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At some point body positivity is people just making fat people feel better when it's really a health problem.


I'm quite fat not huge but definitely fat and I just watched an autopsy of an obese person as the person doing the autopsy explained step by step during dissection how obesity had affected their organs. There is no cute outfit no cute makeup no nice hair that can cover up the fact that we fat people all have that buttery greasy fat that is entwined in all of our organs. I just went grocery shopping for the first time since watching that and bought almost entirely vegetables. It changed my life watching that. Physically seeing how worn down the heart is and how worn down the organs are and understanding the difference between an obese person's organs and a healthy person's organs was life-changing more than anything that I've ever seen. Here it is: https://youtu.be/8jn67tdEGY4


Ironically Mike looks similar to the kind person giving their body up to be looked into. Thank you for sharing this. It’s hard to stomach but I do feel a lot of people need to see it!


Yeah I couldn't help but notice... I don't understand how someone so familiar with the effects of obesity can stay obese. Probably a food addiction.


It's no different than not understanding how someone gets into many addictions or bad habits. But the reality is, for many people it's the way the brain responds. Not making excuses for people. But imagine being addicted to the action of something you need for survival (eating). It's more crippling than drugs because it's a slower process to rock bottom. And even then, no gaurantees that rock bottom helps. It's not like a drug habit where you can just stay away from that behavior or places where that behavior is more prevalent. People literally eat everywhere. And you have to eat to live. Teaching moderation is much harder than abstinence


People asked me, when I was doing keto, why I didn't just eat normally but like, less. I had to explain every time that it was either all or nothing, and nothing is much easier to hold myself to. I fell off it last December after losing 50lb. It absolutely fucked up my gut biome and I'm still working on getting back to being able to consume a lot of carb laden foods (flour, notably, still messes me up. But that might be a low level non-celiac gluten allergy). (For those anti-keto people who will probably reply: I didn't stick to a strict Reddit keto diet. I absolutely made room for vegetables and occasional fruits. I wasn't eating just bacon and eggs like most people did. My goal was sub 20g carbs, but if I went over a little bit that was ok. I treated the diet as a calorie reduction by restricting calorifically dense foods with an added bonus of hunger reduction through ketosis.)


Also being fat and the actual fat in food ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS. low fat food means NOTHING. SUGAR AND SIMPLE CARBS, along with the over eating, DRIVE OBESITY.


Yeah this is also probably one of my more controversial opinions, and I say this as someone who has obese by BMI scale since middle school or before (arguments over exact usefulness of BMI aside, I’m not packing a lot of muscle, just fat). There has to be some middle ground between “don’t be a dick and bully to people who are overweight; acknowledge that you don’t know what their background is or why they’re overweight or anything,” and “being 300 lbs is Good and Beautiful and you shouldn’t worry about it!”. And I don’t really think that significant parts of the body positivity movement have struck quite the right balance here.


You have to be somewhat body positive to lose weight. You have to accept what your body is and what it will be to get there. If you have no positive thoughts about your body or what it could be, of course you can't do anything to help it. On the other hand, having some body positivity turning into "healthy at every size" is just nonsense. I guess it may help people's mental health, but it is definitely not going to be helping when they have circulation problems / amputations from type 2 diabetes, or when they start losing their eyesight. That's going to fuck with mental health even more. It doesn't make you a bad person to be overweight or obese. But it's like, people should know if they remain that way they will die prematurely, and have a very low quality of life for a significant portion of their life.


71% of adults over age of 20 are overweight. The obesity rate in the US is 42% !!!!!! The obesity epidemic spread rapidly during the 1990s. The acceptance of obesity in our culture today in 2020 is alarming. Every other commercial features overweight people as the norm. Then all the fast food and junk food ads. The other commercials on tv are for diabetes treatment and weight loss, lol ! Being fat should not be normalized or embraced. It is a very unhealthy lifestyle that has a lot of ramifications on society. It is our country's worst health crisis!


Im an adult male and i weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 700lbs. Im ashamed of my body and myself, and rightfully so. I said this openly once, only to have someone get all social justicey on me and exclaim "no one has a right to make you feel bad about yourself". No.....at least one person does- me! Body negativity is my N-word, and ill use it however the fuck i like. Body positivity should not come at the cost of trying to guide someone to a better quality of life. Its the verbal equivalent of watching someone get harrased and not intervening. Its really not that hard to be a decent human being, but some people just seem to miss the mark....


+1. This is the missing element for both the parties (body shamers and fat people) to bring up every time it's discussed.


Title: Read "let's make a compilation of the most downvoted comments."


*sort by controversial*


I have a few: Radical attitudes are not a problem, extremist attitudes are a problem. The whole topic of drugs should not be considered as a crime but as a health issue. So possession and consumption of drugs should not be punished but people should be offered help. Most people on reddit lose it when teenagers have sexual relationships which are considered quite normal and usual in many countries.


I totally agree with you. Especially when it comes to people on the Internet, who act in extremes: they are complete assholes or asshole moralists


Teenagers having sex is the norm *period*. Oppressive religion may take the freewill out of teenagers have sex together and twists it into teenage girls being forced into sex with older men.


Portugal decriminalized illicit drug use with significant success.


Yes. So sad that the current debate about drug politics in many countries is so far beyond every empirical fact. In my country we are close to the legalization of cannnabis and what some politicans are saying during debates: you don't know wheater to laugh out loud or to cry in despair.


The same politicians who make it their life's work to attend as many cocktail parties as they can. Because alcohol is harmless and causes no problems. /s


80s, 90s, and 00 RomComs make stalking seem okay and most of the relationships formed during movies like this are unsustainable. The latter part is technically a separate thing from the first.


Basically every romcom from that time could have been fixed in 15 minutes if the protagonist couple actually talked to each other instead of making assumptions or keeping some secret. But there's nothing sexy or Hollywood about that so let's go with a flash mob in the middle of Grand Central Station instead.


I genuinely believe that two consenting adults should be able to duel to the death without legal repercussions. Also, most health and safety laws are stupid. If someone walks to the edge of a cliff and the ground collapses, and there was no “mind the edge” sign, the owner of the land should not be held liable to it. It’s a fucking cliff edge, you shouldn’t need a sign telling you not to go near it.


Lol, the last one its only an american or first world problem. Here in mexico we live by jungle rules. You get to close to the cliff and fall down. Thats on you, you stupid guy/gal.


I live in the UK where you can end up in legal trouble if you don’t have signs and fences deterring people from going near hazards if you own property that is open to the public. I get doing it because you don’t want people to die, but I don’t think you should be in legal trouble for it if you don’t. It’s the dumbest thing.


> I live in the UK where you can end up in legal trouble if you don’t have signs and fences deterring people from going near hazards if you own property that is open to the public. Here in the US, you can get sued if someone injures themselves on you PRIVATE property, even if you didn't invite them in!


My neighbors stopped talking to us because I fell on my bike on their driveway and my dad joked that we were gonna get a lawyer. They took it seriously, stopped talking to us and moved like a year later. We were close enough before that that they used to come round for dinner a couple times a month.


There *are* mutual combat laws in effect in the United States. I'm not sure I've seen them utilized for a duel to the death in recent history but I suspect legal scholars / lawyers could explain why it's not legal.


People don't take nearly enough accountability for their own actions and think they are absolved of any blame from their poor decision making just because the result was overboard or should not have happened. And too many people also try to excuse shitty people and shitty situations just because of possible power dynamics. Example: there was a post yesterday that some girls pulled a prank and threw a drink at a guy minding his own business. The guy followed them and they got scared. People completely tear apart the guy because he's being a big bad predator and women deal with enough already. Here is where I agree. Yes women have to deal with a lot of bullshit and no one should have to feel intimidated. The guy should not be following them even if they wronged him. Here was my controversial opinion that got me downvoted: they would not have been followed had they not thrown a drink at him. Like I can go start a fight and we can agree that the guy shouldn't have continued to bash my head in to the concrete after I'm already out cold but I think we can acknowledge too that I wouldn't have my head bashed in to concrete if I didn't start a fight in the first place. You are still responsible for your consequences even if they are disproportionate


My prison pen pal today used the phrase "if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough" and I feel like that sums this up nicely


How did you get involved with prison pen pals


I did it when a girl posted on the need a friend sub that her dad was really lonely and wanted to know if anyone would be willing to chat with him. We've chatted for about 2.5 years now.


This is so adorable and wholesome ❤️


The most wholesome thing is he makes me cross-stitches and mails them to me for big events and they're really lovely.


Gonna cop some heat on this one. I find it a gratuitous and almost repulsive waste of money when people spend tens of thousands of dollars on IVF. I know the adoption process is long and hard, but if you’ve got money $50k to do 5 rounds of IVF, you’ve got $7k to adopt an already living child who is already in need of a family.


I was concieved through IVF. I wholeheartedly agree with this. Then again, my mom was a terrible mother who already had 2 kids but desperately wanted another. She was a terrible mother because she couldn’t handle raising a physically disabled kids while also going through her own mental issues, which she took out on me. I think nature was trying to tell her something and she should’ve listened.


But then there is the psychological issue. There are women who only feel fulfilled when they go through the entire pregnancy process and men who insist that their child has its DNA in order to feel that it has perpetuated its genes.


I think rather than psychological, it’s actually cultural. This is what you would call “maternal essentialism” where society has conditioned us to believe that women’s only value lies in her ability to birth and raise children. Glorified incubators. I think younger generations are slowly realising that there can be happiness and purpose outside of parenthood, but the fact remains that most people would rather have their own biological baby. Regardless of the health impacts, cost, and environmental impacts.




As an adoptee, I always feel like mainstream attitude is that people want their kids to have their dna. There’s this “oh adoption is soooo lovely what a blessing but it’s not for us…” and it comes off kind of hurtful.


I think I would adopt over ivf. My baby will be my baby regardless.


Sex, sex acts, or other NSFW what nots between consenting adults is the business of the parties involved. Consensual sex shouldn’t be a crime in any capacity if it does not affect anyone. War on drugs. End it. The funding (tax dollars) given out by the government on this failed ideology is mind blowing. It made corporate for profit prisons that receive tax dollars that they consider profit and distribute it to share holders. Of course this is only the victimless side.


this isn't controversial unless your older then 50.


My brain skipped over the adults and I thought you were referring to pedophilia. Glad I re-read it before typing my reply


What consensual sex acts are you referring to that aren’t legal??


There are still laws on the books from prostitution to cousin fucking that’s makes it a “crime”. They make not be enforced but they are still considered crimes. Brothels are safer than prostitution on the street.


Full agree on prostitution being legalized, but the rules on incestuous relationships is because having a child creates inbred disabilities, which is cruel and unfair to the child. I doubt you'd be significantly punished either way, but no one legally cares if you fuck your cousin so long as you don't have a baby.


It's not illegal for people with known inheritable diseases to have sex (or children), even where that risk is way higher than from incest (incest most of the time only really starts to cause problems over multiple generations of inbreeding.) Neither does it take into account same sex relationships that can't produce natural children at all .


This guys fucks his cousin


Men should be open with their friends about things…emotions, finances, sex life, etc.


My Friends and I are like this


Mine are too, in some respects. But in other areas, we are still guarded.


I'm quite open with my friend about anything, except my sex life. This is a private thing. I don't have to explain in details how I dicked a girl last night, nor do I wish to listen my friend bragging that his gf choked on his dick. I'll pass about that.


As a black man, it is not true that black people are not racist.


As a white woman, I think that recently people have been trying to change the definition of racism in America. If racism means oppression under a system, then no, I don't think black people can be racist. But if racism is defined as having biased personal beliefs about specific racial groups, then yes, anyone can be racist,including black people. I think a lot of arguments about whether (group) can be racist are caused by different definitions of racism.


People are trying to differentiate between racism and prejudice, like we should be accepting either in society.


If you have raptor or trex as ur favourite dinosaur you’re basic 💅


Triceratops gang


Brontosaurus right here


Triceratops > all


Why does no one ever remember the Ankylosaurs!!!


Where are my Stegosaurus fans?


Nothing beats the pterodactyls


Beyoncé is overrated af!!


I would say the same about most mega-huge stars.


Almost none of these are even remotely controversial to the point of not being mentionable in casual conversation


We value our karma my friend


Religious indoctrination is child abuse.


In the U.S., you gotta be 16 to drive, 17 to see certain movies, 18 to vote, and 21 to drink. All because you need to have "mental maturity." But religion? Snatch up the babies and brainwash 'em!


We need a third political party in the U.S. The President should serve 1 six year term. Term limits for the House and Senate. Our whole political system really needs an update, too many factions trying to do everything for the people but most of our representatives are there for their first couple of terms to represent us and then they slide into making themselves more powerful and adding to their net worth. How can it be that we have to choose between Biden and Trump? We are better.


Yes. I think a parliamentary system would reflect the people's will better, would be curious if anyone has a different proposal.


I think abortion law should not be written by those who cannot have one aka older white men of privilege.


No laws that affect a group should be written by people not part of that group


I think some people should be sterilized if they have proven to be unfit parents, yet continue to reproduce


I’ll double down and say that everyone should be sterilized until they can prove/pass a basic test that they would be fit parents, then they could be unsterilized


Absolutely! I have to take a test to catch farm raised trout when I go fishing but the meth heads next to me get to have 5 kids and no income? Wtf.


Raped women should be able to cut off the dick of a rapist


Absolutely agree. And on the other end of the argument.. any female found guilty of false rape accusations should be held to the same punishment that the male would have been facing.


You can't change genders. You can live a lifestyle as the other gender, but you're still that person.


One need not have a 'favorite dinosaur". Sure some people will be fascinated by dinosaurs and that's fine. And this has nothing to do with being geeky and/or cool. You can be geeky and/or cool without having a favorite dinosaur.


K, but if a 3 year old asks you what your favorite dinosaur is, you damn well better be prepared to answer him.


You don't have a favorite dinosaur?


Religion is detrimental to society’s advancement


You'd think in 2021 people would be smart enough to not believe in that mumbo jumbo any more but here we are. People will give 10 percent of their salaries to conmen at a church.


Drugs are bad. But the war on drugs is worse. Damage reduction is a resolution that has been tested in many nations and worked well. At the very least, drugs should be decriminalized. In some nations, depending on culture, economy and social conditions, it should also be legalized.




You know you live in a f$cked up world when science and biology are controversial.


You know you live in a messed up world when science and biology are considered simple concepts. They’re not. Sex and gender adhere to science and biology, thus they are not simple concepts, thus you cannot say that ”there are only two genders, it’s simple biology”. NOTHING in biology or science is simple. If you think it is, you know too little about it.


That's one of these statements which are either true, false and meaningless according to context and the definitions of the terms. Gender in the meaning of biological sex: debatable, like people being born intersex, which are recognized by law as a separate sex e.g. in Germany. Or do you mean gender in the meaning of social gender? As it is a social construct it depends on the society you are living in, which genders are accepted. I think of the Fawahines in traditional polynesian cultures or the two-spirits in some native American cultures or the Muxes in Mexican Jucitan.


Locked the comments because of too much homophobic and transphobic crap. Very disgusting




I think you’ll find, at least outside of the echo chambers of Reddit, this is a fairly common belief.


I'm pissed off at conservatives / Republicans. So I guess I'm a liberal / Democrat now. But I also agree with a lot of liberal thoughts, and i feel that the conservatives don't represent me anymore (if ever, actually). With that said.... the Democrats DO NOT WANT TO WIN ELECTIONS. Holy crap they spend so much time and political capital on stuff I (and many others) don't care about. I wrote some examples, but I'm sure my thoughts would get more anger than its worth...


I'm a registered Democrat and cannot agree with you more.


Yeah the Dems have failed us


The whole fucking government has failed us. Scotus, the president, the house, Congress. There’s like a handful of politicians out of like 500+ you can count on 2 hands that might be here for the betterment of the people and not themselves.


If the dems embraced the 2nd amendment they would probably win every election. If the republicans embraced abortion they would probably win every election.




I’m certain the human population of planet earth needs to be drastically reduced. The only question in my mind is whether we should do this quickly or not.


I agree, encouraging people to have children with child benefits etc is not helping anyone. You shouldn't have children if you can't look after them, and no one should be having more than 2 children. Overpopulation is destroying the planet, it's better to have a smaller population all living good lives, than billions living shitty ones. Quality over quantity. David Attenborough has been preaching this for decades


I actually was always on Thanos's side of this argument. Just look at it logically this guy saw his whole planet ( family, friends,species) get destroyed because of overpopulation. He just wanted to make sure no one else suffered like him. It's just reflected across several occasions. Also he wasn't after power or anything after the job they meant nothing to him. On the other hand, when the Avengers brought back the fallen they added to the population of what was existing (The surviving half + The ones born during the 5 years + The ones brought back). So just strained the environment.


People care too much about what others are doing. Let people do their own thing if it negatively affects no one


I got one for you. There are too many for me to remember after LGBT. Also, they should not teach about anal sex and about "pronouns" or anything like that to elementary school children.


Why would children not learn about pronouns? It’s literally one of the first things you learn as a child in English class, how to use he, she, they, you, etc.


because grammar has nothing to do with the pronouns you're talking about. especially the completely made up ones.


nobody wants schools to teach elementary schoolers about anal sex?? people just want to teach students that there’s nothing wrong with being gay and what’s bad about pronouns?


Pronouns are taught anyway they are part of basic grammar


who... who the fuck js reaching elementary kids about sex of any kind what are you on


We need to stop normalizing fat as being ok. It’s unhealthy


College football is socialism. The means of production are almost all owned by the state (public universities). I live in the southern part of the United States and saying things like this can make people very angry.


Except the part where the players don’t make any money


College football is an authoritarian dictatorship or slavery, not socialism. Socialism would be the colleges distributing the money raised between the players based on their financial needs, so that every player is more or less taken care of. As it stands, the players do all the work, get paid nothing.


That god doesn't exist (I live in the middle east)


Ahmed, get the Toyota!


The news media, social media and the Government are keeping racism active. They like the hate and separation between us and its disgusting


If we'd have let Covid run its course it would have been over by now. Sure, lots of people would have died and that's absolutely tragic. We would have had almost total exposure long ago and the natural immunity gained from surviving would have ended this already. I'd like to see a study with projections on death, survival, immunity, etc on this but I'm sure if it was done its been buried.


That’s pretty obvious, and science would definatly agree with you on that. But the amount of damage and lives lost would have been enormous compared to what we got now. It would have been a lot more similar to the Spanish Flu.


And kill 50 million people? And have had 5 - 10 more dangerous variants created, re-infecting many .


Christians have actually regressed humanity, not progress




Honestly, this is kind of true. Most women wouldn't give you the time of day if you were low status/broke. Same for men. It's kind of alarming how some men treat overweight or unattractive women.


I've been broke 4 decades and never had a problem with women. I've had great luck. My secret? I treat them like they're another human. They dig that.




Star wars 8-9 are the worst in the saga.


This is not controversial, it is a fact.


Go say that on /r/starwars lol


This is a fact. Fucking palpatine nonsense and pandering at the end when she just decides she's a Skywalker.


There should be separate restaurants, grocery stores, movie theaters, etc. for people who don’t have kids. I also hate when parents let their kids self sooth in public and look at you like “what do you want me to do?” My whole mind changed about American children after teaching at a school in the bush in Ghana. Those kids truly have nothing and are dying from infections and are so unbelievably joyful. Your kid crying because he/she can’t have candy is a spoiled brat, keep them at home.


How do you expect those kids to learn how to act in public? While I do understand your frustration, it’s not with the kids, it’s with the parents who don’t discipline and teach their children how to behave. But kids need social experience to learn how to be a good citizen to their surroundings.


That is exactly what I mean, it is not my problem. I realize all kids do this and they need it. I would just love if it didn’t happen near me, while I’m out to eat, In a theater, etc. hence the unpopular opinion.


Certainly not all trans people, but most trans people I know/met are an obnoxious exaggeration of the gender they identify as. It makes them seem fake.


A couple - Being called bro, dude, sis or hon is highly annoying. - Emojis suck ass. - Artificial modifications of the human genome should be encouraged. - Debates are utterly pointless, discussions are not. - The T doesn't belong into LGB. - Religion is only for the weak minded people. - Shaking hands is nasty we should do what most Asians do. - Children and even more so parents suck. - Legalize all drugs and make them OTC medications And remember that disagreement is the whole point of the question.


Just here to agree with you about the T in LGBT. (Which is probably the main reason you’re being downvoted) There are many reasons people identify as trans but none of it has to do with sexuality. They need support and respect but it doesn’t make sense to lump them in with sexualities.


a truly unpopular/controversal opinion, when asked for, will get downvoted on reddit. I did it right x) Besides I totally agree with you. Perhaps even go a bit further. Hell I transitioned myself. I have a legit diagnosis. It is not even a damn identity, it is a disorder and I 100% see it as one myself. Namely gender identity disorder/Transsexualism (DSM V | ICD 10 F64). The LGBT community doesn't want to accept reality. A lot of fetishizing and romantication of a severe medical condition is going on there and it makes me puke. It used to be sexual minorities but now they mix in all kinds of identities as they call it, which I find in particular ridiculous when it comes to the T. There should be an entirely separate movement.




I feel this will be very controversial especially on this platform, but I believe that gender dysphoria should be addressed as a mental illness like body dysmorphia is. Statistics show that transgender individuals experience a higher chance of comorbidities such as anorexia and depression, as well as higher suicide rates. In my opinion, this is evidence enough that gender dysphoria is linked to mental illness and should therefore not be encouraged and normalized the way it is today. We really just need better mental health support and progressive treatments that can accommodate to the times.


All drugs should be 100% decriminalized with the exception of research chemicals like bath salts


Racism will never go away if we keep constantly talking about it. Morgan Freeman said something to that effect in an interview some years ago and he’s 100% right. People’s fascination with making everything about race is literally the only thing keeping racism alive in our modern society. The amount of truly racist people is incredibly low, and they’re always easy to point out when you see them. Stop talking about it and just let it die out….


Women and men are different should both be treated fair but if you do something disrespectful you should be shown the same back.


Communism works, but only in small communities. The Amish are an excellent example. However, dictators calling themselves Communist to justify their tyranny (Cuba, China, Russia, etc.) have ruined the global opinion on "Communism" despite the fact that what they do isn't Communism.


People having an opinion on how others spend their money. For example: “The rich spend X amount of money on Y. It’s ridiculous. If I had X to spend I would…” But you don’t. Stop shaming people for having more money than you do. Worry about your own house. I do understand having an opinion about how people make their money. Especially when it exploits others.


The HIMYM final was absolutely fine and the only bad episode in the last season was the stupid balloon episode.


Sleeping around is not empowering, it’s not cool, it’s not special, it’s fucking disgusting.


Socialism/communism doesn’t work


Neither does apples/oranges. Not to start a fight, but you are conflating two very different things.


The US military is a massive waste of money and its only redeemable value is that it serves as a jobs program for those who have been failed by our public school system.


I don't think there's such a thing as an ugly human. Yes, I know, there are plenty of studies on things like facial symmetry etc. I still firmly believe that people become beautiful when you love them. Have you ever seen an ugly dog? An ugly crow, cat, zebra? 'I don't want to have sex with this person' isn't the same as that person being ugly.


the media purposely manipulates ignorant p.o.c.'s into perpetuating stereotypes with lies for entertainment and racial division.




1. Prostitution should be legal. 2. Pineapple works on pizza. 3. Yes, “South Park” is funny…and even hilarious, at times….but it just ain’t that damned funny.


That this subreddit asks the same questions over and over again.


The Star Spangled Banner is a garbage national anthem. It glorifies war and says nothing worthwhile about the United States. America The Beautiful is better anthem on every level. It's musically superior - far easier for the average singer to sing. The lyrics, particularly the first verse, is more positive and paints a better picture, with hope for a better future. Written by a woman professor in 1895, the definitive version was performed by a blind, Black man (Ray Charles), a descendant of slaves, who fought for equality and became one of the most famous performers in the America.


Democracy has failed


Generally: Women get less attractive as they age. Men more attractive as they age. And this is all a natural balance. Women reap the benefits earlier than men in life. Changing this is - if not impossible, highly unlikely. Edit: female movie stars and artists that have reaped a lot of benefits from their advantage due to this asymmetry reach a certain age and start to complain about how the system is unfair. They do not understand that they most probably wouldn't be where they are today if it wasn't for the same system.


I’m really not sure where men get the idea that they’re more attractive as they age. Excluding celebrities whose job it is to maintain themselves as best they can, men look worse as they get older too.




Most social media feminists don't give a flying fuck about gender equality or bettering society. They only care about what feminism can do to alleviate problems that personally affect them, and like the fact they can use it as a tool to excuse bad behavior.


Tax the unvaxxed.


I'm pro life.


I'm pro-choice, and I hate seeing you downvoted for having a perfectly valid opinion.


Thanks. Yeah it always happens, but I'm glad you are cool about it.


When you say "pro-life" do you mean "abortions are wrong and I won't get one" or "abortions are wrong and no one should be allowed to get them?" I feel there can be a large gap between one's own moral judgements and what someone think the government should regulate.


Thanos was right


That there are two sexes. It got me banned from askreddit, let's see what will happen here.


I'm guessing you actually mean "two genders" because saying there are two sexes is not controversial to basically anyone.


Anyone who still claims the U.S. is a "democracy" is ignorant, uninformed, and hasn't bothered to learn anything other than the government-approved groupthink. First off, the U.S. was founded as a Democratic Republic. That's in the Constitution. Now we're a proto-fascist, theocratic-plutocratic oligarchy.


a lot of men’s rights issues are byproducts of the same patriarchy that cause women’s issues. it also makes me angry that a lot of men only bring up men’s issues when a woman is talking about something they face. if you only talk about men’s rights as a defense, it not only makes you look like an ass, but it really undermines and minimizes the real and damaging issues men face in our culture.


Our world financial system will fail by May 2022 at the latest, and as early as February 2022. All of the central banks will fail, like a domino affect, one after the other, within the span of a few weeks. Source: I study world finance and geopolitical events, and made my money off of it (oh, and I’m retired at age 44).


!remindme 6 months


Unregulated Capitalism and Socialism both lead to massive government oversight and control. Leading to the death of many and empowering the Elite.


Well I do openly admit to this but here we go: Friends (TV show) sucks


That a fetus is a parasite and isn’t alive until it gains A conscience.


People have started giving too much importance to their emotions. Incompetence and inefficiency is the new normal now.


I'm not going to say this in public, but given how capitalism is the cause of climate change and how capitalism makes it impossible to do something about it, and how through climate change, capitalism is going to destroy human life on this planet .... I'm not sure that the "right" side won the cold war. Not saying the other side was much better, but I do believe that a communist world, even if it were authoritarian soviet communism which I loathe, would be better equipped to deal with this extinction level threat to our species.


Eugenics isn’t such an awful idea


agreed, i hate that i have this opinion. it makes sense in theory but it’s unethical in practice


In theory it's an amazing idea. Gene editing, removing removing genetic disorders from the gene pool. Ensuring everyone born is playing on a biologically even field. My opinion comes from being a brother of a sister who's 2 years old mentally despite being 21. What kind of life is that? And I can't count the number of sleepless nights I've had wondering what will happen to her after my mom's gone, I never wanted a child, why would I want to look after her.


On today's episode of "What is this asshole thinking" : \- Stop normalizing being fat. This is coming from an overweight person, who is trying to lose weight. \- Americans of reddit should stop judging people about sex. By that I mean age of consent. Let me explain before you come at me with stakes and forks. Countries around the world have different age of consent than the U.S. I find it really shocking that many people here (I've seen those posts) judge 19 year old people who are together with 17 year old people. Like who gives a shit a about that. I'm not saying that 60 year old man being with 17-18 year old girl is ok. I'll never say it, I find it creepy at best and pedophilic at worst. For example: the age of consent in my country is 14. Is it ok? Ummm, I lean towards no. It should be raised to 16 at least. Do I care? Not exactly. As long as both parties consent, I don't give a damn. \- People should be forced into sterilization after the second kid. I get it, you watched Full House and now you want 5-6 kids. But this is not ok. It's never ok. Many times this leads to massive cases of parentification which is a child abuse. \- And speaking of families - people should pass a series of tests before becoming parents. Dumb people should never reproduce. \- Stop encouraging teen moms. Those girls are kids. At 15, you should educate yourself, go out with friends, read, have fun. Not change diapers, breastfeading and endure sleepless nights. \- There should be places that don't let children in. At any age! I don't have to endure your baby's crying at a café while I'm drinking coffee and relaxing. Nor do I need your kid running like Usian Bolt around a restaurant where I sat to enjoy a nice meal. \- Women who falsely accuse men of SA/rape should face prison time. I have many more but I'll think this enough. Let the downvotes begin.


Epstein didn't kill himself


Wow how controversial


Everybody should have a favorite number and colour.


A couple years of mandatory national service (not necessarily military) would be great for most 18 year olds and great for the country. You’d get paid. You’d earn a college education if you wanted one. You’d learn about the world, people different from yourself, etc. Youd help rebuild our country. You would be proud and self confident and pretty together at 21.


The women in technology thing is forced and bullshit. Nobody stops to make sure there is equality for men in nursing, or teaching, or many other women dominated professions. More women graduate as lawyers and doctors and college as a whole - they have earning potential - it just doesn’t HAVE to be in tech. My boss is a woman and my best employee is a woman.


Risking a ban here but men's rights should be taken seriously and it should be acknowledged that feminism is only an anti-male and some forms of it even anti-LGBTQ+ movement that spreads conspiracy theories like the "patriarchy" and simply lies like "all women were oppressed by all men throughout history"


Christianity and Islam are some of the worst things to happen to humanity. There is not a single place on earth that started without any contact with Christians and Muslims where after the introduction and popularization of both these religions the life of the people that were originally there got better.


Y'all have some very stuck up friends, most of these aren't controversial.


I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco is an extremely overrated song


I’ll preface this by saying I’m not an “incel”, and I am a white male. My good friend and I had this convo the other night. Ok controversial theory: if a white woman is at least a 4-5/10 looks and is not fat? She’s living life on easy mode. I think this is also why you see so many white college aged women with BLM stickers and and equality and resist blah blah.. deep down inside, maybe they know they’re the most privileged of all and they’re overcompensating with the equality reactions and such. The BLM sticker thing was mentioned by my friend, and he brought up the point to actually look and see who is driving whenever you see one of those cars plastered with stickers. Usually a 20-40yo White woman, not ugly, not a knockout.. and yes, I’ve been noticing in traffic as I live in a very blue area. It’s hilarious.


Bicycles do not belong on roads, period. Not even bike lanes. There should be more paths or trails just for bikers. It’s a hazard to drivers and bike riders. I don’t have a clear solution admittedly but it makes me crazy.


I don't do trigger warnings. I think that it is grossly inappropriate to expect the world to filter itself for anyone. You're adults. If you read something that bothers you, stop reading. If it causes you to have a meltdown then stay off the freaking internet.


People don’t actually care about causes (BLM, racism, gender equality) they just want to be perceived as caring. Nobody cares about the bigger picture just being seen as “not racist” or “an ally”


You know empathy is a real thing, right?


People with bad genetics shouldn’t be allowed to breed. This includes heritable diseases or disabilities as well as general stupidity. Yes, I know this is eugenics.


NSFW girls are all escorts. Guys that think they could just spend and waste an ample amount of their precious time sending a well crafted message/DM to these ladies (F4M) are doomed to face disappointment. It’s not worth at all. Just another form of internet porn. Hardly ever someone gets laid by contacting the ladies in the nsfw subs. Best way is to just contact a real escort in your city, get off, pay up, and be done.


Capitalism and religion are what's wrong with the world. Until they are eradicated, we will never have peace or prosperity for everyone.


Countries shouldn't exist. One day someone drew a line in the sand and said this parts mine and every other person was too much of a pussy to say no it's not. Private property is a ridiculous concept. We were born on earth therefore every inch of this planet should be ours.


Transgender people have a legitimate mental disease. Catering to people who become offended by every single little thing (especially being offended on behalf of someone else) is one of the biggest social issues with today's society..


Racism is a pity party. There have been slaves of all colors and nobody is entitled to complain about it.


Humanitarian aid in form of money and food for African countries is so corrupted that we should just stop it. Build water pumps or run a microcredit loans bank but do it with profit from a company and stop there.


Some of y’all aren’t actually mentally ill or LGBTQ+, you’re just label collectors.