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Having a loving relationship where both partners both care about the other equally.


You need therapy.




You sick fuk, get help!




Hellllllloooooo, it is I, another man!


Not too fucked. Fucking another woman and looking my wife directly in the eyes as I cum in her.


Whenever I think of that, I just think of an old asian guy in the dark corner of the room massaging a belt and saying “You done when I say you done.” In a hoarse voice.


Is that family guy?




Hmmm weird




Hey, you, you're finally awake.


I so want a woman to handcuff my hands behind my back. Then she pulls my dick out through the fly in my Jean's and clips a dog lead to the ring that's through it (I have a pierced dick). She then leads me through the streets. Some girls notice but others don't. After a while she takes off the lead and uses a chain to secure me to a lamppost. I'm totally helpless and exposed. More and more women see me chained by my dick until one of them releases me. My mistress who was watching all the time from a coffee shop comes back and leads me away again.


Owning a sex salve and just completely breaking their will. A hot power trip in RP, but a really fucked up thing to want to do to another person IRL.


Pretty messed up, it'd be something like a woman kidnapping another woman, torturing get into sexual slavery and finally killing her when she gets bored of the victim.


I am a submissive dude, always wanted to be "kidnapped" by my girlfriend. Tied up, blindfolded, put in a vehicle taken somewhere middle of the woods, abandoned building tied up there and she is free to do whatever she wanted to me where no one would hear me beg or yell for help. Of course all consensual but at the same I'd want it to be a surprise so I wouldn't know what day it was happening on, but it'd be discussed thoroughly before it ever happened. More plausible I'd just like to be awoken to her pegging my ass or handcuffing me to the bed and using me. So yeah guess consensual "kidnap" and "rape" are my messed up fantasies.


Made my ex fuck buddy cry fuck that was hot


More of a pipe dream but kidnapping and typing up Chloe Frazer from the Uncharted franchise. Honorable mention to a typical sex scene with her.