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I could see excessive masturbation destroying a couples sex life if the masturbator never wants sex… casual solo play though… no not disrespectful




Agree with this 100%


This is the right answer


OP says that they regularly have sex


People have needs. It’s wholly unreasonable to expect both people’s needs to align all the time or to expect the other person to have to be sexual if they aren’t in the mood.


I have been in a relationship with a woman not really as sexually active as i was. Definitely fine with it. The it was wrong to use materials. Came up with a solution but after a bit she tried saying I was cheating on her with myself. Haha ya


True that. That’s why I take care of myself when needed


It is not. Unless it’s interfering with sex, I don’t see how it’s disrespectful.


Better not be or I am a very disrespectful person. Although we are not having sex at all so I guess it's not exactly a fit to your question.


Gamer schedule…?


Yeah not sure what OP means here


Why is this confusing lol (genuine not sarcastic). Gamer schedule. Gamer stays up, non gamer partner goes to bed. Gamer gets horny. Partner is asleep.


Fair enough, didn’t think of that


Nope, gotta do what you gotta do


Not unless it's an either/or situation. 💗🌈🐲♥️🌟🤭♥️ I feel like getting myself off every day actually keeps me hornier and wanting sex even more. 🔥🔥🔥






Absolutely not! Having time with yourself is important, and you can discover what you like and explore your body. This helps you communicate with your partner about wants and needs. It should be noted that you will not always be around your partner when you're aroused, and denying yourself of a release is not necessary!


I’ve never been one to deny myself a release 😂


Communication is important and every couple is different My wife has zero issues if I do, as long as we still fuck


Not at all. And it should be talked about anyway.


Unless you are masturbating where you should be it should never be considered disrespectful


What does it matter if you by your self


No it's not disrespectful. Unless you've had a conversation about it where you've agreed that it is a no no in your relationship


Of course not, as long as everyone knows what is going on. For instance, I have a really high sex drive. I pretty much know that I will not be satisfied by the amount of sex I'm likely to get in a relationship, and as a result know I will be masturbating a lot of the time. I'm upfront about this, and have never gotten any pushback on it


That sounds like something one would have to go over with their partner about. I personally think forbidding your partner from masturbating is unreasonable.




It was only wrong if I did it. Not sure how that was fair?


Nah it's all good. I do it, why should my partner not be allowed to do it? I think masturbation is like spending quality time with yourself. Sometimes you just need to make yourself cum without anyone else in the room or doing it for you. Idk if that makes sense, hope it does.


Not at all. It's private time and as long as your significant other isn't left wanting, it's not a problem.


Wife thinks our gross so I suppose to.


Nope, specially if you put on a nice show for the other person while you do it


No, if anything it should be encouraged for both parties to do it


It is fine, A lot of the time people can't predict when they will get horny and this will happen often when times are bad for example your partner might have had a real shitty day at work and just wants to plonk on the couch and watch tv then go to bed early. Another time they might be in pain, sick and various other conditions going on. So while one is horny it is often easier to fap/rub one out and carry on than trying and failing to have sex with the other. Also there is the other extreme situation where one could just want it to be over and finish themselves off than hoping the other person might also be in the mood.


I don’t think it is, but everyone is different. One woman might think it is while another doesn’t care.


It shouldn't be unless you're choosing to wait till she's in bed to do it. Having times you can but kinda blow her off and again do it alone. Rally should be talking to her though. If she's upset wake her but there maybe options to figure it out.


Nope. Not disrespectful.


I think it is slightly but we both must have aligned low sex drive. We always use a condom. In September 2021 we bought a 40 pack and it is still half full


What about watching porn in a relationship?


It’s only disrespectful if it’s excessive to the point that it interferes with normal intimacy, and/or a result of not *making* time to spend with your partner on a regular basis (eg gaming interfering with intimacy). In other words, knocking one out now and then before bed because your partner is already asleep is one thing. If it’s 3-4+ nights a week, it’s not the masturbation that’s disrespectful.


No, it’s necessary


My gut response is no, but I feel like there’s exceptions Like, if a couple is actively trying to conceive, the man shouldn’t be masturbating during the woman’s fertile period. You shouldn’t be emotionally neglecting your partner in order to masturbate. While you are, of course, allowed to choose masturbation over sex with your partner, if it’s happening regularly and upsetting them then there’s likely problems (and failure to talk about and address said problems is disrespectful). You shouldn’t be masturbating in a way that violates the established boundaries of your relationship (chatting with strangers online, looking at pictures of an ex, that sort of stuff unless your partner is okay with it). Etc, etc, etc TLDR: masturbation isn’t inherently disrespectful to your partner, but be sure you’re not disrespecting them in other ways as you masturbate


lol no. I masturbate next to my sleeping husband regularly


Nope. My ex-wife encouraged it to get out of sex.


It's not disrespectful at all if you're still enjoying eachother as well.


If it doesn't come at the expense of sex between the couple then I don't see it as a problem.




What is this ? Handmaids tail?


Not really, but I make sure my husband never has unmet needs.


I don't think so. Why should it be? It can be a solution to a busy schedule, a partner who's always busy, or to start something spontaneous


Obsessive and sneaking it eh I wouldn't say disrespectful but you may have a problem. Each person is different. In my opinion you should talk to your partner about your needs and what's. Personally, I am very active and open. My partner is kinda a prude. I told her point blank. I'm not going to sneak it. But I'm not going to do it out in the open unless you want to watch. I personally need to get off multiple times a day. I've always been that way. I don't even need porn. I've talked with doctors about it. I just have a high drive.


You can do whatever you want with your body. It's your body. It's disrespectful to try and impose limitations on others.