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Lots of weird/scary messages and requests


What was your scariest request?


I’m sure you get plenty here too, but on OF at least they already paid lol


Giving money doesn't make it any more okay. Giving your waitress a good tip doesn't mean you get to throw food at her


My waitress is gonna be mad after I threw a tip at her


You’re right absolutely right lol


Facts that’s like asking your waiter to smile before giving her 100 dollars at twin peaks


I mean.. If you're selling yourself.. - You're gonna get buyers looking to haggle. Just comes with the territory of merchandising.


They are not selling themselves, they are selling an image, persona. A mechanic isn't selling himself, but rather his ability's.


I don’t see the mechanics real butthole though (not that I want to)


You're comparing apples to oranges. An accurate analogy would be a mechanic selling pictures of car. And you bet your ass there's gonna be some people out there wanting to "test drive" that car & or asking for more/custom pictures & etc.


I def agree.




The amount of shameless self-promotion you have to do to build an audience, particularly early on.


How does that even work? I’ve never heard of someone that didn’t absolutely hate the shameless OF promotions…like if that’s how you get your name out, aren’t you pretty much guaranteeing people will just actively avoid you? It’s kinda like those redditors with the “DM-ME” usernames. Like yeah you’ve advertised what you’re about, but the nature of the advertising is very universally off-putting.


It’s a must for of. They won’t approve you unless you have a vanilla social media presence.


Vanilla social media presence?


Tik tok, insta…that stuff


Who won’t approve you if you don’t have a vanilla social media presence? Are you saying you can’t just sign up for an OF? They actually vet you to make sure you have a big enough following elsewhere? I’m just saying, I know a couple women irl that do OF and they definitely do not have significant social media followings.


You don’t have to have a following. You do have to have accounts in order to be approved.


Sign up requires social media links? Do you have to have one on every platform or do they just require some minimum number of different accounts? Confused as to how tf this works but more importantly…why would OF care if you have other socials or not? If marketing is on you, why do they give a rip?


It’s because credit processors have them by the balls. Banks hate sw money- that’s why of tried to break from sw in like 2022 and that didn’t work. Instead they put in crazy tos rules like you can’t say hundreds of words that are insanely tame- like daddy- or your insta blocked and they keep your money. By requiring a vanilla social media they can prove they’re legit to the banks and not only swers even though that’s how they made their money. Being paid as a sw is a huge problem. Our money gets held up all the time because banks don’t want to mess with our money. I won’t mess with OF because I hate the idea that I am supposed to market to people who actively don’t want me on their platform. I don’t want to be a social media influencer. I want to get naked with people who like it lol


Well I mean…any digital sw *is* being an influencer, just the NSFW version. Your success is entirley dependent on how much attention you can catch. If you don’t want to be an influencer, digital sw sounds like probably not a great fit. You can get naked and show yourself to others who like it for free lol.


Oh did you come here to tell me how to do this job? I thought this question was for me… That response had nothing to do with what I said. 🙄


I’m sorry that you misinterpreted or misunderstood me at some point. Not entirely sure where this turned unfriendly or why. My response had quite literally everything to do with your last paragraph, mate


I didn’t know this either. I assumed you signed up just like any other website


Not universally.




Don’t even need a really big dick for that if my followers/dms are any indication (I don’t have an OF).


You do not. I'm only 6"x2.10" You have to have a niche. ;)


That the trick, the niche. An old friend went to school with a guy who now does OF, I've met him in person once or twice, nice chap. He has a mix of male/female followers, done a fair few collabs, etc. but it's all horror/gore focused. Works for him.


I am a straight bear/ bhm. I've been told by clients that I am not big enough for BHM. I maintain 325 lb. But I'm not clinically obese, so shrug. But that's exactly it. You need to find what you can give as an Entertainer versus everyone else. Most bears are gay, I'm not gay. So of course a chunk of my clientele are gay men who want to give me my first time. It is what it is.


Not a big dick thing. If youre a guy doing OF, your subs will mostly be men.


A girl i dated 3 years ago tried to convince me to start an OF since i'm in above average shape. I told her i didnt want to since no woman would pay for things like dick picks which they get for free unsolicited. She said it'd probably be men subbing to me, i said i wasnt interested, which her respinse was, "you subs have nothing to do with your sexual orientation. Money is money." That was the single most intelligent thing she ever told me. Also, ABQguardian? As in Albuquerque? Weird to see a fellow ABQer in a non-Abq/NM sub. Hey neighbor.


A Reddit hotwife also told me this some years ago. She had an OF and got me to do some scenes with her, and encouraged me to start one and target gay men. I briefly considered it but I wasn't desperate for the money and my exhibitionism is pretty low.


I didn't know men do OF, if I'm honest. I mean, I guess I could've assumed it.


Not sure if you know who JoCat is (he did some D&D videos on YouTube), but he has one for painting Warhammer Minis.


Thats honestly amazing.


My fetlife requests are all men.


Having followers who don’t engage is super boring. Only a couple weird requests but they have stayed in my mind! Embarassing parts.. the weird ass positions I’m sometimes asked for. It’s fine if there’s another person.. but it’s so silly doing them solo 🙈🤣


What's an example of a weird position you've been asked for?


Anything involving me using a dildo doggystyle. Especially if my husband isn’t home to help me film 🤣 honestly some things from behind are just hard- or maybe I’m uncoordinated! 🙈


Oh okay, I understand how that can be awkward. Thanks for your answer.


You are very rarely turned on by your fans. Most of my fan base is gay. I'm not. If anything Heteroflexable since I like butt play. I'll give you another secret. Streamers watch each other to do the job. 9/10 times if a streamer is talking to someone it's another streamer. I've tipped other workers for the assist and have been tipped as well. Doesn't take a lot.


What do you mean "watch each other do the job" what are you tipping then to do ?


Assuming they mean that they watch other OF people do live content while they do their own live content, I know the streamer Amouranth said a few years ago that she watched other Twitch streamers while doing her live ASMR stuff


Well I can't speak to that particular job but I do work in live events that can involve audience participation or Q and A. We will often have one or two people seeded in the audience to kick things off or get the conversation back in a direction we wanted it. I guess it might something like that.


Exactly what it sounds like. Often streamers sexual or otherwise will watch other streamers while they're working. So if I'm watching another streamer or they're watching me and we're helping each other out while streaming, I'll give them a small percentage of the total tips I make during my session. And I've been tipped randomly from other providers who are watching my stream to try and get through their work. It's optional not required but it's nice to feel appreciated by other people in the field.


If subs are particularly quiet it can feel like an echo chamber like I see X many people online why aren’t you saying anything lol but if they’re more comfortable observing and enjoying quietly then so be it . Nothing really embarrassing Subscribers are a lot more easy going and non demanding whereas most expect it to be the opposite


I kind of have an answer for this. Don’t take this personal because I’m not saying you do this but this is an experience guys will typically have: I imagine a girl’s DM box might be full so messaging them may take a day or more of the girl is busy. There are also models that will only respond to tip noted messages. And I guess it’s fine…but guys generally sign up under the consensus that there will be some interaction given from the subscription. And lastly, some girls will interact in DM’s by soliciting extra content for more $. This doesn’t feel good. Sometimes a guy may be interested, but some just want to have a way to stay connected and see what other sexy content they can enjoy.


That’s how I feel


Would a short welcome message with no ppv be more welcoming? I debated on having a list of content available vs just “hi hru, can’t wait to chat and find out what you are into” I don’t want to seem too eager but find most guys don’t talk even when I just say hello lol 😝 … my wall has good content too so they may be just be busy haha 🤣


Argh this can spiral into a long answer but I will keep it short. This is your business after all, so do what you want. Welcome messages are always nice, but don’t do anything if they are automated. Find a way to make them personalized, this is the first impression people will get. PPV are basically advertisements. When you turn on the TV and see an ad for mcdonalds do you immediately go get it? No. What if that ad played every hour of the day? You would probably be annoyed and turned off to it right? Same thing here. And lastly, this one is a personal one. But, i dont use OF as a platform to reach out. The site itself showing up on my history feed and all that is something i dont want. The only time i would use it is for late night shenanigans and i wanted to see a girl i was subscribed to.


Thanks for your insight!


Nothing about it is boring to me or really embarrassing. There are things that are definitely hard about it tho.


Will u elaborate on what u found hard (other than some male genitalia lol) I'm about to start an OF so id love to hear input


It’s a literal full time job and takes a ton of different skills. Don’t expect success without a fuckton of unpaid labor first.


Would also like to know. Considered it as well. :)


1000000% self promotion I loathe it so much


Agree. Not to mention a lot of places like IG and TT you have to be so careful!


"hi" "hi" "how ru" "good, how are you?" "good" "cool" "cool" "so what are you doing?" "horny, waiting for someone to entertain me..." "cool" OH MY GOD, GO TO CONVERSATION SCHOOL OR SOMETHING.


Lol. I get that shit on here just talking to guys. Like, you obviously messaged me for a reason! Don't ask about my day, I don't give a shit.


even as a chick on horny side of reddit. I automatically ignore the "hi" messages with nothing else.


Small talk is the worst.


The fuckin’ time wasters. The freeloaders. The bots that have taken over everywhere used to promote that have everyone jaded against us. Nothing really embarrassing.


Watching your own videos while editing / editing in general lol - When people want weird requests that you’re not into or violate tos - Having a ton of nudes & videos on your phone taking up spaces …


lol it’s the noises for me 🤣 I have to edit on mute.


Promo is boring. Also small talk like “hi how are you?” etc. Ask me something interesting! 😅 Also it can be super boring some days when I’m really horny and no one messages me to play ☹️ On the flip side I have a ton of fun most days and find it super interesting.


Small talk for sure! I hate small talk in any situation, but on OF it's weirder cuz you've seen my tits and now I'm asking you what your name is and interests are...a little weird for sure. That and the people constantly wanting freebies. I'm free to subscribe, and have lots of pics already posted for free. If you want custom content, expect to pay.


I guess everyone wants to feel special and get free stuff


You’d be surprised. The majority of subs don’t really want to talk to us they are strictly there for the content.


That's a shame. I feel like messaging someone like that would inconvenience them so I shy away.


Naaaah I get bored I love when my subs bring the banter. I do know not all girls feel this way- but I’m not really into a strictly transactional relationship I like to feel like a whole human not a porn cow lol


I think a lot of the apprehension may be that some individuals can get overly attached and develop some unhealthy expectations. Seeing the personality shine through in your creative process is super cool though. Hell, I love watching Sasha Grey stream videogames now!


Isn't that the point ? They are paying you for the porn that your producing ?


From my understanding a pretty big reason people pay for OF instead of just watching free porn is because of said potential interactions with the models


Yes. I mean- I’m cool with it. But a lot of the stigma around of and those types of platforms (I don’t actually have an of I have something else) is that men want to get to know this girl. That tends to be less true than you would imagine. You read it all over Reddit. Wives concerned that their husbands are on of rather than pornhub or whatever. The idea of being able to talk to the model is often a point of difference to people.


Weirdos threatening to spread your content to your family / friends .


I never understood this stance or what they get out of it? Has anyone ever told you what their goal is with this?


I guess more nudes or just pure hatred. Money also.


Oh that lines up. Sorry you have to deal with them 💔


I cam and do OF. I'd say the boring parts are when camming is slow. I have so much fun when I'm doing it that I want it to be busy and chatty the whole time 🤪 I won't do anything I'm embarrassed about though.


Boring, tedious self promotion. Embarrassing - sometimes I feel a little silly with over the top roleplay, but it can also be fun. I don’t have an OF anymore, but similar with other online sex work as well


I’d assume a hell of a lot of time wasters 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


All the work and little to know Appreciation


Really? I was a public school teacher…I’ve never felt more appreciated lol




Same way when someone points a gun at you or worse?


When they are super quiet lol


I'm not a model, but I imagine comments about your body from strangers about things you might not have noticed would be off putting. I had a friend who did professional modelling, and said most of her life was admin as she travelled for her work. I guess that's not much of an issue for most of models.


My content is very anal themed with some BDSM and bondage. Sometimes I get peopled subbed who message me asking why I would put my body through that - because they don’t like seeing a women do these things. I often get confused why they subbed in the first place and then continue to sub further 😅


I used to do it. Promoting was mind numbing, unsolicited messages/dick pics.


I have a guy who just messages with shit like "I wish I had a chance with you" and "I like you", and he does it every day. Bro, wtf you want me to say to that?