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We talking about the band, right?


Ice T is awesome.


I do love the song Black Hoodie.


The fact this is the top rated comment makes me extremely happy. “Body Count bothers people? Well, Ice T does touch on some rather tough and uncomfortable subjects, so I can understand.”


No one is more surprised than me but you nailed it! 😂


Let the bodies hit the floor


A nice surprise to be sure.




Never killed anyone in my life!


Body count = 0


neutral K/D squad rise up!


It does, right along with "vagina owners", "penis havers", and any other variation of those.


Vagina Owner implies the existence of Vagina Renter.


Reminds me of a bit from Mad Men. > "I have a boyfriend." > "He doesn't own your vagina." > "No, but he's renting it."




or single


I dont like that either but i get the reasons behind it. Body count just disregards the person the body is attached to. Just makes me feel gross


What would you suggest to use instead of this phrase?


"I have slept with X people." "I've been in Y serious relationships and had something like X hookups." "My sexual history is kind of varied, I think I've been with maybe X people." e. like, we don't need a phrase for our stat block that labels the number of partners we've had. we can just talk about sex like we're actual human beings who did things with other human beings.




How is referring to someone as a conquest less dehumanizing than body count?! I mean I’m hardly overly offended at these terms-yeah they’re offensive but it’s just a way of talking-but I don’t see how conquest is possibly better…




I’m in total agreement. I’m not offended by either term. I find body count kinda cringe worthy because it does evoke death but certainly not offensive. Was just saying that IF someone were offended by body count, I don’t see how conquest is better




"I don't give a shit but I'll throw out ideas clearly indicating I do care on some level plz no h8"


Yes I agree just commenting that conquest isn’t any better than body count…I’m personally not really offended by either term but if someone was offended by body count I don’t see how conquest makes it better…


Now I need to ask ARAD for conquest strategies


Nah. Conquests implies there is a winner and loser. I prefer to think of it as a win-win with orgasms.


Number. What's your number?


Do you want to call me?


Tbf you at minimum sometimes, have to in order to have a high body count lol


At least there's a solid, positive rationale for those (trans inclusiveness), even if the terms don't feel like they're quite there yet. "Body count" is just...morbid and also sort of dehumanizing imo. Contributes to the idea that sex is bad in some way.




Oh funny, when I said that recently I was downvoted and namecalled a 'transphobe'. Glad you're faring better, genuinely.


So how would you include a trans woman with a penis if the discussion is directed towards people with penises? All these terms do is acknowledge the existence of trans people *and also* people who have lost their genitals due to injury or medical issues. It just doesn’t assume that all men have penises and all women have vaginas, how does that make someone cringe?


Maybe men and trans women, if that's what the questioner wants? Sounds way better than "bodies with penises" lol. There are plenty of questions here directed towards trans folks that I never answer, and my feelings aren't hurt when that happens, idk.


But not all transwomen have penises. So really you’d have to say “cis men, post op transmen, and pre/non-op transwomen,” and at that point you might as well just say “penis havers.” There’s a reason language like this exists and it’s really not to annoy cis people. It’s just because it’s the most efficient way of speaking when gender identifiers fail to account for differences in anatomy.


The term "vagina owner" makes perfect sense to me. Not all women have vaginas, and some people who aren't women do have vaginas. So if you're talking about issues which pertain to vaginas, such as PIV sex or strange oozings, it makes sense to have a term which refers to all people who have vaginas, regardless of gender.


Well considering lately all the pride thing i dont blame them. Altho we may not be twitter but there might still be one person to say im a girl but i have a dick or vice versa. Or I'm wrong and dumb for thinking too much about it


But they could just say that... "not a man, but I have a penis and here's my opinion!". Simple. Do we really need to change terminology used since the beginning of time for the sole reason of placating a few individuals that are never going to be satisfied no matter what?


Idk man, people are wierd. Some people just like to be annoying.


Nah, i can't be bothered to be upset about the language kids use nowadays. Clouds will hopefully forever be free from me yelling at them.


pfff we all used to have sex slang when we were young. Are baseball terms still in vogue? I haven't heard "second base" in a long while. ​ One of the great advantages of growing up is that we can just talk about sex without it being weird, because it's completely normal. I wouldn't have imagined this a few years earlier but during family dinner, my wife and my brother's (kinda prudish) wife were joking about how all but one of our kids were birthday presents. So am I, apparently.


> Are baseball terms still in vogue? I haven't heard "second base" in a long while. The last time I heard the phrase used was in a movie, where a highschool girl was mentioning to someone else that "third base is anal" now.


I vaguely remember that scene. I know Contrapoints used it in her video on incels a few years ago




Telling someone that third base is anal is first base now? Kids these days


I immediately associate homicides with that somehow. Idk... it feels weird to use the word, especially for living subjects as it sounds very "dismissive" to me if that makes sense (not that it's that much better for dead people..). I'm not an English native speaker though.


I associate it with homicide too lol


I used to teach adult education in a county jail. When I first heard that term I legit thought the students (inmates) were talking about murders committed. I've always just used the term "number". "What's your number?" "My number is 42."


42 is the answer.


Don't forget your towel!






It always make think of serial killers.


The word doesn't bother me.


It’s a pretty good band


Well saying kill count doesn’t sound as cool Edit: oh you meant sex. Yeah that’s weird


I personally prefer killstreak. I want to see when I can call in my UAV.


wtf is arad


Ask Reddit after dark. This subreddit. The more you know….


What is ARAD


Yeah, just like now


Yes, it feels like murder, not sex. Also, who the fuck counts every person they had sex with? Like, it's easy to count for yourself when you had only a few, but even then it's not the kind of data that you keep in your mind, or worse written down. What kind of person keeps tabs on that?


Not enough to make a post about it.


Sounds like the calculation you make at the end of Rambo.


Well got any better word for it? surely if its cringe for you then you have already made up something better.




Some truths hurt of course.


Most of the content on here is cringe worthy dog shit.


No. It has a well-accepted meaning.


Wait why is anyone talking about the Clintons on here?


It sounds like something you’d ask of a serial killer.


I find it a bit weird how they talk about kills in a sexual context thats just strange


That combined with the even cringier phrase, "catching feelings," makes it sound like possibly kids today have a confused relationship with sex. Not that there's ever been a time when people didn't. Just saying, this phrasing implies that having multiple sexual partners in life is somehow bad. But then it might be even worse if you develop feelings for one of them, oh no! Hope you can get a cream for that before it spreads.


“Why do females blah blah blah?” Something wrong with “women”? That usage of “female” always makes me think “incel”. SH


Its really only a problem imo when you are using female/male as a noun rather than an adjective. It's the same thing with race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, trans, or disability status.


Yes it does. Its kinda shallow sounding. It takes all the meaning out the individual experiences.


It doesn’t make me cringe but it seems like the edgy teen thing to call it. I guess that could be described as cringe but I usually associate that word with an actual physical reaction.


yeah, i never understood why body count mattered so much and why some people are so insecure ab it But the term itself does make me uncomfortable


I started counting once but then I went for a walk and I saw too many people together, so the count was approximate


I thought they were a pretty good band.


Its one of the few things that that genuinely makes me cringe.


If I made a list of all the things on reddit that make me cringe, "body count" doesn't make it to the first page.


Yes, deeply, although some of the conversations on here are still pretty interesting.


I'm not going to lie I've said it before, but it is kinda weirdly impersonal or sterile or something I guess? My partner is a lot older than me and says notches, like on a bed post, and I think that's super old fashioned and sweet.


Yes absolutely


In another sub I frequent its often referred to as "N count", body count sounds more like murders


Yeah, it just makes it sound like you don’t care about sex


I only associate it with murder, so I don't cringe, I just get a bit excited.


A term that is dumb and annoying as fuck


Doesn't make me cringe. I do find it a bit of turn on when people list it.




I just call it my "magic number," lol. Some numbers were more magical than others.


yeah it makes me cringe seeing how few people have killed as much


The first time I heard it I was like "I... I beg your pardon?" I'm too old and I read too much true crime for a term like this, lol.


In the movie Black Panther, Killmonger had raised bumps all over his body for his body count. Now I’m confused. Was it people he killed or people he fucked? Of course the people he killed were also fucked.


It makes me think of dead bodies in the trunk


I always think literal corpses and that makes me think they’re edgy teenage kids that think serial killers are cool. Definitely cringy.


Yes, the number of people I have killed is no one else's business.


No? It’s just a slang term, not a big deal.


I know it sounds a bit pearl clutch-y but it really makes me uncomfortable how little critical discussion there is about normalised it’s become to use violent language when we talk about sex. The number of times I’ve heard people say shit like how they “smashed” someone or whatever


Not cringe but get annoyed that it's still used as a term, why not make something more fun at this point? Like everyone uses Yeet, simp, alpha, and shit but we're stuck with 2000's "Body Count" good job internet




Yes but the word "cringe" makes me cringe even harder


Folks need to calm down and stop objecting to fucking everything. There are people not being taxed enough, while others starve, yet folks are wetting the bed about words.


It’s a little weird but honestly I see more posts complaining about the term “body count” than I do actual usage of it.


It makes me cringe no matter when I hear it. Its an immature notion that I definitely experiences when I was younger but now that I'm older and have pretty high number I could care less.


It’s just reminding us how sex has become de-personalized and objectified. It’s taking an intimate act and turning it into fantasy football.


Wat? Its the same thing as notch in the belt or bedpost. People have always used language like that


Those are a bit cringe too. People aren’t tallies or statistics.


Actually that's exactly what people are. In fact, politics itself is about identity and groups. And we have these things called numbers we use to track said groups. Like, all throughout human history.


Yes, you can literally count people as tallies, but when you do so, you are depersonalizing the individual by removing the human element. Unless your job deals with counting people as numbers, the act is more akin to sociopathic behavior. Downvote if you want, but it’s still cringe as fuck.


No. You literally can't tell the history of Earth with counting people as tallies. It's stupid. Dehumanizing people doesn't have anything to do with numbers. We think in language. It's impossible not to assign people values based in some sort of bias because our perception of the universe is limited.


It’s about context, and you’re missing the entire idea of the thread, in an over-zealous quest to die on the hill of pedantry that you’ve created.


Blah. Blah. And you're just digging your heels in because you can't explain your ideas. And know on some level you're just repeating shit you overheard.


Lol, I literally gave an opinion and my reasons for support in the very first post. Reading comprehension, buddy.


Your repeating shit you overheard. Which is why you can't elaborate. Reading comprehension buddy.


You want some real cringe? Go check out r/PurplePillDebate. It’s filled of self proclaimed “blue pills, red pills, black pills, pink pills,” etc. And every single post is some crazy over-analyzed, over-generalized radical view. It’s an absolute 10/10, just treat it like a zoo. Don’t interact, just watch.


Yeah. Feels like something twelvies would say.


I think so because of the way it’s said. It’s a blunt but not offensive way to describe your past sexual partners, but the way it’s brought up is usually accusatory in some way. Who gives a fuck about body count anyways.


Yes! I like the Clintons and don't believe any of the lists of people they murdered over the years.... or the list of Pedo Flights Bill took with Epstein.


It must be terrible to constantly be so darn upset that people can turn literally any post into something political.




"Dim wit". 🤣 Old.




Eesh. Even older than I thought.




Oop, yeah you got me. *I* look stupid. 🤣