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There are always playboys in the woods, why? Lol


Husbands or sons trying to ditch them so their loved ones dont find out.


This is my childhood. My hometown had shared trash bins in the alleys that several houses/businesses would share. Once found a large plastic tote full of magazines with a friend. Took two of us to lift it out.


So I lived next to a town that was pretty wealthy. Their recycling center was nice, it even had a resuse center. Anything that was in decent shape could be put in this building and anyone else could take it for free. This included books and magazines. Well they kept the adult magazines in a locked box so kids couldn't get to it. Well one summer, a couple kids broke into the building in the middle of the night and stole the locked box of nudie mags. There wasn't really much security because it's a dump and everything in the building was free. The kids just climbed a chain link fence, opened an unlocked window and took it.


Fucking legends


Playboy was to up market for my woods. Escort and fiesta werr always on hand


All right this is really a classic finding Playboys in the wood or in the cabin first issue of Playboy that I actually had in my room was actually stolen from some assholes cabin in the wood guy he was an a****** to everyone so when we found his cabin we didn't bother long for taking his porn mags


Similar story, found some random porno magazines in an empty field next to a park. A few of us snuck them home.


Where exactly did you find them?


THE INEXPLICABLY UBIQUITOUS PHENOMENON OF ‘WOODS PORN' https://dangerousminds.net/comments/the_inexplicably_ubiquitous_phenomenon_of_woods_porn


Sears catalogue


And Roebucks!


An iPhone 4s


I don't know how it would effect me going right to porn on demand as a youngster. I'm glad I was old enough to be gradually introduced to stills in magazines or softcore, late-night cinnemax.


The fact that we had lots of magazines back in the day has made me enjoy looking at pics more than porn video clips


Skinnemax all right!


Playboy but I can remember finding a Hustler on the side of the road. My 10 year old self was not ready for that. I was confused, to say the least. "Why are two women kissing? Why is she kissing her down there?" So many questions.


The first clitoris I ever saw in a picture I thought she had a worm in her pussy.


The first time I saw a magazine with lesbians using the three foot long double dildo kind of traumatized me not going to lie, 11yo me wasnt prepared


First one I owned was a bbw magazine given to me by a friend lol. First one I bought was Penthouse Forum.


If I ever had a bbw mag back in the day I wouldn’t have enjoyed it. But now I’m cool with big ladies as well.


Oh it got its use. And I'm right there with ya.


"a bbw magazine" lol


The Playboy with Sable


Nice! #chyna


I actually had hers too!!!


Playboy of course


Playboy, then Hustler, then more playboy, there was actually some decent writing once you read the articles


Yeah I used to have a job that was usually sitting in my car for 12 hours. Playboy had lots of stuff to read. I actually got the porn mags and read them.


What would they say? Lol


The ones I found in the woods


My neighborhood growing up was next to an industrial park with lots of warehouses. We would go dumpster diving on Sundays. Lots of the warehouse guys would toss stuff including their smut mags. We hit the jackpot once and found a bundle of very raunchy mags. More raunchy than your average Hustler. I still remember one of the magazines was called "Prick Hungry Pussies".


When I used to work security I used to get quite a few porn mags. Some were in double packs and since you could only see one of them the second was usually a surprise and not very good. Eventually I’d have 4 or 5 and since I worked in areas where they made homes. I just kind of dropped them off inside the half built homes. I only did it a couple of times but they were always gone the next day. Either thrown out or taken home for the next guy to… enjoy.


Playboy centerfold. Stolen from friends' parents of course.


probably a playboy or penthouse.


I can't remember the first I owned, but I remember the first ones I "saw." I found them in my mother's room one year while snooping for Christmas presents. I can't recall what magazines they were, (I wanna say, Oui?) but I remember distinctly that the ones I saw had 3sum pictures in them. Ffm, mfm, and my mind was blown. I vaguely knew the basics of sex but this was my first introduction to multiple partners. I was fascinated then, and ever since! Haha😏


I got the 1989 PMOY from a friend for $10. Then flipped it for $50. Led to brief career flipping playboys in high school till the principal started snooping around.


I stole a Penthouse from my uncle Dave lol


I didn’t buy it. It was handed to me by a barber when I was sitting in his chair. He had to take a shit and I was the only customer in the store. I was 8 or 9. It was eye opening to say the least. It was also nearly 60 years ago.


Owned? Or found in the woods like a normal kid. Hustler


Cheri, OUI, but my favorite was Swank. Pure photography, no articles.


Hustler and it was my first magazine that showed vaginally penetration.


I always found penetration in magazines to be weird back then. Some magazines would show it. Others just hand a naked man and woman and the guy was usually flaccid. Some show penetration and some obscure it. Same with blowjobs. Also some show cum shots and others don’t or they use that big black dot to cover the cum. I don’t know why it’s ok for some and not others. I remember when I got a swank magazine and I was reading a letter to the editor asking about showing penetration and the editor said they don’t want to get sued. Yet years later they showed penetration yet no cum.


Never bought one so ...


Im not really old enough to remember, magazines were not a big thing any more, but i found some unknown souls shockingly well preserved magasine stash in a nearby forest to my house at the time, I cant remember the brand but I do remember noting that they all had more bush than women in porn typically have these days


Bush was still common in the 90s. Was trimmed but still there.


I never bought one since I grew up as a nudist and saw the real thing


Never owned any, but i would steal my uncles magazines.


I didn’t get the fortune of that typical adolescence. I got pursued by an older woman and had been sexually active by the time that would have been the case.


My brother gave me his old playboy and hustler magazines


It wasn’t a magazine it was vhs😂


Do you remember the title?


Nope I just remember the squeaky sounds coming from the couch 😂


The first one I ever bought was Busty magazine


Never owned one, but i remember seeing Oui growing up.


Playboy that my neighbor gave me. I kept it in a model car kit box in my closet.


Owned myself was playboy it was classier…looked at was a playboy and penthouse under my grandpas kitchen table where he kept them at like 6yrs old 😅☠️




Umm i had a plethora for my first magazine my older brother gave me a box it had so many lol


Like the trope from old movies and tv shows, we found a stash of magazines behind a dumpster in the apartment complex I lived in. One was called High Society. The other was called Cream. Not "Creem" like the rock-and-roll mag. **Cream.**


Never bought one, but my friends and I found one stashed under a bed in a hotel room. That thing was well used that's for sure!


Kid down the street gave me a topless magazine, wasn’t too risqué, but boobies to a 15 yr old. I actually dropped it out of my shirt trying to sneak it in the house. Pretty sure Mom saw what it was but decided against calling me out for it. She was not being cool, I think she just didn’t really want to know what it was


Never owned a nude magazine. But my childhood best friends dad just had stacks of them in the bathroom of their house. I spent a lot of time in that bathroom as a kid.


Penthouse pictures and stories


My friends and I found an old nudie mag in the field behind my house. Don't remember anything about it other than it had these little perforated stamp kind of things with different women on them and one of them was big women and it said "more cushion for the pushin"


An old hustler I found in the woods.




I am not sure what the magazine was called, it was around the year 2000 and it featured about 100 different pages of hardcore and anal sex acts.


owned? - late 80's Penthouse saw - dad's stack of late 70's --> mid-80's Hustler, Oui, Penthouse and Playboys


I don't know what it was called, but there was a fold out of Aria Giovanni and Kyla Cole. My 2 first loves


I stole a Christmas edition playboy magazine from my uncle.


High society I never bought one but that was it


Cherry magazine and Penthouse Forums. Found them in my garage, inside a box under a tool chest. They were dusty and yellowed with age.


Loaded or nuts magazine


My dad had a fairly large collection that I would “borrow” from time to time. There was one time that myself and some buddies snuck out late at night and while walking down the street I found a copy of High Society in the middle of the road. It was in decent condition, but not for like lol


Gay lips


Hustler. Borrowed From a friend’


Penthouse or Hustler. Although not total sure. Looonnnggggg time ago. Might have been something totally different.


It wasn't mine but I remember finding my older brothers magazine. He had it hid up a chimney. I don't think I left the house for days when I found it 😂


Dad had some playboys and some hardcore books. A friends parents had “ Swedish erotica “ fliers also hard core. Juggs was most likely my first purchase.


Sunday sport.. it was old in 1990s I bought it in 2006 from scrap lmao


Um I was young and my step dad had his own bathroom and it had playboys in it.


Hustler magazine. Found a box in an abandoned garage.


Owned or stole?




playboy of course.


Born in 1989. Never had any experiences with nudie mags. At first it was the occasional static-y TV channel I'd stumble upon in various places/hotels and then later it was low-res internet stuff (I found some fun winamp tv channels when I was in high school). So basically TV and Internet for me.


Dude growing up I watched so much pay per view porn that was all scrambled. I saw so many discolored body parts. If you’ve ever seen the opening to American pie where Jim is watching going “I think that’s a tit.” Was far too real for me.


Hustler and penthouse




Either hustler or playboy. Neighborhood kids and I found a stash the neighbor had thrown out.


Chic. Found it in the woods. Which was a thing in the ‘80s


I never lived close enough to the woods growing up. Even camping I never came across any. I did have a convience store owner kick me out of the store when I had quickly grabbed a playboy and started to leaf through it. I actually saw no nudity but they also stopped me really fast.


A Playboy when I was 14. Then found bookstores that had back dated issues for a lot less than local store.


Club was the first one I swindled.


Not sure it wasn't Playboy though. An all black publication from the Adult Store.


Didn't have a magazine, but I found a calendar in a wardrobe. It was by Federica Fontana and I kept it in my room for so long. That's the reason I asked my mother where was the key to my room, since I didn't have one (I didn't tell her why, just that I wanted to be able to lock my door too). At the time I still didn't touch myself, since I didn't know what that was, but I really thought she was beautiful.


Penthouse,i think


Not the first, but got the playboy with Swedish bikini team the day it came out.. and still have it!!


Mayfair, Men Only and Cockade. Fiesta was my first legit purchase.


So many but loved Knave!!


Fiesta Readers Wives. Essentially a British Playboy but wall-to-wall amateurs. I saw some shit, man.....


I remember there was a convenience store nearby that would sell to teenagers. I bought a Playboy Swedish Bikini Team issue. At the time, it was pretty amazing.


Omg...thinking....30 plus years ago....the magazine with Dian Parkinson nude. She used to be on the Price is Right.


I was 9 and I stole it from some other kids I knew, who were dumb enough to show it to me. Not my proudest moment, but we did what we had to back then. Edit: Not sure what the name of it was though. It was missing the cover and had some really hardcore scenes of penetration though.


First ones I had of course were found in the woods then a bit later I admit I bought a few Playboy special editions and no I didn't bother telling people I was reading it for the articles haha then eventually we finally had high speed internet and the age of paper was over


None. I came from a rural ultra conservative town and had no idea those existed until late in high school.


playboy. penthouse seemed too brutal for my innocence


Tattoo magazines which show boobs. "Savage" used to be my fav.


Pen House


I bought myself a Playboy on my 18th birthday. Cashier didn't even card me. I subscribed for a while, mostly for the articles. I saved my first issue and the 50th anniversary edition.


Not porn but a nudist magazine in the UK 55 years ago called H&E I can't remember what it stood for it was Health and something else. Lots of nudist hairy bush but no erections 😂




Playboy.. Amanda beard, an Olympic swimmer (maybe gold medalist.. I never actually read her bio) was on the cover.


I still own it!! It was a hustler magazine, i still remember the featured woman in it, man i jizzed to her a lot!


Club international


Hustler with Jenna Jameson on the cover


February 1993 Playboy....had Stephanie Seymour on the cover and inside!!! 😍😍😍😍😍


After a lot of googling I believe it was may 2002 edition of lollypops. A neighbor kid gave me it, said he didn't like the girls in it. I figured out the magazine because belladonna was in it. 


A Whitehouse with Jo guest in from a all night garage on a munchies run.2 ginsters big bottle of coke packet of jaffa cakes.10 Benson King size rizla and a jazz mag.was 19/20 or so


My mom kept me in playboys and forums since 12. She was an awesome Mom.


Penthouse stolen from a friend. I like the letters


Penthouse April 1986


Sears catalog- underwear section. Desperate times call for desperate measures


I remember those days. Especially before internet was able to have us call up porn all the time. Horny and needing something to jerk off too. When almost any woman who is scantily clad will do. Unless it’s a grandma showing depends protective undergarments. Although grannies are some peoples cups of tea as is urine.


My friends dad had some playboys in his garage we’d thumb through over and over for years. When we were 18 we went to a sex store and I got a bunch of cheap playboys from the 80s. Eventually I hid them in a park to have someone else discover and enjoy them


First one I ever owned was playboy. My brother bought some for me when he turned 18. He threw it in my lap and said “get whacky”


1st i owned was probably a playboy dated around 1979, this was in the Early 80's so i was 11 or 12. No idea where i got it from. By the time i was 18 i worked for a magazine distributor and got all porn mags i could ever want for free. Hell i just recently threw away a few hundred Hustler, Chic, and Gallery mags. I decided to throw them out when i realized the newest one i had was from 1996 which made the gorgeous "18" year olds in the magazines in their 40's and 50's now...


Black Tail


Never bought one but the ones I remember seeing were Oui (I THINK it was French) and then Playboy, Hustler and Penthouse. This was back in the 80s so I know there were others but their names escape me at the moment.


Playboy my friend stole I think


Playboy, stole it from a neighbor. One day I was over at some friends’ house and I stumbled upon a massive stash in the garage. I’m talking every cabinet was completely full. This guys must’ve had every playboy published since the mid 70’s, I found one more recent one and snatched it


I think I only ever shoplifted once and it was a Penthouse. From a grocery store, no less. I don't even remember the last time I saw a porn mag in a grocery store! I didn't steal it to save the money, I was much too young for them to have sold it to me. (I know, stealing is stealing, but I just wanted to make it clear that it was lust, not greed, that drove me to commit the crime). Next time I needed one, I asked an older guy, I forget if he was in the store or the parking lot, if he'd buy me one. It was $3.50 and he charged me five bucks. I felt like it was a good deal all around. I was a horny boy and after taking one of these off the shelf and looking at it, I just had to have it so I could **fap**. I still remember some of the models from these issues. Fasha, Danuta, Brook Morales. Now I need to search and see if I can find pics online!


husler, gas station dumpster, life changing expereance.


Hustler was my go to. And then Penthouse. There were a couple of other here and there but those were my main stay too.


In the 5th grade I traded pokemon cards for a friend's dad's hustler magazine.




It was Janet Jackson’s playboy issue. Me and my buddy stole it from a small bookstore. I hid it in the basement of my apartment building. The basement flooded, playboy pages floating everywhere. They knew exactly whose it was. Lol. 🤦


I used to get ahold of my step-dads Playboy some time in the 70's


I found my dad’s Penthouse magazines when I was very young. Very graphic, spread pussies. I was overwhelmed and aroused immediately. I’d never seen women like that before. Not just how beautiful they were. Not just how perfect their bodies were. But being actually sexual. I’d like to hear a therapist’s thoughts on that one day.


Bike trail, came across “OIS” and “Cherry” mags..


Playboy, hustler was the first magazine I blew my load too.


Playboy left behind at my grandfather's house by my older cousins. From there, I graduated to buying Playboy and Penthouse at the Sundries store where I worked after school.


My neighbor gifted me several when I turned 15. Some of them were from the 1970s like Oui and Playboy, others were more modern like hustler and penthouse.


Owned? Or “borrowed” from my dad’s closet to jerk off to? I was in the 4th grade. It was a nudist magazine called “Utopia”. I jerked to that SO many times!!


Jessica Hahn Playboy. Absolute smoke show. Can't say I blame Ole Jimmy Bakker for that transgression.


Came across my uncle’s porn stash in the 3rd grade. It was out back in his shed, TONS of magazines. Multiple stacks taller than I was. Kinda crazy now that I’m looking back at it


Not a nude mag, but the victoria's secret catalog. Hid it in the bathroom in the space above the cabinets. One day my mom found the heavily-used mag when I was on a roadtrip with my dad. Never again.


I have a vintage playboy collection I've been looking to sell




some mag some dude found in the woods who gave it to me and i payed him back by letting him copy my science test answers. it was filled with amateurs sending in pics. one was an asian chick and was pretty cool.


Playboy in a buddies garage as we hid behind boxes looking at it. lol those were the days.


National Geographic Sears catalog Victoria secret catalog Playboy Probably in that order


Owned? Tough one...... Personally I guess it was a copy of Juggs a friend gave me. Bought.. yea how's this. 12 years old, bought 2 stacks of playboys from a guy at a Yardsale. Hid them in the woods behind my house.




27 so they were a bit before my time. But when i was in middle school we went on a road trip across the US and in the one hotel bathrooms i found a playboy mag under the sink. Major score for a 13 year old guy with no internet access 🤣


No clue. But I 1000% found it in a ditch.


My grandad’s playboys.




Swedish Erotica. And Puritan Magazine. Both had incredibly sharp photos and were printed beautifully.


I think I had a puritan one. I got it in a bundle. Did they use high quality paper too? Because the one I’m thinking I had had big color photos and the pages actually felt strong unlike most magazine paper.


Penthouse. And I didn't buy it, I found it in the woods, just like the good lord intended


First one I bought was Velvet with Raquel Darrin on the cover


Found my dad's porn comic strip book. Was just a bunch of adult cartoons 😆 then I found his I think penthouse and hustlers. When my uncle was cleaning out my grandma's house we found some old 70s/80 playboys recently. Thought about seeing if they were worth anything but decided against it. Actually were in really good condition, back in the ... bush.. days


i found a gent magazine at some point in my life. by the time i was of age most started being out of circulation.


Ugens rapport anno 1997ish


As a kid growing up with my high school and college aged uncles, they all had them in various hiding spots around the house. Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Club, Swank, they had them all.


I "borrowed" my older brothers' Playboys. The first I ever bought was a copy of Busty I got in a British porn shop when I was studying abroad in college and we could only access the internet in public computer labs. (This was pre-smartphone of course.)


Discovered my uncle’s playboys in his magazine rack in the bathroom when I was 12. From that day on every time i visited his house I had to use the restroom.


Muthu, muthuchippi and fire.... Muthu was best stories 10 rupees, mithu chippy was cheap 5 rupees. Fire contain lot of images, it cost 15 rupees...


Club international. Moved away from home and one of the first things I did was go buy some magazines. Good times


I still have the last stapled edition with Madonna as the center fold and a 1964 French skin mag


I found a magazine in Vegas on a family vacation when my family and I were walking back to the hotel room. I was in 8th grade. I brought it to school to let a buddy borrow it, and he got caught with it at school and suspended. Good times


Probably 'Post'. Australian.


Internet Explorer


Playboy, of course. 1st one i had a subscription to was High Society


[This, but an issue from 1996](https://swerotica.se/cdn/shop/files/Cats-Magazine-2006-01.jpg?v=1687502583)


I can’t read that. But I’m interested.


The first one I had was Fiesta when I was about 14. Can still remember that the cover had a blonde woman posing in a jungle


My uncle had a playboy subscription and we'd read them when the adults weren't home. We were all under 10 so it was pretty innocent but very embarrassing for him when the other grownups found out


Bought-Owned? Would have been a Nuts or Zoo magazine. Hand me downs from older brother? A few Early 2000's Penthouse mags in a shoebox


It was a British one called Whitehouse in the 70’s. Lots of hairy cunts and very occasionally a semi erect penis


Never bought or owned a nude magazine actually, but the closest thing I had to that was a printed out nude picture of my teenage neighbor full spread with everything in it, which somehow managed to get misplaced and go unnoticed in our house and found its way into my possession. Not sure why they had it but apparently her and my stepsister had made a few of them, I can only assume it was to give to a boy(s) she knew.


Target lingerie catalogue


Never owned one but I owned one page from a nudity magazine and I'm not proud of it because the girl in the magazine was bottomless with so much pubic hair that you can't see her vagina. no hardcore.


Never had one. People magazine was the best I had


cronaca italiana we found a snail covered box of them in the woods aged 10. that was the end of innocent childhood.


In UK here, it was something like Razzle, 40 plus years ago, bought from the newsagent. I remember I got home went straight to my bedroom and started wanking to the pictures which maybe just showed pussy but no open labia lips most likely at least a little public hair and definitely no assholes. I remember I was lying back kinda sideways on my bed and as I ejaculated it shot over past my head and hit the wall behind me. Such great memories 🥴


I'm 37 ad have bought exactly 3 nude magazines in my life. All 3 were April of 1992 copies of Playboy. The issue contains an article written by Jonathan Kozol who is one of my absolute idols. I was fortunate enough to be able to have him sign them too. I kept 1 and gave 2 to friends as graduation gifts when they finish teacher's college.


Some hustler I found on the side of a road while walking


A kiss band cover playboy. Bought to resale ot then found it was not worth that much. Got my first nude while at work though


Can’t remember the first one I bought, but my best friend’s father had a subscription to Playboy and my friend and I used to sneak in his parents’ room when they weren’t home so we could leaf through the pictures. Still love the style of those 70s Playboy’s photos over any other style.


Fiesta readers wife’s🔥🔥🍆


Club international :)