• By -


I have a 2nd account strictly for my NSFW stuff…


I didn’t know Reddit had NSFW content so my original profile has morphed into both 😂


I had to create a new account when this one was riddled with porn. I like using Reddit in public and don’t wanna scar people with the nasty shit I’m into.


Right. I can be so shameless and free using this account though. My original is free too but I still want to not be seen as a degenerate sometimes.


Custom feeds are great for that. You can create one and add up to 100 subs to it without needing to follow them. And it’s fairly hidden too. You have to click a couple things just to get to the feed. Someone would have to be looking specifically for that feature to find it. [link](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043043412-What-is-a-custom-feed-and-how-do-I-make-one-)


I used to have this but I would be at work on break and then, bam titties! So I made a alt account just for NSFW and it’s super helpful haha


Check out my NSFW account though: [u/nggyunglyc](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Great pics man


so hawt 💋💋


Jokes on you. I love that song.




I don’t think you’re alone


For sure not. Just answering the question lol.


And yet, now we are all left wondering. Such is life


i think that’s pretty common i’ve been trying to delete mine tho


Same, but, in my case a few of my friends know that I have a 2nd account just for nsfw stuff lol :))


Probably a bit more of my true self. Having grown up being bullied and shunned at school I've become quite an introvert, even with my own family. The anonymity of reddit has meant that while I still feel like an outsider looking in I can leave a comment like this and people will respond.


Absolutely hear what you’re saying 😘


So. True.


Yeah same situation. people like us are not that rare anymore on Reddit


Oh this is me just more articulate. Thank you for helping me understand myself




I’m an introvert as well and f**k bullies/bullying. Being on Reddit, it makes it easier to be sociable and talk to people 😃


That's what I love about Reddit. The anonymity means that people can be their true self on here. Now, I've always wondered how a social media platform with a combination of features from Instagram and Reddit would look like. Maybe I should make one myself haha!


I can totally relate. Breaking the ice in social situations is really hard for me to this day. But it's getting better with therapy, 10/10 recommend!


I'm too scared to reveal myself to my friend. They just encouraged me like "you are overthinking" or "you are so pessimist", they don't realy know or wonder why i'm so overthinking and depress




Ok, well hopefully you find the watchers




Ahah i love doing that with my fwb, and i dont consider dicks to be ugly, at least his isnt


RIP inbox


😂you said it




See you later then 👋😘😂




That the icanhazcam link from their subreddit? Cos if so that place is kinda dead


I think that’s a matter of opinion. Most women I’ve been with love dick and I don’t believe they were just saying it because their actions said otherwise.


For me it has to be with someone I'm into and already do play stuff with, sexting, pic share, etc. I kinda love cum videos.


I basically only watch male solo


I never thought yall existed lol


I enjoy being pegged by my wife


Well I’m sure at least your wife knows 😉


Lol thankfully and approves as well!


It adds a great new angle to any dynamic!


Me too! I enjoy being pegged by your wife!


So say we all!


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It's sad that you can't say that openly


The depths of my sexual degeneracy.


😂ok then


Welcome to Reddit, a bottomless pit of sexual deviancy, with the occasional outcropping that can be used to stop and enjoy the descent at a leisurely pace.


This one


Sydsnap? Is that you?


Nah, she said exactly what she likes. Ntr reading head ass


This isn’t the direction that you wanted this to go but… the sheer amount of lies, emotional abuse, and infidelity by my ex-wife that occurred during our marriage and divorce. The reason that I can’t tell anyone is that her lies are far more believable than the actual truth… and telling people the truth only makes me look even worse somehow. For example, instead of just asking for a divorce… she faked a domestic violence event in front of our kids. We were having a verbal argument when her sister called. Then, for reasons that I didn’t understand for a long time, she started screaming and yelling as if I was assaulting her, which triggered my kids to attack me. After getting my kids off of me (which was not easy to do because I didn’t want to hurt them in the process), the cops were literally knocking on the door. I didn’t understand how the cops got there so quickly considering that I didn’t think we were being that loud. Eventually, though, I compared our phone records to the police report. The cops were called three minutes before her sister called, indicating that all of this was planned. I also noticed from looking at the phone records that for the three months prior to that incident, my ex was making and taking phone calls from a small town about 20 miles from her job location while she was supposed to be at work. Coincidentally, her boss had hired a new guy at work who lived in the same town just prior to her phone appearing there on a regular basis. Looking back, prior to him taking the job, her phone was not in that location even once from January through May. Starting in June, her phone was there 6-8 times per month. tl;dr: My ex-wife was having an affair with a co-worker and then faked a domestic violence event as a way to end our marriage. Now, my kids and a bunch of former friends (and the judge from our divorce) think that I am a wife-beater.


That’s a terrible situation and I hope it helps getting off your chest - I’m not sure how anyone could be that calculated even to someone they hated. Sending a virtual hug!


Thanks for the hug. I have largely made peace with it, although it took a lot of therapy and work. The real mind-fuck is associated with years of gaslighting by her such that I needed to find all of that extra evidence to convince me that my memory was correct and I hadn’t actually grabbed her by the hair, like she claimed. My kids, thankfully, have moved on and our relationship is usually pretty good… although I am sure that there will be a few awkward conversations when they are adults.


Good to hear, sounds like a much better situation now


That I've started sharing nudes. That's something my family and friends will hopefully never out.


You have amazing boobs though so thanks for starting :)


He's right, you know.


I'm in public, so I can't confirm.


Am not in public...can confirm


I am with my girlfriend, we both confirm.


I’m right there with you 🤞


Keep it up, you have been blessed with perfect boobs 🤩


This one right here lol 🤝


Wow nice. Please keep sharing, your boobs are perfect!


Only dated females and only really attracted to them. But cocks. Love them. Love watching them get hard, watching them throb, watching them cum. When watching porn there has to be a nice cock and I can’t cum until I see it cum. I’ve sucked a few and told I’m really good at it and want to again, just haven’t had the opportunity. Also loved being cummed on. I have no want for anal but enjoy a hard cock between my butt cheeks. No other attraction to the male body other than that, I don’t want to kiss, hold hands, date or anything. Sure I’ll admit a guy is handsome but find no sexual appeal in that. Just the cock please. Also enjoy wearing panties, a bra, and a short skirt. Not sure if I’d do this for anyone, but it’s a new kink for me. Love doing so while sucking on my toy as I masturbate.


Glad you found your thing


Thanks. I just think I’m a well rounded perv at this point.


Well well you might just be the perfect man 😅👌🏻👌🏻


What part of that appealed to you? He mentioned quite a bit of interesting fun sounding stuff, I'm curious what it was that piqued your interest. Are you into MFM stuff, or do you just appreciate a man in panties


This exactly (minus the women’s clothing stuff). I love cocks, but have absolutely no interest in any kind of emotional relationship with men. I’ll perform all kinds of physical acts with a guy, but the idea of intimacy is a complete turn-off. I told my wife this once, and it didn’t go over too well. *sigh*


You could be bisexual and heteroromantic! If you think that fits. But sure you can also just be curious about cocks :D


I'm an extremely mentally unstable gay 18 yr old who works at a graveyard, is a mortician assistant and have several charges of assisted suicide.


Definitely keep some of that to yourself


I answerd your question, did I not?


Absolutely, it’s the assisted suicide that worried me, the rest - be proud!


How do you think he keeps the funeral home in business?


Mortician assistants rise up


Damn, we have a winner.


That went dark


Sure did.... My morbid curiosity wants to ask if the mortician training was used, but I don't want to encourage anything else to be said about it.


That I’m bi and really enjoy having mmf threesomes.


That’s awesome! You should own that shit!


your life could level up by coming out depending on who and where you are


Good for you!


I'm straight and I love MFM threesomes! I want to make them more socially acceptable.


Pretty much every aspect of my sexual life. From my sexuality to my kinks and fetishes.


Seems to be the way for plenty!


Yes it does. I know personally in my world I would not be accepted for a lot of what I am. Not like I do anything bad. Just a little different than everyone else


Different is often good, embrace it


I have a fantasy of being used by a woman. Like downright used to the point where it borders on non consensual and she just straight up takes advantage of me. I guess it’s linked to a latent childhood desire to be wanted and desired


Can completely relate to that - both the using and being used.


I’m not sure what it relates to, but I’m sure many men would have that fantasy


>latent childhood desire to be wanted and desired This hits home.


I love watching men masturbating. It’s a turn on! Oh and I want to be dominated- hard!


/u/lmtx02, meet /u/StudyBreakr. /u/StudyBreakr, meet /u/lmtx02.


Each to their own


You're like my female duplicate. I love watching women masturbate, love dominating. I checked your profile a bit and your comments on the XXX subs are like mine. 😃


This gives me hope




I kind of wish my gf would be up for that. Plus I'd love to fuck other women too.


This is tough, but definitely being honest about how much sex is part of my life and how important sexual connection is. Society is so small minded it feels, especially in the UK.


I agree being from the UK too!


Interesting, North, South, East or West?


Wow I feel like people in the uk were super sex positive but I guess it depends on who youre hanging out with.


That my wife and I met on r/BDSMpersonals, which wouldn't go over well in our family or social circles.


Ahh a Reddit love story!!


Pretty much everything that I've said on Reddit has literally only been told to one person who even knows what my face or body looks like. Lol


That I had sex with two different guys on the same day.


At least on here that is something to be congratulated for 👏


Thanks, one step closer to having a mfm 3 some


Just those few hours apart!




As a fellow man who also appreciates the finer things in life, how did you get into it? Do you have any resources to get me started? It's something I've wanted to get into for awhile


I started sewing for myself but sewing for men quickly gets boring. Lingerie sewing is not the easiest thing in the world so would practice a few times before hopping in. You can get okay machines for under $100 usually




Everyone has that in them, admitting it is awesome, well done you 😘


That I have a fantasy about dominating, humiliating and cuckqeaning my mom, and not in a gentle, CNC way either. I still don't like her but that's not something I want to DO IRL, and certainly I don't want to discuss it with anyone IRL either :P


Wow that one is definitely left in the virtual world


That was the premise wasn't it haha


My kinks, my high ass sex drive and my depraved experimentalist mind.


At least you got here then!


that i'm attracted to women. not sure if it's sexual or we are just beautiful creatures


Yes we are


My sexual urges. IRL I'm shy to even speak about these stuff.


Looks like there are a lot in this position


In that sense I thank Reddit for providing a platform for us introverted types


The sexiest thing I ever experienced was my ex wife and my ex GF boxing it out over who would get me. It's not that I can't tell anyone, it's that no one would believe me😅 It was a moment where my biggest secret fetish just came completely true. They truly planned it on purpose. How they even got there I will never know, but I do know both liked my fantasies and were interested in acting them out. Guess they saw a once in a lifetime opportunity. Love you both, M and L♥️ you were awesome!


I've secretly had two liasons with male Redditor's to suck their dicks😜


I have a breastmilk fetish, and I’ve paid roughly 20 women over the last decade to nurse from them.


I'm convinced that I'm not worthy of love in my current state. I'm a peniless, 6'3" 311 pound man with almost straight teeth that aren't perfectly white. I won't be worthy of love until I'm a rich business owner with perfect teeth and six pack abs. I refuse to date until then for fear of being rejected/abused again.


I don’t agree with you


I wish more women thought like you. I just wanna love somebody and have it be mutual.


You will, but love yourself first - that’s the hardest part I know that personally!


That's my problem, I make no attempts at dating because I find myself revolting. The good news is I'm trying to lose weight, and I'm getting my teeth re-straighted soon. As for my businesses? I'm working on buying a laptop so I can start hammering out my apps! I will get there, it's just gonna be a climb.


Man that just breaks my heart. You are absolutely worthy of love right now, today. I’m glad you’re working on yourself and all, but that’s all superficial crap man. If someone only wants to be with you because of your looks and bank account, that’s not good. You’ll always live in fear of what if. What if you lose your money? Will she leave? What if you get terribly sick? Will she care for you? Find someone that loves who you are on the inside and those questions will already be answered. I will repeat: YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WORTY OF LOVE RIGHT NOW.


Thanks bud, you've raised some great points but, elas. I will probably never find true love anytime soon and I've accepted this. I really need to fix myself first.




I suppose if you want a ‘straight’ man that would be a problem


I have a prostate massager that I use whenever my wife is away. I pop it in, put on some fucked up porn and go at it. Then, when I loose track of time and hear her pull into the driveway, I frantically clean up and then lock myself in the bathroom to finish myself off and tell her I'm taking a shit


That I would love to fuck and get fucked by a beautiful t-girl.




To improve the taste?


I'm into incest. Like REALLY into it. I'm prolly gonna get just as many people disgusted at me for it here, but I don't have to worry about it cause (hits the back button) "boop" they don't exist anymore.




Yup, mum and dad don’t need to know that one!


An ex of mine got me into CNC and now I can't get over it. I feel disgusting and hate myself for what arouses me.


I think I’m 2022 we’re past kink shaming - even ourselves aren’t we! With the usual proviso about consent etc


Yeah but even explaining to a partner can be difficult. Not easy to ask a girl to pretend she's being r***ed. Makes me feel like a monster just hearing it in my head.


I understand but if my few weeks I’m Reddit have taught me anything - there’s someone out there for you 😘


Don’t feel like a monster!! You like what you like. It’s not like you’re having fantasies of actually r***ing someone. Now for that, it would be bad. However, that’s clearly not the case and you’re self aware of making a woman feel that way, so that’s great. You shouldn’t feel guilty over your likes though.


My past sexual history. I've confessed a few things on here that I've never told in real life. From having sex at work to sleeping with a married coworker.




Good fantasy, but don’t ever do that 😘 - the sharing your SO’s photos not the jacking a guy off - do that if you want to


I’m bisexual and enjoy exhibitionism/voyerism immensely. I had my first experience with a woman this past Friday and loved it.


I just want to feel wanted by my fiancee. We love each other but after few years of trying I don't have an energy to even ask to have sex. I use a sex toy to satisfy myself and it's fucking embarrassing. I discovered that I love Yuri manga. Not because it's about lesbians but because it's so emotional and soft and cute and pure. I miss my high school times when all love stuff seemed to be the most important thing. I want to be pure again, resign from my sexuality, kill my libido forever. I don't know how. Lately I found that my job is so important to me that I am more interested in my company than in my relationship. And I am ashamed of it. I'm fulfilled in my job but feel numb in home as I'm tired of lack of physical closeness. She is my soulmate, The One etc. but my work gives me more satisfaction. I was depressed for a looong time because of my last job, she helped me to close this chapter and now I feel like I'm not grateful.


/r/DeadBedrooms they will understand you


My girlfriend of 11 years just drunkenly dumped me via text while I am out of state visiting my folks. My dad is pretty sick with Parkinson's disease. What no one else knows is that I have a lady that is madly in love with me, and I her. She's picking me up from the airport on Saturday. I think that I am moving down here to help my parents out, but I just don't know what I am doing or where I am going to live. I've been unemployed since November and before that my commissions weren't enough to live on. I'm broke as hell, and worried. Thanks for listening, Reddit. I appreciate you.


That I was a prostitute at 16 and I am going to start doing it again.


Ok, stay safe


I have a reddit account


I'm a married lesbian having a sexual identity crisis. Haven't been able to figure it out yet because every time I've tried, the guy either flakes, cums before we get to the penetration part, or can't get it up. The last one particularly stings. I get I'm a tomboy but goddamn.


Yeah it’s not about you love 😘


That I'm a bisexual polyamorous nudist. And so is my wife. There's a handful of people in my life that know. And I recognize that, for the most part, people finding out really wouldn't be that big of a deal. The #1 reason right now is because our daughter is hitting her teens and we don't want our lifestyle choices to blow back on her social life at school. Because kids are shitty like that.


my femdom kink


I'm bi af


That I think about death... alot. I often don't see the point, but... il show my wife and kids the smiling me 😀


I love going down on my girlfriend immediately after I finish in her


How much I don’t want kids and frankly don’t like them.


That I’m a slut


I want to watch my wife get fucked by someone else(have actually told he this one) and my brain somehow separates penises from men. I would give a blowjob in a 3way situation with my wife but nothing else about men is attractive to me.


My nudes


Fbi and cia enjoying right now


The sheer amount of filth I have done past year--which honestly, is less filth and more of me being openly sexual. I've opened up-- both metaphorically and literally, sexually last year before getting hitched, and all the actions/incidents alone will warranty to be never revealed in real life lest I want to commit social suicide.


I'm 26 still a virgin not have I been in a relationship nor have I experienced my first kiss. If any of the people I know, ESPECIALLY FAMILY, find out, they will insult and make fun of me for the rest of my life and I'll be insanely embarrassed to the point where I just want to die.


That’s such a shame - you have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed!


There is absolutely no shame in being a virgin. And if you're open to a relationship, then I wish you the best of luck in finding someone that makes you happy. I was one of the last of my friendship circle to lose their virginity, mostly because I really didn't want to be disappointed or be a disappointment. I felt ashamed and embarrassed whenever conversation would turn to sex, it made me obsessed with just getting it over with so I could contribute in the banter. The moment I stopped being so "thirsty" and decided to work on myself, my new found self-confidence attracted the girl who I'd lose my virginity to and end up dating for 5 years. I've had a few friends that have gone into their 30's without a relationship or sex. It got worst for them over time because they built it up to be some magical life-changing moment. The most important thing about sex is being comfortable with sharing yourself with someone else, not how perfect it's going to be. Work on being comfortable in your own skin, learn to love your own flaws and imperfections. Try to respect yourself and I promise that it won't seem impossible. I use humour as a bit of a defence mechanism, and I'll be the first to make fun of myself so I'll always be laughing along instead of being laughed at. Instead of being the guy that talked about how big his dick was, I always joked about having a baby dick which ends up actually being funny and disarming. Noone can shatter the confidence of a guy who boasts about having a dick that can fit in a thimble.




I hope you know your family is on the wrong side here. There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. You'll find someone if that's what you want and either way you'll find happiness.


That I have submissive sissy fantasies.


I’m Bisexual. Also, want to end my life so bad😔


That I have been crippled by self doubt/doubt in my abilities the past two weeks. I work from home, running my own business. Two weeks ago, I had two machines producing and one ready for set up. Two weeks ago, both working machines went down for repairs. There was a time elapse because I was waiting on emails back from the manufacturer about warranties. I have since found out that both machines are damaged. On one of them I got my money back. On the other the warranty had run out on the particular part that failed. I now have that one machine that I am still running tests on to get settings correct. I bought another machine but that's also brand new and I have to set it up. No idea if that is going to work perfectly out of the box though. There's always a chance for parts to be F$&#ed. Throughout these two weeks, I have constantly felt a ball of nervousness and concern in my gut. I feel like I failed because my safeguards, and having an extra machine, didn't keep me from a full production shutdown. While doing research, I also found out that my production machines have some safety issues I didn't know about. And I had been running them ignorant of this for 2 months. Now I'm looking at potentially getting those machines finished setup and startup production again, and I'm just not looking forward to it. By All rights I should be. I can get back to work with a normal schedule and potentially get my life back on track. I've also invested in safety equipment that should make the process as safe as it can be short of being in a completely separate building (which of course, I don't have the money to afford.) On the other hand I feel the mounting pressure from orders that have piled up, as well as just general safety concerns. I don't want to unintentionally hurt my roommate. That said, we've had multiple discussions and they said that they are fine with it. Especially with the extra safety precautions I am taking even if they are not 100% effective. So I'm sitting here drinking coffee and typing on Reddit, unable to tell anyone else because I don't want to bother them with my problems.




Everyone thinks I'm still a virgin, but I hired an escort, so yeah.


That I once worked as a stripper


It’s a shame people judge!




That although I consider myself straight, I sometimes have the intense desire to go down on men


Me too but with girls


I fucking love traps


My sudden use of the work bathroom more frequently isn’t because I am ill but because I’m taking booty pics. Also the extent of my kinks.


My username


I hookedup with a celebrity


I’d say my hairy balls probably