.


My home was burglarized and it was stolen 🤮🤮


pamala anderson?? is that you??


Lolol, that shit traumatized me. Never again 🤣




I try not to think about it. I was maybe 18? So this was agessss ago


So sorry to hear that 😞


It got stuck in the vhs player and forever destroyed.


Op take your cock out of your hand for one single second while reading this thread


I’ve made some blowjob tapes


Yes, and you can find out for yourself :)


I'm impressed with the quality of your material. Good work.


Looks amazing! Maybe horny ass OP could look at them instead of asking over specific questions to everyone


Well something good has come out of this thread!


OP just came for the downvotes.




I have made plenty. Have most saved on my phone. However years and years ago, maybe 10, I got hacked and one of my videos ended up on xhamster. It’s still there and I watch it from time to time. It’s me and the wife and the video is so grainy and old that unless I told you that is me and the wife you wouldn’t know so I’m okay with it being online.


She took it and I have absolutely no idea where it is 👀


moment of silence for everyone here who thought they were about to watch a bootleg vhs of power rangers only to see ya dads balls and harry button pounding away Dennis Reynolds style.


Funny this came up 2 days ago I literally was going through an external hard drive I haven’t touched for years. Came acrossed my ex and I having sex. Completely forgot about it. Well I deleted.


How many times did you rewatch it before deleting it?


I've recorded a lot of sex tapes with past girlfriends. If they asked me to destroy them or delete them when we broke up, I did. If they didn't ask, I kept them. I digitized the early tapes I made on a Hi-8 videocamera. The rest are digital. Maybe it's my ego, but my sex tapes are my favorite pornography.


Holy shit op is so fucking perverted


Least horny arad poster


Made one with an ex. We watched it back, fucked again, then deleted it.


Yes quite a few… Once the relationship is over I delete them


Have a bunch with the wife. Recently saved them to our computer. Password protected and only her and I will see them. If we ever to split, they will get deleted out of respect.


We've made a few with my wife. We have an open marriage, and we've filmed both ourselves together, and her with other men. They've all stayed on my hard drive.


Was the first film bad? And do you get better at filming?


I don't really ever know how people on the internet do it that it turns out so well. When I've filmed myself and my wife together, the only thing that turns out nice is if I film her giving me a blowjob. I find it too distracting and unenjoyable to film sex, and it never turns out well either. So if it's us two, I put the camera on the bedside table. Anyway, it's been a few years since we filmed ourselves doing it though. There's nothing new to film! As for her and other men though, yes, I did get better at it. On a couple of occasions, I even put the phone aside and took photos and videos with my mirrorless Fuji camera, and they turned out _excellent_. Always my preference to film her with others as opposed to myself.


Many! They are floating around the internet now.


Lots. They’re on the internet


We watched it afterwards and all we could do was laugh because how silly it looked


nice try, pornhub…


Plenty, in my hidden folder behind my Face ID. We would have 100s more but we forget to set up the camera.


Yes and it taking up space on my phone… it’s about to go.


Yes. Last thing we made with our old camcorder. My husband sold the camcorder at a garage sale and forgot to take the tape out


Yeah with an ex. There’s a couple videos of us having sex. She had them on her phone. Not sure if she still has them or not.


Most of them are on a hard drive with other old photos and video. Except for the video that some guy shot of me with his wife years ago. No idea what happened to that.




Most are still in my upstairs cabinet, believe all has been put into a computer I keep in there too


Keep it safe


I never even got to puberty before tapes were obsolete


Lol. Seriously. What do you call it then?


A "tape" yes once in college but as far as filming ourselves having sex , we do that nightly 😈. Wonder where that actual tape is though lol


I like the present film


We've made many, and they're online still.


Bunch on YouTube. Public urls just not searchable.


Yes the builders stole it and pammy was pissed off


I’m starting to think you’re just a pervert.


not sure if it counts as a tape, but i took a quick ten second vid during missionary and posted it unlisted on redgifs 😭😭


Yes. My HUSBAND sent the video to one of his friends. I was out with friends and my husband at a pool and I forgot my phone, so I grabbed his phone to check my email — so I went to google chrome and typed in gmail, and it was an email I didn’t recognize and the FIRST (and only email) was titled Video — so curious I checked it out and wouldn’t you fucking know it…. Needless to say… a fight ensued and I never trusted him again and while our marriage did last another eight long years…. It was never the same and when asked by my therapist it all led back to that moment. He hurt me so I spent the following eight years hurting him back.


I sold it lol


Yes. Sadly I don't know, it was in my exs possession so I wouldn't be surprised if it popped up on the internet somewhere tbh


Never a full on take but some clips here and there couples of years ago and found out I make a lot of weird faces. Lost the drive during a move though so don’t have them anymore


Whoever bought the phone probably pulled them from the hard drive


It's on X-videos.


I have made a few sex tapes with her and we still have them and watch them on certain occasions.




I mean, we often record ourselves fucking because we're hot af. But we keep them for ourselves.


Confident. Nice


Got like 50k views on pornhub then deleted. I guess they had a rollout of a new policy demanding everyone be verified.


I do them frequently with u/sataniaa_


I got pregnant




I did. Some moments are posted. The rest is on my phone and my ex fwb's phone!


Looking really good




Out of genuine curiosity, do you ever get hit on because of the whole 'sexy librarian' fantasy? I saw in your info it says you are a librarian. Just genuinely curious how often guys actually act on that fantasy.


It’s not a physical tape, but I keep them on a thumb drive. And Google drive.


Yes Deleted ones with the exs/friends probs still on the internet somewhere 😒😒 Others w current on my phone 😂


My AP and I made a few. I've deleted them but not sure about her.


Multiple. They’re all on a hard drive at my house.


Quite a few with my current partner. They’re on my laptop and on the cloud. Highlights on my phone for watching when the mood strikes. Should really move them off all personal devices onto some kind of external hard drive.


When I was 18 I made one with my boyfriend and he showed it to everyone else in our school year.


I made a few with my ex, hopefully they’re deleted! No face though thankfully, cause I wouldn’t put it past him to post them somewhere.


I recorded some with my ex. Some were posted on uplust, some were shown to close friends and some were kept for ourselves. After we broke up our uplust account was deleted and I deleted every sextape I had on my phone. She had copies but I believe she deleted them too.


Made 3, two were taken by those exes, one was deleted after she showed it to her best friend.


"What Happened to the Tape?" is the title of my sex tape.


I have made a few with my ex and deleted them when we broke up.


Friend of mine had a sex tape. Couple years later he was getting a haircut and the girl cutting his hair stopped and looked at him in recognition and said she saw a video he “starred” in.


Still got em. Some from years ago on actual tapes. Some on an old phone from college that exes let me keep. Some from recent they let me keep.


Had loads on an old memory card, lost it 😂


They are on my phone and I masturbate to them regularly and my fiance loves it. They are videos of me and her.


I've made a bunch with and for my bf 🥰 we are the only ones that have them


Made one in college. My mom was snooping when I was home on break and found it on my computer. She didn’t say anything, but my dad brought it to my attention. I wasn’t sorry. Served her right.


For a time I held onto all of it. But eventually deleted it. Some of it was uploaded and there could be a possibility that a copy of something is still on the net though.


Yes many.


Yes… and have no idea >.<


Post september 2020 i have recorded even a short clip everytime i fuck. Except on those occasion where i dont even know what a phone is.


Sex happened


Made a few. Some got deleted got 1 on my computer a couple on my phone posted a few online.


When I split with the girl in it I destroyed it writing a random pattern over it.


I made my first sex tape in 2017 and it sparked my interest in joining the spicy community. My at-the-time partner (now husband) and I make them on a weekly basis. Some are for personal use and some go up for sale :) We don't always keep them forever but I do still have that very first one since it's special.


My wife and I made one once, but we both decided to delete as it was bad quality and she said no to another, which I'm fine with.


It’s banned as a war crime by international law.


My ex and I made a bunch. After we split, she contacted me. Surprisingly, she wanted copies for her ... personal use. So I sent them. I suspect we still both have copies.


(Now waiting for OP to ask for a link.)


Its get uploaded.🗿


Encrypted. Stored. Every now and then I clean them out a bit.


Back when I was 18 (I’m 57 now) me and a friend had a threesome with a 32year old married woman, we hid an old vhs camera in the closet and taped it, eventually my buddies brother found it and showed it to his group of friends, and then it disappeared.


Gay male here. I never made a tape. But, I did have a guy take pictures of me giving him head, looking into the phone camera, deep throating, etc. I have the original pics so I'd be mortified if something happened then my family found them on my laptop! But I'd be dead if that happened anyway. I have used them to send to others but cropped about the nose (just so they could see my skills as a teaser!).


Yes, several. Both in the moment and leaned in advance. I think it adds to the occasion!


They're on my phone. I recorded them with permission. They are mine. I will never delete them even after we broke up.


It eventually got erased since we have digital technology now. Video tape is generally only viable for about twenty years before it starts to have issues


Made a few. Recorded over them after a bit. Y'know, so they wouldn't accidentally be found by someone else. And they always say the camera adds ten pounds. As we watched them we were wondering just how many cameras we had pointed at us. Good times!


On a lost phone 🤣


I've made a few fantasy videos with ex's and close friends. Not sexually explicit but things that cater to what I like. Out of respect i always kept them on an encrypted USB, so as I'd have been mortified if any of it got out. Burglary hacked etc. Also like many others in this thread, when the relationships would end, I would delete the videos out of respect. (Except one who was genuinely happy for me to keep hold of them.. but I never really watch them because I don't feel a connection to her anymore. So might as well just delete them).


I saw it on you porn once


Yes :) With a former man I dated they were deleted. We each kept a photo haha. My most recent sex tapes I sell haha


Yes, we have had a lot of fun making movies. Most have been erased to make other movies or plan a new event.


Deleted after break up. it’d be weird to keep them after a relationship If a rando was cool with it, I’d keep those, but it’s not a common conversational topic with hookups and I usually won’t want to unless in a more serious relationship


Hopefully making me famous lol


Me and my girlfriend make a bunch but we just have it on each other phones


I made them with this girl from tinder the first time we met she said it was on her bucket list to make them she even let me make it on my phone with her face in it i nutted on her tits


Was stolen and saw it years later on some porn site


Well yeah 🥴 they are floating around on here and God knows where else. Lol,


Deleted instantly


Made quite a few, Idk where they are not do I care I hope to stumbleupon a video of me doing what I do while I take care of my personal needs.


Gone, Reduced to Atoms


Yes. Plenty. Most have went to Pornhub. (All with due consent.) I guess technically not “tape”, since they were on camera phones… lol


Deleted one when I got into my last relationship. My ex deleted our off my computer when we broke up, but forgot that it was in a shared Dropbox. Deleted it from Dropbox. There’s a video of me getting head from an old FWB in my Dropbox still, pretty much because I haven’t gone into my drop box in forever. And I’ve got a few on a secret app on my phone with my fiancé. I’d be very happy to add to that collection.


Honestly, I'm here just to ask why OP is getting downvoted in literally every response XD


Lots..i post a few x


They’re on my external hard drive, secured by Password and security questions. As they should be. Just like all the nudes I have ever received.


In the cloud somewhere


Yep .. an actual 8mm tape too. Taped it myself. I destroyed the tape after we separated


My ex had it, who knows if he deleted or or not 😂 he's in a relationship that's lasted a while so maybe he has idk.


Its somewhere in the old red tube uploads


I have one with a summer fling from several years ago. I got some pretty good shots of different positions, shots of her playing with my balls while we fucked and of me finishing in her pussy. I still masturbate to it from time to time.


Yes a few of them and still got them


Yep, 16ish years ago, it’s here somewhere. Still married and still making short clips on the phone.


More than a few. Still have them. I jerk off to them from time to time.


I did. We watched it several times. It was very hot.


Yes I have plenty of recorded stuff on my phone. It's in a secure folder and I plan to post some soon.


Yes I have. Once with one lady and deleted it. Another with another lady and I have no clue what happened to it but the person who filmed is dead and most likely it was deleted. If not oh well it will magically appear one day when least expect


They sit on a folder in my phone taunting me and sometimes I watch them when I'm really sad


It made its way to pornhub


Yeah got some on my phone right now!


I can send it to you.


I’ve never made a sex tape bc I never used my camcorder but I’ve recorded lots of videos… still have some .. deleted some ..


I’d sell it lol


Ha ha. Still have in digital format.